1000 resultados para community photographers


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Grassland degradation is widespread and severe on the Tibet Plateau. To explore management approaches for sustainable development of degraded and restored ecosystems, we studied the effect of land degradation on species composition, species diversity, and vegetation productivity, and examined the relative influence of various rehabilitation practices (two seeding treatments and a non-seeded natural recovery treatment) on community structure and vegetation productivity in early secondary succession. The results showed: (1) All sedge and grass species of the natural steppe meadow had disappeared from the severely degraded land. The above-ground and root biomass of severely degraded land were only 38 and 14.7%, respectively, of those of the control. So, the original ecosystem has been dramatically altered by land degradation on alpine steppe meadow. (2) Seeding measures may promote above-ground biomass, particularly grass biomass, and ground cover. Except for the grasses seeded, however, other grass and sedge species did not occur after seeding treatments in the sixth year of seeding. Establishment of grasses during natural recovery treatment progressed slowly compared with during seeding treatments. Many annual forbs invaded and established during the 6 years of natural recovery. In addition, there was greater diversity after natural recovery treatment than after seeding treatments. (3) The above-ground biomass after seeding treatment and natural recovery treatment were 114 and 55%, respectively, of that of the control. No significant differences in root biomass occurred among the natural recovery and seeded treatments. Root biomass after rehabilitation treatment was 23-31% that of the control.


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Effects of plateau zokors (Myospalax fontanierii) on seasonal above- and belowground plant biomass, plant species diversity, and soil moisture and organic matter were examined at an alpine meadow site in Qinghai Province, People's Republic of China. Above- and belowground biomass increased significantly in areas where zokors were removed or burrow systems were abandoned for 5 years compared with areas that zokors had occupied for >10 years. Biomass of monocotyledons was reduced greatly, but biomass of nonpalatable dicotyledons increased significantly, in occupied areas. Diversity of dicotyledons, monocotyledons, and total plants in unoccupied areas was significantly greater than in occupied or abandoned areas. Vegetation cover and height in occupied areas were significantly less than in unoccupied and abandoned areas. No consistent effect by zokors on soil moisture and organic matter was observed.


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The exchange of information between the police and community partners forms a central aspect of effective community service provision. In the context of policing, a robust and timely communications mechanism is required between police agencies and community partner domains, including: Primary healthcare (such as a Family Physician or a General Practitioner); Secondary healthcare (such as hospitals); Social Services; Education; and Fire and Rescue services. Investigations into high-profile cases such as the Victoria Climbié murder in 2000, the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002, and, more recently, the death of baby Peter Connelly through child abuse in 2007, highlight the requirement for a robust information-sharing framework. This paper presents a novel syntax that supports information-sharing requests, within strict data-sharing policy definitions. Such requests may form the basis for any information-sharing agreement that can exist between the police and their community partners. It defines a role-based architecture, with partner domains, with a syntax for the effective and efficient information sharing, using SPoC (Single Point-of-Contact) agents to control in-formation exchange. The application of policy definitions using rules within these SPoCs is inspired by network firewall rules and thus define information exchange permissions. These rules can be imple-mented by software filtering agents that act as information gateways between partner domains. Roles are exposed from each domain to give the rights to exchange information as defined within the policy definition. This work involves collaboration with the Scottish Police, as part of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR), and aims to improve the safety of individuals by reducing risks to the community using enhanced information-sharing mechanisms.


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A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative evidence of the effectiveness and meaningfulness of education interventions to enable children, young people and their families to self-care for their gastrostomy tubes in the community


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A survey of Scottish Community Councils found that only 22% have up-to-date online public presences. Only 4% of Community Councils have easily accessible online planning content. Most Community Councils websites communicate from Community Councils to citizen – only 10% use social media to host online discussion and opinion-gathering. Local Authority-hosted presences guarantee that Community Councils have presence but not that they are up to date. Such presences are also not content-rich. Community Councils’ own volition makes the difference between having no presence at all, mediocre presences and informative, content-rich presences that may serve citizens well. Suggestions to improve matters include broadening the scope of Local Authority-hosted presences and CCs mentoring each other.


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This document reports the results of a survey, carried out in late spring 2014, of the public web presences of potentially over 1300 Scottish Community Councils (CCs). It follows on from similar survey in summer 2012. The report reviews content-types associated with up-to-date presences and examines Community Councils’ social media use, using three archetypes which may be used to derive models and examples of good practice, and create recommendations for Community Councils and their Local Authorities (LAs). The research found that there has little change overall since 2012, which combined with a high level of churn implies an increasing number of digitally disengaged Community Councils. A good way forward would be for to CCs emulate and adapt the examples of good practice identified, by publishing minutes, news, planning and local area information, limiting publication of other types of content, and using social media to engage with citizens. A number of broader recommendations are made to LAs, including that that they publish CC schemes on their websites, provide training in online methods and work together via their CCLOs and IT teams to support CCs


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Francis, Matthew, Language and Community in the Poetry of W.S. Graham (Cambridge: Salt Publishing, 2004) RAE2008


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New, Elizabeth, 'Signs of community or marks of the exclusive? Parish and guild seals in later medieval England', In: The Parish in Late Medieval England, (Lincs: Shaun Tyas) pp.112-128, 2006 RAE2008


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Schofield, Phillipp, Peasant and Community in medieval England, 1200-1500 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), pp.vii+279 RAE2008


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John Warren, Fred Wilson & Anita Diaz (2002). Competitive relationships in a fertile grassland community - does size matter? Oecologia, 132 (1) pp.125-130 Sponsorship: SEERAD / Leverhulme Trust RAE2008


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John Warren and Chris Topping (2004). A trait specific model of competition in a spatially structured plant community. Ecological Modelling, 180 pp.477-485 RAE2008