995 resultados para chemical engineering


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Drinking water scarcity is a major issue that needs to be addressed seriously. Water needs to be purified from organic pollutants and bacterial contamination. In this study, sunlight driven photocatalysis for the degradation of dyes and bacterial inactivation has been conducted over TiO2 nanoparticles (CST) and TiO2 nanobelts (CSTNB). TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by a solution combustion process using ascorbic acid as a fuel. Acid etched TiO2 nanobelts (CSTNB) were synthesized using combustion synthesized TiO2 as a novel precursor. The mechanism of formation of TiO2 nanobelts was hypothesized. The antibacterial activity of combustion synthesized TiO2 and acid etched TiO2 nanobelts were evaluated against Escherichia coli and compared against commercial TiO2. Various characterization studies like X-ray diffraction analysis, BET surface area analysis, diffused reflectance measurements were performed. Microscopic structures and high resolution images were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy. The extent of photo-stability and reusability of the catalyst was evaluated by conducting repeated cycles of photo degradation experiments and was compared to the commercial grade TiO2. The reactive radical species responsible for high photocatalytic and antibacterial activity has been determined by performing multiple scavenger reactions. The excellent charge transfer mechanism, high generation of hydroxyl and hole radicals resulted in enhanced photocatalytic activity of the acid etched TiO2 nanobelts compared to commercial TiO2 and nanobelts made from commercial TiO2.


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We perform two and three dimensional numerical simulations of plume formation in density and viscosity stratified fluid systems. We show that the ambient to plume fluid viscosity ratio strongly affects the near wall plume structures (line or sheet plumes) such as plume spacing and shape of plumes. We observe that where mushroom-like plumes are observed for lower viscosity ratios, taller plumes with bulbous heads form for high viscosity ratios. Plume structure and spacing are in good agreement with experimental results. By studying the geometry of the line plumes and the flow in the circulation cells, we discuss the mechanisms of their formation and the dynamics of merging. We show that an increase in the viscosity ratio decreases the total length of line plumes in the planform which indicates a decreased mixing at higher viscosity ratios. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the synthesis of stable rGO/TiO2/Au nanowire hybrids showing excellent electrocatalytic activity for ethanol oxidation. Phase-pure anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (similar to 3 nm) were grown on GO sheets followed by the growth of ultrathin Au nanowires leading to the formation of a multidimensional ternary structure (0-D TiO2 and 1-D Au on 2-D graphene oxide). The oleylamine used for the synthesis of the Au nanowires not only leads to stable Au nanowires anchored on the GO sheets but also leads to the functionalization and room temperature reduction of GO. Using control experiments, we delineate the role of the three components in the hybrid and show that there is a significant synergy. We show that the catalytic activity for ethanol oxidation primarily stems from the Au nanowires. While TiO2 triggers the formation of oxygenated species on the Au nanowire surface at a lower potential and also imparts photoactivity, rGO provides a conducting support to minimize the charge transfer resistance in addition to stabilizing the Au nanowires. Compared with nanoparticle hybrids, the nanowire hybrids display a much better electrocatalytic performance. In addition to high efficiency, the nanowire hybrids also show a remarkable tolerance towards H2O2. While our study has a direct bearing on fuel cell technology, the insights gained are sufficiently general such that they provide guiding principles for the development of multifunctional ternary hybrids.


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Reactive interlayers consisting of zero valent iron and copper nanoparticles have been successfully incorporated into Surlyn films to fabricate moisture barrier materials with reduced water vapor permeabilities. The reactive nanoparticles dispersed in stearic acid were employed as the interlayers due to their ability to react with moisture. The water vapor transmission rates through the fabricated barrier films with reactive iron and copper interlayers decreased by over 4 orders of magnitude when compared to neat Surlyn. The flexibility and transparency of the barrier films have been evaluated by tensile and UV-visible experiments. Moreover, the accelerated aging studies conducted in accordance with the ISOS-III protocol confirmed the increased lifetimes of the organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices encapsulated with these reactive barrier films.


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A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of molybdenum in industrial materials has been developed using the leaf extract of Syzygium jambolanum DC based on the reaction of Mo (VI) at pH 7.0 to produce an orange-yellow complex with an absorption maximum at 426 nm. The molar absorptivity of the complex is 4.27 x 10(4) l mol(-1) cm(-1) and the absorbance, is linear in the range 0.05-0.8 ppm. Sandell sensitivity coefficient was found to be 2.25 x 10(-3) mu g/cm(2). The method is ten times more sensitive than the aqueous thiocyanate system. It has been applied successfully in micronutrient fertilizer, artificial freshwater and sea-water analyses.


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The purpose of this work was to develop a family of crosslinked poly(xylitol adipate salicylate)s with a wide range of tunable release properties for delivering pharmacologically active salicylic acid. The synthesis parameters and release conditions were varied to modulate polyester properties and to understand the mechanism of release. Varying release rates were obtained upon longer curing (35% in the noncured polymer to 10% in the cured polymer in 7 days). Differential salicylic acid loading led to the synthesis of polymers with variable cross-linking and the release could be tuned (100% release for the lowest loading to 30% in the highest loading). Controlled release was monitored by changing various factors, and the release profiles were dependent on the stoichiometric composition, pH, curing time, and presence of enzyme. The polymer released a combination of salicylic acid and disalicylic acid, and the released products were found to be nontoxic. Minimal hemolysis and platelet activation indicated good blood compatibility. These polymers qualify as ``bioactive'' and ``resorbable'' and can, therefore, find applications as immunomodulatory resorbable biomaterials with tunable release properties.


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Two-component systems (TCSs), which contain paired sensor kinase and response regulator proteins, form the primary apparatus for sensing and responding to environmental cues in bacteria. TCSs are thought to be highly specific, displaying minimal cross-talk, primarily due to the co-evolution of the participating proteins. To assess the level of cross-talk between the TCSs of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we mapped the complete interactome of the M. tuberculosis TCSs using phosphotransfer profiling. Surprisingly, we found extensive crosstalk among the M. tuberculosis TCSs, significantly more than that in the TCSs in Escherichia coli or Caulobacter crescentus, thereby offering an alternate to specificity paradigm in TCS signalling. Nearly half of the interactions we detected were significant novel cross-interactions, unravelling a potentially complex signalling landscape. We classified the TCSs into specific `one-to-one' and promiscuous `one-to-many' and `many-to-one' circuits. Using mathematical modelling, we deduced that the promiscuous signalling observed can explain several currently confounding observations about M. tuberculosis TCSs. Our findings suggest an alternative paradigm of bacterial signalling with significant cross-talk between TCSs yielding potentially complex signalling landscapes.


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Classical models are not successful in describing discharge characteristics of a lead-acid battery when the current density is varied over a wide range. A model is developed in this work to overcome this lacuna by introducing into the standard models two mechanisms that have not been used earlier. Lead sulfate particles nucleate and grow on active materials of electrodes during discharge, resulting in coverage of active area. Increasing rate of discharge builds supersaturation of lead sulfate rapidly, and causes increased extents of nucleation and coverage. Electrodes behave almost like an insulator due to deposition of lead sulfate when active materials are converted to a critical extent, and this can stop discharge process. Influence of this mechanism is also rate dependent. The new model developed is tested against data on polarization behavior, and capacity drawn as a function of current. The model successfully predicts both polarization curves and Peukert behavior. The model is used to predict charge that can be drawn at a current after partial discharge at a different current. Model suggests that altering nucleation behavior can be useful in enhancing capacity available for discharge. (C) 2015 The Electrochemical Society.


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In comparison to the flow in a rigid channel, there is a multifold reduction in the transition Reynolds number for the flow in a microchannel when one of the walls is made sufficiently soft, due to a dynamical instability induced by the fluid-wall coupling, as shown by Verma & Kumaran (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 727, 2013, pp. 407-455). The flow after transition is characterised using particle image velocimetry in the x-y plane, where x is the streamwise direction and y is the cross-stream coordinate along the small dimension of the channel of height 0.2-0.3 mm. The flow after transition is characterised by a mean velocity profile that is flatter at the centre and steeper at the walls in comparison to that for a laminar flow. The root mean square of the streamwise fluctuating velocity shows a characteristic sharp increase away from the wall and a maximum close to the wall, as observed in turbulent flows in rigid-walled channels. However, the profile is asymmetric, with a significantly higher maximum close to the soft wall in comparison to that close to the hard wall, and the Reynolds stress is found to be non-zero at the soft wall, indicating that there is a stress exerted by fluid velocity fluctuations on the wall. The maximum of the root mean square of the velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds stress (divided by the fluid density) in the soft-walled microchannel for Reynolds numbers in the range 250-400, when scaled by suitable powers of the maximum velocity, are comparable to those in a rigid channel at Reynolds numbers in the range 5000-20 000. The near-wall velocity profile shows no evidence of a viscous sublayer for (y upsilon(*)/nu) as low as two, but there is a logarithmic layer for (y upsilon(*)/nu) up to approximately 30, where the von Karman constants are very different from those for a rigid-walled channel. Here, upsilon(*) is the friction velocity, nu is the kinematic viscosity and y is the distance from the soft surface. The surface of the soft wall in contact with the fluid is marked with dye spots to monitor the deformation and motion along the fluid-wall interface. Low-frequency oscillations in the displacement of the surface are observed after transition in both the streamwise and spanwise directions, indicating that the velocity fluctuations are dynamically coupled to motion in the solid.


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Increasing the mutation rate, mu, of viruses above a threshold, mu(c), has been predicted to trigger a catastrophic loss of viral genetic information and is being explored as a novel intervention strategy. Here, we examine the dynamics of this transition using stochastic simulations mimicking within-host HIV-1 evolution. We find a scaling law governing the characteristic time of the transition: tau approximate to 0.6/(mu - mu(c)). The law is robust to variations in underlying evolutionary forces and presents guidelines for treatment of HIV-1 infection with mutagens. We estimate that many years of treatment would be required before HIV-1 can suffer an error catastrophe.


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Poly(vinyl butyral) - MMT clay nanocomposites were synthesized in situ with three different degrees of acetalization and with varying clay content for each vinyl butyral polymer ratio. The clay nano-platelet galleries were expanded, as determined by X-ray diffraction and TEM analysis. The glass transition temperature of the polymer nanocomposites were found to be similar to 56 degrees C and similar to 52 degrees C for the neat polymer and the 4% clay loaded samples, respectively. The 4 wt% clay loaded film showed higher strength and low strain to failure. The dynamic mechanical analysis also confirmed the improved stability of the matrix. The matrix with 0.5 butyral to alcohol ratio for 4 wt% clay exhibited good water vapor transmission compared to all other compositions. The encapsulated devices with 2.5 and 4 wt% clay loaded films increases the device life time and the efficiencies of these films were 50% higher than their encapsulated pristine polymer films. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Co3O4 catalysts were prepared by combustion synthesis using different fuels glycine (G), ODH (O) and urea (U). Morphological changes of the materials were observed by using different fuels. The prepared catalysts were characterized by XRD, XPS, SEM, TEM, BET and DRIFTS analysis. All compounds showed 100% conversion of CO below 175C. The prepared catalysts exhibited very high stability and conversions did not decrease even after 50 h of continuous operation. The oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of materials was measured by H-2-TPR analysis. Co3O4-O is having high OSC among the synthesized catalysts. The activation energies of these catalysts were found to be in the range of 42.3-64.8 kJ mol(-1). With DRIFTS analysis, the surface carbonates, superoxide anions, adsorbed CO, O-2 species on the catalyst surface were found and this information was used to develop a detailed reaction pathway. A kinetic model was developed with the help of proposed mechanism and used to fit the data. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new class of dendrimers, the poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimer, has been shown to be a novel hyperbranched polymer having potential applications as a drug delivery vehicle. Structure and dynamics of the amine terminated PETIM dendrimer and their changes with respect to the dendrimer generation are poorly understood. Since most drugs are hydrophobic in nature, the extent of hydrophobicity of the dendrimer core is related to its drug encapsulation and retention efficacy. In this study, we carry out fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to characterize the structure of PETIM (G2-G6) dendrimers in salt solution as a function of dendrimer generation at different protonation levels. Structural properties such as radius of gyration (R-g), radial density distribution, aspect ratio, and asphericity are calculated. In order to assess the hydrophilicity of the dendrimer, we compute the number of bound water molecules in the interior of dendrirner as well as the number of dendrimer-water hydrogen bonds. We conclude that PETIM dendrimers have relatively greater hydrophobicity and flexibility when compared with their extensively investigated PAMAM counterparts. Hence PETIM dendrimers are expected to have stronger interactions with lipid membranes as well as improved drug encapsulation and retention properties when compared with PAMAM dendrimers. We compute the root-mean-square fluctuation of dendrimers as well as their entropy to quantify the flexibility of the dendrimer. Finally we note that structural and solvation properties computed using force field parameters derived based on the CHARMM general purpose force field were in good quantitative agreement with those obtained using the generalized Amber force field (GAFF).


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The cybernetic modeling framework for the growth of microorganisms provides for an elegant methodology to account for the unknown regulatory phenomena through the use of cybernetic variables for enzyme induction and activity. In this paper, we revisit the assumption of limited resources for enzyme induction (Sigma u(i) = 1) used in the cybernetic modeling framework by presenting a methodology for inferring the individual cybernetic variables u(i) from experimental data. We use this methodology to infer u(i) during the simultaneous consumption of glycerol and lactose by Escherichia coli and then model the fitness trade-offs involved in the recently discovered predictive regulation strategy of microorganisms.