978 resultados para certified reference values
The analysis of time-dependent data is an important problem in many application domains, and interactive visualization of time-series data can help in understanding patterns in large time series data. Many effective approaches already exist for visual analysis of univariate time series supporting tasks such as assessment of data quality, detection of outliers, or identification of periodically or frequently occurring patterns. However, much fewer approaches exist which support multivariate time series. The existence of multiple values per time stamp makes the analysis task per se harder, and existing visualization techniques often do not scale well. We introduce an approach for visual analysis of large multivariate time-dependent data, based on the idea of projecting multivariate measurements to a 2D display, visualizing the time dimension by trajectories. We use visual data aggregation metaphors based on grouping of similar data elements to scale with multivariate time series. Aggregation procedures can either be based on statistical properties of the data or on data clustering routines. Appropriately defined user controls allow to navigate and explore the data and interactively steer the parameters of the data aggregation to enhance data analysis. We present an implementation of our approach and apply it on a comprehensive data set from the field of earth bservation, demonstrating the applicability and usefulness of our approach.
The newly introduced temperature proxy, the tetraether index of archaeal lipids with 86 carbon atoms (TEX86), is based on the number of cyclopentane moieties in the glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) lipids of marine Crenarchaeota. The composition of sedimentary GDGTs used for TEX86 paleothermometry is thought to reflect sea surface temperature (SST). However, marine Crenarchaeota occur ubiquitously in the world oceans over the entire depth range and not just in surface waters. We analyzed the GDGT distribution in settling particulate organic matter collected in sediment traps from the northeastern Pacific Ocean and the Arabian Sea to investigate the seasonal and spatial distribution of the fluxes of crenarchaeotal GDGTs and the origin of the TEX86 signal transported to the sediment. In both settings the TEX86 measured at all trap deployment depths reflects SST. In the Arabian Sea, analysis of an annual time series showed that the SST estimate based on TEX86 in the shallowest trap at 500 m followed the in situ SST with a 1 to 3 week time delay, likely caused by the relatively low settling speed of sinking particles. This revealed that the GDGT signal that reaches deeper water is derived from the upper water column rather than in situ production of GDGTs. The GDGT temperature signal in deeper traps at 1500 m and 3000 m did not show a seasonal cyclicity observed in the 500 m trap but rather reflected the annual mean SST. This is probably due to a homogenization of the TEX86 SST signal carried by particles as they ultimately reach the interior of the ocean. Our data confirm the use of TEX86 as a temperature proxy of surface ocean waters.
Basic and other measurements of radiation at Neumayer Station in 2013, reference list of 12 datasets
D18O values of nine tropical-subtropical planktonic foraminiferal species with different preferential habitat depths collected from 62 core-top samples along an east-west transect across the tropical Atlantic/Caribbean were used to test the applicability of interspecific d18O gradients for reconstructions of tropical upper ocean stratification. In general, the d18O difference (Delta d18O) between intermediate- and shallow-dwelling species decreases, and Delta d18O between deep and intermediate dwellers increases with increasing thermocline depth towards the west. The statistical significance of regional differences in Delta d18O highlights Delta d18O between the intermediate dwellers (in particular Globorotalia scitula and Globorotalia tumida) and the shallow dweller Globigerinoides ruber pink, as well as Delta d18O between the deep dwellers Globorotalia crassaformis or Globorotalia truncatulinoides dextral and intermediate dwellers as most sensitive to changes in tropical Atlantic thermocline depth. Based on the observed regional variations in interspecific Delta d18O, we propose a multispecies stratification index "STRAtrop" = (d18Ointermediate - d18Oshallow) / (d18Odeep - d18Oshallow) for the tropical ocean. Statistically significant differences in STRAtrop values between the E-Atlantic and the Caribbean suggest that this index may be a useful tool to monitor variations in tropical upper ocean stratification in the geological record.