957 resultados para carbon half-life


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Glutamate derived γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is synthetized in the cytosol prior to delivery to the mitochondria where it is catabolized via the TCA cycle. GABA accumulates under various environmental conditions, but an increasing number of studies show its involvement at the crossroad between C and N metabolism. To assess the role of GABA in modulating cellular metabolism, we exposed seedlings of A. thaliana GABA transporter gat1 mutant to full nutrition medium and media deficient in C and N combined with feeding of different concentrations (0.5 and 1 mM) of exogenous GABA. GC-MS based metabolite profiling showed an expected effect of medium composition on the seedlings metabolism of mutant and wild type alike. That being said, a significant interaction between GAT1 deficiency and medium composition was determined with respect to magnitude of change in relative amino acid levels. The effect of exogenous GABA treatment on metabolism was contingent on both the medium and the genotype, leading for instance to a drop in asparagine under full nutrition and low C conditions and glucose under all tested media, but not to changes in GABA content. We additionally assessed the effect of GAT1 deficiency on the expression of glutamate metabolism related genes and genes involved in abiotic stress responses. These results suggest a role for GAT1 in GABA-mediated metabolic alterations in the context of the C-N equilibrium of plant cells.


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The 220 abundantly equipped burials from the Late Iron Age cemetery of Münsingen (420 – 240 BC) marked a milestone for Iron Age research. The evident horizontal spread throughout the time of occupancy laid the foundation for the chronology system of the Late Iron Age. Today the skulls of 77 individuals and some postcranial bones are still preserved. The aim was to obtain information about nutrition, social stratification and migration of the individuals from Münsingen. Stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur were analysed. The results of 63 individuals show that all consumed C3 plants as staple food with significant differences between males and females in δ13C and δ15N values. The results indicate a gender restriction in access to animal protein. Stable isotope values of one male buried with weapons and meat as grave goods suggest a diet with more animal proteins than the other individuals. It is possible that he was privileged due to high status. Furthermore, the δ34S values indicate minor mobility. Assuming that the subadults represent the local signal of δ34S it is very likely that adults with enriched δ34S could have migrated to Münsingen at some point during their lives. This study presents stable isotope values of one of the most important Late Iron Age burial sites in Central Europe. The presented data provide new insight into diet, migration and social stratification of the population from Münsingen.


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Fire regimes have changed during the Holocene due to changes in climate, vegetation, and in human practices. Here, we hypothesise that changes in fire regime may have affected the global CO2 concentration in the atmosphere through the Holocene. Our data are based on quantitative reconstructions of biomass burning deduced from stratified charcoal records from Europe, and South-, Central- and North America, and Oceania to test the fire-carbon release hypothesis. In Europe the significant increase of fire activity is dated ≈6000 cal. yr ago. In north-eastern North America burning activity was greatest before 7500 years ago, very low between 7500–3000 years, and has been increasing since 3000 years ago. In tropical America, the pattern is more complex and apparently latitudinally zonal. Maximum burning occurred in the southern Amazon basin and in Central America during the middle Holocene, and during the last 2000 years in the northern Amazon basin. In Oceania, biomass burning has decreased since a maximum 5000 years ago. Biomass burning has broadly increased in the Northern and Southern hemispheres throughout the second half of the Holocene associated with changes in climate and human practices. Global fire indices parallel the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded in Antarctic ice cores. Future issues on carbon dynamics relatively to biomass burning are discussed to improve the quantitative reconstructions.


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Cysteine synthesis from sulfide andO-acetyl-L-serine (OAS) is a reaction interconnecting sulfate, nitrogen, and carbon assimilation. UsingLemna minor, we analyzed the effects of omission of CO2 from the atmosphere and simultaneous application of alternative carbon sources on adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase (APR) and nitrate reductase (NR), the key enzymes of sulfate and nitrate assimilation, respectively. Incubation in air without CO2 led to severe decrease in APR and NR activities and mRNA levels, but ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was not considerably affected. Simultaneous addition of sucrose (Suc) prevented the reduction in enzyme activities, but not in mRNA levels. OAS, a known regulator of sulfate assimilation, could also attenuate the effect of missing CO2 on APR, but did not affect NR. When the plants were subjected to normal air after a 24-h pretreatment in air without CO2, APR and NR activities and mRNA levels recovered within the next 24 h. The addition of Suc and glucose in air without CO2 also recovered both enzyme activities, with OAS again influenced only APR.35SO4 2− feeding showed that treatment in air without CO2 severely inhibited sulfate uptake and the flux through sulfate assimilation. After a resupply of normal air or the addition of Suc, incorporation of 35S into proteins and glutathione greatly increased. OAS treatment resulted in high labeling of cysteine; the incorporation of 35S in proteins and glutathione was much less increased compared with treatment with normal air or Suc. These results corroborate the tight interconnection of sulfate, nitrate, and carbon assimilation.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone formation capability of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK (CFR-PEEK) implants coated with different titanium and hydroxyapatite plasma-sprayed layers after 2 and 12 weeks. Methods: In six sheep 108 implants were placed in the pelvis. Altogether six different surface modifications were tested. After 2 and 12 weeks, n = 3 implants per group were examined histologically and n = 6 implants per group were tested by a pull-out test. Results: Biomechanically (p = 0.001) as well as histologically (p > 0.05) surface coating of PEEK/CFR-PEEK led to an increase of osseointegration from 2 to 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, coated implants demonstrated significant (p < 0.001) higher pull-out values in comparison to uncoated implants. Overall, the double coating (titanium bond layer and hydroxyapatite top layer) showed the most favorable results after 2 and 12 weeks. Conclusions: Plasma-sprayed titanium and hydroxyapatite coatings on PEEK or CFR-PEEK demonstrated a significant improvement of osseointegration.


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BACKGROUND Information about the impact of cancer treatments on patients' quality of life (QoL) is of paramount importance to patients and treating oncologists. Cancer trials that do not specify QoL as an outcome or fail to report collected QoL data, omit crucial information for decision making. To estimate the magnitude of these problems, we investigated how frequently QoL outcomes were specified in protocols of cancer trials and subsequently reported. DESIGN Retrospective cohort study of RCT protocols approved by six research ethics committees in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada between 2000 and 2003. We compared protocols to corresponding publications, which were identified through literature searches and investigator surveys. RESULTS Of the 173 cancer trials, 90 (52%) specified QoL outcomes in their protocol, 2 (1%) as primary and 88 (51%) as secondary outcome. Of the 173 trials, 35 (20%) reported QoL outcomes in a corresponding publication (4 modified from the protocol), 18 (10%) were published but failed to report QoL outcomes in the primary or a secondary publication, and 37 (21%) were not published at all. Of the 83 (48%) trials that did not specify QoL outcomes in their protocol, none subsequently reported QoL outcomes. Failure to report pre-specified QoL outcomes was not associated with industry sponsorship (versus non-industry), sample size, and multicentre (versus single centre) status but possibly with trial discontinuation. CONCLUSIONS About half of cancer trials specified QoL outcomes in their protocols. However, only 20% reported any QoL data in associated publications. Highly relevant information for decision making is often unavailable to patients, oncologists, and health policymakers.


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Background. There is currently a push to increase the number of minorities in cancer clinical trials in an effort to reduce cancer health disparities. Overcoming barriers to clinical trial research for minorities is necessary if we are to achieve the goals of Healthy People 2010. To understand the unexpectedly high rate of attrition in the A NULIFE study, the research team examined the perceived barriers to participation among minority women. The purpose of this study was to determine if either personal or study-related factors influenced healthy pre-menopausal women aged 25-45 years to terminate their participation in the A NULIFE Study. We hypothesized that personal factors were the driving forces for attrition rates in the prevention trial.^ Methods. The target population consisted of eligible women who consented to the A NULIFE study but withdrew prior to being randomized (N= 46), as well as eligible women who completed the informed consent process for the A NULIFE study and withdrew after randomization (N= 42). Examination of attrition rates in this study occurred at a time point when 10 out of 12 participant groups had completed the A NULIFE study. Data involving the 2 groups that were actively engaged in study activities were not used in this analysis. A survey instrument was designed to query the personal and study-related factors that were believed to have contributed to the decision to terminate participation in the A NULIFE study.^ Results. Overall, the highest ranked personal reason that influenced withdrawal from the study was being “too busy” with other obligations. The second highest ranked factor for withdrawal was work obligations. Whereas, more than half of all participants agreed that they were well-informed about the study and considered the study personnel to be approachable, 54% of participants would have been inclined to remain in the study if it were located at a local community center.^ Conclusions. Time commitment was likely a major factor for withdrawal from the A NULIFE study. Future investigators should implement trials within participant communities where possible. Also, focus group settings may provide detailed insight into factors that contribute to the attrition of minorities in cancer clinical trials.^


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During IODP Expedition 302 (Arctic Coring Expedition-ACEX), the first scientific drilling campaign in the permantly ice-covered central Arctic Ocean, a 430 m thick sequence of upper Cretaceaous to Quaternary sediments has been drilled. The lower half of this sequence is composed of organic-carbon-rich (black shale-type) sediments with total organic carbon contents of about 1-14%. Significant amounts of the organic matter preserved in these sediments is of algae-type origin and accumulated under anoxic/euxinic conditions. Here, for the first time detailed data on the source-rock potential of these black shales are presented, indicating that most of the Eocene sediments have a (fair to) good source-rock potential, prone to generate a gas/oil mixture. The source-rock potential of the Campanian and upper Paleocene sediments, on the other hand, is rather low. The presence of oil or gas already generated in situ, however, can be ruled out due to the immaturity of the ACEX sediments.


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The stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of different benthic foraminiferal species of the latest Campanian and earliest Maastrichtian from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 690C (Weddell Sea, southern South Atlantic, ~1800 m paleowater depth) have been investigated. The total range of measured isotope values of all samples exceeds ~4 per mil for delta 13C and 1.1 per mil for delta 18O. Carbon isotope values of proposed deep infaunal species are generally similar or only slightly lower when compared to proposed epifaunal to shallow infaunal species. Interspecific differences vary between samples probably reflecting temporal changes in organic carbon fluxes to the sea floor. Constantly lower delta 13C values for Pullenia marssoni and Pullenia reussi suggest the deepest habitat for these species. The strong depletion of delta 13C values by up to 3 per mil within lenticulinids may be attributed to a deep infaunal microhabitat, strong vital effects, or different feeding strategy when compared to other species or modern lenticulinids. The mean delta 18O values reveal a strong separation of epifaunal to shallow infaunal and deep infaunal species. Epifaunal to shallow infaunal species are characterized by low delta 18O values, deep infaunal species by higher values. This result possibly reflects lower metabolic rates and longer life cycles of deep infaunal species or the operating of a pore water [CO3]2- effect on the benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes. Pyramidina szajnochae shows an enrichment of oxygen isotopes with test size comprising a total of 0.6 per mil between 250 and 1250 µm shell size. Although delta 13C lacks a corresponding trend these data likely represent the presence of changes in metabolic rates during ontogenesis. These results demonstrate the general applicability of multi-species stable isotope measurements of pristine Cretaceous benthic foraminifera to reconstruct past microhabitats and to evaluate biological and environmental effects on the stable isotope composition.


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Seven quartered sections of Pliocene to Mesozoic (Cenomanian) cores from the Nauru Basin contain primarily marine organic matter admixed with detectable amounts of terrigenous organic matter. The mixture is immature with respect to organic genesis. Chemical properties of this organic matter are compared with properties of other deep-ocean cores from DSDP sites in the central Pacific.


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The Lena River Delta, which is the largest delta in the Arctic, extends over an area of 32 000 km**2 and likely holds more than half of the entire soil organic carbon (SOC) mass stored in the seven major deltas in the northern permafrost regions. The geomorphic units of the Lena River Delta which were formed by true deltaic sedimentation processes are a Holocene river terrace and the active floodplains. Their mean SOC stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 29 kg/m**2 ± 10 kg/m**2 and at 14 kg/m**2 ± 7 kg/m**2, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total SOC pool of the Holocene river terrace was estimated at 121 Tg ± 43 Tg, and the SOC pool of the active floodplains was estimated at 120 Tg ± 66 Tg. The mass of SOC stored within the observed seasonally thawed active layer was estimated at about 127 Tg assuming an average maximum active layer depth of 50 cm. The SOC mass which is stored in the perennially frozen ground at the increment 50-100 cm soil depth, which is currently excluded from intense biogeochemical exchange with the atmosphere, was estimated at 113 Tg. The mean nitrogen (N) stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 1.2 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the Holocene river terrace and at 0.9 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the active floodplain levels, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total N pool of the river terrace was estimated at 4.8 Tg ± 1.5 Tg, and the total N pool of the floodplains was estimated at 7.7 Tg ± 3.6 Tg. Considering the projections for deepening of the seasonally thawed active layer up to 120 cm in the Lena River Delta region within the 21st century, these large carbon and nitrogen stocks could become increasingly available for decomposition and mineralization processes.