1000 resultados para breast


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For every antidepressant so far investigated in the breast milk of mothers prescribed these medications, findings indicate that some amount of drug will be excreted into the breast milk. Nursing infants will be exposed to some, usually a very low, amount of drug and drugmetabolites. Levels of drug exposure to infants for the many antidepressants available are examined, discussing milk to plasma drug concentration ratios and the infant dose as a percentage of thematernal dose. Drug concentrations in infant plasma and adverse effects of drug exposures to infants are reviewed. Factors influencing the decision on whether to breast or bottle feed an infant nursed by a mother taking antidepressants are discussed, concluding that the decision needs to be made on an individual basis. The lactating mother, in consultation with her doctor, should be in a position to make an informed decision on whether or not to breast feed. Under certain circumstances the decision to bottle feed may be wise, but more commonly the advantages of breast-feeding will outweigh the very low risk of an adverse event from drug exposure to the infant.


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Background: The CASTLE (Candida and Staphylococcus Transmission: Longitudinal Evaluation) study will investigate the micro-organisms involved in the development of mastitis and “breast thrush” among breastfeeding women. To date, the organism(s) associated with the development of breast thrush have not been identified. The CASTLE study will also investigate the impact of physical health problems and breastfeeding problems on maternal psychological health in the early postpartum period.

Methods/Design: The CASTLE study is a longitudinal descriptive study designed to investigate the role of Staphylococcus spp (species) and Candida spp in breast pain and infection among lactating women, and to describe the transmission dynamics of S. aureus and Candida spp between mother and infant. The relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum health problems as well as maternal psychological well-being is also being investigated. A prospective cohort of four hundred nulliparous women who are at least thirty six weeks gestation pregnant are being recruited from two hospitals in Melbourne, Australia (November 2009 to June 2011). At recruitment, nasal, nipple (both breasts) and vaginal swabs are taken and participants complete a questionnaire asking about previous known staphylococcal and candidal infections. Following the birth, participants are followed-up six times: in hospital and then at home weekly until four weeks postpartum. Participants complete a questionnaire at each time points to collect information about breastfeeding problems and postpartum health problems. Nasal and nipple swabs and breast milk samples are collected from the mother. Oral and nasal swabs are collected from the baby. A telephone interview is conducted at eight weeks postpartum to collect information about postpartum health problems and breastfeeding problems, such as mastitis and nipple and breast pain.

Discussion: This study is the first longitudinal study of the role of both staphylococcal and candidal colonisation in breast infections and will help to resolve the current controversy about which is the primary organism in the condition known as breast thrush. This study will also document transmission dynamics of S. aureus and Candida spp between mother and infant. In addition, CASTLE will investigate the impact of common maternal physical health symptoms and the effect of breastfeeding problems on maternal psychological well-being.


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Knowledge of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) status is necessary for determining the optimal treatment of breast cancer patients. At the same time, the discordance between marker profiles (ER/PR and HER2) of primary and metastatic breast cancer is well documented. Whether discordant cases are secondary to “clonal selection” in the face of targeted anti-estrogen or anti-HER2 therapy or whether they are a laboratory artifact is still debated; both scenarios are likely. This article outlines current modalities for ER, PR, and HER2 testing in primary breast carcinoma and its metastases and reviews prospective and retrospective studies that have addressed these issues, as well as recent advances in the field.


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Although both breast cancer and immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) are common conditions, the simultaneous coexistence of these two diseases is rare. ITP is an autoimmune disease in which the presence of autoantibodies against platelets results in splenic sequestration and thrombocytopenia that may be associated with lymphoid neoplasms [1]. Except for an observational case series of 10 patients [2], only a few individual case reports of ITP coinciding with breast cancer have been reported [3–8]. We are reporting two cases with simultaneous confirmed ITP and breast cancer. The platelet counts in both women have improved during adjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy.


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This report provides evidence-based recommendations for appropriate and cost-effective methods that could be used to evaluate the impact of the national BreastScreen Australia population-based mammographic screening program on mortality from female breast cancer. The report represents a significant collaboration between the Australian Government, the National Breast Cancer Centre as well as Australian and international experts in mammography research and evaluation, epidemiology and health services research.

The recommendations are based on a review of national and international evidence on approaches used to assess the impact of mammography screening programs on breast cancer mortality in other settings. The review has used a systematic approach to assessing the strategic and methodological approaches taken in each of the studies identified and their potential limitations.

The national evaluation of the BreastScreen Australia Program aims to assess the appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness of the BreastScreen Program. The completion of this report marks an important first step in that process. In addition, the review and recommendations in this report may have broader application at an international level.


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There has been a 28% reduction in age-standardised breast cancer mortality in Australia since 1991 when the free national mammographic program (BreastScreen) began. Therefore, a comparative study between BreastScreen participation and breast cancer age specific mortality trends in Australia was undertaken for two time periods between 1991 and 2007, where women aged 50–59 and 60–69 years, who were invited to screen, were compared to women aged 40–49 and 70–79 years who were not invited, but who did have access to the program. There were mortality reductions in all four age groups between 1991–1992 and 2007, resulting in 5,849 (95% CI 4,979 to 6,718) fewer women dying of breast cancer than would have otherwise been the case. Women aged 40–49 years, who had the lowest BreastScreen participation (approximately 20%), had the largest mortality reduction: 44% (95% CI 34.8–51.2). Women aged 60–69 years, who had the highest BreastScreen participation (approximately 60%), had the smallest mortality reduction: 19% (95% CI 10.5–26.9). As BreastScreen participation by invited women aged 50–69 years only reached a maximum of about 55–60% in 1998–1999, a decline in mortality in Australian women cannot be attributed to BreastScreen prior to this time. Thus, almost 60% of the Australian decline in breast cancer mortality since 1991 cannot be attributed to BreastScreen. Therefore, mammographic screening cannot account for most of the reductions in breast cancer mortality that have occurred in Australian women since 1991 and may have contributed to over-diagnosis. Most, if not all, of the reductions can be attributed to the adjuvant hormonal and chemotherapy, which Australian women have increasingly received since 1986.


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Primary systemic therapy (PST) in early breast cancer is utilized in locally advanced breast tumors and when breast-conserving surgery is desirable. In addition, the PST setting provides an opportunity to monitor response including histopathological and biomarker examination of the tumor and host tissues before and after systemic therapy. Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody targeting the hEGF receptor that is overexpressed in 15–20% of breast tumors. Trastuzumab is effective in prolonging survival when used to treat women with hEGF receptor overexpressed tumors, both in adjuvant and metastatic disease settings. Trastuzumab has also shown promising activity in PST/neoadjuvant studies by achieving high rates of complete pathologic response. This is a review of clinical studies that incorporated trastuzumab in PST and/or neoadjuvant chemotherapy, including the results of recently reported studies using trastuzumab in combination with other novel therapies such as lapatinib or pertuzumab.


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Her2 (erbB2) receptor is overexpressed in around twenty percent of early breast cancer and historically conferred a poorer prognosis (1). Targeted anti-Her2 therapy has significantly improved outcomes for these women.