995 resultados para beam scattering


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This paper investigates the circumstances under which high peak acceleration can occur in the internal parts of a system when subjected to impulsive driving on the outside. Motivating examples include the design of packaging for transportation of fragile items. The system is modelled in an idealised form using two beams coupled with point connections. A Rayleigh-Ritz model of such coupled beams was validated against measurements on a particular beam system, then the model was used to explore the acceleration response to impulsive driving in the time, frequency and spatial domains. This study is restricted to linear vibration response and additional mechanisms for high internal acceleration due to nonlinear effects such as internal impacts are not considered. Using Monte Carlo simulation in which the indirectly driven beam was perturbed by randomly placed point masses a wide range of system behaviour was explored. This facilitates identification of vulnerable configurations that can lead to high internal acceleration. The results from the study indicate the possibility of curve veering influencing the peak acceleration amplification. The possibility of veering within an ensemble was found to be dependent on the relative coupling strength of the modes. Understanding of the mechanism may help to avoid vulnerable cases, either by design or by preparatory vibration testing. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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A free space optical wireless communication system with 3 degree angular coverage and 1.25 GHz modulation bandwidth is reported, in which relatively narrow laser beam of a simultaneous high power, high modulation speed and ultra high modulation efficiency directly modulated two-electrode tapered laser diode is steered using a nematic phase-only Liquid-Crystal On Silicon Spatial Light Modulator (LCOS SLM) by displaying reconfigurable 256 phase level gratings. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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We determine the Raman scattering efficiency of the G and 2D peaks in graphene. Three substrates are used: silicon covered with 300 or 90 nm oxide, and calcium fluoride (CaF2). On Si/SiOx, the areas of the G and 2D peak show a strong dependence on the substrate due to interference effects, while on CaF2 no significant dependence is detected. Unintentional doping is reduced by placing graphene on CaF2. We determine the Raman scattering efficiency by comparison with the 322 cm -1 peak area of CaF2. At 2.41 eV, the Raman efficiency of the G peak is ∼200×10-5 m-1Sr-1, and changes with the excitation energy to the power of 4. The 2D Raman efficiency is at least one order of magnitude higher than that of the G peak, with a different excitation energy dependence. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Graphene is emerging as a viable alternative to conventional optoelectronic, plasmonic and nanophotonic materials. The interaction of light with charge carriers creates an out-of-equilibrium distribution, which relaxes on an ultrafast timescale to a hot Fermi-Dirac distribution, that subsequently cools emitting phonons. Although the slower relaxation mechanisms have been extensively investigated, the initial stages still pose a challenge. Experimentally, they defy the resolution of most pump-probe setups, due to the extremely fast sub-100 fs carrier dynamics. Theoretically, massless Dirac fermions represent a novel many-body problem, fundamentally different from Schrödinger fermions. Here we combine pump-probe spectroscopy with a microscopic theory to investigate electron-electron interactions during the early stages of relaxation. We identify the mechanisms controlling the ultrafast dynamics, in particular the role of collinear scattering. This gives rise to Auger processes, including charge multiplication, which is key in photovoltage generation and photodetectors.


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Fano resonances and their strong doping dependence are observed in Raman scattering of single-layer graphene (SLG). As the Fermi level is varied by a back-gate bias, the Raman G band of SLG exhibits an asymmetric line shape near the charge neutrality point as a manifestation of a Fano resonance, whereas the line shape is symmetric when the graphene sample is electron or hole doped. However, the G band of bilayer graphene (BLG) does not exhibit any Fano resonance regardless of doping. The observed Fano resonance can be interpreted as interferences between the phonon and excitonic many-body spectra in SLG. The absence of a Fano resonance in the Raman G band of BLG can be explained in the same framework since excitonic interactions are not expected in BLG. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present a combined analytical and numerical study of the early stages (sub-100-fs) of the nonequilibrium dynamics of photoexcited electrons in graphene. We employ the semiclassical Boltzmann equation with a collision integral that includes contributions from electron-electron (e-e) and electron-optical phonon interactions. Taking advantage of circular symmetry and employing the massless Dirac fermion (MDF) Hamiltonian, we are able to perform an essentially analytical study of the e-e contribution to the collision integral. This allows us to take particular care of subtle collinear scattering processes - processes in which incoming and outgoing momenta of the scattering particles lie on the same line - including carrier multiplication (CM) and Auger recombination (AR). These processes have a vanishing phase space for two-dimensional MDF bare bands. However, we argue that electron-lifetime effects, seen in experiments based on angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, provide a natural pathway to regularize this pathology, yielding a finite contribution due to CM and AR to the Coulomb collision integral. Finally, we discuss in detail the role of physics beyond the Fermi golden rule by including screening in the matrix element of the Coulomb interaction at the level of the random phase approximation (RPA), focusing in particular on the consequences of various approximations including static RPA screening, which maximizes the impact of CM and AR processes, and dynamical RPA screening, which completely suppresses them. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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We present electron-beam-induced oxidation of single- and bilayer graphene devices in a low-voltage scanning electron microscope. We show that the injection of oxygen leads to targeted etching at the focal point, enabling us to pattern graphene with a resolution of better than 20 nm. Voltage-contrast imaging, in conjunction with finite-element simulations, explain the secondary-electron intensities and correlate them to the etch profile. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract A theoretical model is developed for the sound scattered when a sound wave is incident on a cambered aerofoil at non-zero angle of attack. The model is based on the linearization of the Euler equations about a steady subsonic flow, and is an adaptation of previous work which considered incident vortical disturbances. Only high-frequency sound waves are considered. The aerofoil thickness, camber and angle of attack are restricted such that the steady flow past the aerofoil is a small perturbation to a uniform flow. The singular perturbation analysis identifies asymptotic regions around the aerofoil; local 'inner' regions, which scale on the incident wavelength, at the leading and trailing edges of the aerofoil; Fresnel regions emanating from the leading and trailing edges of the aerofoil due to the coalescence of singularities and points of stationary phase; a wake transition region downstream of the aerofoil leading and trailing edge; and an outer region far from the aerofoil and wake. An acoustic boundary layer on the aerofoil surface and within the transition region accounts for the effects of curvature. The final result is a uniformly-valid solution for the far-field sound; the effects of angle of attack, camber and thickness are investigated. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.