980 resultados para bacterial proteins
Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) are essential components necessary for the early growth process of axons and dendrites, and for the structural organization within cells. Both MAP2 and MAP5 are involved in these events, MAP2 occupying a role predominantly in dendrites, and MAP5 being involved in both axonal and dendritic growth. In the chick dorsal root ganglia, pseudo-unipolar sensory neurons have a T-shaped axon and are devoid of any dendrites. Therefore, they offer an ideal model to study the differential expression of MAPs during DRG development, specifically during axonal growth. In this study we have analyzed the expression and localization of MAP2 and MAP5 isoforms during chick dorsal root ganglia development in vivo, and in cell culture. In DRG, both MAPs appeared as early as E5. MAP2 consists of the 3 isoforms MAP2a, b and c. On blots, no MAP2a could be found at any stage. MAP2b increased between E6 and E10 and thereafter diminished slowly in concentration, while MAP2c was found between stages E6 and E10 in DRG. By immunocytochemistry, MAP2 isoforms were mainly located in the neuronal perikarya and in the proximal portion of axons, but could not be localized to distal axonal segments, nor in sciatic nerve at any developmental stage. On blots, MAP5 was present in two isoforms, MAP5a and MAP5b. The concentration of MAP5a was highest at E6 and then decreased to a low level at E18. In contrast, MAP5b increased between E6 and E10, and rapidly decreased after E14. Only MAP5a was present in sciatic nerve up to E14. Immunocytochemistry revealed that MAP5 was localized mainly in axons, although neuronal perikarya exhibited a faint immunostaining. Strong staining of axons was observed between E10 and E14, at a time coincidental to a period of intense axonal outgrowth. After E14 immunolabeling of MAP5 decreased abruptly. In DRG culture, MAP2 was found exclusively in the neuronal perikarya and the most proximal neurite segment. In contrast, MAP5 was detected in the neuronal cell bodies and all along their neurites. In conclusion, MAP2 seems involved in the early establishment of the cytoarchitecture of cell bodies and the proximal axon segment of somatosensory neurons, while MAP5 is clearly related to axonal growth.
Background: The prevalence of small intestinal bowel bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) ranges from 43% to 78% as determined by the lactulose hydrogen breath (LHBT) test. Although rifaximine, a non-absorbable antibiotic, has been able to decrease global IBS symptoms as well as bloating in placebo-controlled randomized trials, these results were not repeated in phase IV studies in daily clinical practice. Aim: To assess the prevalence of SIBO in an IBS cohort and to evaluate the treatment response in the IBS cohort affected by SIBO. Methods: Enrolled patients were diagnosed with IBS using the following criteria: fulfillment of the Rome III criteria, absence of alarm symptoms (anemia, weight loss, nocturnal symptoms etc), normal fecal calproectin, normal endoscopic workup including histology. Celiac disease was excluded by serology and/or duodenal biopsy. All patients underwent lactulose hydrogen breath testing (LHBT) for SIBO diagnosis. Patients with SIBO were treated with rifaximine tablets (400mg twice daily for 14 days). Both before and at week 6 after rifaximin treatment, patients completed a questionnaire, where the following criteria were assessed individually using 11-point Likert scales: the bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and overall well-being. Results: Hundred-fifty IBS patients were enrolled (76% female, mean age 44 ± 16 years), of whom 106 (71%) were diagnosed with SIBO and consequently treated with rifaximine. Rifaximine treatment significantly reduced the following symptoms as assessed by the symptom questionnaire: bloating (5.5 ± 2.6 before vs. 3.6 ± 2.7 after treatment, p <0.001), flatulence (5 ± 2.7 vs. 4 ± 2.7, p = 0.015), diarrhea (2.9 ± 2.4 vs. 2 ± 2.4, p = 0.005), abdominal pain (4.8 ± 2.7 vs. 3.3 ± 2.5, p <0.001) and resulted in improved overall well-being (3.9 ± 2.4 vs. 2.7 ± 2.3, p <0.001). Thirteen of the 106 treated patients were lost to follow-up (12%). The LHBT was repeated 2-4 weeks after rifaximine treatment in 65/93 (70%) patients. Eradication of SIBO was documented in 85% of all patients (55/65), whereas 15% of patients (10/65) tested positive for SIBO as determined by the LHBT testing. Conclusions: The results of our phase IV trial indicate that a high proportion of IBS patients tested positive for SIBO. IBS symptoms (bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, pain, overall well-being) were significantly diminished following a 2-week treatment with rifaximine. These results support the previous findings of randomized controlled trials that the presence of SIBO is associated with symptom generation in IBS patients and that reduction and/or elimination of SIBO may help to alleviate IBSassociated symptoms.
The protein profiles of the New Guinea "C" dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2)prototype and those of a Brazilian DENV-2 isolated in the State of Rio de Janeiro in 1995 were compared. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the virus from Rio de Janeiro expresses NS5 (93.0 kDa), NS3 (66.8 kDa) E (62.4 kDa) and NS1 (41.2 kDa) proteins differently from the New Guinea "C" virus. The immunoblot revealed specificity and antigenicity for the NS3 protein from DENV-2 Rio de Janeiro mainly in primary infections, convalescent cases, and in secondary infections in both cases and only antigenicity for E and NS1 proteins for both viruses in primary and secondary infections.
Proteins that catalyse homologous recombination have been identified in all living organisms and are essential for the repair of damaged DNA as well as for the generation of genetic diversity. In bacteria homologous recombination is performed by the RecA protein, whereas in the eukarya a related protein called Rad51 is required to catalyse recombination and repair. More recently, archaeal homologues of RecA/Rad51 (RadA) have been identified and isolated. In this work we have cloned and purified the RadA protein from the hyperthermophilic, sulphate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus and characterised its in vitro activities. We show that (i) RadA protein forms ring structures in solution and binds single- but not double-stranded DNA to form nucleoprotein filaments, (ii) RadA is a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase at elevated temperatures, and (iii) RadA catalyses efficient D-loop formation and strand exchange at temperatures of 60-70 degrees C. Finally, we have used electron microscopy to visualise RadA-mediated joint molecules, the intermediates of homologous recombination. Intriguingly, RadA shares properties of both the bacterial RecA and eukaryotic Rad51 recombinases.
Phenoxyalkanoic acid degradation is well studied in Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria, but the genetic background has not been elucidated so far in Alphaproteobacteria. We report the isolation of several genes involved in dichlor- and mecoprop degradation from the alphaproteobacterium Sphingomonas herbicidovorans MH and propose that the degradation proceeds analogously to that previously reported for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Two genes for alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases, sdpA(MH) and rdpA(MH), were found, both of which were adjacent to sequences with potential insertion elements. Furthermore, a gene for a dichlorophenol hydroxylase (tfdB), a putative regulatory gene (cadR), two genes for dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenases (dccA(I/II)), two for dienelactone hydrolases (dccD(I/II)), part of a gene for maleylacetate reductase (dccE), and one gene for a potential phenoxyalkanoic acid permease were isolated. In contrast to other 2,4-D degraders, the sdp, rdp, and dcc genes were scattered over the genome and their expression was not tightly regulated. No coherent pattern was derived on the possible origin of the sdp, rdp, and dcc pathway genes. rdpA(MH) was 99% identical to rdpA(MC1), an (R)-dichlorprop/alpha-ketoglutarate dioxygenase from Delftia acidovorans MC1, which is evidence for a recent gene exchange between Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria. Conversely, DccA(I) and DccA(II) did not group within the known chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenases, but formed a separate branch in clustering analysis. This suggests a different reservoir and reduced transfer for the genes of the modified ortho-cleavage pathway in Alphaproteobacteria compared with the ones in Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria.
In mammalian cells, proper gene regulation is achieved by the complex interplay of transcription factors that activate or repress gene expression by binding to the regulatory regions of target promoters. While transcriptional activators have been extensively characterised and classified into functional groups, relatively little is known about the comparative strength and cell type-specificity of transcriptional repressors. Here, we have compared the ability of a series of eukaryotic repression domains to silence basal and activated transcription. A series of the most potent repression domains was further tested in the context of a gene therapy gene-switch system in various cell types. The results indicate that the analysed repression domains exert varying silencing activities in different promoter contexts. Furthermore, their potential for gene silencing varies also depending on the cellular context. When multimerised within one chimeric repressor protein, particular combinations of repressor domains were found to display synergistic repressing effects and efficient repression in a panel of cell lines. This approach thus allowed the identification of transcriptional repressors that are both potent and versatile in terms of cellular specificity as a basis for gene switch systems.
In mammals, many aspects of metabolism are under circadian control. At least in part, this regulation is achieved by core-clock or clock-controlled transcription factors whose abundance and/or activity oscillate during the day. The clock-controlled proline- and acidic amino acid-rich domain basic leucine zipper proteins D-site-binding protein, thyrotroph embryonic factor, and hepatic leukemia factor have previously been shown to participate in the circadian control of xenobiotic detoxification in liver and other peripheral organs. Here we present genetic and biochemical evidence that the three proline- and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper proteins also play a key role in circadian lipid metabolism by influencing the rhythmic expression and activity of the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). Our results suggest that, in liver, D-site-binding protein, hepatic leukemia factor, and thyrotroph embryonic factor contribute to the circadian transcription of genes specifying acyl-CoA thioesterases, leading to a cyclic release of fatty acids from thioesters. In turn, the fatty acids act as ligands for PPARα, and the activated PPARα receptor then stimulates the transcription of genes encoding proteins involved in the uptake and/or metabolism of lipids, cholesterol, and glucose metabolism.
Lactate release by astrocytes is postulated to be of importance for neuroenergetics but its regulation is poorly understood. Basigin, a chaperone protein for specific monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), represents a putatively important regulatory element for lactate fluxes. Indeed, basigin knockdown by RNA interference in primary cultures of astrocytes partially reduced both proton-driven lactate influx and efflux. But more strikingly, enhancement of lactate efflux induced by glutamate was prevented while the effect of sodium azide was significantly reduced by treatment of cultured astrocytes with anti-basigin small interfering RNA. Enhancement of glucose utilization was unaffected under the same conditions. Basal lactate uptake and release were significantly reduced by MCT1 knockdown, even more so than with basigin knockdown, whereas glutamate-driven or sodium azide-induced enhancement of lactate release was not inhibited by either MCT1, 2, or 4 small interfering RNAs. In conclusion, MCT1 plays a pivotal role in the control of basal proton-driven lactate flux in astrocytes while basigin is only partly involved, most likely via its interaction with MCT1. In contrast, basigin appears to critically regulate the enhancement of lactate release caused by glutamate (or sodium azide) but via an effect on another unidentified transporter at least present in astrocytes in vitro.
Summary: Bacterial small RNAs (sRNAs) are transcripts most of which have regulatory functions. Sequence and secondary structure elements enable numerous sRNAs to interact with mRNAs or with regulatory proteins resulting in diverse regulatory effects on virulence, iron storage, organization of cell envelope proteins or stress response. sRNAs having high affinity for RsmA-like RNA-binding proteins are important for posttranscriptional regulation in various Gram-negative bacteria. In Pseudomonas spp., the GacS/GacA two component system positively controls the production of such sRNAs. They titrate RsmA-like proteins and thus overcome translational repression due to these proteins. As a consequence, secondary metabolites can be produced that are implicated in the biocontrol capacity of P. fluorescens or in the virulence of P. aeruginosa. A genome-wide search carried out in P. aeruginosa PAO1 and in closely related Pseudomonas spp. resulted in the identification of 15 genes coding for sRNAs. Eight of these are novel, the remaining seven have previously been observed. Among them, the 1698 sRNA gene was expressed under GacA control, whereas the transcription of 1887 sRNA gene was transcribed under the control of the anaerobic regulator Anr in an oxygen-limited environment. Overexpression of 1698 sRNA in P. fluorescens strain CHAO did not affect the expression of the GacA-regulated hcnA gene (first gene of the operon coding for HCN synthase), indicating that 1698 sRNA is probably not part of the secondary metabolite regulation pathway. The expression of 1698 sRNA was positively regulated by RpoS in both P. aeruginosa PAO 1 and P. ,fluorescens CHAO and appeared to be modulated temporarily by oxidative stress conditions. However, the effect of 1698 sRNA on oxidative stress survival has not yet been established. Hfq protein interacted with 1698 sRNA in vitro and improved 1698 sRNA expression in vivo in P. aeruginosa. In P. fluorescens, GacA and Hfq were both required for expression of rpoS and GacA showed a positively control on the hfq expression; therefore, at least in this organism, GacA control of 1698 sRNA expression may act indirectly via Hfq and RpoS. Different methods were employed to find abase-pairing target for 1698 sRNA. In a proteomic analysis carried out in P. aeruginosa, positive regulation by 1698 sRNA was observed for Soda, the iron-associated superoxide dismutase, an enzyme involved in oxidative stress resistance. A sequence complementary with 1698 sRNA was predicted to be located in the 5' leader of soda mRNA. However, base-pairing between soda mRNA and 1698 sRNA remains to be proven. In conclusion, this work has revealed eight novel sRNAs and novel functions of two sRNAs in Pseudomonas spp. Résumé Les petits ARNs non-codants (sRNAs) produits par les bactéries sont des transcrits ayant pour la plupart des activités régulatrices importantes. Leurs séquences nucléotidiques ainsi que leurs structures secondaires permettent aux sRNAs d'interagir soit avec des RNA messagers (mRNAs), de sorte à modifier l'expression des protéines pour lesquelles ils codent, soit avec des protéines régulatrices liant des rnRNAs, ce qui a pour effet de modifier l'expression de ces mRNAs. Des sRNAs sont impliqués dans diverses voies de régulation, telles que celles qui régissent la virulence, le stockage du fer, l'organisation des protéines de l'enveloppe bactérienne ou la réponse au stress. Chez les Pseudomonas spp., le système à deux composantes GacS/GacA contrôle la production de métabolites secondaires. Ceux-ci sont engagés dans l'établissement du biocontrôle, chez P. fluorescens, ou. de la virulence, chez P. aeruginosa. La régulation génique dirigée par le système GacS/GacA fait intervenir les sRNAs du type RsmZ, capables de contrecarrer l'action au niveau traductionnel exercée par les protéines régulatrices du type RsmA. Une recherche au niveau du génome a été menée chez P. aeruginosa PAO1 de même que chez des espèces qui lui sont étroitement apparentées, débouchant sur la mise en évidence de 15 gènes codant pour des sRNAs. Parmi ceux-ci, huit ont été découverts pour la première fois et sept confirment des travaux publiés. L'expression du gène du sRNAs 1698 s'avère être régulée par GacA, vraisemblablement de manière indirecte. La transcription du gène du sRNA 1887 montre une dépendance envers Anr, régulateur de l'anaérobiose, et envers une carence en oxygène. La surexpression du sRNA 1698 chez P. fluorescens CHAO n'affecte pas l'expression de hcnA, un gène du régulon GacA, laissant supposer que le sRNA n'intervient pas dans la régulation des métabolites secondaires. Chez P. aeruginosa PAOI et chez P. fluorescens CHAO, RpoS, le facteur sigma du stress, est nécessaire à l'expression du sRNA 1698, et la concentration de ce dernier est modulée par des conditions de stress oxydatif. Toutefois, un effet du sRNA 1698 quant à la survie suite au stress oxydatif n'a pas été établi. Par ailleurs, l'interaction entre le sRNA 1698 et Hfq, la protéine chaperone de RNAs, in vitro ainsi qu'un rôle positif de Hfq pour l'expression du sRNA 1698 in vivo ont été démontrés chez P. aeruginosa. L'induction de l'expression par GacA de rpoS et de hfq a été confirmée chez P. fluorescens CHAO, suggérant que la régulation par GacA du sRNA 1698 pourrait se faire par l'intermédiaire de RpoS et Hfq. Diverses méthodes ont été employées pour identifier un transcrit qui puisse être apparié par le sRNA 1698. Une analyse de protéome chez P. aeruginosa montre que l'expression de Soda, la superoxyde dismutase associée au fer, est positivement régulée par le sRNA 1698. Soda est une enzyme impliquée dans la résistance au stress oxydatif. Une séquence de complémentarité avec le sRNA 1698 a bien été prédite sur le leader 5' du mRNA de soda. Cependant, l'appariement entre le sRNA et son transcrit cible est encore à prouver. En conclusion, ce travail a dévoilé huit nouveaux sRNAs et de nouvelles fonctions pour deux sRNAs chez les Pseudomonas.
Small RNAs (sRNAs) exert important functions in pseudomonads. Classical sRNAs comprise the 4.5S, 6S, 10Sa and 10Sb RNAs, which are known in enteric bacteria as part of the signal recognition particle, a regulatory component of RNA polymerase, transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) and the RNA component of RNase P, respectively. Their homologues in pseudomonads are presumed to have analogous functions. Other sRNAs of pseudomonads generally have little or no sequence similarity with sRNAs of enteric bacteria. Numerous sRNAs repress or activate the translation of target mRNAs by a base-pairing mechanism. Examples of this group in Pseudomonas aeruginosa are the iron-repressible PrrF1 and PrrF2 sRNAs, which repress the translation of genes encoding iron-containing proteins, and PhrS, an anaerobically inducible sRNA, which activates the expression of PqsR, a regulator of the Pseudomonas quinolone signal. Other sRNAs sequester RNA-binding proteins that act as translational repressors. Examples of this group in P. aeruginosa include RsmY and RsmZ, which are central regulatory elements in the GacS/GacA signal transduction pathway, and CrcZ, which is a key regulator in the CbrA/CbrB signal transduction pathway. These pathways largely control the extracellular activities (including virulence traits) and the selection of the energetically most favourable carbon sources, respectively, in pseudomonads.
Bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) is the major component of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane in gram-negative bacteria. During severe infections, bacteria may reach the blood circuit of humans, and endotoxins may be released from the bacteria due to cell division or cell death. In particular enterobacterial forms of LPS represent extremely strong activator molecules of the human immune system causing a rapid induction of cytokine production in monocytes and macrophages. Various mammalian blood proteins have been documented to display LPS binding activities mediating normally decreasing effects in the biological activity of LPS. In more recent studies, the essential systemic oxygen transportation protein hemoglobin (Hb) has been shown to amplify LPS-induced cytokine production on immune cells. The mechanism responsible for this effect is poorly understood. Here, we characterize the interaction of hemoglobin with LPS by using biophysical methods. The data presented, revealing the changes of the type and size of supramolecular aggregates of LPS in the presence of Hb, allow a better understanding of the hemoglobin-induced increase in bioactivity of LPS.
State-of-the-art production technologies for conjugate vaccines are complex, multi-step processes. An alternative approach to produce glycoconjugates is based on the bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation system first described in Campylobacter jejuni. The C. jejuni N-glycosylation system has been successfully transferred into Escherichia coli, enabling in vivo production of customized recombinant glycoproteins. However, some antigenic bacterial cell surface polysaccharides, like the Vi antigen of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, have not been reported to be accessible to the bacterial oligosaccharyltransferase PglB, hence hamper development of novel conjugate vaccines against typhoid fever. In this report, Vi-like polysaccharide structures that can be transferred by PglB were evaluated as typhoid vaccine components. A polysaccharide fulfilling these requirements was found in Escherichia coli serovar O121. Inactivation of the E. coli O121 O antigen cluster encoded gene wbqG resulted in expression of O polysaccharides reactive with antibodies raised against the Vi antigen. The structure of the recombinantly expressed mutant O polysaccharide was elucidated using a novel HPLC and mass spectrometry based method for purified undecaprenyl pyrophosphate (Und-PP) linked glycans, and the presence of epitopes also found in the Vi antigen was confirmed. The mutant O antigen structure was transferred to acceptor proteins using the bacterial N-glycosylation system, and immunogenicity of the resulting conjugates was evaluated in mice. The conjugate-induced antibodies reacted in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with E. coli O121 LPS. One animal developed a significant rise in serum immunoglobulin anti-Vi titer upon immunization.
The diagnostic yield of prosthetic joint-associated infection is hampered by the phenotypic change of bacteria into a sessile and resistant form, also called biofilm. With sonication, adherent bacteria can be dislodged from the prosthesis. Species identification may be difficult because of their variations in phenotypic appearance and biochemical reaction. We have studied the phenotypic, genotypic, and biochemical properties of Escherichia coli variants isolated from a periprosthetic joint infection. The strains were collected from synovial fluid, periprosthetic tissue, and fluid from the explanted and sonicated prosthesis. Isolates from synovial fluid revealed a normal phenotype, whereas a few variants from periprosthetic tissue and all isolates from sonication fluid showed different morphological features (including small-colony variants). All isolates from sonication fluid were beta-galactosidase negative and nonmotile; most were indole negative. Because of further variations in biochemical properties, species identification was false or not possible in 50% of the isolates included in this study. In contrast to normal phenotypes, variants were resistant to aminoglycosides. Typing of the isolates using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis yielded nonidentical banding patterns, but all strains were assigned to the same clonal origin when compared with 207 unrelated E. coli isolates. The bacteria were repeatedly passaged on culture media and reanalyzed. Thereafter, most variants reverted to normal phenotype and regained their motility and certain biochemical properties. In addition, some variants displayed aminoglycoside susceptibility after reversion. Sonication of an explanted prosthesis allows insight into the lifestyle of bacteria in biofilms. Since sonication fluid also reveals dislodged sessile forms, species identification of such variants may be misleading.
A prospective study of fungal and bacterial flora of burn wounds was carried out from February 2004 to February 2005 at the Burns Unit of Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, Brazil. During the period of the study, 203 patients were treated at the Burns Unit. Wound swab cultures were assessed at weekly intervals for four weeks. Three hundred and fifty four sampling procedures (surface swabs) were performed from the burn wounds. The study revealed that bacterial colonization reached 86.6% within the first week. Although the gram-negative organisms, as a group, were more predominant, Staphylococcus aureus (28.4%) was the most prevalent organism in the first week. It was however surpassed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa form third week onwards. For S. aureus and P. aeruginosa vancomycin and polymyxin were found to be the most effective drugs. Most of the isolates showed high level resistance to antimicrobial agents. Fungi were found to colonize the burn wound late during the second week postburn, with a peak incidence during the third and fourth weeks. Species identification of fungi revealed that Candida tropicalis was the most predominant, followed by Candida parapsilosis. It is crucial for every burn institution to determine the specific pattern of burn wound microbial colonization, the time-related changes in the dominant flora, and the antimicrobial sensitivity profiles. This would enable early treatment of imminent septic episodes with proper empirical systemic antibiotics, without waiting for culture results, thus improving the overall infection-related morbidity and mortality.