987 resultados para bacterial membrane


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Constitutive biosynthesis of lipid A via the Raetz pathway is essential for the viability and fitness of Gram-negative bacteria, includingChlamydia trachomatis Although nearly all of the enzymes in the lipid A biosynthetic pathway are highly conserved across Gram-negative bacteria, the cleavage of the pyrophosphate group of UDP-2,3-diacyl-GlcN (UDP-DAGn) to form lipid X is carried out by two unrelated enzymes: LpxH in beta- and gammaproteobacteria and LpxI in alphaproteobacteria. The intracellular pathogenC. trachomatislacks an ortholog for either of these two enzymes, and yet, it synthesizes lipid A and exhibits conservation of genes encoding other lipid A enzymes. Employing a complementation screen against aC. trachomatisgenomic library using a conditional-lethallpxHmutantEscherichia colistrain, we have identified an open reading frame (Ct461, renamedlpxG) encoding a previously uncharacterized enzyme that complements the UDP-DAGn hydrolase function inE. coliand catalyzes the conversion of UDP-DAGn to lipid Xin vitro LpxG shows little sequence similarity to either LpxH or LpxI, highlighting LpxG as the founding member of a third class of UDP-DAGn hydrolases. Overexpression of LpxG results in toxic accumulation of lipid X and profoundly reduces the infectivity ofC. trachomatis, validating LpxG as the long-sought-after UDP-DAGn pyrophosphatase in this prominent human pathogen. The complementation approach presented here overcomes the lack of suitable genetic tools forC. trachomatisand should be broadly applicable for the functional characterization of other essentialC. trachomatisgenes.IMPORTANCEChlamydia trachomatisis a leading cause of infectious blindness and sexually transmitted disease. Due to the lack of robust genetic tools, the functions of manyChlamydiagenes remain uncharacterized, including the essential gene encoding the UDP-DAGn pyrophosphatase activity for the biosynthesis of lipid A, the membrane anchor of lipooligosaccharide and the predominant lipid species of the outer leaflet of the bacterial outer membrane. We designed a complementation screen against theC. trachomatisgenomic library using a conditional-lethal mutant ofE. coliand identified the missing essential gene in the lipid A biosynthetic pathway, which we designatedlpxG We show that LpxG is a member of the calcineurin-like phosphatases and displays robust UDP-DAGn pyrophosphatase activityin vitro Overexpression of LpxG inC. trachomatisleads to the accumulation of the predicted lipid intermediate and reduces bacterial infectivity, validating thein vivofunction of LpxG and highlighting the importance of regulated lipid A biosynthesis inC. trachomatis.


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Although post-translational modifications of protein antigens may be important componenets of some B cell epitopes, the determinants of T cell immunity are generally nonmodified peptides. Here we show that methylation of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis heparin-binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) by the bacterium is essential for effective T cell immunity to this antigen in infected healthy humans and in mice. Methylated HBHA provides high levels of protection against M. tuberculosis challenge in mice, whereas nonmethylated HBHA does not. Protective immunity induced by methylated HBHA is comparable to that afforded by vaccination with bacille Calmette et Guérin, the only available anti-tuberculosis vaccine. Thus, post-translational modifications of proteins may be crucial for their ability to induce protective T cell-mediated immunity against infectious diseases such as tuberculosis.


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Anions such as Cl(-) and HCO3 (-) are well known to play an important role in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). In this study, we demonstrate that glucose-induced Cl(-) efflux from β-cells is mediated by the Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channel anoctamin 1 (Ano1). Ano1 expression in rat β-cells is demonstrated by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, western blotting, and immunohistochemistry. Typical Ano1 currents are observed in whole-cell and inside-out patches in the presence of intracellular Ca(++): at 1 μM, the Cl(-) current is outwardly rectifying, and at 2 μM, it becomes almost linear. The relative permeabilities of monovalent anions are NO3 (-) (1.83 ± 0.10) > Br(-) (1.42 ± 0.07) > Cl(-) (1.0). A linear single-channel current-voltage relationship shows a conductance of 8.37 pS. These currents are nearly abolished by blocking Ano1 antibodies or by the inhibitors 2-(5-ethyl-4-hydroxy-6-methylpyrimidin-2-ylthio)-N-(4-(4-methoxyphenyl)thiazol-2-yl)acetamide (T-AO1) and tannic acid (TA). These inhibitors induce a strong decrease of 16.7-mM glucose-stimulated action potential rate (at least 87 % on dispersed cells) and a partial membrane repolarization with T-AO1. They abolish or strongly inhibit the GSIS increment at 8.3 mM and at 16.7 mM glucose. Blocking Ano1 antibodies also abolish the 16.7-mM GSIS increment. Combined treatment with bumetanide and acetazolamide in low Cl(-) and HCO3 (-) media provokes a 65 % reduction in action potential (AP) amplitude and a 15-mV AP peak repolarization. Although the mechanism triggering Ano1 opening remains to be established, the present data demonstrate that Ano1 is required to sustain glucose-stimulated membrane potential oscillations and insulin secretion.


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Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy has been used to simultaneously follow the diffusion of model drugs and solvent across polydimethylsiloxane (silicone) membrane. Three model drugs, cyanophenol (CNP), methyl nicotinate (MN) and butyl paraben (BP) were selected to cover a range of lipophilicities. Isostearyl isostearate (ISIS) was chosen as the solvent because its large molecular weight should facilitate observation of whether the drug molecules are able to diffuse through the membrane independently of the solvent. The diffusion of the three drugs and the solvent was successfully described by a Fickian model. The effects of parameters such as the absorption wavelength used to follow diffusion on the calculated diffusion coefficient were investigated. Absorption wavelength which affects the depth of penetration of the infrared radiation into the membrane did not significantly affect the calculated diffusion coefficient over the wavelength range tested. Each of the model drugs was observed to diffuse independently of the solvent across the membrane. The diffusion of a CNP-ISIS hydrogen bonded complex across the membrane was also monitored. The relative diffusion rates of the solute and solvent across the membrane can largely be accounted for by the molecular size of the permeant.