992 resultados para anatomy
Formaldehyde (FA), also known as formalin, formal and methyl aldehydes, is a colorless, flammable, strong-smelling gas. It has an important application in embalming tissues and that result in exposures for workers in the pathology anatomy laboratories and mortuaries. Occupational exposure to FA has been shown to induce nasopharyngeal cancer and has been classified as carcinogenic to humans (group 1) on the basis of sufficient evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in experimental animals. Manifold in vitro studies clearly indicated that FA is genotoxic. FA induced various genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. The cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay was originally developped as an ideal system form easuring micronucleus (MN), however it can also be used to measure nucleoplasmic bridges (NBP) and nuclear buds (NBUD). Over the past decade another unique mechanism of micronucleus formation, known as nuclear budding has emerged. NBUDS is considered as a marker of gene amplification and/or altered gene dosage because the nuclear budding process is the mechanism by which cells removed amplified and/excess DNA.
Occupational exposure to formaldehyde: effects of years of exposure in the frequency of micronucleus
Formaldehyde: an important industrial compound used in the manufacture of synthetic resins and chemical compounds such as lubricants and adhesives; also applied as a disinfectant, preservative and in cosmetics productions; relevant workplace exposure to FA also occurs in anatomy, pathology and in mortuaries; classified by IARC as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence in humans and experimental animals; manifold in vitro studies indicated that FA can induce genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. Aim of the study: to evaluate if years of exposure induced a genotoxic biomarkers increase, namely MN in lymphocytes and buccal cells, in workers occupationally exposed to FA (factory and pathology anatomy laboratory).
Formaldehyde (CH2O) the most simple and reactive of all aldehydes, is a colorless, reactive and readily polymerizing gas at normal temperature. It has a pungent, suffocating odour that is recognized by most human subjects at concentrations below 1 ppm. According to the Report on Carcinogens, formaldehyde (FA) ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production with more than 11 billion pounds (5 million tons) produced each year. Is an important industrial compound that is used in the manufacture of synthetic resins and chemical compounds such as lubricants and adhesives. It has also applications as a disinfectant, preservative and is used in cosmetics. Estimates of the number of persons who are occupationally exposed to FA indicate that, at least at low levels, may occur in a wide variety of industries. The occupational settings with most extensive use of formaldehyde is in the production of resins and in anatomy and pathology laboratories. Several studies reported a carcinogenic effect in humans after inhalation of FA, in particular an increased risk for nasopharyngeal cancer. Nowadays, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies FA as carcinogenic to humans (group 1), on the basis of sufficient evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in experimental animals. Manifold in vitro studies clearly indicated that FA is genotoxic. FA induced various genotoxic effects in proliferatin cultured mammalian cells. A variety of evidence suggests that the primary DNA alterations after FA exposure are DNA-protein crosslinks (DPX). Incomplete repair of DPX can lead to the formation of mutations.
O formaldedo (FA) foi classificado, em 2004, pela International Agency for Cancer Research como agente cancergeno. Este agente qumico ocupa a 25 posio em toda a produo qumica dos Estados Unidos da Amrica, com mais de 5 milhes de toneladas produzidas por ano. Devido sua importncia econmica e uso diversificado, muitos indivduos esto expostos profissionalmente a FA. Com o estudo desenvolvido pretendeuse avaliar a exposio a FA em dois contextos ocupacionais distintos na produo de FA e resinas e em laboratrios de anatomia patolgica (AP) e relacionar com eventuais efeitos para a sade, comparando a frequncia de microncleos (MN) em linfcitos do sangue perifrico e em clulas esfoliadas da mucosa bucal dos trabalhadores expostos a FA com indivduos no expostos (controlos). Como amostra foram estudados 80 trabalhadores ocupacionalmente expostos a FA: 30 trabalhadores da fbrica de produo de FA e resinas e 50 trabalhadores de 10 laboratrios de AP. Foi constitudo um grupo controlo de 85 indivduos com atividades profissionais que no envolviam a exposio a formaldedo ou qualquer outro agente qumico com propriedades genotxicas. Aplicaramse duas metodologias distintas de avaliao ambiental do FA com o objetivo de conhecer a exposio profissional. Compararamse os resultados obtidos com os valores limite para a exposio mdia ponderada (TLVTWA=0,75 ppm) e para a concentrao mxima (VLECM=0,3 ppm). A totalidade dos laboratrios apresentou resultados superiores ao valor de referncia existente para a concentrao mxima. Nenhum dos resultados obtidos para a exposio mdia ponderada foi superior ao valor de referncia. O exame macroscpico obteve os valores das concentraes mximas mais elevadas em 90% dos laboratrios. Os valores de MN foram mais elevados nos indivduos expostos a FA comparativamente com os controlos. No caso dos MN nos linfcitos, a mdia foi de 3,96 nos expostos e de 0,81 nos no expostos. Os MN nas clulas esfoliadas da boca apresentaram uma mdia de 0,96 nos expostos e de 0,16 nos controlos. Os resultados obtidos nesta aco de biomonitorizao podem revelarse particularmente teis para as organizaes responsveis em definir os nveis aceitveis para a exposio humana a FA. ABSTRACT: Since 2004, formaldehyde (FA) has been classified by the International Agency for Cancer Research as a carcinogen. The FA ranks 25th in the overall United States chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Due to its economic importance and varied use, many individuals are exposed to FA at their occupational settings. This study aimed to assess the exposure to FA in two occupational settings FA production factory and pathology anatomy (PA) laboratories and relate it to possible health effects by comparing frequency of micronuclei (MN) in peripheral blood lymphocytes and exfoliated cells from the oral mucosa of workers exposed to FA with individuals not exposed to this agent (controls). This study was performed in 80 workers occupationally exposed to FA: 30 workers of the FA factory and 50 workers in 10 PA laboratories. The control group comprised 85 subjects without exposure. We have applied two different methodologies for environmental monitoring of FA. The results were compared with the reference to the exposure weighted average (TLVTWA = 0.75 ppm) and ceiling concentration (VLEMC = 0.3 ppm). All laboratories had results higher than the reference value to CM (1.41 ppm). None of the results obtained for the TWA exposure (0.16 ppm) were higher than the reference value. Macroscopic examination obtained the highest values of CM in 90% of laboratories. MN values were higher in individuals exposed to FA as compared to controls. As for MN in lymphocytes, the average was 3.96 in exposed compared with 0.81 in the unexposed. The MN in exfoliated cells of the buccal mucosa had an average of 0.96 in exposed, compared with 0.16 in controls. The results of this biomonitoring can be particularly useful to organizations responsible for defining acceptable levels for human exposure to FA.
The purpose of the paper is to describe 4 new cases of human diphyllobothriosis in Patagonia, Argentine. Adult parasites recovered were submitted to morphological and histological analyses for taxonomic identification. The etiological agent found was always Diphyllobothrium latum and all the cases were autochthonous. These data combined with previous information make the number of autochthonous human cases of diphyllobothriosis registered in Argentina increase to 18.
LHC has found hints for a Higgs particle of 125 GeV. We investigate the possibility that such a particle is a mixture of scalar and pseudoscalar states. For definiteness, we concentrate on a two-Higgs doublet model with explicit CP violation and soft Z(2) violation. Including all Higgs production mechanisms, we determine the current constraints obtained by comparing h -> yy with h -> VV*, and comment on the information which can be gained by measurements of h -> b (b) over bar. We find bounds vertical bar s(2)vertical bar less than or similar to 0.83 at one sigma, where vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 0 (vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 1) corresponds to a pure scalar (pure pseudoscalar) state.
Este estudo visa descrever o caso de um paciente de 63 anos que recorreu aos servios de Fisioterapia aps uma crise de lombalgia com 3 dias de evoluo. O doente apresentava dor intensa situada entre a zona lombar e sacro-ilaca direita (7/10-EVA), irradiando pelas cristas ilacas, virilha e face anterior da coxa direita. A interveno dividiu-se em duas fases: aguda e sub-aguda. A primeira exigiu uma abordagem limitada e essencialmente orientada para a mecnica articular, em que foram utilizadas tcnicas de terapia manual. A segunda, com um quadro clnico menos doloroso, permitiu avaliar o comprometimento de outras estruturas, nomeadamente miofasciais e neurolgicas. Entre as vrias etiologias possveis, foram encontrados sinais e sintomas consistentes com sndroma miofascial do msculo Psoas ilaco. A interveno incluiu tcnicas de terapia manual, exerccio teraputico e educao do paciente. No final de 9 semanas de tratamento o paciente mantm limitaes mnimas relacionadas com a mecnica articular que se traduzem pela sensibilidade em L4-L5 (3/10), e observa-se uma atitude menos sedentria comparativamente ao que se apurou antes desta ocorrncia. A abordagem teraputica foi fundamentada pela anatomia, biomecnica e raciocnio clnico, tendo em conta a evidncia cientfica, experincia clnica e factores psico-sociais.
A replicate evaluation of increased micronucleus (MN) frequencies in peripheral lymphocytes of workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (FA) was undertaken to verify the observed effect and to determine scoring variability. MayGrnwaldGiemsa-stained slides were obtained from a previously performed cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMNT) with 56 workers in anatomy and pathology laboratories and 85 controls. The first evaluation by one scorer (scorer 1) had led to a highly significant difference between workers and controls (3.96 vs 0.81 MN per 1000 cells). The slides were coded before re-evaluation and the code was broken after the complete re-evaluation of the study. A total of 1000 binucleated cells (BNC) were analysed per subject and the frequency of MN (in ) was determined. Slides were distributed equally and randomly between two scorers, so that the scorers had no knowledge of the exposure status. Scorer 2 (32 exposed, 36 controls) measured increased MN frequencies in exposed workers (9.88 vs 6.81). Statistical analysis with the two-sample Wilcoxon test indicated that this difference was not significant (p = 0.17). Scorer 3 (20 exposed, 46 controls) obtained a similar result, but slightly higher values for the comparison of exposed and controls (19.0 vs 12.89; p = 0.089). Combining the results of the two scorers (13.38 vs 10.22), a significant difference between exposed and controls (p = 0.028) was obtained when the stratified Wilcoxon test with the scorers as strata was applied. Interestingly, the re-evaluation of the slides led to clearly higher MN frequencies for exposed and controls compared with the first evaluation. BlandAltman plots indicated that the agreement between the measurements of the different scorers was very poor, as shown by mean differences of 5.9 between scorer 1 and scorer 2 and 13.0 between scorer 1 and scorer 3. Calculation of the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) revealed that all scorer comparisons in this study were far from acceptable for the reliability of this assay. Possible implications for the use of the CBMNT in human biomonitoring studies are discussed.
Here, we describe the development of sporangial and gametangial conceptacles for Amphiroa beauvoisii and A. vanbosseae; sporangial conceptacles only for A. misakiensis; and gametangial conceptacles only for A. cryptarthrodia and A. rigida. The descriptions are based on the observation of histological preparations obtained from 112 specimens collected from the Gulf of California, in Mexico, and the Azores archipelago of Portugal. Information on the development of the sporangial conceptacle pore and conceptacle senescence is here described and illustrated for the first time. Four development patterns were observed: two for sporangial conceptacles; one for spermatangial conceptacles; and one for carposporangial conceptacles. The phases of development of the sporangial conceptacle were found to be useful in delimiting species within the genus. Based on the sporangium location on the cavity floor and the pore canal anatomy, the species A. beauvoisii, A. misakiensis and A. vanbosseae can be distinguished from each other.
Formaldehyde (FA) ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Given its economic importance and widespread use, many people are exposed to FA occupationally. Recently, based on the correlation with nasopharyngeal cancer in humans, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirmed the classification of FA as a Group I substance. Considering the epidemiological evidence of a potential association with leukemia, the IARC has concluded that FA can cause this lymphoproliferative disorder. Our group has developed a method to assess the exposure and genotoxicity effects of FA in two different occupational settings, namely FAbased resins production and pathology and anatomy laboratories. For exposure assessment we applied simultaneously two different techniques of air monitoring: NIOSH Method 2541 and Photo Ionization Detection Equipment with simultaneously video recording. Genotoxicity effects were measured by cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes and by micronucleus test in exfoliated oral cavity epithelial cells, both considered target cells. The two exposure assessment techniques show that in the two occupational settings peak exposures are still occurring. There was a statistical significant increase in the micronucleus mean of epithelial cells and peripheral lymphocytes of exposed individuals compared with controls. In conclusion, the exposure and genotoxicity effects assessment methodologies developed by us allowed to determine that these two occupational settings promote exposure to high peak FA concentrations and an increase in the micronucleus mean of exposed workers. Moreover, the developed techniques showed promising results and could be used to confirm and extend the results obtained by the analytical techniques currently available.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Mestrado em Radioterapia
Results of research work developed in anatomy and pathology laboratories have indicated that macroscopic examination is the task involving the highest exposure to formaldehyde. This is probably because precision and very good visibility are needed and, therefore, pathologists must lean over the specimen with consequent increase of proximity. With this research we aimed to know formaldehyde exposure in case of animals macroscopic examination. Three macroscopic examinations were considered and exposure assessment performed with photo ionization detection (PID) direct-reading equipment (with an 11.7 eV lamp) designated by First-Check, from Ion Science. Higher values of formaldehyde concentration (ceiling values) were register in each exam.
Morphological and anatomical characters used for segregating species within the genus Corallina (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) have been compiled and evaluated in 120 specimens collected in the Azores. The morphological, anatomical and statistical evaluation of the thirty four segregating characters for the genus Corallina performed in the present study revealed no species segregation, either showing no differences across the whole lot of specimens or being highly variable within sets of plants. This suggests that all studied material belongs to one species, so far Ellisolandia elongata (formely Corallina elongata), thus reinforcing old proposed synonyms. A morphological and anatomical account is provided for this species, considering the whole set of studied specimens.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informtica. Sistemas Grficos e Multimdia.