981 resultados para accumulation of biomass
Development of Peyer's patches and lymph nodes requires the interaction between CD4+ CD3- IL-7Ralpha+ lymphoid-tissue inducer (LTi) and VCAM-1+ organizer cells. Here we showed that by promoting their survival, enhanced expression of interleukin-7 (IL-7) in transgenic mice resulted in accumulation of LTi cells. With increased IL-7 availability, de novo formation of VCAM-1+ Peyer's patch anlagen occurred along the entire fetal gut resulting in a 5-fold increase in Peyer's patch numbers. IL-7 overexpression also led to formation of multiple organized ectopic lymph nodes and cecal patches. After immunization, ectopic lymph nodes developed normal T cell-dependent B cell responses and germinal centers. Mice overexpressing IL-7 but lacking either RORgamma, a factor required for LTi cell generation, or lymphotoxin alpha1beta2 had neither Peyer's patches nor ectopic lymph nodes. Therefore, by controlling LTi cell numbers, IL-7 can regulate the formation of both normal and ectopic lymphoid organs.
Studies on the cellular disposition of targeted anticancer tyrosine kinases inhibitors (TKIs) have mostly focused on imatinib while the functional importance of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) the gene product of MDR1 remains controversial for more recent TKIs. By using RNA interference-mediated knockdown of MDR1, we have investigated and compared the specific functional consequence of Pgp on the cellular disposition of the major clinically in use TKIs imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, sunitinib and sorafenib. siRNA-mediated knockdown in K562/Dox cell lines provides a unique opportunity to dissect the specific contribution of Pgp to TKIs intracellular disposition. In these conditions, abrogating specifically Pgp-mediated efflux in vitro revealed the remarkable and statistically significant cellular accumulation of imatinib (difference in cellular levels between Pgp-expressing and silenced cells, at high and low incubation concentration, respectively: 6.1 and 6.6), dasatinib (4.9 and 5.6), sunitinib (3.7 and 7.3) and sorafenib (1.2 and 1.4), confirming that these TKIs are all substrates of Pgp. By contrast, no statistically significant difference in cellular disposition of nilotinib was observed as a result of MDR1 expression silencing (differences: 1.1 and 1.5) indicating that differential expression and/or function of Pgp is unlikely to affect nilotinib cellular disposition. This study enables for the first time a direct estimation of the specific contribution of one transporter among the various efflux and influx carriers involved in the cellular trafficking of these major TKIs in vitro. Knowledge on the distinct functional consequence of Pgp expression for these various TKIs cellular distribution is necessary to better appreciate the efficacy, toxicity, and potential drug-drug interactions of TKIs with other classes of therapeutic agents, at the systemic, tissular and cellular levels.
The formation of toxic protein aggregates is a common denominator to many neurodegenerative diseases and aging. Accumulation of toxic, possibly infectious protein aggregates induces a cascade of events, such as excessive inflammation, the production of reactive oxygen species, apoptosis and neuronal loss. A network of highly conserved molecular chaperones and of chaperone-related proteases controls the fold-quality of proteins in the cell. Most molecular chaperones can passively prevent protein aggregation by binding misfolding intermediates. Some molecular chaperones and chaperone-related proteases, such as the proteasome, can also hydrolyse ATP to forcefully convert stable harmful protein aggregates into harmless natively refoldable, or protease-degradable, polypeptides. Molecular chaperones and chaperone-related proteases thus control the delicate balance between natively folded functional proteins and aggregation-prone misfolded proteins, which may form during the lifetime and lead to cell death. Abundant data now point at the molecular chaperones and the proteases as major clearance mechanisms to remove toxic protein aggregates from cells, delaying the onset and the outcome of protein-misfolding diseases. Therapeutic approaches include treatments and drugs that can specifically induce and sustain a strong chaperone and protease activity in cells and tissues prone to toxic protein aggregations.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of winter land use on the amount of residual straw, the physical soil properties and grain yields of maize, common bean and soybean summer crops cultivated in succession. The experiment was carried out in the North Plateau of Santa Catarina state, Brazil, from May 2006 to April 2010. Five strategies of land use in winter were evaluated: intercropping with black oat + ryegrass + vetch, without grazing and nitrogen (N) fertilization (intercropping cover); the same intercropping, with grazing and 100 kg ha-1 of N per year topdressing (pasture with N); the same intercropping, with grazing and without nitrogen fertilization (pasture without N); oilseed radish, without grazing and nitrogen fertilization (oilseed radish); and natural vegetation, without grazing and nitrogen fertilization (fallow). Intercropping cover produces a greater amount of biomass in the system and, consequently, a greater accumulation of total and particulate organic carbon on the surface soil layer. However, land use in winter does not significantly affect soil physical properties related to soil compaction, nor the grain yield of maize, soybean and common bean cultivated in succession.
Arabidopsis expressing the castor bean (Ricinus communis) oleate 12-hydroxylase or the Crepis palaestina linoleate 12-epoxygenase in developing seeds typically accumulate low levels of ricinoleic acid and vernolic acid, respectively. We have examined the presence of a futile cycle of fatty acid degradation in developing seeds using the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from the intermediates of the peroxisomal beta-oxidation cycle. Both the quantity and monomer composition of the PHA synthesized in transgenic plants expressing the 12-epoxygenase and 12-hydroxylase in developing seeds revealed the presence of a futile cycle of degradation of the corresponding unusual fatty acids, indicating a limitation in their stable integration into lipids. The expression profile of nearly 200 genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and degradation has been analyzed through microarray. No significant changes in gene expression have been detected as a consequence of the activity of the 12-epoxygenase or the 12-hydroxylase in developing siliques. Similar results have also been obtained for transgenic plants expressing the Cuphea lanceolata caproyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterase and accumulating high amounts of caproic acid. Only in developing siliques of the tag1 mutant, deficient in the accumulation of triacylglycerols and shown to have a substantial futile cycling of fatty acids toward beta-oxidation, have some changes in gene expression been detected, notably the induction of the isocitrate lyase gene. These results indicate that analysis of peroxisomal PHA is a better indicator of the flux of fatty acid through beta-oxidation than the expression profile of genes involved in lipid metabolism.
AbstractType 2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic disease which affects more than 200 millions people worldwide. The progression of this affection reaches nowadays epidemic proportions, owing to the constant augmentation in the frequency of overweight, obesity and sedentary. The pathogenesis of T2D is characterized by reduction in the action of insulin on its target tissues - an alteration referred as insulin resistance - and pancreatic β-cell dysfunction. This latter deterioration is defined by impairment in insulin biosynthesis and secretion, and a loss of β-cell mass by apoptosis. Environmental factors related to T2D, such as chronic elevation in glucose and free fatty acids levels, inflammatory cytokines and pro-atherogenic oxidized low- density lipoproteins (LDL), contribute to the loss of pancreatic β-cell function.In this study, we have demonstrated that the transcription factor Inducible Cyclic AMP Early Repressor (ICER) participates to the progression of both β-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance. The expression of this factor is driven by an alternative promoter and ICER protein represents therefore a truncated product of the Cyclic AMP Response Element Modulator (CREM) family which lacks transactivation domain. Consequently, the transcription factor ICER acts as a passive repressor which reduces expression of genes controlled by the cyclic AMP and Cyclic AMP Response Element Binding protein (CREB) pathway.In insulin-secreting cells, the accumulation of reactive oxygen species caused by environmental factors and notably oxidized LDL - a process known as oxidative stress - induces the transcription factor ICER. This transcriptional repressor hampers the secretory capacity of β-cells by silencing key genes of the exocytotic machinery. In addition, the factor ICER reduces the expression of the scaffold protein Islet Brain 1 (IB 1 ), thereby favouring the activation of the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway. This triggering alters in turn insulin biosynthesis and survival capacities of pancreatic β-cells.In the adipose tissue of mice and human subjects suffering from obesity, the transcription factor ICER contributes to the alteration in insulin action. The loss in ICER protein in these tissues induces a constant activation of the CREB pathway and the subsequent expression of the Activating Transcription Factor 3 (ATF3). In turn, this repressor reduces the transcript levels of the glucose transporter GLUT4 and the insulin-sensitizer peptide adiponectin, thereby contributing to the diminution in insulin action.In conclusion, these data shed light on the important role of the transcriptional repressor ICER in the pathogenesis of T2D, which contributes to both alteration in β-cell function and aggravation of insulin resistance. Consequently, a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the alterations in ICER levels is required and could lead to develop new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of T2D.RésuméLe diabète de type 2 (DT2) est une maladie métabolique qui affecte plus de 200 millions de personnes dans le monde. La progression de cette affection atteint aujourd'hui des proportions épidémiques imputables à l'augmentation rapide dans les fréquences du surpoids, de l'obésité et de la sédentarité. La pathogenèse du DT2 se caractérise par une diminution de l'action de l'insuline sur ses tissus cibles - un processus nommé insulino-résistance - ainsi qu'une dysfonction des cellules β pancréatiques sécrétrices d'insuline. Cette dernière détérioration se définit par une réduction de la capacité de synthèse et de sécrétion de l'insuline et mène finalement à une perte de la masse de cellules β par apoptose. Des facteurs environnementaux fréquemment associés au DT2, tels l'élévation chronique des taux plasmatiques de glucose et d'acides gras libres, les cytokines pro-inflammatoires et les lipoprotéines de faible densité (LDL) oxydées, contribuent à la perte de fonction des cellules β pancréatiques.Dans cette étude, nous avons démontré que le facteur de transcription « Inducible Cyclic AMP Early Repressor » (ICER) participe à la progression de la dysfonction des cellules β pancréatiques et au développement de Pinsulino-résistance. Son expression étant gouvernée par un promoteur alternatif, la protéine d'ICER représente un produit tronqué de la famille des «Cyclic AMP Response Element Modulator » (CREM), sans domaine de transactivation. Par conséquent, le facteur ICER agit comme un répresseur passif qui réduit l'expression des gènes contrôlés par la voie de l'AMP cyclique et des « Cyclic AMP Response Element Binding protein » (CREB).Dans les cellules sécrétrices d'insuline, l'accumulation de radicaux d'oxygène libres, soutenue par les facteurs environnementaux et notamment les LDL oxydées - un processus appelé stress oxydatif- induit de manière ininterrompue le facteur de transcription ICER. Ainsi activé, ce répresseur transcriptionnel altère la capacité sécrétoire des cellules β en bloquant l'expression de gènes clés de la machinerie d'exocytose. En outre, le facteur ICER favorise l'activation de la cascade de signalisation « c-Jun N- terminal Kinase » (JNK) en réduisant l'expression de la protéine « Islet Brain 1 » (IB1), altérant ainsi les fonctions de biosynthèse de l'insuline et de survie des cellules β pancréatiques.Dans le tissu adipeux des souris et des sujets humains souffrant d'obésité, le facteur de transcription ICER contribue à l'altération de la réponse à l'insuline. La disparition de la protéine ICER dans ces tissus entraîne une activation persistante de la voie de signalisation des CREB et une induction du facteur de transcription « Activating Transcription Factor 3 » (ATF3). A son tour, le répresseur ATF3 inhibe l'expression du transporteur de glucose GLUT4 et du peptide adipocytaire insulino-sensibilisateur adiponectine, contribuant ainsi à la diminution de l'action de l'insuline en conditions d'obésité.En conclusion, à la lumière de ces résultats, le répresseur transcriptionnel ICER apparaît comme un facteur important dans la pathogenèse du DT2, en participant à la perte de fonction des cellules β pancréatiques et à l'aggravation de l'insulino-résistance. Par conséquent, l'étude des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l'altération des niveaux du facteur ICER pourrait permettre le développement de nouvelles stratégies de traitement du DT2.Résumé didactiqueL'énergie nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de l'organisme est fournie par l'alimentation, notamment sous forme de sucres (glucides). Ceux-ci sont dégradés en glucose, lequel sera distribué aux différents organes par la circulation sanguine. Après un repas, le niveau de glucose sanguin, nommé glycémie, s'élève et favorise la sécrétion d'une hormone appelée insuline par les cellules β du pancréas. L'insuline permet, à son tour, aux organes, tels le foie, les muscles et le tissu adipeux de capter et d'utiliser le glucose ; la glycémie retrouve ainsi son niveau basai.Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) est une maladie métabolique qui affecte plus de 200 millions de personnes dans le monde. Le développement de cette affection est causée par deux processus pathologiques. D'une part, les quantités d'insuline secrétée par les cellules β pancréatiques, ainsi que la survie de ces cellules sont réduites, un phénomène connu sous le nom de dysfonction des cellules β. D'autre part, la sensibilité des tissus à l'insuline se trouve diminuée. Cette dernière altération, l'insulino-résistance, empêche le transport et l'utilisation du glucose par les tissus et mène à une accumulation de ce sucre dans le sang. Cette stagnation de glucose dans le compartiment sanguin est appelée hyperglycémie et favorise l'apparition des complications secondaires du diabète, telles que les maladies cardiovasculaires, l'insuffisance rénale, la cécité et la perte de sensibilité des extrémités.Dans cette étude, nous avons démontré que le facteur ICER qui contrôle spécifiquement l'expression de certains gènes, contribue non seulement à la dysfonction des cellules β, mais aussi au développement de l'insulino-résistance. En effet, dans les cellules β pancréatiques en conditions diabétiques, l'activation du facteur ICER altère la capacité de synthèse et de sécrétion d'insuline et réduit la survie ces cellules.Dans le tissu adipeux des souris et des sujets humains souffrant d'obésité, le facteur ICER contribue à la perte de sensibilité à l'insuline. La disparition d'ICER altère l'expression de la protéine qui capte le glucose, le transoprteur GLUT4, et l'hormone adipocytaire favorisant la sensibilité à l'insuline, nommée adiponectine. Ainsi, la perte d'ICER participe à la réduction de la captation de glucose par le tissue adipeux et au développement de l'insulino-résistance au cours de l'obésité.En conclusion, à la lumière de ces résultats, le facteur ICER apparaît comme un contributeur important à la progression du DT2, en soutenant la dysfonction des cellules β pancréatiques et l'aggravation de l'insulino-résistance. Par conséquent, l'étude des mécanismes responsables de la dérégulation du facteur ICER pourrait permettre le développement de nouvelles stratégies de traitement du DT2.
The objective of this work was to develop and validate linear regression models to estimate the production of dry matter by Tanzania grass (Megathyrsus maximus, cultivar Tanzania) as a function of agrometeorological variables. For this purpose, data on the growth of this forage grass from 2000 to 2005, under dry‑field conditions in São Carlos, SP, Brazil, were correlated to the following climatic parameters: minimum and mean temperatures, degree‑days, and potential and actual evapotranspiration. Simple linear regressions were performed between agrometeorological variables (independent) and the dry matter accumulation rate (dependent). The estimates were validated with independent data obtained in São Carlos and Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The best statistical results in the development and validation of the models were obtained with the agrometeorological parameters that consider thermal and water availability effects together, such as actual evapotranspiration, accumulation of degree‑days corrected by water availability, and the climatic growth index, based on average temperature, solar radiation, and water availability. These variables can be used in simulations and models to predict the production of Tanzania grass.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of UV-B radiation on the vegetative growth and on the gas exchange characteristics of passion fruit plants (Passiflora edulis) grown in greenhouse. The average unweighted UV-B radiation near the apex of the plants was 8 W m-2 for the UV-B treatment (high UV-B), and 0.8 W m-2 for the control plants (low UV-B). Plants were irradiated with UV-B for 7 hours per day, centered on solar noon, during 16 days. High UV-B radiation resulted in lower shoot dry matter accumulation per plant. The content of UV-B absorbing compounds and anthocyanins was increased in the plants exposed to high UV-B radiation, when compared with the control. UV-B radiation did not affect stomatal conductance or transpiration rate, but reduced photosynthesis and instantaneous water-use efficiency, and increased intercellular CO2 concentration. The accumulation of UV-B-absorbing compounds and anthocyanins did not effectively shield plants from supplementary UV-B radiation, since the growth and photosynthetic processes were significantly reduced.
Prospective comparative evaluation of patent V blue, fluorescein and (99m)TC-nanocolloids for intraoperative sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping during surgery for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Ten patients with peripherally localised clinical stage I NSCLC underwent thoracotomy and peritumoral subpleural injection of 2 ml of patent V blue dye, 1 ml of 10% fluorescein and 1ml of (99m)Tc-nanocolloids (0.4 mCi). The migration and spatial distribution pattern of the tracers was assessed by direct visualisation (patent V blue), visualisation of fluorescence signalling by a lamp of Wood (fluorescein) and radioactivity counting with a hand held gamma-probe ((99m)Tc-nanocolloids). Lymph nodes at interlobar (ATS 11), hilar (ATS 10) and mediastinal (right ATS 2,4,7; left ATS 5,6,7) levels were systematically assessed every 10 min up to 60 min after injection, followed by lobectomy and formal lymph node dissection. Successful migration from the peritumoral area to the mediastinum was observed for all three tracers up to 60 min after injection. The interlobar lympho-fatty tissue (station ATS 11) revealed an early and preferential accumulation of all three tracers for all tumours assessed and irrespective of the tumour localisation. However, no preferential accumulation in one or two distinct lymph nodes was observed up to 60 min after injection for all three tracers assessed. Intraoperative SLN mapping revealed successful migration of the tracers from the site of peritumoral injection to the mediastinum, but in a diffuse pattern without preferential accumulation in sentinel lymph nodes.
Background and Aims: Granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor (GM-CSF), a cytokine modulating the number and function of innate immune cells, has been shown to provide symptomatic benefit in some patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Since, it becomes widely appreciated that a timely and spatially regulated action of innate immune cells is critical for tissue regeneration, we tested whether GM-CSF therapy may favours intestinal mucosal repair in the acute mouse model of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis. Methods: Mice treated with GM-CSF or saline were exposed for 7 days to DSS to induce colitis. On day 5, 7 and 10, mice were subjected to colonoscopy or sacrificed for evaluation of inflammatory reaction and mucosal healing. Results: GM-CSF therapy prevented body weight loss, diarrhea, dampened inflammatory reactions and ameliorated mucosal damages. Mucosal repair improvement in GM-CSF-treated mice was observed from day 7 on both by colonoscopy (ulceration score 1.2}0.3 (GM-CSF-treated) vs 3.1}0.5 (untreated), p = 0.01) and histological analysis (percentage of reepithelialized ulcers 55%}4% (GM-CSF-treated) vs 18%}13% (untreated), p = 0.01). GM-CSF therapy can still improve the colitis when hematopoietic, but not non-hematopoietic cells, are responsive to GM-CSF, as shown in WT→GM-CSFRKO chimeras. Lastly, we observed that GM-CSF-induced promotion of wound healing is associated with a modification of the cellular composition of DSS-induced colonic inflammatory infiltrate, characterized by the reduction of neutrophil numbers and early accumulation of CD11b+Gr1lo myeloid cells. Conclusion: Our study shows that GM-CSF therapy accelerates the complex program leading to tissue repair during acute colitis and suggests that GM-CSF promotion of mucosal repair might contribute to the symptomatic benefits of GM-CSF therapy observed in some CD patients.
ABSTRACTThe pollution of air, soil and water by heavy metals through anthropogenic activities is an object of numerous environmental studies since long times. A number of natural processes, such as volcanic activity, hydrothermal fluid circulation and weathering of metal-rich deposits may lead to an additional and potentially important input and accumulation of heavy metals in the environment. In the Swiss and French Jura Mountains, anomalous high cadmium (Cd) concentrations (up to 16 ppm) in certain soils are related to the presence of underlying Cd-enriched (up to 21 ppm) carbonate rocks of Middle to Late Jurassic age. The aim of this study is to understand the processes controlling Cd incorporation into carbonate rocks of Middle and Late Jurassic age and to reconstruct the sedimentary and environmental conditions, which have led to Cd enrichments in these sedimentary rocks.Cd concentrations in studied hemipelagic sections in France vary between 0.1 and 0.5 ppm (mean 0.15 ppm). Trace-element behavior and high Mn concentrations suggest that sediment accumulation occurred in a well-oxygenated environment. Increases in Cd contents in the bulk-rock carbonate sediments may be related to increases in surface-water productivity under oxic conditions and important remineralization of organic matter within the water column. In platform settings preserved in the Swiss Jura Mountains, no correlation is observed between Cd contents and evolution of environmental conditions. Cd concentrations in these platform sections are often below the detection limit, with isolated peaks of up to 21 ppm. These important Cd enrichments are associated with peaks in Zn concentrations and are present in carbonate rocks independently of facies and age. The high Cd contents in these shallow-water carbonate rocks are partly related to the presence of disseminated, Cd-rich (up to 1.8%), sphalerite (ZnS) mineralization. The basement rocks are considered to be the source of metals for sulfide mineralization in the overlying Jurassic strata, as the sphalerite Pb isotope pattern is comparable to that of granite rocks from the nearby southern Black Forest crystalline massif. The Rb-Sr ages of sphalerite samples indicate that a main phase of sphalerite formation occurred near the boundary between the late Middle and early Late Jurassic, at around 162 Ma, as a result of enhanced tectonic and hydrothermal activity in Europe, related to the opening of the Central Atlantic and to the tectonic/thermal subsidence during spreading of the Alpine Tethys. I therefore propose to use unusually high Cd concentrations in carbonates as a tracer of tectonic activity in the Jura Mountains area, especially in the case when important enrichments in Zn co-occur. Paleoproductivity reconstructions based on records of authigenic Cd may be compromised not only by post-depositional redistribution, but also by incorporation of additional Cd from hydrothermal solutions circulating in the rock.The circulation of metal-rich hydrothermal fluids through the sediment sequence, in addition to specific environmental conditions during sedimentation, contributes to the incorporation of Cd into the carbonate rocks. However, only hydrothermal activity has led to the unusually high concentrations of Cd in carbonate rocks of Bajocian-Oxfordian age, through the formation of sphalerite mineralization.
Treatment of bean cuttings with 4-chlororesorcinol (4-CR), known to increase the number of roots and extend their distribution, prevented the accumulation of free indol-3-yl-acetic acid (IAA) in the hypocotyls within 24 h after cutting preparation. In mung bean there was no change in the distribution (upper half vs. 1 ower half of the hypocotyl) of IAA within the hypocotyl as a result of the treatment. In bean cuttings the treatment with 4-CR prevented the accumulation of IAA in the bottom of the cutting. Oxidation of IAA as a measure of IAA oxidase activity in bean was enhanced appreciably by 4-chlororesorcinol. The level of abscisic acid in mung bean, on the other hand, remained 3-4 fold higher than in the control, yet still about 50% lower than the zero time level. In untreated mung bean cuttings the activity of peroxidase increased after cutting preparation. In contrast, the activity of peroxidase in 4-Cr-treated cuttings was consistently lower. In order to relate to the effect of exogenously applied auxin the level of peroxidase was measured also in indol-3-yl-butyric acid-treated cuttings. The overall peroxidase activity in IBA-treated cuttings was not affected. However, when assaying for the different isozymes the drop in peroxidase activity was most evident in the inducible basic isoperoxidases both in 4-CR and IBA treatments. It appears that the exposure to 4-CR exerts an effect that is similar to that of exogenously applied auxin, affecting the activity of basic peroxidases and enhancing the oxidation of endogenous IAA, thus allowing the organization of the primordia.
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) protects beta-cells against apoptosis, increases their glucose competence, and induces their proliferation. We previously demonstrated that the anti-apoptotic effect was mediated by an increase in insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) expression and signaling, which was dependent on autocrine secretion of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2). Here, we further investigated how GLP-1 induces IGF-1R expression and whether the IGF-2/IGF-1R autocrine loop is also involved in mediating GLP-1-increase in glucose competence and proliferation. We show that GLP-1 up-regulated IGF-1R expression by a protein kinase A-dependent translational control mechanism, whereas isobutylmethylxanthine, which led to higher intracellular accumulation of cAMP than GLP-1, increased both IGF-1R transcription and translation. We then demonstrated, using MIN6 cells and primary islets, that the glucose competence of these cells was dependent on the level of IGF-1R expression and on IGF-2 secretion. We showed that GLP-1-induced primary beta-cell proliferation was suppressed by Igf-1r gene inactivation and by IGF-2 immunoneutralization or knockdown. Together our data show that regulation of beta-cell number and function by GLP-1 depends on the cAMP/protein kinase A mediated-induction of IGF-1R expression and the increased activity of an IGF-2/IGF-1R autocrine loop.
Résumé pour le grand public L'île de Fuerteventura (Canaries) offre l'occasion rare d'observer les racines d'un volcan océanique édifié il y a 25 à 30 millions d'années et complètement érodé. On y voit de nombreux petits plutons de forme et composition variées, témoignant d'autant d'épisodes de l'activité magmatique. L'un de ces plutons, appelé PX1, présente une structure inhabituelle formée d'une alternance de bandes verticales d'épaisseur métrique à hectométrique de roches sombres de composition pyroxénilique ou gabbroïque. Les pyroxénites résultent clairement de l'accumulation de cristaux de pyroxènes et non de la simple solidification d'un magma? Se pose dès lors la question de la nature du processus qui a conduit à l'accumulation verticale de niveaux concentrés en pyroxènes. En effet, les litages pyroxénitiques classiques sont subhorizontaux, car ils résultent de l'accumulation gravitaire des cristaux séparés du magma dont ils cristalli¬sent par sédimentation. Cette étude vise à identifier et comprendre les mécanismes qui ont engendré ce Iitage minéralogique vertical et l'im¬portant volume de ces faciès cumulatifs. Nous nous sommes également intéressés aux conditions de pression et de température régnant au moment de la mise en place du pluton, ainsi qu'à sa durée de vie et à sa vitesse de refroidis¬sement. Enfin une approche géochimique nous a permis de préciser la nature de la source mantellique des magmas liés à cette activité magmatique. PX1 est en réalité un complexe filonien formé à des conditions de pression et de température de 1-2 kbar et 1050- 1100°C; sa construction a nécessité au moins 150 km3 de magma. L'alternance d'horizons gabbroïques et pyroxéniti¬ques représente des injections successives de magma sous la forme de filons verticaux, mis en place dans un contexte régional en extension. L'étude des orientations des minéraux dans ces faciès révèle que les horizons gabbroïques enregistrent l'extension régionale, alors que les pyroxénites sont générées par une compaction au sein du pluton. Ceci suggère que le régime des contraintes, qui était extensif lors de l'initiation de la mise en place de PX1, est pério¬diquement devenu compressif au sein même du pluton. Cette compression serait liée à des cycles de mise en place où la vitesse de croissance du pluton dépassait celle de l'extension régionale. La différenciation observée au sein de chaque horizon, depuis des pyroxénites riches en olivine jusqu'à des pyroxé¬nites à plagioclase interstitiel et des gabbros, ainsi que la composition géochimique des minéraux qui les constituent suggèrent que chaque filon vertical s'est mis en place à partir d'un magma de composition identique, puis a évolué indépendamment des autres en fonction du régime thermique et du régime des contraintes local. Lorsque le magma en train de cristalliser s'est trouvé en compression, le liquide résiduel a été séparé des cristaux déjà formés et extrait du système, laissant derrière lui une accumulation de cristaux dont la nature et les proportions dépendaient du stade de cristallisation atteint par le magma au moment de l'extraction. Ainsi, les niveaux de pyroxénites à olivine (premier minéral à cristalliser) ont été formés lorsque le magma correspondant était encore peu cristallisé; à l'inverse, les py¬roxénites riches en plagioclase (minéral plus tardif dans la séquence de cristallisation) et certains gabbros à caractère cumulatif résultent d'une compression tardive dans le processus de cristallisation du filon concerné. Les liquides résiduels extraits des niveaux pyroxénitiques sont rarement observés dans PX1, certaines poches et filonets de com¬position anorthositique pourraient en être les témoins. L'essentiel de ces liquides a probablement gagné des niveaux supérieurs du pluton, voire la surface du volcan. L'origine du régime compressif périodique affectant les filons en voie de cristallisation est attribuée aux injections suivantes de magma au sein du pluton, qui se sont succédées à un rythme plus rapide que la vitesse de consolidation des filons. Des datations U/Pb de haute précision sur des cristaux de zircon et de baddeleyite ainsi que40Ar/39Ar sur des cris¬taux d'amphibole révèlent une initiation de la mise en place de PX1 il y a 22.1 ± 0,7 Ma; celle-ci a duré quelque 0,48 ± 0,22 à 0,52 ± 0,29 Ma. Ce laps de temps est compatible avec celui nécessaire à la cristallisation des filons individuels, qui va de moins d'une année lors de l'initiation du magmatisme à 5 ans lors du maximum d'activité de PX1. La présence de cristaux résorbés enregistrant une cristallisation complexe suggère l'existence d'une chambre mag¬matique convective sous-jacente à PX1 et périodiquement rechargée. Les compositions isotopiques des roches étu¬diées révèlent une source mantellique profonde de type point chaud avec une contribution du manteau lithosphéri- que métasomatisé présent sous les îles Canaries. Résumé L'intrusion mafique Miocène PX1 fait partie du soubassement superficiel (0.15-0.2 GPa, 1100 °Q d'un volcan d'île océanique. La particularité de ce pluton est l'existence d'alternances d'unités de gabbros et de pyroxénites qui met¬tent en évidence un litage magmatique vertical (NNE-SSW). Les horizons gabbroiques et pyroxénitiques sont constitués d'unités de différenciation métriques qui suggèrent tine mise en place par injections périodiques de filons verticaux de magma formant un complexe filonien. Chaque filon vertical a subi une différenciation parallèle à un front de solidification sub-vertical parallèle aux bords du filon. Les pyroxénites résultent du fractionnement et de l'accumulation d'olivine ± clinopyroxene ± plagioclase à partir d'un magma basaltique faiblement alcalin et sont interprétées comme étant des imités de différenciation tronquées dont le liquide interstitiel a été extrait par compaction. L'orientation préférentielle des clinopyroxènes dans ces pyroxe- nites (obtenues par analyse EBSD et micro-tomographique) révèle une composante de cisaillement simple dans la genèse de ces roches, ce qui confirme cette interprétation. La compaction des pyroxénites est probablement causée par a mise en place de filons de magma suivants. Le liquide interstitiel expulsé est probablement par ces derniers. Les clinopyroxènes des gabbros, montrent une composante de cisaillement pure suggérant qu'ils sont affectés par une déformation syn-magmatique parallèle aux zones de cisaillement NNE-SSW observées autour de PX1 et liées au contexte tectonique Miocène d'extension régionale. Ceci suggère que les gabbros sont liés à des taux de mise en place faibles à la fin de cycles d'activité magmatique et sont peu ou pas affectés par la compaction. L'initiation et la géométrie de PX1 sont donc contrôlées par le contexte tectonique régional d'extension alors que les taux et les volumes de magma dépendent de facteurs liés à la source. Des taux d'injection élevés résultent probable¬ment en une croissance du pluton supérieure à la place crée par cette extension. Dans ce cas de figure, la propagation des nouveaux dykes et l'inaptitude du magma à circuler à travers les anciens dykes cristallisés pourrait causer une augmentation de la pression non-lithostatique sur ces derniers, exprimée par un cisaillement simple et l'expulsion du liquide interstitiel qu'ils contiennent (documenté par les zones de collecte anorthositiques). Les compositions en éléments majeurs et traces des gabbros et pyroxenites de PX1 sont globalement homogènes et dépendent de la nature cumulative des échantillons. Cependant, de petites variations des concentrations en éléments traces ainsi que les teneurs en éléments traces des bordures de clinopyroxenes suggèrent que ces derniers ont subi un processus de rééquilibrage et de cristallisation in situ. L'homogénéité des compositions chimiques des échantillons, ainsi que la présence de grains de clinopyroxene résorbés suggère que le complexe filonien PX1 s'est mis en place au dessus d'une chambre magmatique périodiquement rechargée dans laquelle la convection est efficace. Chaque filon est donc issu d'un même magma, mais a subi une différenciation par cristallisation in situ (jusqu'à 70% de fraction¬nement) indépendamment des autres. Dans ces filons cristallisés, les minéraux cumulatifs subissent un rééquilibrage partiel avec les liquide interstitiel avant que ce dernier ne soit expulsé lors de la compaction (mettant ainsi un terme à la différenciation). Ce modèle de mise en place signifie qu'un minimum de 150Km3 de magma est nécessaire à la genèse de PX1, une partie de ce volume ayant été émis par le 'Central Volcanic Complex' de Fuerteventura. Les rapports isotopiques radiogéniques mesurés révèlent la contribution de trois pôles mantelliques dans la genèse du magma formant PX1. Le mélange de ces pôles HIMU, DMM et EM1 refléterai l'interaction du point chaud Cana¬rien avec un manteau lithosphérique hétérogène métasomatisé. Les petites variations de ces rapports et des teneurs en éléments traces au sein des faciès pourrait refléter des taux de fusion partielle variable de la source, résultant en un échantillonnage variable du manteau lithosphérique métasomatisé lors de son interaction avec le point chaud. Des datations U/Pb de haute précision (TIMS) sur des cristaux de zircon et de baddeleyite extraits de gabbros de PX1 révèlent que l'initiation de la cristallisation du magma a eu lieu il y a 22.10±0.07 Ma et que l'activité magmatique a duré un minimum de 0.48 à 0.52 Ma. Des âges 40Ar/39Ar obtenus sur amphibole sont de 21.9 ± 0.6 à 21.8 ± 0.3 Ma, identiques aux âges U/Pb. La combinaison de ces méthodes de datations, suggère que le temps maximum nécessaire à PX1 pour se refroidir en dessous de la température de fermeture de l'amphibole est de 0.8Ma. Ceci signifie que la durée de vie de PX1 est de 520 000 à 800 000 ans. La coexistence de cristaux de baddeleyite et de zircon dans un gabbro est attribuée à son interaction avec un fluide riche en C02 relâché par les carbonatites encaissantes lors du métamorphisme de contact généré par la mise en place de PX1 environ 160 000 ans après le début de sa mise en place. Les durées de vie obtenue sont en accord avec le modèle de mise en place suggérant une durée de cristallisation poux chaque filon allant de 1 an à 5 ans. Abstract The Miocene PX1 gabbro-pyroxenite intrusion (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands), is interpreted as the shallow-level feeder-zone (0.15-0.2 GPa and 1100-1120°C), to an ocean island volcano. The particularity of PX1 is that it displays a NNE-SSW trending vertical magmatic banding expressed by alternating gabbro and pyroxeriite sequences. The gabbro and pyroxenite sequences consist of metre-thick differentiation units, which suggest emplacement by pe¬riodic injection of magma pulses as vertical dykes that amalgamated, similarly to a sub-volcanic sheeted dyke com¬plex. Individual dykes underwent internal differentiation following a solidification front (favoured by a significant lateral/horizontal thermal gradient) parallel to the dyke edges. Pyroxenitic layers result from the fractionation and accumulation of clinopyroxene ± olivine ± plagioclase crystals from a mildly alkaline basaltic liquid and are interpre¬ted as truncated differentiation sequences, from which residual melts were extracted by compaction. Clinopyroxene mineral orientation in pyroxenites (evidenced by EBSD and micro X-ray tomography analysis) display a marked pure shear component, supporting this interpretation. Compaction and squeezing of the crystal mush is ascribed to the incoming and inflating magma pulses. The resulting expelled interstitial liquid was likely collected and erupted along with the magma flowing through the newly injected dykes. Gabbro sequences represent crystallised coalesced magma batches, emplaced at lower rates at the end of eruptive cycles, and underwent minor melt extraction as evi¬denced by clinopyroxene orientations that record a simple shear component suggesting syn-magmatic deformation parallel to observed NNF.-SSW trending shear-zones induced by the regional tensional Miocene stress-field. The initiation and geometry of PX1 is controlled by the regional extensional tectonic regime whereas rates and vo¬lumes of magma depend on source-related factors. High injection rates are likely to induce intrusion growth rates larger than could be accommodated by the regional extension. In this case, dyke tip geometry and the inability of magma to circulate through previously emplaced and crystallised dykes could result in an increase of non-lithostatic pressure on previously emplaced mushy dyke walls; generating strong pure-shear compaction and interstitial melt expulsion within the feeder-zone as recorded by the cumulitic pyroxenite bands and anorthositic collection zones. The whole-rock major and trace-element chemistry of PX1 gabbros and pyroxenites is globally homogeneous and controlled by the cumulate nature of the samples (i.e. on the modal proportions of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase and oxides). However, small variations of whole-rock trace-element contents as well as trace-element contents of clinopyroxene rims suggest that in-situ re-equilibration and crystallisation has occurred. Additionally, the global homogeneity and presence of complex zoning of rare resorbed clinopyroxene crystals suggest that the PX1 feeder- zone overlies a periodically replenished and efficiently mixed magma chamber. Each individual dyke of magma thus originated from a compositionally constant mildly alkaline magma and differentiated independently from the others reaching up to 70% fractionation. Following dyke arrest these are affected by interaction with the trapped interstitial liquid prior to its compaction-linked expulsion (thus stopping the differentiation process). This emplacement model implies that minimum amount of approximately 150 km3 of magma is needed to generate PX1, part of it having been erupted through the overlying Central Volcanic Complex of Fuerteventura. The radiogenic isotope ratios of PX1 samples reveal the contribution on three end-members during magma genesis. This mixing of the H1MU, EMI and DMM end-members could reflect the interaction of the deep-seated Canarian mantle plume with a heterogeneous metasomatic and sepentininsed lithospheric mantle. Additionally, the observed trace-element and isotopic variations within the same fades groups could reflect varying degrees of partial melting of the source region, thus tapping more or less large areas of the metasomatised lithospheric mantle during interac¬tion with the plume. High precision ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon and baddeleyite ages from the PX1 gabbro samples, indicate initiation of magma crystallisation at 22.10 ± 0.07 Ma. The magmatic activity lasted a minimum of 0.48 to 0.52 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar amphibole ages are of 21.9 ± 0.6 to 21.8 ± 0.3, identical within errors to the U/Pb ages. The combination of the 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb datasets imply that the maximum amount of time PX1 took to cool below amphibole Tc is 0.8 Ma, suggesting PX1 lifetime of 520 000 to 800 000 years. On top of this, the coexistence of baddeleyite and zircon in a single sample is ascribed to the interaction of PX1 with C02-rich carbonatite-derived fluids released from the host-rock carbonatites during contact metamorphism 160 000 years after PX1 initiation. These ages are in agreement with the emplacement model, implying a crystallisation time of less than 1 to 5 years for individual dykes.
New data on biostratigraphy, sedimentology and tectonics of the Russian Far Eastern region (Lower Amurian terrane) are presented. This study shows that sedimentary sequence of the terrane consists of interbedded Radiolaria-bearing siliceous and volcaniclastic sediments spanning an interval of over 90 million years. It is shown that accumulation of radiolarian deposits on an oceanic plate was associated with alkaline (intraplate) volcanism in the Jurassic, while the plate was drifting, and with some are volcanism during the Early Cretaceous. The younger siliceous rocks contain volcaniclastic material and indicate that the studied sequence approached the trench in the Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Barremian) and became accreted in the late Albian-early Cenomanian. We describe and illustrate radiolarian species extracted fi om 21 samples. A taxonomic list of 194 taxa and nine plates of Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Radiolaria are presented.