970 resultados para Zoonotic pathogens


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The bacterium Coxiella burnetii, which has a wide host range, causes Q fever. Infection with C burnetii can cause abortions, stillbirth, and the delivery of weak offspring in ruminants. Coxiella burnetii infection is zoonotic, and in human beings it can cause chronic, potentially fatal disease. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is increasingly being used to detect the organism and to aid in diagnosis both in human and animal cases. Many different real-time PCR methods, which target different genes, have been described. To assess the comparability of the C. burnetii real-time PCR assays in use in different European laboratories, a panel of nucleic acid extracts was dispatched to 7 separate testing centers. The testing centers included laboratories from both human and animal health agencies. Each laboratory tested the samples using their in-house real-time PCR methods. The results of this comparison show that the most common target gene for real-time PCR assays is the IS1111 repeat element that is present in multiple copies in the C. burnetii genome. Many laboratories also use additional real-time PCR tests that target single-copy genes. The results of the current study demonstrate that the assays in use in the different laboratories are comparable, with general agreement of results for the panel of samples.


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After demonstrating the lack of effectiveness of standard antibiotics against the acquired antibiotic resistance of Bacillus cereus (NCTC 10989), Escherichia coli (NCTC 1186), and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 12715), we showed that the following natural substances were antibacterial against these resistant pathogens: cinnamon oil, oregano oil, thyme oil, carvacrol, (S)-perillaldehyde, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (beta-resorcylic acid), and 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine (dopamine). Exposure of the three pathogens to a dilution series of the test compounds showed that oregano oil was the most active substance. The oils and pure compounds exhibited exceptional activity against B. cereus vegetative cells, with oregano oil being active at nanogram, per milliliter levels. In contrast, activities against B. cereus spores were very low. Activities of the test compounds were in the following approximate order: oregano oil > thyme oil approximate to carvacrol > cinnamon oil > perillaldehyde > dopamine > beta-resorcylic acid. The order of susceptibilities of the pathogens to inactivation was as follows: B. cereus (vegetative) much greater than S. aureus approximate to E. coli much greater than B. cereus (spores). Some of the test substances may be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria in foods and feeds.


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Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is an innovative technique that allows the rapid detection of target nucleic acid sequences under isothermal conditions without the need for complex instrumentation. The development, optimization, and clinical validation of a LAMP assay targeting the ctrA gene for the rapid detection of capsular Neisseria meningitidis were described. Highly specific detection of capsular N. meningitidis type strains and clinical isolates was demonstrated, with no cross-reactivity with other Neisseria spp. or with a comprehensive panel of other common human pathogens. The lower limit of detection was 6 ctrA gene copies detectable in 48 min, with positive reactions readily identifiable visually via a simple color change. Higher copy numbers could be detected in as little as 16 min. When applied to a total of 394 clinical specimens, the LAMP assay in comparison to a conventional TaqMan® based real-time polymerase chain reaction system demonstrated a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 98.9% with a ? coefficient of 0.942. The LAMP method represents a rapid, sensitive, and highly specific technique for the detection of N. meningitidis and has the potential to be used as a point-of-care molecular test and in resource-poor settings.


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1. Deer are of major concern with regards to impacts on biodiversity, forestry and agriculture as well as human health. The invasive Reeves’ muntjac deer Muntiacus reevesi, native to Asia but established in Great Britain, has recently appeared in the wild in Ireland.

2. The first verified record in the wild in Northern Ireland was confirmed during June 2009 as a result of a road traffic accident near Newtownards, Co. Down. The second record was a culled animal shot in the grounds of Mount Stewart, Co. Down during June 2011.

3. The current report aimed to perform a detailed investigation of the most recently obtained animal to establish a) its age, b) its genetic relationship with the first animal and c) the threat it might pose in terms of carrying endo- or ecto-parasites or other micro-pathogens, principally viruses and bacteria.

4. Analysis of its dentition suggested the culled animal was 56 weeks old (range 55-57 weeks).

5. Genetic analysis indicated that there was no possibility of a father-son relationship with the buck killed in 2009. There was a 6.25% probability of both individuals being full-sibs and a 25% probability of a half-sib relationship.

6. The deer was free from all the major pathogens. Most significantly, a novel species of Gammaherpesvirus was detected most closely matching type 2 ruminant rhadinovirus (Gammaherpesvirinae) from mule deer. Further sequencing is required to provide a definitive classification. There is no evidence suggesting this virus is pathogenic but its detection is nonetheless of concern.

7. During late 2009 (after the first animal was recovered) and early 2010, there were a number of sightings of muntjac within the vicinity of Mount Stewart. Our results indicate that the animal shot in June 2011 could not have been this same animal, as the shot animal must have been born in spring 2010. Moreover, genetic analysis indicates that the two recovered individuals were highly unlikely to share the same mother and father, suggesting they were the offspring of a minimum of three breeding adults (two fathers and one mother or two mothers and one father). This brings the total number of known individuals to 5 including the two offspring. The location of the breeding adults is unknown and may be either in captivity with subsequent escapees, or deliberate releases, or be free living in the wild. However, a further sighting during early 2012 may suggest a wild origin.


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Eubacteria of the genus Rhodococcus are a diverse group of microorganisms commonly found in many environmental niches from soils to seawaters and as plant and animal pathogens. They exhibit a remarkable ability to degrade many organic compounds and their economic importance is becoming increasingly apparent. Although their genetic organisation is still far from understood, there have been many advances in recent years. Reviewed here is the current knowledge of rhodococci relating to gene transfer, recombination, plasmid replication and functions, cloning vectors and reporter genes, gene expression and its control, bacteriophages, insertion sequences and genomic rearrangements. Further fundamental studies of Rhodococcus genetics and the application of genetic techniques to the these bacteria will be needed for their continued biotechnological exploitation.


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) has been found to be the causative agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). However, PCV-2 is a ubiquitous virus in the swine population and a majority of pigs infected with PCV-2 do not develop the disease. Different factors such as age, maintenance, the genetics of PCV-2, other pathogens, etc. have been suggested to contribute to the development of PMWS. However, so far no proven connection between any of these factors and the disease development has been found. In this study we explored the possible presence of other so far unknown DNA containing infectious agents in lymph nodes collected from Swedish pigs with confirmed PMWS through random amplification and high-throughput sequencing. Although the vast majority of the amplified genetic sequences belonged to PCV-2, we also found genome sequences of Torque Teno virus (TTV) and of a novel parvovirus. The detection of TTV was expected since like PCV-2, TTV has been found to have high prevalence in pigs around the world. We were able to amplify a longer region of the parvovirus genome, consisting of the entire NP1 and partial VP1/2. By comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequences and phylogenetic studies we propose that this is a novel porcine parvovirus, with genetic relationship to bocaviruses.


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The effectiveness of the antimicrobial peptide maximin-4, the ultrashort peptide H-Orn-Orn-Trp-Trp-NH(2) , and the lipopeptide C(12) -Orn-Orn-Trp-Trp-NH(2) in preventing adherence of pathogens to a candidate biomaterial were tested utilizing both matrix- and immersion-loaded poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (poly(HEMA)) hydrogels. Antiadherent properties correlated to both the concentration released and the relative antimicrobial concentrations of each compound against Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 35984, at each time point. Immersion-loaded samples containing C(12) -Orn-Orn-Trp-Trp-NH(2) exhibited the lowest adherence profile for all peptides studied over 1, 4, and 24 h. The results outlined in this article show that antimicrobial peptides have the potential to serve as an important weapon against biomaterial associated infections. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A, 2012.


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The metalloproteases ZapA of Proteus mirabilis and LasB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are known to be virulence factors their respective opportunistic bacterial pathogens, and are members of the structurally related serralysin and thermolysin families of bacterial metalloproteases respectively. Secreted at the site of infection, these proteases play a key role in the infection process, contributing to tissue destruction and processing of components of the host immune system. Inhibition of these virulence factors may therefore represent an antimicrobial strategy, attenuating the virulence of the infecting pathogen. Previously we have screened a library of N-alpha mercaptoamide dipeptide inhibitors against both ZapA and LasB, with the aim of mapping the S1' binding site of the enzymes, revealing both striking similarities and important differences in their binding preferences. Here we report the design, synthesis, and screening of several inhibitor analogues, based on two parent inhibitors from the original library. The results have allowed for further characterization of the ZapA and LasB active site binding pockets, and have highlighted the possibility for development of broad-spectrum bacterial protease inhibitors, effective against enzymes of the thermolysin and serralysin metalloprotease families.


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Lectins and adhesins are involved in bacterial adhesion to host tissues and mucus during early steps of infection. We report the characterization of BC2L-C, a soluble lectin from the opportunistic pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia, which has two distinct domains with unique specificities and biological activities. The N-terminal domain is a novel TNF-alpha-like fucose-binding lectin, while the C-terminal part is similar to a superfamily of calcium-dependent bacterial lectins. The C-terminal domain displays specificity for mannose and L-glycero-D-manno-heptose. BC2L-C is therefore a superlectin that binds independently to mannose/heptose glycoconjugates and fucosylated human histo-blood group epitopes. The apo form of the C-terminal domain crystallized as a dimer, and calcium and mannose could be docked in the binding site. The whole lectin is hexameric and the overall structure, determined by electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering, reveals a flexible arrangement of three mannose/heptose-specific dimers flanked by two fucose-specific TNF-alpha-like trimers. We propose that BC2L-C binds to the bacterial surface in a mannose/heptose-dependent manner via the C-terminal domain. The TNF-alpha-like domain triggers IL-8 production in cultured airway epithelial cells in a carbohydrate-independent manner, and is therefore proposed to play a role in the dysregulated proinflammatory response observed in B. cenocepacia lung infections. The unique architecture of this newly recognized superlectin correlates with multiple functions including bacterial cell cross-linking, adhesion to human epithelia, and stimulation of inflammation.


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P>Burkholderia cenocepacia is an environmental bacterium causing serious human opportunistic infections and is extremely resistant to multiple antibiotics including antimicrobial peptides, such as polymyxin B (PmB). Extreme antibiotic resistance is attributed to outer membrane impermeability ('intrinsic' resistance). Previous work showed that production of full-length lipopolysaccharide (LPS) prevents surface binding of PmB. We hypothesized that two tiers of resistance mechanisms rendering different thresholds of PmB resistance exist in B. cenocepacia. To test this notion, candidate genes were mutated in two isogenic strains expressing full-length LPS or truncated LPS devoid of heptose ('heptoseless LPS') respectively. We uncovered various proteins required for PmB resistance only in the strain with heptoseless LPS. These proteins are not involved in preventing PmB binding to whole cells or permeabilization of the outer membrane. Our results support a two-tier model of PmB resistance in B. cenocepacia. One tier sets a very high threshold mediated by the LPS and the outer membrane permeability barrier. The second tier sets a lower threshold that may play a role in PmB resistance only when outer membrane permeability is compromised. This model may be of general applicability to understanding the high antimicrobial peptide resistance of environmental opportunistic pathogens.


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Essential genes are absolutely required for the survival of an organism. The identification of essential genes, besides being one of the most fundamental questions in biology, is also of interest for the emerging science of synthetic biology and for the development of novel antimicrobials. New antimicrobial therapies are desperately needed to treat multidrug-resistant pathogens, such as members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a member of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), a group of Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens that cause severe lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and display extreme intrinsic resistance to antibiotics including antimicrobial peptides. B. cenocepacia BCAL2157 encodes a protein homologous to SuhB, an inositol-1-monophosphatase from Escherichia coli, which was suggested to participate in posttranscriptional control of gene expression. In this work we show that a deletion of the suhB-like gene in B. cenocepacia (?suhBBc) was associated with pleiotropic phenotypes. The ?suhBBc mutant had a growth defect manifested by an almost 2-fold increase in the generation time relative to the parental strain. The mutant also had a general defect in protein secretion, motility and biofilm formation. Further analysis of the Type-2 and the Type-6 secretion systems activities revealed that these secretion systems were inactive in the ?suhBBc mutant. In addition, the mutant exhibited increased susceptibility to polymyxin B but not to aminoglycosides like gentamicin and kanamycin. Together, our results demonstrate that suhBBc deletion compromises general protein secretion including the activity of T2SS and T6SS, and affects polymyxin B resistance, motility, and biofilm formation. The pleiotropic effects observed upon suhBBc deletion demonstrate that suhBBc plays a critical role in the physiology of B. cenocepacia.


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Cationic antimicrobial peptides and polymyxins are a group of naturally occurring antibiotics that can also possess immunomodulatory activities. They are considered a new source of antibiotics for treating infections by bacteria that are resistant to conventional antibiotics. Members of the genus Burkholderia, which includes various human pathogens, are inherently resistant to antimicrobial peptides. The resistance is several orders of magnitude higher than that of other Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This review summarizes our current understanding of antimicrobial peptide and polymyxin B resistance in the genus Burkholderia. These bacteria possess major and minor resistance mechanisms that will be described in detail. Recent studies have revealed that many other emerging Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens may also be inherently resistant to antimicrobial peptides and polymyxins and we propose that Burkholderia sp. are a model system to investigate the molecular basis of the resistance in extremely resistant bacteria. Understanding resistance in these types of bacteria will be important if antimicrobial peptides come to be used regularly for the treatment of infections by susceptible bacteria because this may lead to increased resistance in the species that are currently susceptible and may also open up new niches for opportunistic pathogens with high inherent resistance.