1000 resultados para Yield signs.


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Root-yield-1.06 is a major QTL affecting root system architecture (RSA) and other agronomic traits in maize. The effect of this QTL has been evaluated with the development of near isogenic lines (NILs) differing at the QTL position. The objective of this study was to fine map qroot-yield-1.06 by marker-assisted searching for chromosome recombinants in the QTL interval and concurrent root phenotyping in both controlled and field conditions, through successive generations. Complementary approaches such as QTL meta-analysis and RNA-seq were deployed in order to help prioritizing candidate genes within the QTL target region. Using a selected group of genotypes, field based root analysis by ‘shovelomics’ enabled to accurately collect RSA information of adult maize plants. Shovelomics combined with software-assisted root imaging analysis proved to be an informative and relatively highly automated phenotyping protocol. A QTL interval mapping was conducted using a segregating population at the seedling stage grown in controlled environment. Results enabled to narrow down the QTL interval and to identify new polymorphic markers for MAS in field experiments. A collection of homozygous recombinant NILs was developed by screening segregating populations with markers flanking qroot-yield-1.06. A first set of lines from this collection was phenotyped based on the adapted shovelomics protocol. QTL analysis based on these data highlighted an interval of 1.3 Mb as completely linked with the target QTL but, a larger safer interval of 4.1 Mb was selected for further investigations. QTL meta-analysis allows to synthetize information on root QTLs and two mQTLs were identified in the qroot-yield-1.06 interval. Trascriptomics analysis based on RNA-seq data of the two contrasting QTL-NILs, confirmed alternative haplotypes at chromosome bin 1.06. qroot-yield-1.06 has now been delimited to a 4.1-Mb interval, and thanks to the availability of additional untested homozygous recombinant NILs, the potentially achievable mapping resolution at qroot-yield-1.06 is c. 50 kb.


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Nell'ambito della Fisica Medica, le simulazioni Monte Carlo sono uno strumento sempre più diffuso grazie alla potenza di calcolo dei moderni calcolatori, sia nell'ambito diagnostico sia in terapia. Attualmente sono disponibili numerosi pacchetti di simulazione Monte Carlo di carattere "general purpose", tra cui Geant4. Questo lavoro di tesi, svolto presso il Servizio di Fisica Sanitaria del Policlinico "S.Orsola-Malpighi", è basato sulla realizzazione, utilizzando Geant4, di un modello Monte Carlo del target del ciclotrone GE-PETtrace per la produzione di C-11. Nel modello sono stati simulati i principali elementi caratterizzanti il target ed il fascio di protoni accelerato dal ciclotrone. Per la validazione del modello sono stati valutati diversi parametri fisici, tra i quali il range medio dei protoni nell'azoto ad alta pressione e la posizione del picco di Bragg, confrontando i risultati con quelli forniti da SRIM. La resa a saturazione relativa alla produzione di C-11 è stata confrontata sia con i valori forniti dal database della IAEA sia con i dati sperimentali a nostra disposizione. Il modello è stato anche utilizzato per la stima di alcuni parametri di interesse, legati, in particolare, al deterioramento dell'efficienza del target nel corso del tempo. L'inclinazione del target, rispetto alla direzione del fascio di protoni accelerati, è influenzata dal peso del corpo del target stesso e dalla posizione in cui questo é fissato al ciclotrone. Per questo sono stati misurati sia il calo della resa della produzione di C-11, sia la percentuale di energia depositata dal fascio sulla superficie interna del target durante l'irraggiamento, al variare dell'angolo di inclinazione del target. Il modello che abbiamo sviluppato rappresenta, dunque, un importante strumento per la valutazione dei processi che avvengono durante l'irraggiamento, per la stima delle performance del target nel corso del tempo e per lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli di target.


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Il progresso scientifico e le innovazioni tecnologiche nei campi dell'elettronica, informatica e telecomunicazioni, stanno aprendo la strada a nuove visioni e concetti. L'obiettivo della tesi è quello d'introdurre il modello del Cloud computing per rendere possibile l'attuale visione di Internet of Thing. Nel primo capitolo si introduce Ubiquitous computing come un nuovo modo di vedere i computer, cercando di fare chiarezza sulla sua definizione, la sua nascita e fornendo un breve quadro storico. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata la visione di Internet of Thing (Internet delle “cose”) che si avvale di concetti e di problematiche in parte già considerate con Ubiquitous computing. Internet of Thing è una visione in cui la rete Internet viene estesa agli oggetti di tutti i giorni. Tracciare la posizione degli oggetti, monitorare pazienti da remoto, rilevare dati ambientali sono solo alcuni esempi. Per realizzare questo tipo di applicazioni le tecnologie wireless sono da considerare necessarie, sebbene questa visione non assuma nessuna specifica tecnologia di comunicazione. Inoltre, anche schede di sviluppo possono agevolare la prototipazione di tali applicazioni. Nel terzo capitolo si presenta Cloud computing come modello di business per utilizzare su richiesta risorse computazionali. Nel capitolo, vengono inizialmente descritte le caratteristiche principali e i vari tipi di modelli di servizio, poi viene argomentato il ruolo che i servizi di Cloud hanno per Internet of Thing. Questo modello permette di accelerare lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di applicazioni di Internet of Thing, mettendo a disposizione capacità di storage e di calcolo per l'elaborazione distribuita dell'enorme quantità di dati prodotta da sensori e dispositivi vari. Infine, nell'ultimo capitolo viene considerato, come esempio pratico, l'integrazione di tecnologie di Cloud computing in una applicazione IoT. Il caso di studio riguarda il monitoraggio remoto dei parametri vitali, considerando Raspberry Pi e la piattaforma e-Health sviluppata da Cooking Hacks per lo sviluppo di un sistema embedded, e utilizzando PubNub come servizio di Cloud per distribuire i dati ottenuti dai sensori. Il caso di studio metterà in evidenza sia i vantaggi sia le eventuali problematiche che possono scaturire utilizzando servizi di Cloud in applicazioni IoT.


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The aim of this article is to disclose the characteristics of postmortem forensic imaging; give an overview of the several possible findings in postmortem imaging, which are uncommon or new to clinical radiologists; and discuss the possible pitfalls. Unspecific postmortem signs are enlisted and specific signs shall be presented, which are typical for one cause of death. Unspecific signs. Livor mortis may not only be seen from the outside, but also inside the body in the lungs: in chest CT internal livor mortis appear as ground glass opacity in the dependent lower lobes. The aortic wall is often hyperdense in postmortem CT due to wall contraction and loss of luminal pressure. Gas bubbles are very common postmortem due to systemic gas embolism after major open trauma, artificial respiration or initial decomposition; in particular putrefaction produces gas bubbles globally. Specific signs. Intracranial bleeding is hyperattenuating both in radiology and in postmortem imaging. Signs of strangulation are hemorrhage in the soft tissue of the neck like skin, subcutaneous tissue, platysma muscle and lymph nodes. The "vanishing" aorta is indicative for exsanguination. Fluid in the airways with mosaic lung densities and emphysema (aquosum) is typical for fresh-water drowning.


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Previous observations suggested recruitment of platelets (PLTs) and white blood cells (WBCs) during plateletpheresis and recruitment of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) by HPC apheresis. Quantification of recruitment helps to optimize yields and safety of these procedures; detection of WBC or HPC recruitment during plateletpheresis may further elucidate the mechanisms.


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Paul Grice distinguishes between natural meaning and non-natural meaning, where the first notion is especially connected to something’s being a natural sign and the second to communication. It is argued that some of the arguments against the distinction being exhaustive are based on a misinterpretation of Grice, but also that the distinction cannot be exhaustive if one takes into account both the criterion of factivity and the connection to communication. If one makes a distinction between natural and non-natural communication, then there are different types of natural communication to be distinguished: goal-directed communication, intentional communication and open intentional communication. Given the empirical evidence, the behavior of chimpanzees and of human infants may be described as goal-directed communication, but there are also important differences between the communicative behavior of the two.


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Considerable efforts have been directed toward the identification of small-ruminant prion diseases, i.e., classical and atypical scrapie as well as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Here we report the in-depth molecular analysis of the proteinase K-resistant prion protein core fragment (PrP(res)) in a highly scrapie-affected goat flock in Greece. The PrP(res) profile by Western immunoblotting in most animals was that of classical scrapie in sheep. However, in a series of clinically healthy goats we identified a unique C- and N-terminally truncated PrP(res) fragment, which is akin but not identical to that observed for atypical scrapie. These findings reveal novel aspects of the nature and diversity of the molecular PrP(res) phenotypes in goats and suggest that these animals display a previously unrecognized prion protein disorder.


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A 7 mo old female English springer spaniel was presented with diarrhea, vomiting, apathy, and hyperthermia. Further examinations revealed generalized lymphadenomegaly consistent with sterile neutrophilic-macrophagic lymphadenitis and pulmonary involvement. Subcutaneous nodules developed one day after presentation. Histology was consistent with sterile idiopathic nodular panniculitis and vasculitis. No infectious organism was isolated. The dog responded to prednisolone, but relapsed during medication tapering. Cyclosporine had to be added to control the disease. No further relapse had occurred 98 wk after the first presentation. This is an unusual presentation of a systemic sterile neutrophilic-macrophagic lymphadenitis with nodular panniculitis and vasculitis associated with gastrointestinal and pulmonary signs.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine interobserver and intraobserver agreement for results of low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in dogs with and without disk-associated wobbler syndrome (DAWS). DESIGN: Validation study. ANIMALS: 21 dogs with and 23 dogs without clinical signs of DAWS. PROCEDURES: For each dog, MRI of the cervical vertebral column was performed. The MRI studies were presented in a randomized sequence to 4 board-certified radiologists blinded to clinical status. Observers assessed degree of disk degeneration, disk-associated and dorsal compression, alterations in intraspinal signal intensity (ISI), vertebral body abnormalities, and new bone formation and categorized each study as originating from a clinically affected or clinically normal dog. Interobserver agreement was calculated for 44 initial measurements for each observer. Intraobserver agreement was calculated for 11 replicate measurements for each observer. RESULTS: There was good interobserver agreement for ratings of disk degeneration and vertebral body abnormalities and moderate interobserver agreement for ratings of disk-associated compression, dorsal compression, alterations in ISI, new bone formation, and suspected clinical status. There was very good intraobserver agreement for ratings of disk degeneration, disk-associated compression, alterations in ISI, vertebral body abnormalities, and suspected clinical status. There was good intraobserver agreement for ratings of dorsal compression and new bone formation. Two of 21 clinically affected dogs were erroneously categorized as clinically normal, and 4 of 23 clinically normal dogs were erroneously categorized as clinically affected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that variability exists among observers with regard to results of MRI in dogs with DAWS and that MRI could lead to false-positive and false-negative assessments.


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The effect of treatment with eprinomectin on milk yield, milk composition and somatic cell counts (SCCs) was studied in 105 dairy cows located on seven farms in South Tyrol, Italy. On each farm, half of the animals were treated with eprinomectin and the other half were used as an untreated control group. Three test day records per animal were obtained before treatment (days -117, -75 and -33) and another three test day records were obtained after treatment (days 22, 62 and 131). Test day records comprised milk yield, milk composition, SCC and days in milk. On the day of treatment, blood samples and faecal samples were taken for parasitological analysis. Cows with positive faecal egg counts yielded less milk. A significant effect of eprinomectin on milk yield was observed after treatment and was most pronounced on the second and the third test days after treatment (+1.90 kg [P=0.002] and +2.63 kg [P<0.001], respectively). Furthermore, a significant decrease in SCC was observed on the second test day after treatment.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The horse owner assessed respiratory signs index (HOARSI-1-4, healthy, mildly, moderately and severely affected, respectively) is based on owner-reported clinical history and has been used for the investigation of recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) genetics utilising large sample sizes. Reliable phenotype identification is of paramount importance in genetic studies. Owner reports of respiratory signs have shown good repeatability, but the agreement of HOARSI with an in-depth examination of the lower respiratory tract has not been investigated. OBJECTIVES: To determine the correlation of HOARSI grades 3/4 with the characteristics of RAO and of HOARSI-2 with the characteristics of inflammatory airway disease. Further, to test whether there are phenotypic differences in the manifestation of lung disease between families. METHODS: Seventy-one direct offspring of 2 RAO-affected Warmblood stallions (33 from the first family, 38 from the second) were graded as HOARSI-1-4 and underwent a clinical examination of the respiratory system, arterial blood gas analysis, endoscopic mucus scoring, cytology of tracheobronchial secretion (TBS) and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and clinical assessment of airway reactivity to methacholine chloride. RESULTS: HOARSI-3/4 animals in clinical exacerbation showed signs consistent with RAO: coughing, nasal discharge, abnormal lung sounds and breathing pattern as well as increased numbers of neutrophils in TBS and BALF, excessive mucus accumulation and airway hyper-responsiveness to methacholine. HOARSI-3/4 horses in remission only had increased amounts of tracheal mucus and TBS neutrophil percentages. Clinical phenotypes were not significantly different between the 2 families. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: HOARSI reliably identifies RAO-affected horses in our population.