957 resultados para XML HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery Cordova Android eLearning mLearning IncidentalLearning eLocal Gamification Geolocalizzazione


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Gracias al crecimiento, expansión y popularización de la World Wide Web, su desarrollo tecnológico tiene una creciente importancia en la sociedad. La simbiosis que protagonizan estos dos entornos ha propiciado una mayor influencia social en las innovaciones de la plataforma y un enfoque mucho más práctico. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es describir, caracterizar y analizar el surgimiento y difusión del nuevo estándar de hipertexto que rige la Web; HTML5. Al mismo tiempo exploramos este proceso a la luz de varias teorías que aúnan tecnología y sociedad. Dedicamos especial atención a los usuarios de la World Wide Web y al uso genérico que realizan de los Medios Sociales o "Social Media". Sugerimos que el desarrollo de los estándares web está influenciado por el uso cotidiano de este nuevo tipo de tecnologías y aplicaciones. 


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Employment issues for cancer survivors (CS) were investigated fromthe perspective of Northern Ireland government general employmentadvisors. An e-survey was designed and developed based on the resultsof a scoping search of journal articles, previously validatedquestionnaires and relevant related surveys; discussions of draftversions of the e-survey and method with lead representatives ofstakeholder organizations; and a pilot study with seven prospectiverespondents. The e-survey and subsequent reminder to employmentadvisors were distributed internally by the government employmentadvisory agency. The e-survey was completed by 78/156 (50%) advisors,the majority of whom (74%) received a request for advicein the last year from at least one CS. Most CS used the employmentservice less than 1 year (52%) or 1 year or more after treatment(32%). Fatigue was the most commonly reported barrier to returningto work (10%) and staying in work (14%), and a supportiveemployer was the top facilitating factor in returning to (21%) andcontinuing in (27%), employment. Although most advisors had apositive attitude about a CS’s capacity to return to work, half wereuncertain about how best to advise cancer survivors.


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The Family Model – A transgenerational approach to mental health in families This workshop will provide an overview on The Family Model (TFM) and its use in promoting and facilitating a trans­generational family focus in Mental Health services, over the past 10­ - 15 years. Each of the speakers will address a different perspective, including service user/consumer, clinical practice, education & training, research and policy. Adrian Falkov (chair) will provide an overview of TFM to set the scene and a ‘policy to practice’ perspective, based on use of TFM in Australia. Author: Heide Lloyd. The Family Model ­ A personal (consumer/patient) perspective | United Kingdom Heide will provide a description of her experiences as a child, adult, parent & grandparent, using TFM as the structure around which to ‘weave’ her story and demonstrate how TFM has assisted her in understanding the impact of symptoms on her & family and how she has used it in her management of symptoms and recovery (personal perspective). The Family Model ­ Education & training perspective ­ Marie Diggins | United Kingdom PhD Bente Weimand | Norway Authors: ­ Marie Diggins | United Kingdom PhD Bente Weimand | Norway This combined (UK & Norwegian) presentation will cover historical background to TFM and its use in eLearning (the Social Care Institute for Excellence)and a number of other UK initiatives, together with a description of the postgraduate masters course at the University Oslo/Akershus, using TFM. The Family Model ­ A research perspective PhD Anne Grant | Northern Ireland Author: PhD Anne Grant | Ireland Anne Grant will describe how she used TFM as the theoretical framework for her PhD looking at family focused (nursing) practice in Ireland. The Family Model ­ A service systems perspective ­ Mary Donaghy | Northern Ireland Authors: PhD Adrian Falkov | Australia ­ Mary Donaghy | N Ireland Mary Donaghy will discuss how TFM has been used to support & facilitate a cross service ‘whole of system’ change program in Belfast (NI) to achieve improved family focused practice. She will demonstrate its utility in achieving a broader approach to service design, delivery and evaluation.


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App collusion refers to two or more apps working together to achieve a malicious goal that they otherwise would not be able to achieve individually. The permissions based security model (PBSM) for Android does not address this threat, as it is rather limited to mitigating risks due to individual apps. This paper presents a technique for assessing the threat of collusion for apps, which is a first step towards quantifying collusion risk, and allows us to narrow down to candidate apps for collusion, which is critical given the high volume of Android apps available. We present our empirical analysis using a classified corpus of over 29000 Android apps provided by Intel Security.


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In order to address the increasing compromise of user privacy on mobile devices, a Fuzzy Logic based implicit authentication scheme is proposed in this paper. The proposed scheme computes an aggregate score based on selected features and a threshold in real-time based on current and historic data depicting user routine. The tuned fuzzy system is then applied to the aggregated score and the threshold to determine the trust level of the current user. The proposed fuzzy-integrated implicit authentication scheme is designed to: operate adaptively and completely in the background, require minimal training period, enable high system accuracy while provide timely detection of abnormal activity. In this paper, we explore Fuzzy Logic based authentication in depth. Gaussian and triangle-based membership functions are investigated and compared using real data over several weeks from different Android phone users. The presented results show that our proposed Fuzzy Logic approach is a highly effective, and viable scheme for lightweight real-time implicit authentication on mobile devices.


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Introduction: Foundation doctors are expected to assess and interpret plain x-ray studies of the chest/abdomen before a definitive report is issued by senior staff. The Royal College of Radiologists have published guidelines (RCR curriculum) on the scope of plain film findings medical students should be familiar with.1 Studies have shown that the x-ray interpretation without feedback does not significantly improve diagnostic ability. 2 Queen’s University, Belfast Trust Radiology and Experior Medical developed an online system to assess individual student ability to interpret X-ray findings. Over a series of assessments each student’s profile is built up, identifying strengths and weakness. The system can then create bespoke individual assessments re-evaluating previously identified weak areas and quantifying interpretative skill improvement. Aim: To determine how readily an online system is adopted by senior medical students, investigating if increasing exposure to x-ray interpretation combined with cyclical formative feedback enhances performance. Methods: The system was offered to all 270 final year medical students as an online resource. The system comprised a series of 20 weekly 30 minute assessments, containing normal and abnormal x-rays within the RCR curriculum. After each assessment students were given formative feedback, including their own result, annotated answers, peer group comparison and a breakdown of areas of strength and weakness. Focus groups of 4-5 students addressed student perspectives of the system, including ease of use, image resolution, system performance across different operating platforms, perceived value of formative feedback loops, breakdown of performance and the value of bespoke personalised assessments. Research Ethics Approval was granted for the study. Data analysis was via two-sided one-sample t-test; initial minimal recruitment was estimated as 60 students, to detect a mean 10% change in performance, with a standard deviation of 20%. Results and Discussion: Over 80% (n = XXX/270) of the student cohort engaged with the study. Student baseline average was 39%, increasing to 62% by the exit test. The steadily sustained improvement (57% relative performance in interpretative diagnostic accuracy) was despite increasing test difficulty. Student feedback via focus groups was universally positive throughout the examined domains. Conclusion: The online resource proved to be valuable, with high levels of student engagement, improving performance despite increasingly difficulty testing and positive learner experience with the system. References: 1. Undergraduate Radiology Curriculum, The Royal College of Ra, April 2012. Ref No. BFCR(12)4 The Royal College of Radiologists, April 2012 2. I Satia, S Bashagha, A Bibi, R Ahmed, S Mellor, F Zaman. Assessing the accuracy and certainty in interpretating chest x-rays in the medical division. Clin Med August 2013 Vol.13 no. 4 349-352


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Examensarbetet beskriver utvecklingen av säkerhetsapplikationen BeSafe vilken utvecklats för IT-konsulttjänsteverksamheten Sogeti. BeSafe kommer i framtiden integreras med två andra applikationer för att tillsammans bilda en större friluftsapplikation. Den färdiga applikationen besvarar de verifierbara målen och därmed även problemformuleringen. Applikationen erbjuder användaren möjlighet att stärka den egna säkerheten. Muntliga intervjuer genomfördes för att bestämma design, färger och logotyp för applikationen. Intervjuerna resulterade i en användarvänligare applikation där undersökningen riktade in arbetet mot det gränssnitt BeSafe nu har. BeSafe är utvecklad genom en iterativ process i utvecklingsmiljön Android Studios och riktar sig till enheter baserade på Androids OS. Vidareutveckling av applikationen skulle kunna ske i form av nya funktioner där användaren exempelvis kan tillåta anhöriga få live feedback på vart användaren befinner sig. Det har tagits hänsyn till etiska aspekter under arbetets gång för att värna om användarens integritet. Detta genom notifikationer, minimering av risk för spridning av data genom lagrings- och kommunikationssätt inom applikationen.


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Målet med detta projekt är att ta fram en applikationsprototyp för Androidenheter som ska locka användare av applikationen till och tillbaka till broparken i Skönsberg med hjälp av augmented-reality. Applikationen ska känna av om användaren befinner sig inom eller utanför parkens område och visa olika bilder/modeller på specifika GPS-koordinater i det digitala lagret beroende på användarens positionering. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Dohi på uppdrag av Sundsvalls kommun där regelbundna möten hafts med uppdragsgivaren. Utvecklingen av applikationen sker i PhoneGap med Wikitude-plugin. Projektet har resulterat i en applikationsprototyp som använder ActionRanges, som är en typ av GeoFence, för att presentera olika bilder hämtade från en egen server i det digitala lagret beroende på användarens position. Användarna har inom parkens område möjlighet att själv påverka de bilder som visas i det digitala lagret genom att i applikationen ta en bild som laddas upp till servern där bilderna lagras och där bilden som tagits även visar det digitala lagret.


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Nowadays, a lot of interesting and useful and imaginative applications are springing to Android software market. And for guitar fans, some related apps bring great connivence to them, like a guitar tuner can save people from carrying a entity tuner all the time, some apps can simulate a real guitar, and some apps provide some simple lessons allowing people to learn some basic things. But these apps which can teach people, they can't really “monitor ” people, that is, they just give some instructions and hope people would follow them. So my project is to design an app which can detect if users are playing wrong and right real-timely. Guitar chords are always the first for new guitar beginners to learn, and a chord is a set of notes combined together in a regulated way ( get from the music theory having millions of developing ), and 'pitch' is the term for determining if the note different from other notes or noise, so the problem here is to manage the multi-pitch analysis in real time. And it's necessary to know some basics of digital signal processing ( DSP ) because digital signals are always more convenient for computers to analyze compared to analog signals. Then I found an audio processing Java library – TarsosDSP, and try to apply it to my Android project.


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O Presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um jogo de origem africana para a plataforma web voltado a este novo segmento, apresentando todas as etapas importantes da composição de um jogo social. Utilizando linguagem de programação como HTML5, Javascript e CSS, foi desenvolvido um jogo de Oril. O caráter social do jogo se deu na integração da aplicação com a rede social Facebook. Utilizando as ferramentas disponibilizadas pela plataforma Facebook Developers, foi possível fazer com que o jogo fosse carregado dentro da própria página do Facebook, para que os arquivos fossem carregados foi necessário um servidor hospedeiro com suporte ao protocolo HTTPS, devido as rígidas exigências da política de segurança do Facebook.


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Abstract The World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, is known for standards like HTML and CSS but there's a lot more to it than that. Mobile, automotive, publishing, graphics, TV and more. Then there are horizontal issues like privacy, security, accessibility and internationalisation. Many of these assume that there is an underlying data infrastructure to power applications. In this session, W3C's Data Activity Lead, Phil Archer, will describe the overall vision for better use of the Web as a platform for sharing data and how that translates into recent, current and possible future work. What's the difference between using the Web as a data platform and as a glorified USB stick? Why does it matter? And what makes a standard a standard anyway? Speaker Biography Phil Archer Phil Archer is Data Activity Lead at W3C, the industry standards body for the World Wide Web, coordinating W3C's work in the Semantic Web and related technologies. He is most closely involved in the Data on the Web Best Practices, Permissions and Obligations Expression and Spatial Data on the Web Working Groups. His key themes are interoperability through common terminology and URI persistence. As well as work at the W3C, his career has encompassed broadcasting, teaching, linked data publishing, copy writing, and, perhaps incongruously, countryside conservation. The common thread throughout has been a knack for communication, particularly communicating complex technical ideas to a more general audience.


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O incumprimento na ingestão da medicação é um dos principais fatores para o insucesso no tratamento de diversas doenças e uma das principais dificuldades para controlar enfermidades crónicas [1], cardiovasculares [1, 3, 4] e psiquiátricas [4] que necessitam de uma ingestão correta e constante dos medicamentos. Estas tomas irregulares acabam por provocar desperdícios e gastos adicionais em tratamentos complementares e mais exames para análise do atual estado da doença [5]. De forma a prevenir falhas de adesão à terapêutica, foram desenvolvidos diversos equipamentos que ajudam os pacientes a gerir a sua medicação diária. No entanto estes dispositivos apresentam ainda algumas limitações, nomeadamente, ao permitirem apenas um utilizador e necessitarem da preparação prévia das tomas. Ao longo deste projeto foi desenvolvido um sistema de dispensa automática de medicamentos, assim como a plataforma de controlo através de um dispositivo móvel Android. As principais vantagens deste equipamento são o seu funcionamento em modo multiutilizador e a combinação automática de medicamentos para cumprir as tomas prescritas pelo médico. O dispositivo desenvolvido e a sua utilização foi validado durante 5 dias no Centro Clínico-Académico do Hospital de Braga recorrendo a utentes de várias faixas etárias, bem como em casa de 2 participantes num caso de estudo. O sistema de dispensa automático de medicamentos foi testado em ambos os perfis de utilizadores: utente e cuidador. Foram criados registos de novos utentes e efetuadas várias dispensas de medicamentos de forma a testar a fiabilidade do dispositivo para utilização em contexto real. Os resultados destes testes permitiram comprovar a funcionalidade e fiabilidade do sistema desenvolvido.


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A journal of commercial voyages and domestic life on the Tigris River from August 1898 to February 1899. jms_048_08_1898_010_xml.xml


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Joseph Mathia Svoboda's 19th century journal of commercial voyages, travel, and domestic life on the Tigris River from August 1898-February 1899. Diary 48, HTML Version. jms_048_08_1898_030_htm.html


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A journal of commercial voyages and domestic life on the Tigris River from February 1899 to October 1899. jms_049_02_1899_010_xml.xml