939 resultados para Work Satisfaction
A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.
PURPOSE: Factors associated with maternal satisfaction of anesthetic management during labour and delivery are poorly known. The purpose of this study was to assess these factors. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study on parturients admitted between January 2004 and December 2008. Data on patients' demographics, comorbidities, procedures performed and various aspects of their anesthetic experience were retrieved from the anesthetic records. Maternal satisfaction was measured using a numerical scale from 0 to 10 (0=not satisfied at all, 10=very satisfied). A cutoff of≤6 was taken as poor satisfaction. We performed a multivariate analysis to identify the different predictors of maternal satisfaction and more specifically those related to pain, overall experience with the technique, delays, and presence of anesthetic, obstetrical and neonatal complications. RESULTS: There were 15,386 parturients admitted during the study period. Of these, 10,034had complete information in the chart and 761 (7.6%) parturients were dissatisfied with their anesthetic care. Factors decreasing patient satisfaction were high risk pregnancy [odds ratio (OR) 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59 (0.34-1.02)] and difficult delivery [OR (95% CI) 0.62 (0.52-0.74)]. Pain, a negative experience of the procedure, delays, poor coordination in management, and the presence of complications decreased patient satisfaction [OR (95% CI) 0.07 to 0.71]; P<0.001. CONCLUSION: Maternal satisfaction with anesthesia care is largely determined by the effectiveness and correct performance of the procedure carried from the technical and human point of view. However, other factors such as a good coordination in patient management and the absence of complications also influence maternal satisfaction.
Les troubles de l'humeur sont trs frquents dans la priode prinatale. Ils se manifestent sous forme d'une humeur dpressive sub-clinique voire sous la forme d'une dpression post-partum avre. Cette dpressivit provoque des perturbations des comportements de parentage, des troubles de la relation l'enfant et dbouchent sur des difficults motionnelles, cognitives et comportementales de l'enfant. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent nanmoins temprer cet enchanement. L'tude prsente dans cet article value dans quelle mesure l'alliance familiale et la satisfaction conjugale modrent le lien entre dpressivit et dveloppement de l'enfant. Cinquante-sept familles ont particip l'tude avec leur bb de trois mois. La dpressivit maternelle a t value par entretien et par questionnaire. L'alliance familiale a t value dans le Jeu Trilogique de Lausanne. La satisfaction conjugale et les symptmes de l'enfant sont rapports par questionnaires par la mre. Les rsultats montrent que (i) le niveau de dpressivit dans notre population est conforme celui rapport dans la littrature, (ii) il y a un lien entre dpressivit et difficults de l'enfant, (iii) ces liens sont effectivement modrs par la satisfaction conjugale, qui joue le rle de facteur protecteur, et par l'alliance familiale, qui joue le rle de facteur aggravant. Ces rsultats montrent qu'il est indispensable de tenir compte du contexte relationnel dans lequel la mre volue, afin de pouvoir comprendre sous quelles conditions des troubles de l'humeur maternels vont affecter le dveloppement de l'enfant.
Fascination is a project for design students, developed jointly by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and the University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), which works with two groups of students, one group of participants in Spain and another group in Thailand where, hands-on activities, a range of technologies are used to prepare students for the lessons, through learning activities and content. This research paper presents the test of both a general model and a tool for measuring the participants experiences in a course that uses a blended learning methodology, with the aim of collecting empirical evidence to justify the effort of applying this methodology, based on the participants satisfaction. The procedure used in the conceptualization of the survey, the generation of topics, the collection of data, and the validation of the scale of various items are described here. The information, provided by the 26 people surveyed about the course and the virtual environment that was used, was analyzed to measure their perceptions and explore possible relations. Finally the conclusions of the research and the future work are presented.
Els jocs sn una de les indstries de software ms gran del mn de la informtica. Des dels primers jocs en blanc i negre que simulaven raquetes i una pilota, fins avui en dia, en que el desenvolupament dun joc porta darrere un equip de professionals tant o ms gran que el major dels projectes informtics del mn de les indstries, els jocs han evolucionat ms que la majoria de programes. La possibilitat delaborar un joc s, a part duna proposta temptadora (ja que difereix enormement de qualsevol prctica feta durant la carrera), un repte de caire personal per alg que sempre ha estat en contacte amb videojocs i que, desprs dadquirir una srie de coneixements indispensables, sha proposat dintentar desenvolupar-ne un des de larrel. Lobjectiu daquest treball s doncs aix, aprendre com neix un joc partint de res, i veure totes les complicacions que sorgeixen a lhora de desenvolupar-lo. Els resultats delt projecte mostren generosament el gran nombre de problemes que sorgeixen en un procs com aquest, per com a conclusions importants cal destacar la satisfacci envers els resultats obtinguts, aix com els coneixements que shan guanyat mitjanant el desenvolupament del programa.
Des dels inicis dels ordinadors com a mquines programables, lhome ha intentat dotar-los de certa intelligncia per tal de pensar o raonar el ms semblant possible als humans. Un daquests intents ha sigut fer que la mquina sigui capa de pensar de tal manera que estudi jugades i guanyi partides descacs. En lactualitat amb els actuals sistemes multi tasca, orientat a objectes i accs a memria i grcies al potent hardware del que disposem, comptem amb una gran varietat de programes que es dediquen a jugar a escacs. Per no hi ha noms programes petits, hi ha fins i tot mquines senceres dedicades a calcular i estudiar jugades per tal de guanyar als millors jugadors del mn. Lobjectiu del meu treball s dur a terme un estudi i implementaci dun daquests programes, per aix es divideix en dues parts. La part terica o de lestudi, consta dun estudi dels sistemes dintelligncia artificial que es dediquen a jugar a escacs, estudi i cerca duna funci davaluaci vlida i estudi dels algorismes de cerca. La part prctica del treball es basa en la implementaci dun sistema intelligent capa de jugar a escacs amb certa lgica. Aquesta implementaci es porta a terme amb lajuda de les llibreries SDL, utilitzant lalgorisme minimax amb poda alfa-beta i codi c++. Com a conclusi del projecte magradaria remarcar que lestudi realitzat mha deixat veure que crear un joc descacs no era tan fcil com jo pensava per mha aportat la satisfacci daplicar tot el que he aprs durant la carrera i de descobrir moltes altres coses noves.
The present paper investigated whether higher cohesion and satisfaction with family bonds were associated with the daily experience of emotional well-being in varying social circumstances. Using a sample of school-age adolescents (N = 95) and both their parents, data were gathered daily over 1 week using a diary approach in addition to self-report instruments. Multilevel analyses revealed higher cohesion to be associated with well-being in fathers and adolescents, but not in mothers. Parents also reported higher well-being when with friends or colleagues than when alone. Moreover, fathers who scored higher on cohesion reported higher well-being when with family members than when alone, whereas adolescents who scored higher on satisfaction with bonds reported lower well-being when with peers or siblings than when alone.
El objetivo de esta editorial es exponer los hitos ms importantes acontecidos durante el ao 2008, en el que se public el volumen 4, los datos de visibilidad y por primera vez los resultados de una encuesta de satisfaccin realizada a los autores que han enviado durante 2008 alguna publicacin a evaluacin. Adems, en el anexo se expone la relacin de revisores y miembros del Editorial Board que han hecho posible el cuarto volumen de Intangible Capital. Tambin se informa sobre los aspectos que indican el principio de una consolidacin de la revista, y la importancia de mantener los principios bsicos que dieron origen a esta publicacin. Concluimos la editorial animando a directores de tesis, estudiantes de doctorado y autores noveles a enviar sus primeros trabajos a evaluacin.The aim of this editorial is to present the most important Intangible Capital milestones of 2008. During the last year, the intangible Capital published its 4th volume, together with information regarding the journals visibility and the first results of a satisfaction survey conducted among the authors, who submitted a paper for evaluation. In addition, the annex presents the list of reviewers and the Editorial Board members who have enabled the publication of the fourth volume of the Intangible Capital. This editorial also provides information regarding the aspects that indicate the beginning of the journals consolidation, and the importance of maintaining the basic principles that gave rise to this publication. The editorial concludes by encouraging PhD advisors, doctoral students and junior researchers the Intangible Capital a potential outlet for their work.
Work Internship Placements (WIP) is a new and transversal enterprise internships programme, which is focused on quality improvement, academic control and satisfaction of collaborating enterprises. This programme is addressed to the engineering students of the PolytechnicSchool at the University of Girona (UdG) in Spain. The fundamental WIP infrastructure combines a web-based intranet platform, that provides a complete set of WIP tools, with a protocol of procedures and tasks that are observed and followed at all internship stages by every participating agent, i.e. enterprises, students, coaching professors and administrative staff. Our new programme is centered on a broader, more holistic internship placement procedure than the traditional career and academic goals approach. The WIP programme has been found to be a valuable asset in addressing enterprise and student needs in the experiential project
We modeled work performance as outcomes of individual-differences mediated by technical performance. Beyond the "usual suspects" (e.g., general mental ability, and personality), we also measured the ethical development of participants (n = 460). We surmised that ethical development - which has not been extensively studied as a predictor of work performance while controlling for established predictors - captures unique variance in both technical and work performance. Results demonstrated incremental validity for ethical development in predicting technical performance, which in turn predicted work performance. The indirect effect of ethical development was significant too. Our results highlight the importance of process models of performance, which include proximal as well as distal individual differences.