921 resultados para Whole Chromosome Introgression
Males of Limnogonus aduncus were found to have the sex chromosome system X0 and chromosome number 2n = 23 (22A + X0). Testis cells were stained with lacto-acetic orcein and silver nitrate so that changes in the morphology and degree of staining of the heteropicnotic chromatin and the nucleolar material could be observed during meiosis and spermiogenesis. These structures share the same nuclear position and could be seen until almost the end of spermiogenesis. A chromosome region stained with silver nitrate was indicative of a nucleolar organizing region (NOR), which is rarely detected in Heteroptera with this technique. The NOR is located at one end of a single member of an autosome pair. The finding of this stained region enabled us to observe that the telomeric association of sister chromatids that characterizes the Heteroptera does not include the chromosome ends, where NORs are located; we also observed in anaphase that the chromosome end through which it is pulled to the pole is the one containing the NOR. Another observation was that the single nucleolar body present in the cells at anaphase never goes to the cell pole that does not receive the NOR. We conclude that L. aduncus is a good model for cytogenetic studies involving nucleolar activity and also may be useful for studying the mechanisms of activation and inactivation of kinetic activity at the chromosome ends. Although the chromosomes of Heteroptera are known to be holocentric, whether kinetic activity is restricted to one or involves both chromosome ends is still not well understood.
The pattern of global gene expression in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the chicken intestinal lumen (cecum) was compared with that of a late-log-phase LB broth culture using a whole-genome microarray. Levels of transcription, translation, and cell division in vivo were lower than those in vitro. S. Typhimurium appeared to be using carbon sources, such as propionate, 1,2-propanediol, and ethanolamine, in addition to melibiose and ascorbate, the latter possibly transformed to D-xylulose. Amino acid starvation appeared to be a factor during colonization. Bacteria in the lumen were non- or weakly motile and nonchemotactic but showed upregulation of a number of fimbrial and Salmonella pathogenicity island 3 (SPI-3) and 5 genes, suggesting a close physical association with the host during colonization. S. Typhimurium bacteria harvested from the cecal mucosa showed an expression profile similar to that of bacteria from the intestinal lumen, except that levels of transcription, translation, and cell division were higher and glucose may also have been used as a carbon source. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.
In this paper we present a new approach for thermal lens analysis using a two-wavelength DSPI (Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry) setup for wavefront sensing. The employed geometry enables the sensor to detect wavefronts with small phase differences and inherent aberrations found in induced lenses. The wavefronts was reconstructed by four-stepping fringe evaluation and branch-cut unwrapping from fringes formed onto a diffusive glass. Real-time single-exposure contour interferograms could be obtained in order to get discernible and low-spacial frequency contour fringes and obtain low-noise measurements. In our experiments we studied the thermal lens effect in a 4% Er-doped CaO-Al2O3 glass sample. The diode lasers were tuned to have a contour interval of around 120 μm. The incident pump power was longitudinally and collinearly oriented with the probe beams. Each interferogram described a spherical-like wavefront. Using the ABCD matrix formalism we obtained the induced lens dioptric power from the thermal effect for different values of absorbed pump power. © 2012 Copyright SPIE.
Background: Members of the Anostomidae family provide an interesting model system for the study of the influence of repetitive elements on genome composition, mainly because they possess numerous heterochromatic segments and a peculiar system of female heterogamety that is restricted to a few species of the Leporinus genus. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify important new repetitive DNA elements in Anostomidae through restriction enzyme digestion, followed by cloning, characterisation and chromosome mapping of this fragment. To identify repetitive elements in other Leporinus species and expand on studies of repetitive elements in Anostomidae, hybridisation experiments were also performed using previously described probes of LeSpeI repetitive elements. Results: The 628-base pair (bp) LeSpeII fragment was hybridised to metaphase cells of L. elongatus individuals as well as those of L. macrocephalus, L. obtusidens, L. striatus, L. lacustris, L. friderici, Schizodon borellii and S. isognathus. In L. elongatus, both male and female cells contained small clusters of LeSpeII repetitive elements dispersed on all of the chromosomes, with enrichment near most of the terminal portions of the chromosomes. In the female sex chromosomes of L. elongatus (Z2,Z2/W1W 2), however, this repeated element was absent. In the remaining species, a dispersed pattern of hybridisation was observed on all chromosomes irrespective of whether or not they were sex chromosomes. The repetitive element LeSpeI produced positive hybridisations signals only in L. elongatus, L. macrocephalus and L. obtusidens, i.e., species with differentiated sex chromosomes. In the remaining species, the LeSpeI element did not produce hybridisation signals. Conclusions: Results are discussed in terms of the effects of repetitive sequences on the differentiation of the Anostomidae genome, especially with respect to sex chromosome evolution. LeSpeII showed hybridisation patterns typical of Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs). The differential distribution of this element may be linked to sex chromosome differentiation in L. elongatus species. The relationship between sex chromosome specificity and the LeSpeI element is confirmed in the species L. elongatus, L. macrocephalus and L. obtusidens. © 2012 da Silva et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Some species of the genus Characidium have heteromorphic ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes with a totally heterochromatic W chromosome. Methods for chromosome microdissection associated with chromosome painting have become important tools for cytogenetic studies in Neotropical fish. In Characidium cf. fasciatum, the Z chromosome contains a pericentromeric heterochromatin block, whereas the W chromosome is completely heterochromatic. Therefore, a probe was produced from the W chromosome through microdissection and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction amplification. FISH was performed using the W probe on the chromosomes of specimens of this species. This revealed expressive marks in the pericentromeric region of the Z chromosome as well as a completely painted W chromosome. When applying the same probe on chromosome preparations of C. cf. gomesi and Characidium sp., a pattern similar to C. cf. fasciatum was found, while C. cf. zebra, C. cf. lagosantense and Crenuchus spilurus species showed no hybridization signals. Structural changes in the chromosomes of an ancestral sexual system in the group that includes the species C. cf. gomesi, C. cf. fasciatum and Characidium sp., could have contributed to the process of speciation and could represent a causal mechanism of chromosomal diversification in this group. The heterochromatinization process possibly began in homomorphic and homologous chromosomes of an ancestral form, and this process could have given rise to the current patterns found in the species with sex chromosome heteromorphism. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Enterococcus faecium has emerged as one of the most important pathogens in healthcare-associated infections worldwide due to its intrinsic and acquired resistance to many antibiotics, including vancomycin. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is an alternative therapeutic platform that is currently under investigation for the control and treatment of infections. PDT is based on the use of photoactive dye molecules, widely known as photosensitizer (PS). PS, upon irradiation with visible light, produces reactive oxygen species that can destroy lipids and proteins causing cell death. We employed Galleria mellonella (the greater wax moth) caterpillar fatally infected with E. faecium to develop an invertebrate host model system that can be used to study the antimicrobial PDT (alone or combined with antibiotics). In the establishment of infection by E. faecium in G. mellonella, we found that the G. mellonella death rate was dependent on the number of bacterial cells injected into the insect hemocoel and all E. faecium strains tested were capable of infecting and killing G. mellonella. Antibiotic treatment with ampicillin, gentamicin or the combination of ampicillin and gentamicin prolonged caterpillar survival infected by E. faecium (P = 0.0003, P = 0.0001 and P = 0.0001, respectively). In the study of antimicrobial PDT, we verified that methylene blue (MB) injected into the insect followed by whole body illumination prolonged the caterpillar survival (P = 0.0192). Interestingly, combination therapy of larvae infected with vancomycin-resistant E. faecium, with antimicrobial PDT followed by vancomycin, significantly prolonged the survival of the caterpillars when compared to either antimicrobial PDT (P = 0.0095) or vancomycin treatment alone (P = 0.0025), suggesting that the aPDT made the vancomycin resistant E. faecium strain more susceptible to vancomycin action. In summary, G. mellonella provides an invertebrate model host to study the antimicrobial PDT and to explore combinatorial aPDT-based treatments.
In this study, we investigated the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of 11 Buthidae scorpion species, belonging to three genera (Ananteris, Rhopalurus and Tityus), to obtain detailed knowledge regarding the mechanisms underlying the intraspecific and/or interspecific diversity of chromosome number and the origin of the complex chromosome associations observed during meiosis. The chromosomes of all species did not exhibit a localised centromere region and presented synaptic and achiasmatic behaviour during meiosis I. Spermatogonial and/or oogonial metaphase cells of these buthids showed diploid numbers range from 2n = 6 to 2n = 28. In most species, multivalent chromosome associations were observed in pachytene and postpachytene nuclei. Moreover, intraspecific variability associated with the presence or absence of chromosome chains and the number of chromosomes in the complex meiotic configurations was observed in some species of these three genera. Silver-impregnated cells revealed that the number and location of nucleolar organiser regions (NORs) remained unchanged despite extensive chromosome variation; notably, two NORs located on the terminal or subterminal chromosome regions were commonly observed for all species. C-banded and fluorochrome-stained cells showed that species with conspicuous blocks of heterochromatin exhibited the lowest rate of chromosomal rearrangement. Based on the investigation of mitotic and meiotic cells, we determined that the intraspecific variability occurred as a consequence of fission/fusion-type chromosomal rearrangements in Ananteris and Tityus species and reciprocal translocation in Rhopalurus species. Furthermore, we verified that individuals presenting the same diploid number differ in structural chromosome organisation, giving rise to intraspecific differences of chromosome association in meiotic cells (bivalent-like elements or chromosome chains). © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
The invasive fire ant Solenopsis invicta is medically important because its venom is highly potent. However, almost nothing is known about fire ant venom proteins because obtaining even milligram-amounts of these proteins has been prohibitively challenging. We present a simple and fast method of obtaining whole venom compounds from large quantities of fire ants. For this, we separate the ants are from the nest soil, immerse them in dual-phase mixture of apolar organic solvent and water, and evaporate each solvent phase in separate. The remaining extract from the aqueous phase is largely made up of ant venom proteins. We confirmed this by using 2D gel electrophoresis while also demonstrating that our new approach yields the same proteins obtained by other authors using less efficient traditional methods. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Trypanosoma cruzi comprises a pool of populations which are genetically diverse in terms of DNA content, growth and infectivity. Inter- and intra-strain karyotype heterogeneities have been reported, suggesting that chromosomal rearrangements occurred during the evolution of this parasite. Clone D11 is a single-cell-derived clone of the T. cruzi G strain selected by the minimal dilution method and by infecting Vero cells with metacyclic trypomastigotes. Here we report that the karyotype of clone D11 differs from that of the G strain in both number and size of chromosomal bands. Large chromosomal rearrangement was observed in the chromosomes carrying the tubulin loci. However, most of the chromosome length polymorphisms were of small amplitude, and the absence of one band in clone D11 in relation to its reference position in the G strain could be correlated to the presence of a novel band migrating above or below this position. Despite the presence of chromosomal polymorphism, large syntenic groups were conserved between the isolates. The appearance of new chromosomal bands in clone D11 could be explained by chromosome fusion followed by a chromosome break or interchromosomal exchange of large DNA segments. Our results also suggest that telomeric regions are involved in this process. The variant represented by clone D11 could have been induced by the stress of the cloning procedure or could, as has been suggested for Leishmania infantum, have emerged from a multiclonal, mosaic parasite population submitted to frequent DNA amplification/deletion events, leading to a 'mosaic' structure with different individuals having differently sized versions of the same chromosomes. If this is the case, the variant represented by clone D11 would be better adapted to survive the stress induced by cloning, which includes intracellular development in the mammalian cell. Karyotype polymorphism could be part of the T. cruzi arsenal for responding to environmental pressure. © 2013 Lima et al.
This study evaluated the physicochemical changes in Nile tilapia (n = 82, 373.71 ± 61.91 g) refrigerated for up to 92 h and in the frozen fillets. The tilapias were captured with nets, slaughtered by ice and water shock (1:1) in a temperature of approximately 2°C for 30 min, and stored refrigerated at 4°C in polystyrene boxes containing ice. The fish were filleted, and filets were weighed and frozen. The drip loss and protein were determined after 23 days of frozen storage. After 4 h of storage, all fish were in full rigor mortis. The pH of the muscles decreased for up to 45 h of the storage period. The fillets obtained from tilapia stored for more than 72 h lost more weight and protein. Thus, the filleting or processing of tilapia should be done before 72 h of cold storage, since deterioration of the fish starts to occur after this period. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.