966 resultados para Weighted shift


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AMS classification: 41A36, 41A10, 41A25, 41Al7.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B33, 47B38.


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We have proposed a similarity matching method (SMM) to obtain the change of Brillouin frequency shift (BFS), in which the change of BFS can be determined from the frequency difference between detecting spectrum and selected reference spectrum by comparing their similarity. We have also compared three similarity measures in the simulation, which has shown that the correlation coefficient is more accurate to determine the change of BFS. Compared with the other methods of determining the change of BFS, the SMM is more suitable for complex Brillouin spectrum profiles. More precise result and much faster processing speed have been verified in our simulation and experiments. The experimental results have shown that the measurement uncertainty of the BFS has been improved to 0.72 MHz by using the SMM, which is almost one-third of that by using the curve fitting method, and the speed of deriving the BFS change by the SMM is 120 times faster than that by the curve fitting method.


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For intelligent DC distributed power systems, data communication plays a vital role in system control and device monitoring. To achieve communication in a cost effective way, power/signal dual modulation (PSDM), a method that integrates data transmission with power conversion, can be utilized. In this paper, an improved PSDM method using phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter is proposed. This method introduces a phase control based freedom in the conventional PSFB control loop to realize communication using the same power conversion circuit. In this way, decoupled data modulation and power conversion are realized without extra wiring and coupling units, and thus the system structure is simplified. More importantly, the signal intensity can be regulated by the proposed perturbation depth, and so this method can adapt to different operating conditions. Application of the proposed method to a DC distributed power system composed of several PSFB converters is discussed. A 2kW prototype system with an embedded 5kbps communication link has been implemented, and the effectiveness of the method is verified by experimental results.


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New media platforms have changed the media landscape forever, as they have altered our perceptions of the limits of communication, and reception of information. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp enable individuals to circumvent the traditional mass media, converging audience and producer to create millions of ‘citizen journalists’. This new breed of journalist uses these platforms as a way of, not only receiving news, but of instantaneously, and often spontaneously, expressing opinions and venting and sharing emotions, thoughts and feelings. They are liberated from cultural and physical restraints, such as time, space and location, and they are not constrained by factors that impact upon the traditional media, such as editorial control, owner or political bias or the pressures of generating commercial revenue. A consequence of the way in which these platforms have become ingrained within our social culture is that habits, conventions and social norms, that were once informal and transitory manifestations of social life, are now infused within their use. What were casual and ephemeral actions and/or acts of expression, such as conversing with friends or colleagues or swapping/displaying pictures, or exchanging thoughts that were once kept private, or maybe shared with a select few, have now become formalised and potentially permanent, on view for the world to see. Incidentally, ‘traditional’ journalists and media outlets are also utilising new media, as it allows them to react, and disseminate news, instantaneously, within a hyper-competitive marketplace. However, in a world where we are saturated, not only by citizen journalists, but by traditional media outlets, offering access to news and opinion twenty-four hours a day, via multiple new media platforms, there is increased pressure to ‘break’ news fast and first. This paper will argue that new media, and the culture and environment it has created, for citizen journalists, traditional journalists and the media generally, has altered our perceptions of the limits and boundaries of freedom of expression dramatically, and that the corollary to this seismic shift is the impact on the notion of privacy and private life. Consequently, this paper will examine what a reasonable expectation of privacy may now mean, in a new media world.


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Probability density function (pdf) for sum of n correlated lognormal variables is deducted as a special convolution integral. Pdf for weighted sums (where weights can be any real numbers) is also presented. The result for four dimensions was checked by Monte Carlo simulation.


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A hagyományos szavazási játékok speciális átruházható hasznosságú, kooperatív játékok, úgynevezett egyszerű játékok, ahol a játékosok a pártok, és az egyes koalíciók értéke 1 vagy 0 attól függően, hogy az adott koalíció elég erős-e az adott jogszabály elfogadásához, vagy sem. Ebben a cikkben bevezetjük az általánosított súlyozott szavazási játékok fogalmát, ahol a pártok mandátumainak száma a valószínűségi változó. Magyar példákon keresztül mutatjuk be az új megközelítés használhatóságát. / === / Voting games are cooperative games with transferable utility, so-called simple games, where the players are parties and the value of a coalition may be 0 or 1 depending on its ability to pass a new law. The authors introduce the concept of generalized weighted voting games where the parties' strengths are random variables. taking examples from Hungary to illustrate the use of this approach.


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It is important to the landscape architects to become acquainted with the results of the regional climate models so they can adapt to the warmer and more arid future climate. Modelling the potential distribution area of certain plants, which was the theme of our former research, can be a convenient method to visualize the effects of the climate change. A similar but slightly better method is modelling the Moesz-line, which gives information on distribution and usability of numerous plants simultaneously. Our aim is to display the results on maps and compare the different modelling methods (Line modelling, Distribution modelling, Isotherm modelling). The results are spectacular and meet our expectations: according to two of the three tested methods the Moesz-line will shift from South Slovakia to Central Poland in the next 60 years.


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In the year 2001, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) will begin a new process of recertifying Registered Dietitians (RD) using a self-directed lifelong learning portfolio model. The model, entitled Professional Development 2001 (PD 2001), is designed to increase competency through targeted learning. This portfolio consists of five steps: reflection, learning needs assessment, formulation of a learning plan, maintenance of a learning log, and evaluation of the learning plan. By targeting learning, PD 2001 is predicted to foster more up-to-date practitioners than the current method that requires only a quantity of continuing education hours. This is the first major change in the credentialing system since 1975. The success or failure of the new system will impact the future of approximately 60,000 practitioners. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of RDs to change to the new system. Since the model is dependent on setting goals and developing learning plans, this study examined the methods dietitians use to determine their five-year goals and direction in practice. It also determined RD's attitudes towards PD 2001 and identified some of the factors that influenced their beliefs. A dual methodological design using focus groups and questionnaires was utilized. Sixteen focus groups were held during state dietetic association meetings. Demographic data was collected on the 132 registered dietitians who participated in the focus groups using a self-administered questionnaire. The audiotaped sessions were transcribed into 643 pages of text and analyzed using Non-numerical Unstructured Data - Indexing Searching and Theorizing (NUD*IST version 4). Thirty-four of the 132 participants (26%) had formal five-year goals. Fifty-four participants (41%) performed annual self-assessments. In general, dietitians did not currently have professional goals nor conduct self-assessments and they claimed they did not have the skills or confidence to perform these tasks. Major barriers to successful implementation of PD 2001 are uncertainty, misinterpretation, and misinformation about the process and purpose, which in turn contribute to negative impressions. Renewed vigor to provide a positive, accurate message along with presenting goal-setting strategies will be necessary for better acceptance of this professional development process. ^


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Annual average daily traffic (AADT) is important information for many transportation planning, design, operation, and maintenance activities, as well as for the allocation of highway funds. Many studies have attempted AADT estimation using factor approach, regression analysis, time series, and artificial neural networks. However, these methods are unable to account for spatially variable influence of independent variables on the dependent variable even though it is well known that to many transportation problems, including AADT estimation, spatial context is important. ^ In this study, applications of geographically weighted regression (GWR) methods to estimating AADT were investigated. The GWR based methods considered the influence of correlations among the variables over space and the spatially non-stationarity of the variables. A GWR model allows different relationships between the dependent and independent variables to exist at different points in space. In other words, model parameters vary from location to location and the locally linear regression parameters at a point are affected more by observations near that point than observations further away. ^ The study area was Broward County, Florida. Broward County lies on the Atlantic coast between Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties. In this study, a total of 67 variables were considered as potential AADT predictors, and six variables (lanes, speed, regional accessibility, direct access, density of roadway length, and density of seasonal household) were selected to develop the models. ^ To investigate the predictive powers of various AADT predictors over the space, the statistics including local r-square, local parameter estimates, and local errors were examined and mapped. The local variations in relationships among parameters were investigated, measured, and mapped to assess the usefulness of GWR methods. ^ The results indicated that the GWR models were able to better explain the variation in the data and to predict AADT with smaller errors than the ordinary linear regression models for the same dataset. Additionally, GWR was able to model the spatial non-stationarity in the data, i.e., the spatially varying relationship between AADT and predictors, which cannot be modeled in ordinary linear regression. ^


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The contributions of this dissertation are in the development of two new interrelated approaches to video data compression: (1) A level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation method for the effective motion estimation and motion compensation. (2) A shift-invariant sub-decimation decomposition method in order to overcome the deficiency of the decimation process in estimating motion due to its shift-invariant property of wavelet transform. ^ The enormous data generated by digital videos call for an intense need of efficient video compression techniques to conserve storage space and minimize bandwidth utilization. The main idea of video compression is to reduce the interpixel redundancies inside and between the video frames by applying motion estimation and motion compensation (MEMO) in combination with spatial transform coding. To locate the global minimum of the matching criterion function reasonably, hierarchical motion estimation by coarse to fine resolution refinements using discrete wavelet transform is applied due to its intrinsic multiresolution and scalability natures. ^ Due to the fact that most of the energies are concentrated in the low resolution subbands while decreased in the high resolution subbands, a new approach called level-refined motion estimation and subband compensation (LRSC) method is proposed. It realizes the possible intrablocks in the subbands for lower entropy coding while keeping the low computational loads of motion estimation as the level-refined method, thus to achieve both temporal compression quality and computational simplicity. ^ Since circular convolution is applied in wavelet transform to obtain the decomposed subframes without coefficient expansion, symmetric-extended wavelet transform is designed on the finite length frame signals for more accurate motion estimation without discontinuous boundary distortions. ^ Although wavelet transformed coefficients still contain spatial domain information, motion estimation in wavelet domain is not as straightforward as in spatial domain due to the shift variance property of the decimation process of the wavelet transform. A new approach called sub-decimation decomposition method is proposed, which maintains the motion consistency between the original frame and the decomposed subframes, improving as a consequence the wavelet domain video compressions by shift invariant motion estimation and compensation. ^


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Significantly due to the institutional separation of theory and practice, the gap between academia and society continues to broaden, arguably pointing towards the failure of traditional educational research and, to an extent, the university’s neglect to authenticate alternate epistemologies and methodologies that seek to elicit mobilization, activism, and reform.


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L'analisi degli spetti astronomici ci fornisce informazioni cruciali per la comprensione degli oggetti astrofisici che li generano. In questo breve elaborato, si analizzano i processi fisici a livello microscopico che portano alla loro formazione, i meccanismi per i quali le righe subiscono uno shift, e quelli per cui il loro profilo viene modificato. Infine, si approfondiscono alcuni esempi astrofisici di spettri.


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La tecnica di Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) si basa sullo studio del moto diffusivo delle molecole d’acqua nei tessuti biologici ed è in grado di fornire informazioni sulla struttura dei tessuti e sulla presenza di eventuali alterazioni patologiche. Il più recente sviluppo della DWI è rappresentato dal Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), tecnica che permette di determinare non solo l’entità, ma anche le direzioni principali della diffusione. Negli ultimi anni, grazie ai progressi nella tecnica di risonanza magnetica, l’imaging di diffusione è stato anche applicato ad altri distretti anatomici tra cui quello renale, per sfruttarne le potenzialità diagnostiche. Tuttavia, pochi sono ancora gli studi relativi all’applicazione delle metodiche di diffusione per la valutazione della malattia policistica renale autosomica dominante (ADPKD). ADPKD è una delle malattie ereditarie più comuni ed è la principale causa genetica di insufficienza renale dell’adulto. La caratteristica principale consiste nella formazione di cisti in entrambi i reni, che progressivamente aumentano in numero e dimensioni fino a causare la perdita della funzionalità renale nella metà circa dei pazienti. Ad oggi non sono disponibili terapie capaci di arrestare o rallentare l’evoluzione di ADPKD; è possibile controllare le complicanze per evitare che costituiscano componenti peggiorative. Il lavoro di tesi nasce dalla volontà di indagare se la tecnica dell’imaging di diffusione possa essere utile per fornire informazioni sullo stato della malattia e sul suo grado di avanzamento. L’analisi di studio è concentrata sul calcolo del coefficiente di diffusione apparente (ADC), derivato dalle immagini DWI e valutato nella regione della midollare. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è verificare se tale valore di ADC sia in grado di caratterizzare la malattia policistica renale e possa essere utilizzato in ambito clinico-diagnostico come indicatore prognostico nella progressione di questa patologia.