998 resultados para Vol. I.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Stanford University entre abril i juliol del 2007. L’anàlisi de les dinàmiques socials i culturals establertes en els espais de poder de les comunitats locals sicilianes, les acròpolis, és el marc de treball que en l’actualitat s’està desenvolupant per a una futura tesi doctoral. Un estudi que intenta ometre les tradicionals lectures colonials i la perspectiva de l’hel•lenitzaci que habitualment envolten els estudis centrats en les poblacions locals que entren en contacte amb les colònies gregues. En aquest cas, partint de la materialitzaci del discurs de l’elit es vol analitzar com les comunitats sicilianes actuen en una complexa situaci d’encontre cultural que caracteritzarà Sicília al llarg de quasi tot el Ir. M. a.C.
The initiation of RNA polymerase II transcription is controlled by DNA sequence-specific activator proteins, in combination with cofactor polypeptides whose function is poorly understood. Transcriptional cofactors of the CTF-1 activator were purified on the basis of their affinity for the regulatory protein. These purified cofactors were found to be required for CTF-1-regulated transcription, and they counteracted squelching by an excess of activator in in vitro reconstitution experiments. Interestingly, the cofactors possessed an inhibitory activity for basal transcription, which was relieved by the further addition of the activator. Histone H1 also contributes to the regulation of transcription by CTF-1, whereby the activator prevents repression of the basal transcription machinery by the histone. However, histone H1 could not replace the cofactors for CTF-1-regulated transcription, indicating that they possess distinct transcriptional properties. Furthermore, the purified cofactors were found to be required, together with the activator, in order to antagonize the histone-mediated repression of transcription. These results suggest that CTF-1 and its cofactors function by regulating the assembly of the basal transcription machinery onto the promoter when the latter is in competition with DNA-binding inhibitory proteins such as histone H1.
BACKGROUND: Immunotherapy offers a promising novel approach for the treatment of cancer and both adoptive T-cell transfer and immune modulation lead to regression of advanced melanoma. However, the potential synergy between these two strategies remains unclear. METHODS: We investigated in 12 patients with advanced stage IV melanoma the effect of multiple MART-1 analog peptide vaccinations with (n = 6) or without (n = 6) IMP321 (LAG-3Ig fusion protein) as an adjuvant in combination with lymphodepleting chemotherapy and adoptive transfer of autologous PBMCs at day (D) 0 (Trial registration No: NCT00324623). All patients were selected on the basis of ex vivo detectable MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses and immunized at D0, 8, 15, 22, 28, 52, and 74 post-reinfusion. RESULTS: After immunization, a significant expansion of MART-1-specific CD8 T cells was measured in 83% (n = 5/6) and 17% (n = 1/6) of patients from the IMP321 and control groups, respectively (P < 0.02). Compared to the control group, the mean fold increase of MART-1-specific CD8 T cells in the IMP321 group was respectively >2-, >4- and >6-fold higher at D15, D30 and D60 (P < 0.02). Long-lasting MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses were significantly associated with IMP321 (P < 0.02). At the peak of the response, MART-1-specific CD8 T cells contained higher proportions of effector (CCR7⁻ CD45RA⁺/⁻) cells in the IMP321 group (P < 0.02) and showed no sign of exhaustion (i.e. were mostly PD1⁻CD160⁻TIM3⁻LAG3⁻2B4⁺/⁻). Moreover, IMP321 was associated with a significantly reduced expansion of regulatory T cells (P < 0.04); consistently, we observed a negative correlation between the relative expansion of MART-1-specific CD8 T cells and of regulatory T cells. Finally, although there were no confirmed responses as per RECIST criteria, a transient, 30-day partial response was observed in a patient from the IMP321 group. CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination with IMP321 as an adjuvant in combination with lymphodepleting chemotherapy and adoptive transfer of autologous PBMCs induced more robust and durable cellular antitumor immune responses, supporting further development of IMP321 as an adjuvant for future immunotherapeutic strategies.
BACKGROUND: EMD 521873 (Selectikine), an immunocytokine comprising a DNA-targeting antibody, aimed at tumour necrosis, fused with a genetically modified interleukin-2 (IL-2) moiety, was investigated in this first-in-human phase I study. METHODS: Patients had metastatic or locally advanced solid tumours failing previous standard therapy. Selectikine was administered as a 1-hour intravenous infusion on 3 consecutive days, every 3weeks. A subgroup of patients also received 300mg/m(2) cyclophosphamide on day 1 of each cycle. Escalating doses of Selectikine were investigated with the primary objective of determining the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). RESULTS: Thirty-nine patients were treated with Selectikine alone at dose levels from 0.075 to 0.9mg/kg, and nine were treated at doses of 0.45 and 0.6mg/kg in combination with cyclophosphamide. A dose-dependent linear increase of peak serum concentrations and area under curve was found. The dose-limiting toxicity was grade 3 skin rash at the 0.9mg/kg dose-level; the MTD was 0.6mg/kg. Rash and flu-like symptoms were the most frequent side-effects. No severe cardiovascular side-effects (hypotension or vascular leak) were observed. At all dose-levels, transient increases in total lymphocyte, eosinophil and monocyte counts were recorded. No objective tumour responses, but long periods of disease stabilisation were observed. Transient and non-neutralising Selectikine antibodies were detected in 69% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MTD of Selectikine with or without cyclophosphamide administered under this schedule was 0.6mg/kg. The recommended phase II dose was 0.45-0.6mg/kg. Selectikine had a favourable safety profile and induced biological effects typical for IL-2.
Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) is a potent proinflammatory factor during viral infection. Its production is tightly controlled by transcription of Il1b dependent on the transcription factor NF-kappaB and subsequent processing of pro-IL-1 beta by an inflammasome. However, the sensors and mechanisms that facilitate RNA virus-induced production of IL-1 beta are not well defined. Here we report a dual role for the RNA helicase RIG-I in RNA virus-induced proinflammatory responses. Whereas RIG-I-mediated activation of NF-kappaB required the signaling adaptor MAVS and a complex of the adaptors CARD9 and Bcl-10, RIG-I also bound to the adaptor ASC to trigger caspase-1-dependent inflammasome activation by a mechanism independent of MAVS, CARD9 and the Nod-like receptor protein NLRP3. Our results identify the CARD9-Bcl-10 module as an essential component of the RIG-I-dependent proinflammatory response and establish RIG-I as a sensor able to activate the inflammasome in response to certain RNA viruses.
Krankenversicherung und Vergütung der zahnärztlichen Leistungen. I: Die Debatten der 60er/70er-Jahre
Prior research on school dropout has often focused on stable person- and institution-level variables. In this research, we investigate longitudinally perceived stress and optimism as predictors of dropout intentions over a period of four years, and distinguish between stable and temporary predictors of dropout intentions. Findings based on a nationally representative sample of 16e20 year-olds in Switzerland (N ¼ 4312) show that both average levels of stress and optimism as well as annually varying levels of stress and optimism affect dropout intentions. Additionally, results show that optimism buffers the negative impact of annually varying stress (i.e., years with more stress than usual), but not of stable levels of stress (i.e., stress over four years). The implications of the results are discussed according to a dynamic and preventive approach of school dropout.
Psychodynamic interventions in cancer care I: psychometric results of a randomized controlled trial.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of psychodynamic interventions in cancer care. METHODS: Between 2006 and 2009, each consecutive outpatient of the Oncology Center of the University Hospital of Lausanne was invited to participate in a trial evaluating the effects of psychological support. Accepting patients were randomly assigned to an immediate intervention or a delayed intervention [4-month waiting list]. Patients who declined support were asked to participate in an observational group [OG]. Socio-demographic and medical data, anxiety, and depression [HADS], psychological distress [SCL-90], alexithymia [TAS] and quality of life [EORTC] were recorded at baseline, and at 1, 4, 8, and 12-months follow-up. RESULTS: Of the 1973 approached patients, 1057 were excluded, 530 refused, and 386 were included with 196 of them participating in the OG. Of the patients in the intervention group [IG] [N = 190], 94 were randomized to the immediate intervention and 96 to the delayed intervention group (dIG). IG patients were younger, predominantly female, and had more psychological symptoms compared with those in the OG. Although patients of the IG and OG showed significant improvement in quality of life from baseline to 12-months follow-up, other outcomes [anxiety, depression, psychological distress, and alexithymia] remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was not effective with regards to psychometric outcome. The results have to be interpreted in light of the study design [untargeted intervention], the low levels of psychiatric symptoms, dropout of symptomatic patients, and the high prevalence of alexithymia.
Aquest estudi s’ha realitzat amb el principal objectiu de localitzar, analitzar i diagnosticar els arbres singulars subjectes a ser declarats monumentals dins el Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu. Concretament s’han inventariat la Vall Ferrera i la Vall de Cardós. L’objectiu secundari ha estat fer una proposta innovadora d’educaci ambiental, utilitzant l’arbre com a un instrument pedagògic. S’han inventariat vint-i-tres arbres sent un d’ells ja declarat Arbre Monumental, “l’Avet del Pla de la Selva”. Primerament s’han localitzats els arbres amb l’ajuda dels tècnics del Parc, el coneixement popular i documentaci. S’ha utilitzat una metodologia basada en estudis anteriors, mitjançant uns formularis de camp que recullen totes les característiques ecològiques i socioculturals de cada arbre. Posteriorment s’han analitzat les dades obtingudes i s’ha realitzat la diagnosi. S’ha proposat un mètode quantitatiu i un mètode qualitatiu (Rànquing d’Arbres Monumentals). Aquest últim valora cada arbre comparant-lo amb un llistat de tots aquells arbres monumentals de la mateixa espècie en el territori català realitzat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, segons tres paràmetres, l’alçada, el volt de canó i el dimetre de la capçada. Finalment es proposa a cada arbre la protecci corresponent segons el seu estat de conservaci i altres paràmetres. Un dels resultats obtinguts d’aquest estudi ha estat la realitzaci d’una carpeta de material divulgatiu utilitzant cada arbre com a eix central per explicar el medi natural que l’envolta. Amb aquesta iniciativa es vol destacar l’important paper dels arbres monumentals com a connectors amb el medi natural i sociocultural i la necessitat de protegir en tots els Parcs Naturals els arbres singulars.
Glutaric aciduria type I (glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency) is an inborn error of metabolism that usually manifests in infancy by an acute encephalopathic crisis and often results in permanent motor handicap. Biochemical hallmarks of this disease are elevated levels of glutarate and 3-hydroxyglutarate in blood and urine. The neuropathology of this disease is still poorly understood, as low lysine diet and carnitine supplementation do not always prevent brain damage, even in early-treated patients. We used a 3D in vitro model of rat organotypic brain cell cultures in aggregates to mimic glutaric aciduria type I by repeated administration of 1 mM glutarate or 3-hydroxyglutarate at two time points representing different developmental stages. Both metabolites were deleterious for the developing brain cells, with 3-hydroxyglutarate being the most toxic metabolite in our model. Astrocytes were the cells most strongly affected by metabolite exposure. In culture medium, we observed an up to 11-fold increase of ammonium in the culture medium with a concomitant decrease of glutamine. We further observed an increase in lactate and a concomitant decrease in glucose. Exposure to 3-hydroxyglutarate led to a significantly increased cell death rate. Thus, we propose a three step model for brain damage in glutaric aciduria type I: (i) 3-OHGA causes the death of astrocytes, (ii) deficiency of the astrocytic enzyme glutamine synthetase leads to intracerebral ammonium accumulation, and (iii) high ammonium triggers secondary death of other brain cells. These unexpected findings need to be further investigated and verified in vivo. They suggest that intracerebral ammonium accumulation might be an important target for the development of more effective treatment strategies to prevent brain damage in patients with glutaric aciduria type I.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Standardization of surgical technique helps to reproduce excellent clinical outcomes, especially in teaching institutions. We aim to describe in detail our established approach for oncological right colectomy. TECHNIQUE: The right colon is mobilized in a five-step latero-inferior approach starting off with (1) the terminal ileum, visualizing the duodenum and the head of pancreas. (2) The ascending colon is dissected from the retroperitoneum, and takedown of the hepatic flexure is completed coming retrograde from the transverse colon (3). (4) Transection of the remaining retroperitoneal attachments completes exposure of the duodenum and mobilization of the right colon. (5) Ileocolic vessels are dissected out and divided close to their origin, and the mesocolon is divided. We then establish intestinal continuity by use of a side-to-side stapled technique. (1) The arms of a linear cutting stapler are inserted via transverse incisions at the anti-mesenteric sides of the terminal ileum and the transverse colon (tenia) and fired. (2) The enterotomy site is closed by removal of the specimen using a second transverse firing of the linear cutting stapler. An important final step is the (3) reinforcement of the anastomotic ends and the crossing of the staple lines; an omental patch and closure of the mesenteric window are optional. CONCLUSION: The suggested standardized five-step lateral-to-medial dissection of the right colon and the three-step side-to-side stapled technique for ileo-colonic anastomosis are easy to learn and to reproduce. Careful adherence to pivotal technical details will help to obtain an optimal oncological outcome and a consistently low leak rate around 2 %.
Current research and development of antigens for vaccination often center on purified recombinant proteins, viral subunits, synthetic oligopeptides or oligosaccharides, most of them suffering from being poorly immunogenic and subject to degradation. Hence, they call for efficient delivery systems and potent immunostimulants, jointly denoted as adjuvants. Particulate delivery systems like emulsions, liposomes, nanoparticles and microspheres may provide protection from degradation and facilitate the co-formulation of both the antigen and the immunostimulant. Synthetic double-stranded (ds) RNA, such as polyriboinosinic acid-polyribocytidylic acid, poly(I:C), is a mimic of viral dsRNA and, as such, a promising immunostimulant candidate for vaccines directed against intracellular pathogens. Poly(I:C) signaling is primarily dependent on Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), and on melanoma differentiation-associated gene-5 (MDA-5), and strongly drives cell-mediated immunity and a potent type I interferon response. However, stability and toxicity issues so far prevented the clinical application of dsRNAs as they undergo rapid enzymatic degradation and bear the potential to trigger undue immune stimulation as well as autoimmune disorders. This review addresses these concerns and suggests strategies to improve the safety and efficacy of immunostimulatory dsRNA formulations. The focus is on technological means required to lower the necessary dosage of poly(I:C), to target surface-modified microspheres passively or actively to antigen-presenting cells (APCs), to control their interaction with non-professional phagocytes and to modulate the resulting cytokine secretion profile.
BACKGROUND: The Nuclear Factor I (NFI) family of DNA binding proteins (also called CCAAT box transcription factors or CTF) is involved in both DNA replication and gene expression regulation. Using chromatin immuno-precipitation and high throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq), we performed a genome-wide mapping of NFI DNA binding sites in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS: We found that in vivo and in vitro NFI DNA binding specificities are indistinguishable, as in vivo ChIP-Seq NFI binding sites matched predictions based on previously established position weight matrix models of its in vitro binding specificity. Combining ChIP-Seq with mRNA profiling data, we found that NFI preferentially associates with highly expressed genes that it up-regulates, while binding sites were under-represented at expressed but unregulated genes. Genomic binding also correlated with markers of transcribed genes such as histone modifications H3K4me3 and H3K36me3, even outside of annotated transcribed loci, implying NFI in the control of the deposition of these modifications. Positional correlation between + and - strand ChIP-Seq tags revealed that, in contrast to other transcription factors, NFI associates with a nucleosomal length of cleavage-resistant DNA, suggesting an interaction with positioned nucleosomes. In addition, NFI binding prominently occurred at boundaries displaying discontinuities in histone modifications specific of expressed and silent chromatin, such as loci submitted to parental allele-specific imprinted expression. CONCLUSIONS: Our data thus suggest that NFI nucleosomal interaction may contribute to the partitioning of distinct chromatin domains and to epigenetic gene expression regulation.NFI ChIP-Seq and input control DNA data were deposited at Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository under accession number GSE15844. Gene expression microarray data for mouse embryonic fibroblasts are on GEO accession number GSE15871.
Aedes albopictus (Skuse,1894) va ser detectada a Catalunya l’any 2004 a Sant Cugat del Vallés. El mosquit tigre asitic és espècie invasora que causa impactes negatius a nivell econòmic, sociosanitàri i mediambiental, principalment per les seves molestes picades però també pel potencial risc que té com a vector transmissor de diverses malalties com la febre groga i el dengue. En aquest treball és vol avaluar i estudiar la situaci actual de l’espècie al municipi de Rubí (Vallés Occidental) a través de l’estudi per paranys d’oviposici. També és vol avaluar l’impacte que el mosquit tigre asitic té en el medi socioeconòmic a través de la metodologia de experiments d’elecci.
Estudi i implementaci d’una plataforma de prototipatge de videojocs mitjançant la qual es pot crear un videojoc elemental, descartant aspectes decoratius o accessoris. Aquesta eina pretén millorar l’etapa de disseny d’un videojoc avançant el moment en que aquest es podrà jugar. Això permetrà prendre decisions importants en base a proves i experincies mesurables. S’ha implementat un sistema programable en llenguatge de script que estalvia a l’usuari treballar en els aspectes tecnològics i li permet centrar-se en crear la mecànica del joc que vol ser provat.