999 resultados para Villaggio Sondalo Progetto Passerelle Pedonali


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Background: Intestinal fibrosis is a serious complication of IBD, with more than a third of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients developing a fibrostenosing phenotype with formation of strictures that will require surgical intervention. Remarkably, SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) mice, a spontaneous model of CD, develop gut fibrosis; similar to IBD patients, the pathophysiology of SAMP fibrosis is unknown. IL-33 is a member of the IL-1 cytokine family and increased expression is associated with IBD. Emerging evidence suggests its potential role in liver and cutaneous fibrosis, as well as myofibroblast-associated colonic ulcerations . Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of IL-33 as a potential mediator of profibrotic events leading to intestinal fibrosis and possible stricture formation. Methods: A detailed histologic time course study, with collagen-specific Masson trichrome staining and IHC for ST2 (IL-33 receptor), was performed on SAMP and control AKR (parental strain) mice. qRT-PCR was done on full-thickness ilea for the profibrogenic genes, collagen (coll)-1, coll-3, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Exogenous IL-33 (33 μg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle was administered daily for 7d to SAMP and AKR mice (N=6/exp group), and ileal tissues evaluated as above. Finally, microarray analysis was performed on full-thickness ilea from SAMP and AKR mice, and IL-33 stimulated subepithelial myofibroblasts (SEMFs). Results: SAMP mice displayed ileal skip lesions with randomly distributed strictures, preceded by typical pre-stricture dilations of the ileum. Ileal wall was visibly thickened with hypertrophy of the serosa, muscularis mucosa, muscularis propria, within which intense collagen deposition was observed, and inflammatory infiltrates in segments showing strictures. Interestingly, intense ST2 staining was present within the inflamed lamina propria of SAMP, notably localized to SEMFs. Fibrosis was first observed at 20 wks, and reached its peak by 50 wks of age. mRNA expression of coll-1 (4.74±0.69-fold; P=0.001), coll-3 (4.92±1.05-fold; P=0.01), IGF1 (12.9±3.45; P=0.006), and CTGF (3.29±0.69; P=0.004) was dramatically elevated in SAMP vs. AKR ilea. IL-33 treatment of AKR mice induced a marked increase in muscle fiber/myofibroblast cellularity and hypertrophy of the muscularis propria (4.13±0.74-fold; P<0.0001), and mRNA expression of coll-1 (5.16±0.89-fold; P=0.0009), coll-3 (1.97±0.14-fold; P=0.01), IGF-1 (9.32±2.27-fold; P=0.004), and CTGF (1.43±0.31-fold; P=0.006) vs. vehicle controls. Microarray data from SAMP ilea and IL-33-treated SEMFs confirmed these trends, displaying a global increase in profibrogenic gene expression. Conclusion: These data suggest an important role for IL-33 in intestinal fibrosis, and may represent a potential target for the treatment of IBD-associated fibrosis and stricture formation.


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Nel presente elaborato si è affrontato il tema dell’utilizzo di biogas per la produzione di energia elettrica e termica; in primo luogo è stata fatta una panoramica sulla diffusione degli impianti di digestione anaerobica in Europa e in Italia, con particolare attenzione alla logica degli incentivi volti alla promozione delle fonti rinnovabili. Il biogas presenta infatti il duplice vantaggio di inserirsi sia nell’ottica del “Pacchetto Clima-Energia” volto alla riduzione di consumi energetici da fonti fossili, sia nella migliore gestione dei rifiuti organici volta alla riduzione del conferimento in discarica. L’allineamento degli incentivi italiani con quelli europei, prevista dal Decreto Ministeriale 6 luglio 2012, presuppone un’espansione del settore biogas più oculata e meno speculativa di quella degli ultimi anni: inoltre la maggiore incentivazione all’utilizzo di rifiuti come materia prima per la produzione di biogas, comporta l’ulteriore vantaggio di utilizzare, per la produzione di energia e compost di qualità, materia organica che nel peggiore dei casi sarebbe inviata in discarica. Il progetto oggetto di studio nasce dalla necessità di trattare una quantità superiore di Frazione Organica di Rifiuti Solidi Urbani da R.D, a fronte di una riduzione drastica delle quantità di rifiuti indifferenziati conferiti ai siti integrati di trattamento di rifiuti non pericolosi. La modifica nella gestione integrata dei rifiuti prevista dal progetto comporta un aumento di efficienza del sito, con una drastica riduzione dei sovvalli conferiti a discariche terze, inoltre si ha una produzione di energia elettrica e termica annua in grado di soddisfare gli autoconsumi del sito e di generare un surplus di elettricità da cedere in rete. Nel contesto attuale è perciò conveniente predisporre nei siti integrati impianti per il trattamento della FORSU utilizzando le Migliori Tecniche Disponibili proposte dalle Linee Guida Italiane ed Europee, in modo tale da ottimizzare gli aspetti ambientali ed economici dell’impianto. Nell’elaborato sono stati affrontati poi gli iter autorizzativi necessari per le autorizzazioni all’esercizio ed alla costruzione degli impianti biogas: a seguito di una dettagliata disamina delle procedure necessarie, si è approfondito il tema del procedimento di Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale, con particolare attenzione alla fase di Studio di Impatto Ambientale. Inserendosi il digestore in progetto in un sito già esistente, era necessario che il volume del reattore fosse compatibile con l’area disponibile nel sito stesso; il dimensionamento di larga massima, che è stato svolto nel Quadro Progettuale, è stato necessario anche per confrontare le tipologie di digestori dry e wet. A parità di rifiuto trattato il processo wet richiede una maggiore quantità di fluidi di diluizione, che dovranno essere in seguito trattati, e di un volume del digestore superiore, che comporterà un maggiore dispendio energetico per il riscaldamento della biomassa all’interno. È risultata perciò motivata la scelta del digestore dry sia grazie al minore spazio occupato dal reattore, sia dal minor consumo energetico e minor volume di reflui da trattare. Nella parte finale dell’elaborato sono stati affrontati i temi ambientali,confrontando la configurazione del sito ante operam e post operam. È evidente che la netta riduzione di frazione indifferenziata di rifiuti, non totalmente bilanciata dall’aumento di FORSU, ha consentito una riduzione di traffico veicolare indotto molto elevato, dell’ordine di circa 15 mezzi pesanti al giorno, ciò ha comportato una riduzione di inquinanti emessi sul percorso più rilevante per l’anidride carbonica che per gli altri inquinanti. Successivamente è stata valutata, in modo molto conservativo, l’entità delle emissioni ai camini dell’impianto di cogenerazione. Essendo queste l’unico fattore di pressione sull’ambiente circostante, è stato valutato tramite un modello semplificato di dispersione gaussiana, che il loro contributo alla qualità dell’aria è generalmente una frazione modesta del valore degli SQA. Per gli ossidi di azoto è necessario un livello di attenzione superiore rispetto ad altri inquinanti, come il monossido di carbonio e le polveri sottili, in quanto i picchi di concentrazione sottovento possono raggiungere frazioni elevate (fino al 60%) del valore limite orario della qualità dell’aria, fissato dal D.Lgs 155/2010. Infine, con riferimento all’ energia elettrica producibile sono state valutate le emissioni che sarebbero generate sulla base delle prestazioni del parco elettrico nazionale: tali emissioni sono da considerare evitate in quanto l’energia prodotta nel sito in esame deriva da fonti rinnovabili e non da fonti convenzionali. In conclusione, completando il quadro di emissioni evitate e indotte dalla modifica dell’impianto, si deduce che l’impatto sull’ambiente non modificherà in maniera significativa le condizioni dell’aria nella zona, determinando una variazione percentuale rispetto agli inquinanti emessi a livello regionale inferiore all’1% per tutti gli inquinanti considerati (CO, PM10, NOX, NMCOV). Il vantaggio più significativo riguarda una riduzione di emissioni di CO2 dell’ordine delle migliaia di tonnellate all’anno; questo risultato è importante per la riduzione di emissione dei gas serra in atmosfera e risulta in accordo con la logica dell’utilizzo di biomasse per la produzione di energia. Dal presente elaborato si evince infine come l’utilizzo del biogas prodotto dalla digestione anaerobica della Frazione Organica dei Rifiuti Solidi Urbani non comporti solo un vantaggio dal punto di vista economico, grazie alla presenza degli incentivi nazionali, ma soprattutto dal punto di vista ambientale, grazie alla riduzione notevole dei gas serra in atmosfera, in accordo con gli obiettivi europei e mondiali, e grazie al recupero di rifiuti organici per la produzione di energia e compost di qualità.


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In questa tesi verrà descritto il lavoro di progettazione mirato a studiare una nuova tecnologia costruttiva, basata su pannelli in legno lamellare a strati incrociati (Xlam). In particolare verranno progettati moduli abitativi a comportamento tubolare, componibili per realizzare alloggi e complessi abitativi per famiglie a basso reddito. Infine la tecnologia elaborata verrà applicata ad un'area di progetto localizzata nel quartiere Pilastro a Bologna.


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The thesis is set in three different parts, according to the relative experimental models. First, the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) is part of the study on reproductive biotechnologies: the transgenesis technique of Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer is widely studied starting from the quality of the semen, through the study of multiple uptakes of exogenous DNA and lastly used in the production of multi-transgenic blastocysts. Finally we managed to couple the transgenesis pipeline with sperm sorting and therefore produced transgenic embryos of predetermined sex. In the second part of the thesis the attention is on the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and on its derived cell line: the S2 cells. The in vitro and in vivo models are used to develop and validate an efficient way to knock down the myc gene. First an efficient in vitro protocol is described, than we demonstrate how the decrease in myc transcript remarkably affects the ribosome biogenesis through the study of Polysome gradients, rRNA content and qPCR. In vivo we identified two optimal drivers for the conditional silencing of myc, once the flies are fed with RU486: the first one is throughout the whole body (Tubulin), while the second is a head fat body driver (S32). With these results we present a very efficient model to study the role of myc in multiple aspects of translation. In the third and last part, the focus is on human derived lung fibroblasts (hLF-1), mouse tail fibroblasts and mouse tissues. We developed an efficient assay to quantify the total protein content of the nucleus on a single cell level via fluorescence. We coupled the protocol with classical immunofluorescence so to have at the same time general and particular information, demonstrating that during senescence nuclear proteins increase by 1.8 fold either in human cells, mouse cells and mouse tissues.


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The primary aim of this dissertation to identify subgroups of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who have a differential risk of progression of illness and the secondary aim is compare 2 equations to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). To this purpose, the PIRP (Prevention of Progressive Kidney Disease) registry was linked with the dialysis and mortality registries. The outcome of interest is the mean annual variation of GFR, estimated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. A decision tree model was used to subtype CKD patients, based on the non-parametric procedure CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector). The independent variables of the model include gender, age, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac diseases, body mass index, baseline serum creatinine, haemoglobin, proteinuria, LDL cholesterol, tryglycerides, serum phoshates, glycemia, parathyroid hormone and uricemia. The decision tree model classified patients into 10 terminal nodes using 6 variables (gender, age, proteinuria, diabetes, serum phosphates and ischemic cardiac disease) that predict a differential progression of kidney disease. Specifically, age <=53 year, male gender, proteinuria, diabetes and serum phosphates >3.70 mg/dl predict a faster decrease of GFR, while ischemic cardiac disease predicts a slower decrease. The comparison between GFR estimates obtained using MDRD4 and CKD-EPI equations shows a high percentage agreement (>90%), with modest discrepancies for high and low age and serum creatinine levels. The study results underscore the need for a tight follow-up schedule in patients with age <53, and of patients aged 54 to 67 with diabetes, to try to slow down the progression of the disease. The result also emphasize the effective management of patients aged>67, in whom the estimated decrease in glomerular filtration rate corresponds with the physiological decrease observed in the absence of kidney disease, except for the subgroup of patients with proteinuria, in whom the GFR decline is more pronounced.


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Skeletal muscle possesses the remarkable capacity to complete a rapid and extensive regeneration, even following severe damage. The regenerative ability of skeletal muscle relies on Satellite Cells (SCs), a population of muscle specific adult stem cells. However, during aging or under several pathological conditions, the ability of skeletal muscle to fully regenerated is compromised. Here, a morphological and molecular study on SCs from patients affected by ALS is described. Moreover, the role of the cell cycle regulator P16Ink4a during skeletal muscle regeneration and aging has been investigated.


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La materia della responsabilità medico-sanitaria è stata interessata nell’ultimo decennio da significative innovazioni, innescate da diversi fattori, quali gli eccezionali progressi scientifici e tecnologici, l’influenza dei diritti stranieri e, in particolare, quello di fonte comunitaria. Tale fenomeno trascende il rapporto diretto medico-paziente e coinvolge la struttura sanitaria e la dimensione organizzativa della stessa. Sintomatica di tali innovazioni è la profonda evoluzione terminologica. Attualmente, infatti, si fa riferimento alla responsabilità medica o medico-sanitaria e non più alla responsabilità del medico, in quanto non può trascurarsi l’indispensabile apporto del personale infermieristico, delle ostetriche, degli assistenti sanitari e dei tecnici delle diverse branche della medicina. Si assiste, pertanto, ad un fenomeno di «spersonalizzazione» ed aggravamento della complessità dell’attività sanitaria: al trattamento propriamente diagnostico e terapeutico, si affiancano altre attività, di tipo informativo, alberghiero, assistenziale, così come nuove tipologie di trattamenti, quali la chirurgia estetica e ricostruttiva, il potenziamento fisico e muscolare, la sterilizzazione, la modificazione dei caratteri sessuali esterni. Ultimamente, poi, l’attenzione si è spostata sul destinatario dell’attività medica e, in particolar modo, sul consenso informato ai trattamenti sanitari e, soprattutto, alle modalità in cui lo stesso viene prestato. Al contempo, sono emersi aspetti di diritto costituzionale, attinenti alla tutela della persona, dei dati personali e sensibili, al diritto alla salute, concepito come diritto dell’essere umano in quanto tale, a prescindere dal requisito della cittadinanza, di diritto amministrativo, riguardanti l’organizzazione delle strutture sanitarie, di diritto penale e di deontologia professionale. All’incedere dei progressi scientifici e tecnologici raggiunti, tuttavia, corrisponde l’accanito desiderio di rivalsa in caso di fallimento delle cure e dei trattamenti o di esiti nefasti degli stessi, la quale ha condotto ad una sensibile accentuazione dei giudizi di responsabilità in campo medico. Basti pensare che, nell’ultimo decennio, i processi civili sono addirittura triplicati per il concatenarsi di molteplici concause: l’aumento delle patologie curate, l’evoluzione qualitativa dei mezzi di cura, la sensibilizzazione delle associazioni a difesa dei diritti del malato, l’allungamento della vita media dell’uomo, la pressione dei mass-media, la maggior consapevolezza dei propri diritti da parte del cittadino, la stessa evoluzione della responsabilità civile e delle sue funzioni. Ciò ha comportato, tra l’altro, un certo grado di uniformità nella disciplina applicabile agli illeciti, a prescindere dal titolo contrattuale o extracontrattuale della responsabilità.


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The detection of Colorectal Cancer (CRC), at early stages, is one of the proven strategies resulting in a higher cure rate. In recent years, several studies have appeared identifying potential cancer markers in serum, plasma and stool in an attempt to improve actual screening procedures. Thus, the aim of the study was (1) Evaluate MN frequency, (2) Evaluate plasma ultrafiltrate capacity to induce MN formation, (3) Evaluate SEPT9 and NOTCH3 promoter methylation profile in peripheral blood lymphocytes from subjects resulted positive to fecal occult blood test and examined by colonoscopy. MN frequency was significantly higher in subjects with histological diagnosis of CRC and adenoma than control (p ≤ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.01, respectively). About, CF-MN analysis, a statistically significant difference was observed between CRC and control (p ≤ 0.05). On the other hand, SEPT9 and NOTCH3 promoter methylation status was significantly lower in CRC subjects than controls; additionally, NOTCH3 promoter methylation status was significantly lower in CRC subjects than adenoma subjects (p ≤ 0.01). The results obtained allow conclude that MN frequency varies according CRC pathologic status and, together with other variables, is a valid biomarker for adenoma and CRC risk. Additionally, the plasma of patients affected with CRC not only serve as a biomarker for oxidative stress but also as biomarker of genetic damage correlated with the carcinogenic process that verifies in colon-rectum. SEPT9 and NOTCH3 promoter methylation status, at peripheral blood level, varies according hystopathological changes observed in colon-rectum, suggesting that promoter methylation profile of these genes could be a reliable biomarker for CRC risk.


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The aims of this work were to investigate the role of nuclear Phospholipase C beta 1 (PI-PLCβ1) in human and mouse cell lines and to identify new binding partners of nuclear PI-PLCβ1 to further understand the functional network in which the enzyme acts. The intracellular distribution of PI-PLCβ1 was further investigated in human leukaemia cell lines (NB4, HL60, THP1, CEM, Jurkat, K562). With the exception of HL60, a high endogenous level of PI-PLCβ1 was detected in purified nuclei in each of the cell lines. We found that also in Ba/F3 pro-B cells overexpressing PI-PLCβ1b the protein localize within the nucleus. Although our data demonstrated that PI-PLCβ1b was not involved in cell proliferation and IGF-1 response as shown in other cell lines (FELC and Swiss 3T3), there was an effect on apoptosis. Activation of early apoptotic markers caspase-3 and PARP was delayed in PI-PLCβ1b overexpressing Ba/F3 cells treated with 5 gr/ml mitomycin C for 24h. We performed an antibody-specific immunoprecipitation on nuclear lysates from FELC-PLCβ1b cells. Mass spectrometry analysis (nano-ESI-Q-TOF) of co-immunoprecipitated proteins allowed for identification of 92 potential nuclear PI-PLCβ1b interactors. Among these, several already documented PI-PLCβ1b interacting partners (Srp20, LaminB, EF1α2) were identified, further validating our data. All the identified proteins were nuclear, mostly localized within the nuclear speckles. This evidence is particularly relevant as PI-PLCβ1 is known to localize in the same domains. Many of the identified proteins are involved in cell cycle, proliferation and transcriptional control. In particular, many of the proteins are components of the spliceosome multi-complex, strengthening the idea that PI-PLCβ1b is involved in mRNA processing and maturation. Future work will aim to better characterize the regulatory role of PI-PLCβ1b in mRNA splicing.


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With life expectancies increasing around the world, populations are getting age and neurodegenerative diseases have become a global issue. For this reason we have focused our attention on the two most important neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Parkinson’s disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative movement disorder of multi-factorial origin. Environmental toxins as well as agricultural chemicals have been associated with PD. Has been observed that N/OFQ contributes to both neurotoxicity and symptoms associated with PD and that pronociceptin gene expression is up-regulated in rat SN of 6-OHDA and MPP induced experimental parkinsonism. First, we investigated the role of N/OFQ-NOP system in the pathogenesis of PD in an animal model developed using PQ and/or MB. Then we studied Alzheimer's disease. This disorder is defined as a progressive neurologic disease of the brain leading to the irreversible loss of neurons and the loss of intellectual abilities, including memory and reasoning, which become severe enough to impede social or occupational functioning. Effective biomarker tests could prevent such devastating damage occurring. We utilized the peripheral blood cells of AD discordant monozygotic twin in the search of peripheral markers which could reflect the pathology within the brain, and also support the hypothesis that PBMC might be a useful model of epigenetic gene regulation in the brain. We investigated the mRNA levels in several genes involve in AD pathogenesis, as well DNA methylation by MSP Real-Time PCR. Finally by Western Blotting we assess the immunoreactivity levels for histone modifications. Our results support the idea that epigenetic changes assessed in PBMCs can also be useful in neurodegenerative disorders, like AD and PD, enabling identification of new biomarkers in order to develop early diagnostic programs.


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Dopo aver introdotto l'argomento della certificazione energetica attraverso l'analisi delle direttive europee in materia, delle legislazioni nazionali, dei regolamenti regionali e delle procedure di calcolo (ITACA, LEED, etc.) si passa poi allo studio di un caso reale, la Masseria Sant'Agapito. All'inquadramento della masseria e delle attività connesse, segue un focus sull'edificio attualmente adibito a b&b, del quale si esegue la diagnosi sperimentale (termografia all'infrarosso, test di tenuta, etc.) e la certificazione con l'ausilio del software DOCET di ENEA. Si delineano quindi interventi atti alla riqualificazione energetica e alla riduzione dei consumi per tale edificio. In seguito si ipotizza un progetto di recupero funzionale, da attuarsi secondo i criteri della conservazione dell'esistente e della bioedilizia, impiegando materiali naturali e con un ciclo di vita a basso impatto ecologico. Alla progettazione d'involucro, segue la progettazione dell'impianto termico alimentato a biomassa, degli impianti solare termico (autocostruito) e fotovoltaico (inegrato in copertura) e del generatore mini-eolico. Tali tecnologie consentono, attraverso l'impiego di fonti di energia rinnovabile, la totale autosufficienza energetica e l'abbattimento delle emissioni climalteranti riferibili all'esercizio dell'edificio. La certificazione energetica di tale edificio, condotta questa volta con l'ausilio del software TERMUS di ACCA, consente una classificazione nella categoria di consumo "A".


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L’obiettivo di questo studio è di fornire indicazioni ai partner del progetto ITALICI, il cui scopo comune è quello di realizzare tamponamenti con certificazione “strutturale”. Questi ultimi, fornendo sufficiente resistenza e dissipazione attraverso il corretto impasto di malta e dei blocchi unitamente alla giusta forma, permetterebbero una progettazione delle strutture più efficace e meno dispendiosa.


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In durum wheat, two major QTL for grain yield (Qyld.idw-2B and Qyld.idw-3B) and related traits were identified in a recombinant population derived from Kofa and Svevo (Maccaferri et al. 2008). To further investigate the genetic and physiological basis of allelic variation for this important trait, the fine mapping of Qyld.idw-2B e Qyld.idw-3B was done during the PhD. In this regard, new molecular markers were added to increase the map resolution in the target interval. For Qyld.idw-2B region COS markers derived from the synteny between wheat and rice/ sorghum /brachypodiu genomes were screened. While for Qyld.idw-3B region SSR, ISBP and COS markers obtained from BAC end-sequences and BAC sequences generated during the construction of the 3B physical map (Paux et al., 2008) were screened. In the RIL population a final map resolution of 2,8 markers/cM for Qyld.idw-2B and 0,6 markers/cM for Qyld.idw-3B were obtained. Eighteen pairs of near-isogenic lines (NILs) for Qyld.idw-3B were obtained from F4:5 heterogeneous inbred families. In order to confirm the phenotypic effect of the QTL all pairs were evaluated in field trials (2010 and 2011) for all traits. Three pairs of NILs, with contrasted haplotypes at the target region, were crossed to produce a large F2 population (ca. 7,500 plants in total) that was screened for the identification of recombinants. A total of 233 homozygous F4:5 segmental isolines were obtained and the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of these materials were done. A fine mapping for Qyld.idw-3B was obtained and the QTL peak was identified in a interval of 0,4 cM. All markers were anchored to the Chinese Spring physical map of chr. 3B, which allowed us to identify the BAC Contigs spanning the QTL region and to assign the QTL peak to Contig 954. Sequencing of this contig has revealed the presence of 42 genes.


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REST is a zinc-finger transcription factor implicated in several processes such as maintenance of embryonic stem cell pluripotency and regulation of mitotic fidelity in non-neuronal cells [Chong et al., 1995]. The gene encodes for a 116-kDa protein that acts as a molecular platform for co-repressors recruitment and promotes modifications of DNA and histones [Ballas, 2005]. REST showed different apparent molecular weights, consistent with the possible presence of post-translational modifications [Lee et al., 2000]. Among these the most common is glycosylation, the covalent attachment of carbohydrates during or after protein synthesis [Apweiler et al., 1999] My thesis has ascertained, for the first time, the presence of glycan chians in the transcription factor REST. Through enzymatic deglycosylation and MS, oligosaccharide composition of glycan chains was evaluated: a complex mixture of glycans, composed of N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose and mannose, was observed thus confirming the presence of O- and N-linked glycan chains. Glycosylation site mapping was done using a 18O-labeling method and MS/MS and twelve potential N-glycosylation sites were identified. The most probable glycosylation target residues were mutated through site-directed mutagenesis and REST mutants were expressed in different cell lines. Variations in the protein molecular weight and mutant REST ability to bind the RE-1 sequence were analyzed. Gene reporter assays showed that, altogether, removal of N-linked glycan chains causes loss of transcriptional repressor function, except for mutant N59 which showed a slight residual repressor activity in presence of IGF-I. Taken togheter these results demonstrate the presence of complex glycan chians in the transcription factor REST: I have depicted their composition, started defining their position on the protein backbone and identified their possible role in the transcription factor functioning. Considering the crucial role of glycosylation and transcription factors activity in the aetiology of many diseases, any further knowledge could find important and interesting pharmacological application.


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Tumors involving bone and soft tissues are extremely challenging situations. With the recent advances of multi-modal treatment, not only the type of surgery has moved from amputation to limb-sparing procedures, but also the survivorship has improved considerably and reconstructive techniques have the goal to allow a considerably higher quality of life. In bone reconstruction, tissue engineering strategies are the main area of research. Re-vascularization and re-vitalisation of a massive allograft would considerably improve the outcome of biological reconstructions. Using a rabbit animal model, in this study we showed that, by implanting a vascular pedicle inside a weight bearing massive cortical allograft, the bone regeneration inside the allograft was higher compared to the non-vascularized implants, given the patency of the vascular pedicle. Improvement in the animal model and the addition of Stem Cells and Growth factors will allow a further improvement in the results. In soft tissue tumors, free and pedicled flaps have been proven to be of great help as reconstruction strategies. In this study we analyzed the functional and overall outcome of 14 patients who received a re-innervated vascularized flap. We have demonstrated that the use of the innovative technique of motor re-innervated muscular flaps is effective when the resection involves important functional compartments of the upper or lower limb, with no increase of post-operative complications. Although there was no direct comparison between this type of reconstruction and the standard non-innervated reconstruction, we underlined the remarkable high overall functional scores and patient satisfaction following this procedure.