995 resultados para Vignola, 1507-1573.
The purposes of the present work were: i) to study the positivity indices and compare titers obtained with the indirect immunofluorescence (II), tube precipitation (TP), complement fixation (CF) and double immunodiffusion on agar gel (ID) tests in the sera of 196 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis before treatment, and ii) to compare the initial titers of II with those obtained 1 year or more after treatment. II was the most sensitive serologic reaction (85.2%), and the positivity indices for CF, ID and TP were 67.7%, 66.0% and 50.0%, respectively. The sera tended to show parallel mean titers in II, CF and TP tests. One year after treatment there was a fall in titers of II in 66.2% of patients. The data, taken as a whole, demonstrate the usefulness of the indirect immunofluorescent test and the importance of using 2 or more serologic tests for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis. © 1985 Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers.
A comparative study of two groups of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis was carried out with the objective of comparing the evolutionary serologic, clinical and radiologic results after 6, 12, 15 and 18 months of treatment with ketoconazole (22 patients) or amphotericin B plus sulfonamides (32 patients). The serologic data analyzed as a whole showed a tendency to sharper drops in antibody titers in the patients treated with ketoconazole. Clinically patients treated with ketoconazole fared better but the differences were not statistically significant. No statistical difference was detected between groups in terms of the results of radiologic evolution. © 1985 Martinus Nijhoff/Dr W. Junk Publishers.
The occurrence of a natural triploid among diploid individuals of Eigenmannia sp from the Amazon basin is described. The diploid individuals had 2n=31 and 32 chromosomes, the difference in chromosome number being due to a Robertsonian rearrangement. The triploid individual presented 2n=46 and had two fused acrocentrics. NOR activity was present in the three homologues of triploid and a NOR polymorphism was detected in the triploid and diploids. © 1985 Dr W. Junk Publishers.
In negatively photoblastic seeds of Cucumis anguria L. the scarification of micropyle overcame the inhibitory effect of white light , although far-red radiation inhibited the germination in both intact and scarified seeds. The moistened testa powder transmitted more far-red than red radiation. Thus the testa could act as a filter of radiation and maintain a high far-red/red ratio at the photosensitive site of the embryo, which must be localized near the micropyle. © 1988 Academia.
We present 6 patients with ocular involvement due to paracoccidioidomycosis. All cases were confirmed by the finding of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in histopathological or direct mycologic examination of material from the lesion in the eyelid or conjunctiva. In two cases the bulbar conjunctiva was also involved, in another the cornea, and still another patient developed endophthalmitis. The presence of this mutilating disease which may lead to blindness should be suspected when chronic blepharitis or palpebral ulcerated papular lesions are detected in patients from endemic areas of paracoccidioidomycosis. This etiology should also be suspected in patients with anterior and posterior uveitis after discarding the most frequent causes of this condition. © 1988 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
T4, T3 and TSH serum levels were measured in 25 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis. Thyroid T3 reserves were measured on the basis of the increase in T3 (ΔT3) 2 h after intravenous injection of 200 μg TRH, and pituitary TSH reserves were measured on the basis of TSH increase (ΔTSH) 20 min after the same injection. Twenty healthy volunteers with no history of thyroid disease were used as controls. When the two groups were compared, the following results were obtained: (a) there was no significant difference in mean T4, T3, ΔTSH between groups; (b) reduced T3 levels were detected more frequently in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, especially among those with the acute form of the disease or with the severely disseminated chronic form. The results suggest the occurrence of a reduction in peripheral conversion of T4 to T3, but do not indicate the occurrence of hypothyroidism in any of its forms (thyroid, pituitary or hypothalamic). © 1988 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The thermal structure, heat content and stability were studied in Lakes Dom Helvécio and Carioca during an annual cycle. It was found that the maximum heat content, stability and work of the wind in Lake Dom Helvécio correspond to two, four and four times, respectively, the values for the Lake Carioca. These difference can be attributed to morphometric differences in the lakes. A long-term record of heat content and stability for lake Carioca is also presented. Diel variations were studied in summer and winter. The tropicality of the lakes is discussed and compared with other lacustrine systems. © 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The effect of water stress induced by application of polyethylene glycol 6000 during seed germination and seedling growth of Oryza sativa L. cv. IAC 165 was analysed. The seed germination was inhibited by the decrease in the water potential of the medium, the inhibition being greater under white light than under continuous darkness. When the seedling was submitted to water stress (-0.51 MPa) white light inhibited growth of root, coleoptile-and leaf, while under no stress conditions white light caused increase in growth of root and leaf and only inhibition of coleoptile growth. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
De-repressible alkaline phosphatase from N. crassa shows inhibition by PNP-P and a hyperbolic mixed-type inhibition by Pi. Both increasing concentrations of Pi and decreases in assay pH abolished inhibition by the substrate. Also, Pi promoted polymerization of the enzyme molecule, whose effect may account for the inhibitory behaviour shown by the enzyme in the presence of low Pi concentrations. © 1991 Rapid Communications of Oxford Ltd.
The presence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was determined in sputum samples from 50 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis using four different techniques: (a) cell-block preparations stained with silver methenamine, (b) direct microbiologie examination, (c) smears stained with Shorr, and (d) smears stained with silver methenamine. Overall, cell-block preparations and smears stained with silver methenamine proved to be the most sensitive techniques, followed by smears stained with Shorr and direct microbiologic examination in decreasing order of sensitivity. Sputum cytology tended to be less positive in patients with interstitial pulmonary lesions as determined by chest X-ray than in patients with alveolar lesions. In addition to its high sensitivity, cell-block preparation technique allows storage of blocks and slides for further studies. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The electrical degradation phenomena of zinc oxide-based varistors were studied using a high-energy current pulse and a.c. polarization at different temperatures. Activation energy measurements during the degradation process showed that these phenomena are associated with diffusion and that the diffusion-controlling species are slower than Zn., For degradation promoted by current pulses of 8×20 μs, the Schottky potential barrier deformation was measured. A decrease in height and width of the potential barrier due to the reduction of surface states density, N s, without a significant change in donor density, N d, was observed. To explain these results, a modification of the unstable components model is proposed for the potential barrier in which the degradation is due to oxi-reduction reactions between atomic defects. These reactions promote the elimination of zinc vacancies and/or adsorbed oxygen on the grain boundaries. © 1992 Chapman & Hall.
A survey of Diptera species causing cutaneous myiases on sheep in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil was made to determine seasonal incidence, predilection sites and the factors predisposing to infestation. Sheep were checked daily for myiases for one year. At two week intervals larvae from wounds were collected for identification. Only larvae of Dermatobia hominis and Cochliomyia hominivorax were found. Myiases due to C. hominivorax were observed during the whole year with high incidence from January to April. The feet, vulva, tail and scrotum were most frequently infested. Wounds were the commonest predisposing factor. © 1992 Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh.
Paracoccidioidomycosis was induced in immunized (IM) and non-immunized (NI) mice. The histopathology, the number of fungi in the lungs, the cellular (footpad test - FPT and macrophage inhibition factor assay - MIF) and humoral (immunodiffusion test) immune response were investigated serially postinfection. In the IM mice, at days 1 and 3, there was intense and predominant macrophagic-lymphocytic alveolitis with loose granulomatous reaction; at day 30, inflammation was mild. In the NI group, up to day 3, the lesions were focal; later there was formation of extensive epithelioid granuloma. The number of fungi in IM mice were always smaller than those of NI group. Immunization alone induced positive FPT and MIF indices with low titer of antibody. After infection, there was a significant decrease of the FPT indices in the IM group, which we interpreted as desensitization due to trapping of sensitized lymphocytes in the lungs. In conclusion, (1) The lesional pattern of pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis in IM mice was similar to that of a hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This reaction was probably effective in reducing the extension of the infection and decrease the number of fungi. (2) In this model, pulmonary resistance against P. brasiliensis seems to be related to local and systemic delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The nihB gene of Aspergillus nidulans was found to confer sensitivity to elevated concentrations of nitrite, compact morphology and absence of conidiation. The nihB locus was allocated to linkage group II and was recessive in heterozygous diploids. When the nihB1 mutant was grown on a mixture of nitrite plus NH4 + its sensitivity to nitrite was unchanged. A possible role for this gene in nitrite transport and/or the maintenance of membrane integrity is discussed. © 1992 Rapid Communications of Oxford Ltd.