969 resultados para Vaccine subunit


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Regulatory protein p4 from Bacillus subtilis phage phi29 activates transcription from the viral late A3 promoter by stabilizing sigmaA-RNA polymerase at the promoter as a closed complex. Activation requires an interaction between protein p4 and RNA polymerase mediated by the protein p4 carboxyl-end, mainly through residue Arg-120. We have obtained derivatives of B. subtilis RNA polymerase alpha subunit with serial deletions at the carboxyl-end and reconstituted RNA polymerase holoenzymes harboring the mutant alpha subunits. Protein p4 promoted the binding of purified B. subtilis RNA polymerase alpha subunit to the A3 promoter in a cooperative way. Binding was abolished by deletion of the last 15 amino acids of the alpha subunit. Reconstituted RNA polymerases with deletions of 15 to 59 residues at the alpha subunit carboxyl-end could recognize and transcribe viral promoters not activated by protein p4, but they had lost their ability to recognize the A3 promoter in the presence of protein p4. In addition, these mutant reconstituted RNA polymerases could not interact with protein p4. We conclude that protein p4 activation of the viral A3 promoter requires an interaction between the carboxyl-end of protein p4 and the carboxyl-end of the alpha subunit of B. subtilis RNA polymerase that stabilizes the RNA polymerase at the promoter.


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Expression of the epsilon-subunit gene of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) by myonuclei located at the neuromuscular junction is precisely regulated during development. A key role in this regulation is played by the synaptic portion of the basal lamina, a structure that is also known to contain agrin, a component responsible for the formation of postsynaptic specializations. We tested whether agrin has a function in synaptic AChR gene expression. Synaptic basal lamina from native adult muscle and recombinant agrin bound to various substrates induced in cultured rat myotubes AChR clusters that were colocalized with epsilon-subunit mRNA. Estimation of transcript levels by Northern hybridization analysis of total RNA showed a significant increase when myotubes were grown on substrate impregnated with agrin, but were unchanged when agrin was applied in the medium. The effect was independent of the receptor aggregating activity of the agrin isoform used, and agrin acted, at least in part, at the level of epsilon-subunit gene transcription. These findings are consistent with a role of agrin in the regulation of AChR subunit gene expression at the neuromuscular junction, which would depend on its binding to the synaptic basal lamina.


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The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors is a heterooligomeric membrane protein composed of homologous subunits. Here, the contribution of the M3-M4 loop of the NR1 subunit to the binding of glutamate and the co-agonist glycine was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of the phenylalanine residues at positions 735 or 736 of the M3-M4 loop produced a 15- to 30-fold reduction in apparent glycine affinity without affecting the binding of glutamate and the competitive glycine antagonist 7-chlorokynurenic acid; mutation of both residues caused a >100-fold decrease in glycine affinity. These residues are found in a C-terminal region of the M3-M4 loop that shows significant sequence similarity to bacterial amino acid-binding proteins. Epitope tagging revealed both the N-terminus and the M3-M4 loop to be exposed extracellularly, whereas a C-terminal epitope was localized intracellularly. These results indicate that the M3-M4 loop is part of the ligand-binding pocket of the NR1 subunit and provide the basis for a refined model of the glycine-binding site of the NMDA receptor.


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We have studied RNase P RNA (M1 RNA) cleavage of model tRNA precursors that are cleaved at two independent positions. Here we present data demonstrating that cleavage at both sites depends on the 2'-OH immediately 5' of the respective cleavage site. However, we show that the 2-amino group of a guanosine at the cleavage site plays a significant role in cleavage at one of these sites but not at the other. These data suggest that these two cleavage sites are handled differently by the ribozyme. This theory is supported by our finding that the cross-linking pattern between Ml RNA and tRNA precursors carrying 4-thioU showed distinct differences, depending on the location of the 4-thioU relative to the respective cleavage site. These findings lead us to suggest that different cleavage sites are aligned differently in the active site, possibly as a result of different binding modes of a substrate to M1 RNA. We discuss a model in which the interaction between the 3'-terminal "RCCA" motif (first three residues interact) of a tRNA precursor and M1 RNA plays a significant role in this process.


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The eukaryotic convertase family plays an important role in posttranslational proteolytic processing and activation of many pro- and polypeptides that have at their cleavage sites the paired basic motif, RX(K/R)R. Recent studies have revealed that the cleavage site of insect pro-vitellogenins (pro-Vg) also contains this motif. To identify and characterize the insect pro-Vg processing enzyme, Vg convertase (VC), its cDNA was cloned from a vitellogenic female fat body cDNA library of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The 3735-bp-long VC cDNA has an open reading frame encoding a 115-kDa protein. In vitro transcription/translation of VC cDNA revealed that this 115-kDa protein becomes 140 kDa after co- and posttranslational modifications. The VC deduced amino acid sequence has high similarity to and a domain structure characteristic of furin-like convertases. Northern blot analysis showed that a single 4.2-kb transcript was expressed in the fat body during the first 18 hr of the Vg synthetic period. Coexpression of VC cDNA with mosquito Vg cDNA resulted in correct cleavage of pro-Vg. Thus, this newly identified convertase is, indeed, a functional fat body-specific enzyme for pro-Vg cleavage.


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Bovine pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase (PDP) is a Mg2+-dependent and Ca2+-stimulated heterodimer that is a member of the protein phosphatase 2C family and is localized to mitochondria. Insight into the function of the regulatory subunit of PDP (PDPr) has been gained. It decreases the sensitivity of the catalytic subunit of PDP (PDPc) to Mg2+. The apparent Km of PDPc for Mg2+ is increased about 5-fold, from about 0.35 mM to 1.6 mM. The polyamine spermine increases the sensitivity of PDP but not PDPc to Mg2+, apparently by interacting with PDPr. PDPc but not PDP can use the phosphopeptide RRAT(P)VA as a substrate. These observations are interpreted to indicate that PDPr blocks or distorts the active site of PDPc and that spermine produces a conformational change in PDPr that reverses its inhibitory effect. These findings suggest that PDPr may be involved in the insulin-induced activation of the mitochondrial PDP in adipose tissue, which is characterized by a decrease in its apparent Km for Mg2+.


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Multimeric protein complexes in chloroplasts and mitochondria are generally composed of products of both nuclear and organelle genes of the cell. A central problem of eukaryotic cell biology is to identify and understand the molecular mechanisms for integrating the production and accumulation of the products of the two separate genomes. Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) is localized in the chloroplasts of photosynthetic eukaryotic cells and is composed of small subunits (SS) and large subunits (LS) coded for by nuclear rbcS and chloroplast rbcL genes, respectively. Transgenic tobacco plants containing antisense rbcS DNA have reduced levels of rbcS mRNA, normal levels of rbcL mRNA, and coordinately reduced LS and SS proteins. Our previous experiments indicated that the rate of translation of rbcL mRNA might be reduced in some antisense plants; direct evidence is presented here. After a short-term pulse there is less labeled LS protein in the transgenic plants than in wild-type plants, indicating that LS accumulation is controlled in the mutants at the translational and/or posttranslational levels. Consistent with a primary restriction at translation, fewer rbcL mRNAs are associated with polysomes of normal size and more are free or are associated with only a few ribosomes in the antisense plants. Effects of the rbcS antisense mutation on mRNA and protein accumulation, as well as on the distribution of mRNAs on polysomes, appear to be minimal for other chloroplast and nuclear photosynthetic genes. Our results suggest that SS protein abundance specifically contributes to the regulation of LS protein accumulation at the level of rbcL translation initiation.


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With efforts underway to develop a preventive human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine, it remains unclear which immune responses are sufficient to protect against infection and whether prior HIV-1 immunity can alter the subsequent course of HIV-1 infection. We investigated these issues in the context of a volunteer who received six HIV-1LAI envelope immunizations and 10 weeks thereafter acquired HIV-1 infection through a high-risk sexual exposure. In contrast to nonvaccinated acutely infected individuals, anamnestic HIV-1-specific B- and T-cell responses appeared within 3 weeks in this individual, and neutralizing antibody preceded CD8+ cytotoxic responses. Despite an asymptomatic course and an initial low level of detectable infectious virus, a progressive CD4+ cell decline and dysfunction occurred within 2 years. Although vaccination elicited immunity to HIV-1 envelope, which was recalled upon HIV-1 exposure, it was insufficient to prevent infection and subsequent immunodeficiency.


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Modulation of muscle acetylcholine (AcCho) receptors (AcChoRs) by serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT)] and other serotonergic compounds was studied in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Various combinations of alpha, beta, gamma, and delta subunit RNAs were injected into oocytes, and membrane currents elicited by AcCho were recorded under voltage clamp. Judging by the amplitudes of AcCho currents generated, the levels of functional receptor expression were: alpha beta gamma delta > alpha beta delta > alpha beta gamma > alpha gamma delta. The alpha beta gamma delta and alpha beta delta AcChoR Subtypes were strongly blocked by 5HT, whereas the alpha beta gamma receptor was blocked only slightly. The order of blocking potency of AcChoRs by 5HT was: alpha beta delta > alpha beta gamma delta > alpha beta gamma. 5HT receptor antagonists, such as methysergide and spiperone, were even more potent blockers of AcChoRs than 5HT but did not show much subunit selectivity. Blockage of alpha beta gamma delta and alpha beta delta receptors by 5HT was voltage-dependent, and the voltage dependence was abolished when the delta subunit was omitted. These findings may need to be taken into consideration when trying to elucidate the mode of action of many clinically important serotonergic compounds.


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The RNA polymerase II and III small nuclear RNA (snRNA) promoters contain a common basal promoter element, the proximal sequence element (PSE). The PSE binds a multisubunit complex we refer to as the snRNA activating protein complex (SNAPc). At least four polypeptides are visible in purified SNAPc preparations, which migrate with apparent molecular masses of 43, 45, 50, and 190 kDa on SDS/polyacrylamide gels. In addition, purified preparations of SNAPc contain variable amounts of TATA box binding protein (TBP). An important question is whether the PSEs of RNA polymerase II and III snRNA promoters recruit the exact same SNAP complex or slightly different versions of SNAPc, differing, for example, by the presence or absence of a subunit. To address this question, we are isolating cDNAs encoding different subunits of SNAPc. We have previously isolated the cDNA encoding the 43-kDa subunit SNAP43. We now report the isolation of the cDNA that encodes the p45 polypeptide. Antibodies directed against p45 retard the mobility of the SNAPc-PSE complex in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, indicating that p45 is indeed part of SNAPc. We therefore refer to this protein as SNAP45. SNAP45 is exceptionally proline-rich, interacts strongly with TBP, and, like SNAP43, is required for both RNA polymerase II and III transcription of snRNA genes.


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Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease in which T cells specific to epitopes of the autoantigen, the human acetylcholine receptor, play a role. We identified two peptides, p195-212 and p259-271, from the alpha subunit of the receptor, which bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) from peripheral blood lymphocytes of myasthenia gravis patients and stimulated lymphocytes of >80% of the patients. We have prepared analogs of these myasthenogenic peptides and tested their ability to bind to MHC class II determinants and to interfere specifically with T-cell stimulation. We first determined relative binding efficiency of the myasthenogenic peptides and their analogs to APCs of patients. We found that single substituted analogs of p195-212 (Ala-207) and p259-271 (Lys-262) could bind to human MHC molecules on APCs as efficiently as the original peptides. Moreover, dual analogs containing the two single substituted analogs in one stretch (either sequentially, Ala-207/Lys-262, or reciprocally, Lys-262/Ala-207) could also bind to APCs of patients, including those that failed to bind one of the single substituted analogs. The single substituted analogs significantly inhibited T-cell stimulation induced by their respective myasthenogenic peptides in >95% of the patients. The dual analogs were capable of inhibiting stimulation induced by either of the peptides: They inhibited the response to p195-212 and p259-271 in >95% and >90% of the patients, respectively. Thus, the dual analogs are good candidates for inhibition of T-cell responses of myasthenia gravis patients and might have therapeutic potential.


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The inhibition of alpha i2-/- mouse cardiac isoproterenol-stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC; EC activity by carbachol and that of alpha i2-/- adipocyte AC by phenylisopropyladenosine (PIA), prostaglandin E2, and nicotinic acid were partially, but not completely, inhibited. While the inhibition of cardiac AC was affected in all alpha i2-/- animals tested, only 50% of the alpha i2-/- animals showed an impaired inhibition of adipocyte AC, indicative of a partial penetrance of this phenotype. In agreement with previous results, the data show that Gi2 mediates hormonal inhibition of AC and that Gi3 and/or Gi1 is capable of doing the same but with a lower efficacy. Disruption of the alpha i2 gene affected about equally the actions of all the receptors studied, indicating that none of them exhibits a striking specificity for one type of Gi over another and that receptors are likely to he selective rather than specific in their interaction with functionally homologous G proteins (e.g., Gi1, Gi2, Gi3). Western analysis of G protein subunit levels in simian virus 40-transformed primary embryonic fibroblasts from alpha i2+/+ and alpha i2-/- animals showed that alpha i2 accounts for about 50% of the immunopositive G protein alpha subunits and that loss of the alpha i2 is accompanied by a parallel reduction in G beta 35 and G beta 36 subunits and by a 30-50% increase in alpha i3. This suggests that G beta-gamma levels may be regulated passively through differential rates of turnover in their free vs. trimeric states. The existence of compensatory increase(s) in alpha i subunit expression raises the possibility that the lack of effect of a missing alpha i2 on AC inhibition in adipocytes of some alpha i2-/- animals may be the reflection of a more pronounced compensatory expression of alpha i3 and/or alpha i1.


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The x-ray crystallographic structure of the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) has proven critical in understanding biological electron transfer processes. By contrast, understanding of intraprotein proton transfer is easily lost in the immense richness of the details. In the RC of Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides, the secondary quinone (QB) is surrounded by amino acid residues of the L subunit and some buried water molecules, with M- and H-subunit residues also close by. The effects of site-directed mutagenesis upon RC turnover and quinone function have implicated several L-subunit residues in proton delivery to QB, although some species differences exist. In wild-type Rb. sphaeroides, Glu L212 and Asp L213 represent an inner shell of residues of particular importance in proton transfer to QB. Asp L213 is crucial for delivery of the first proton, coupled to transfer of the second electron, while Glu L212, possibly together with Asp L213, is necessary for delivery of the second proton, after the second electron transfer. We report here the first study, by site-directed mutagenesis, of the role of the H subunit in QB function. Glu H173, one of a cluster of strongly interacting residues near QB, including Asp L213, was altered to Gln. In isolated mutant RCs, the kinetics of the first electron transfer, leading to formation of the semiquinone, QB-, and the proton-linked second electron transfer, leading to the formation of fully reduced quinol, were both greatly retarded, as observed previously in the Asp L213 --> Asn mutant. However, the first electron transfer equilibrium, QA-QB <==> QAQB-, was decreased, which is opposite to the effect of the Asp L213 --> Asn mutation. These major disruptions of events coupled to proton delivery to QB were largely reversed by the addition of azide (N3-). The results support a major role for electrostatic interactions between charged groups in determining the protonation state of certain entities, thereby controlling the rate of the second electron transfer. It is suggested that the essential electrostatic effect may be to "potentiate" proton transfer activity by raising the pK of functional entities that actually transfer protons in a coupled fashion with the second electron transfer. Candidates include buried water (H3O+) and Ser L223 (serine-OH2+), which is very close to the O5 carbonyl of the quinone.


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors, neurotransmitter-activated ion channels that mediate excitatory synaptic transmission in the central nervous system, are oligomeric membrane proteins of unknown subunit stoichiometry. To determine the subunit stoichiometry we have used a functional assay based on the blockade of two alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate/kainate receptor subunit 1 (GluR1) mutant subunits selectively engineered to exhibit differential sensitivity to the open channel blockers phencyclidine and dizolcipine (MK-801). Coinjection into amphibian oocytes of weakly sensitive with highly sensitive subunit complementary RNAs produces functional heteromeric channels with mixed blocker sensitivities. Increasing the fraction of the highly sensitive subunit augmented the proportion of drug-sensitive receptors. Analysis of the data using a model based on random aggregation of receptor subunits allowed us to determine a pentameric stoichiometry for GluR1. This finding supports the view that a pentameric subunit organization underlies the structure of the neuronal ionotropic glutamate receptor gene family.


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Stimulatory guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gs)-coupled receptors activated by luteinizing hormone, vasopressin, and the catecholamine isoproterenol (luteinizing hormone receptor, type 2 vasopressin receptor, and types 1 and 2 beta-adrenergic receptors) and the Gi-coupled M2 muscarinic receptor (M2R) were expressed transiently in COS cells, alone and in combination with Gbeta gamma dimers, their corresponding Galphas (Galpha(s), or Galpha(i3)) and either Galpha(q) or Galpha(16). Phospholipase C (PLC) activity, assessed by inositol phosphate production from preincorporated myo[3H]inositol, was then determined to gain insight into differential coupling preferences among receptors and G proteins. The following were observed: (i) All receptors tested were able to stimulate PLC activity in response to agonist occupation. The effect of the M2R was pertussis toxin sensitive. (ii) While, as expected, expression of Galpha(q) facilitated an agonist-induced activation of PLC that varied widely from receptor to receptor (400% with type 2 vasopressin receptor and only 30% with M2R), expression of Galpha(16) facilitated about equally well the activation of PLC by any of the tested receptors and thus showed little if any discrimination for one receptor over another. (iii) Gbeta gamma elevated basal (agonist independent) PLC activity between 2- and 4-fold, confirming the proven ability of Gbeta gamma to stimulate PLCbeta. (iv) Activation of expressed receptors by their respective ligands in cells coexpressing excess Gbeta gamma elicited agonist stimulated PLC activities, which, in the case of the M2R, was not blocked by pertussis toxin (PTX), suggesting mediation by a PTX-insensitive PLC-stimulating Galpha subunit, presumably, but not necessarily, of the Gq family. (v) The effects of Gbeta gamma and the PTX-insensitive Galpha elicited by M2R were synergistic, suggesting the possibility that one or more forms of PLC are under conditional or dual regulation of G protein subunits such that stimulation by one sensitizes to the stimulation by the other.