996 resultados para VDE, Go, Testing, Automazione, Virtualsquare
Even though computational power used for structural analysis is ever increasing, there is still a fundamental need for testing in structural engineering, either for validation of complex numerical models or material behaviour. Many structural engineers/researchers are aware of cyclic and shake table test methods, but less so hybrid testing. Over the past 40 years, hybrid testing of engineering structures has developed from concept through to maturity to become a reliable and accurate dynamic testing technique. In particular, the application of hybrid testing as a seismic testing technique in recent years has increased notably. The hybrid test method provides users with some additional benefits that standard dynamic testing methods do not, and the method is much more cost effective in comparison to shake table testing. This paper aims to provide the reader with a basic understanding of the hybrid test method and its potential as a dynamic testing technique.
Policymakers have largely replaced Single Bounded Discrete Choice (SBDC) valuation by the more statistically efficient repetitive methods; Double Bounded Discrete Choice (DBDC) and Discrete Choice Experiments (DCE) . Repetitive valuation permits classification into rational preferences: (i) a priori well-formed; (ii) consistent non-arbitrary values “discovered” through repetition and experience; (Plott, 1996; List 2003) and irrational preferences; (iii) consistent but arbitrary values as “shaped” by preceding bid level (Tufano, 2010; Ariely et al., 2003) and (iv) inconsistent and arbitrary values. Policy valuations should demonstrate behaviorally rational preferences. We outline novel methods for testing this in DBDC applied to renewable energy premiums in Chile.
The redox catalyst ruthenium dioxide, prepared via the Adams technique, i.e.Ru(Adams), is used as a water oxidation catalyst using the oxidants (i) Ce(IV) in 0.5M H2SO4 and (ii) periodate in 0.5 M H2SO4, water and 0.1 M KOH. Like Ce(IV),periodate is a very strong oxidant that is able to oxidise water to oxygen and can bereadily monitored spectrophotometrically at 280 nm, compared with 430 nm for Ce(IV).More importantly, unlike Ce(IV), which is unstable towards hydrolysis above pH 1,periodate is stable in acid, water and strong alkali. A spectrophotometric study of thekinetics of periodate reduction, and concomitant oxidation of water to O2, reveals thatin the presence of a suitable redox catalyst, Ru(Adams) in this work, periodate is ableto effect the stoichiometric oxidation of water, with a turnover number > 64. In justwater, the kinetics of the latter reaction appear diffusion-controlled, due to the largethermodynamic driving force, a measure of which is the difference in redox potential,i.e. ∆E = 423 mV. As this difference is decreased, ∆E = 396 mV in acid and 290 mVin strong alkali (0.1 M KOH), the kinetics become increasingly activation-controlledand slower. These findings are discussed briefly with regard to the possible use of (i)periodate as an alternative oxidant in the rapid screening of new potential wateroxidation catalyst material powders that are stable only under near neutral and/oralkaline conditions, and (ii) Ru(Adams) as a benchmark catalyst.
Bioluminescence-based, solid-contact toxicity assays allow test bacterium and toxicant to interact at the solid-solution interface. A lux- marked bacterium, Burkholderia sp. RASC, and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) were used to characterize these interactions. In the basic bioassay, cells were added to soil slurries containing 2,4-DCP (0-120 μg ml-1). After 15 min, soil was removed by centrifugation, and bioluminescence in the supernatant was determined. Investigation of 2,4-DCP adsorption to soil revealed that sorption was linear and not significantly (p > 0.1) affected by the presence of Burkholderia cells. The numbers of culturable Burkholderia cells in the assay supernatant were 48.2 to 64.8% of the inoculum and independent of the soil weight. The effect of soil on 2,4-DCP toxicity was investigated by comparing soil aqueous extract and contact assays. The percentage bioluminescence for the contact assay was consistently higher than the extract assay at all test concentrations, and counts of viable Burkholderia cells were enhanced by the presence of 2,4-DCP in the contact assay. Expressing results as specific bioluminescence decreased the variability in response and the discrepancy in results between the two protocols. We suggest that solid-contact assays need improvement to ensure defined contact between cells and solid phase, and that the reporting of specific activity should be emphasized.
High temperature ceramic membranes have interesting possibilities for application in areas of new and developing technologies such as hydrocarbon combustion with carbon dioxide capture and electrochemical promotion of catalysis (EPOC). However, membrane module sealing remains a significant technical challenge. In this work a borosilicate glass sealant (50SiO2·25B2O3·25Na2O, mol%) was developed to fit the requirements of sealing an air separation membrane system at intermediate temperatures (300-600 °C). The seal was assessed by testing the leak rates under a range of conditions. The parameters tested included the effect of flowrate on the leak rate, the heating and cooling rates of the reactor and the range of temperatures under which the system could operate. Tests for durability and reliability were also performed. It was found that the most favourable reactor configuration employed a reactor with the ceramic pellet placed underneath the inner chamber alumina tube (inverted configuration), using a quartz wool support to keep the membrane in place prior to sealing. Using this configuration the new glass-based seal was found to be a more suitable sealant than traditional alternatives; it produced lower leak rates at all desirable flowrates, with the potential for rapid heating and cooling and multiple cycling, allowing for prolonged usage. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Producing concrete with secondary raw materials is an excellent way to contribute to a moresustainable world, provided that this concrete has at least the same performance during itsservice life as concrete made with the primary raw materials it replaces. Secondary rawmaterials for Light Weight (LW) aggregates (rigid polyurethane foams, shredded tire rubberand mixed plastic scraps) have been combined with secondary raw materials for the binder(fly ash, slag and perlite tailings) making sustainable concretes that were investigated fortheir suitability as LW, highly insulating concrete for four different types of applications.Compliance to desired engineering properties (workability, setting time) was not alwaysfeasible: it was mostly the low workability of the mixtures that limited their application.Contrary to well established cements, steering the workability by adding water was not anoption for these binders that rely on alkali-activation. Eight successful mixtures have beentested further. The results have shown that it is possible to produce a non-structuralsustainable concrete with good mechanical and thermal insulation properties.Design of concrete made with novel materials is currently not feasible without extensiveexperimentation as no design rules exist other than empirically derived rules based ontraditional materials. As a radical different approach, a flexible concrete mix design has beendeveloped with which the concrete can be modelled in the fresh and hardened state. Thenumerical concrete mix design method proves a promising tool in designing concrete forperformance demands such as elasticity parameters and thermal conductivity
Molecular techniques have a key role to play in laboratory and clinical haematology. Restriction enzymes allow nucleic acids to be reduced in size for subsequent analysis. In addition they allow selection of specific DNA or RNA sequences for cloning into bacterial plasmids. These plasmids are naturally occuring DNA molecules which reside in bacterial cells. They can be manipulated to act as vehicles or carriers for biologically and medically important genes, allowing the production of large amounts of cloned material for research purposes or to aid in the production of medically important recombinant molecules such as insulin. As acquired or inherited genetic changes are implicated in a wide range of haematological diseases, it is necessary to have highly specific and sensitive assays to detect these mutations. Most of these techniques rely on nucleic acid hybridisation, benefitting from the ability of DNA or RNA to bind tighly to complimentary bases in the nucleic acid structure. Production of artificial DNA molecules called probes permits nucleic acid hybridiation assays to be performed, using the techniques of southern blotting or dot blot analysis. In addition the base composition of any gene or region of DNA can be determined using DNA sequencing technology. The advent of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has revolutionised all aspects of medicine, but has particular relevance in haematology where easy access to biopsy material provides a wealth of material for analysis. PCR permits quick and reliable manipulation of sample material and its ability to be automated makes it an ideal tool for use in the haematology laboratory.