920 resultados para Universities of the third age


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This cross-sectional analysis of the data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was conducted to determine the prevalence and determinants of asthma and wheezing among US adults, and to identify the occupations and industries at high risk of developing work-related asthma and work-related wheezing. Separate logistic models were developed for physician-diagnosed asthma (MD asthma), wheezing in the previous 12 months (wheezing), work-related asthma and work-related wheezing. Major risk factors including demographic, socioeconomic, indoor air quality, allergy, and other characteristics were analyzed. The prevalence of lifetime MD asthma was 7.7% and the prevalence of wheezing was 17.2%. Mexican-Americans exhibited the lowest prevalence of MD asthma (4.8%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.2, 5.4) when compared to other race-ethnic groups. The prevalence of MD asthma or wheezing did not vary by gender. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Mexican-Americans were less likely to develop MD asthma (adjusted odds ratio (ORa) = 0.64, 95%CI: 0.45, 0.90) and wheezing (ORa = 0.55, 95%CI: 0.44, 0.69) when compared to non-Hispanic whites. Low education level, current and past smoking status, pet ownership, lifetime diagnosis of physician-diagnosed hay fever and obesity were all significantly associated with MD asthma and wheezing. No significant effect of indoor air pollutants on asthma and wheezing was observed in this study. The prevalence of work-related asthma was 3.70% (95%CI: 2.88, 4.52) and the prevalence of work-related wheezing was 11.46% (95%CI: 9.87, 13.05). The major occupations identified at risk of developing work-related asthma and wheezing were cleaners; farm and agriculture related occupations; entertainment related occupations; protective service occupations; construction; mechanics and repairers; textile; fabricators and assemblers; other transportation and material moving occupations; freight, stock and material movers; motor vehicle operators; and equipment cleaners. The population attributable risk for work-related asthma and wheeze were 26% and 27% respectively. The major industries identified at risk of work-related asthma and wheeze include entertainment related industry; agriculture, forestry and fishing; construction; electrical machinery; repair services; and lodging places. The population attributable risk for work-related asthma was 36.5% and work-related wheezing was 28.5% for industries. Asthma remains an important public health issue in the US and in the other regions of the world. ^


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Stable isotope analysis was performed on the structural carbonate of fish bone apatite from early and early middle Eocene samples (~55 to ~45 Ma) recently recovered from the Lomonosov Ridge by Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 (the Arctic Coring Expedition). The d18O values of the Eocene samples ranged from -6.84 per mil to -2.96 per mil Vienna Peedee belemnite, with a mean value of -4.89 per mil, compared to 2.77 per mil for a Miocene sample in the overlying section. An average salinity of 21 to 25 per mil was calculated for the Eocene Arctic, compared to 35 per mil for the Miocene, with lower salinities during the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum, the Azolla event at ~48.7 Ma, and a third previously unidentified event at ~47.6 Ma. At the Azolla event, where the organic carbon content of the sediment reaches a maximum, a positive d13C excursion was observed, indicating unusually high productivity in the surface waters.


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The book presents results of comprehensive geological investigations carried out during Cruise 8 of R/V "Vityaz-2" to the western part of the Black Sea in 1984. Systematic studies in the Black Sea during about hundred years have not weakened interest in the sea. Lithological and geochemical studies of sediments in estuarine areas of the Danube and the Kyzyl-Irmak rivers, as well as in adjacent parts of the deep sea and some other areas were the main aims of the cruise. Data on morphological structures of river fans, lithologic and chemical compositions of sediments in the fans and their areal distribution, forms of occurrence of chemical elements, role of organic matter and gases in sedimentation and diagenesis are given and discussed in the book.


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Changes in Atlantic deep water circulation were reconstructed by comparing the benthic foraminiferal delta13C record at ODP Site 1090 in the South Atlantic with similar records from the North Atlantic (Sites 982, 607, 925, 929) and deep Pacific (Site 849) oceans. Important deep water circulation changes occurred in the early Pleistocene at 1.55 Myr and during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition at 0.9 Myr. At 1.55 Myr, glacial delta13C values in the Southern Ocean became significantly lower than those in the deep Pacific, establishing a pattern that persisted throughout the late Pleistocene. We propose that the lowering of delta13C values of Southern Component Water (SCW) at this time resulted from expansion of sea ice and reduced ventilation of deep water during glacial periods after marine isotope stage 52. Accompanying this change in Southern Ocean deep water circulation was enhanced interhemispheric coupling between the North and South Atlantic after 1.55 Myr. At ~0.9 Myr, the magnitude of glacial-to-interglacial variabilityin delta13C increased and shifted to a longer frequency (100 kyr) along with oceanic delta18O (ice volume). Calculation of percent Northern Component Water (NCW) using Site 1090 as the SCW end member yielded 20-30% less reduction of NCW during glacial periods of the late Pleistocene. Also, a trend toward reduced glacial suppression of NCW during the past 400 kyr is not evident. The apparent decoupling of ice volume and deep water circulation reported previously maybe an artifact of using a Pacific, rather than a Southern Ocean, carbon isotopic record to calculate past mixing ratios of NCW and SCW.


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The name "Schlagwasser breccia" is a synopsis of several debris flows in the Warstein area, which can be derived from the Warstein carbonate platform and the Scharfenberg reef. Though only locally developed, the breccia is important for the understanding of paleogeography and sedimentology in the Eastern Sauerland. Considering this breccia some gravitational-resedimentary slide movements between a high, consisting of reef carbonates, and a basin with flinz beds can be pointed out. From the uppermost Middle Devonian to the lowermost Lower Carboniferous several slides yielded the sedimentary components building up the 30 to 50 m thick polymict breccia. Some breccias were redeposited repeatedly as can be verified by different conodont maxima in single samples. Supplying area was the western part of the Warstein high, from which the slide masses glided off to the East and Southeast, more seldom to the West and Westsouthwest. All conodont zones from the upper Middle Devonian up to the lowermost Carboniferous could be identified in the Schlagwasser breccia. Therefore, an uninterrupted continuous sedimentation must have been prevalent in the supplying area; today this area nearly is denuded of flinz beds and cephalopod limestones. The slide masses spread transgressively to the East up to a substratum consisting of different units as massive limestone, flinz beds and cephalopod limestone; they are overlapped by Hangenberg beds, alum schists and siliceous rocks of the Lower Carboniferous. Parts of the substratum were transported during the progress of the slide masses. Proximal and distal parts of the flow masses can be distinguished by the diameter of the pebbles. Graded bedding and banking structures are marked only rarely. Way of transport was up to 3 km. Differently aged slide masses do not always overlap, but are placed side by side, too. Usually the slide masses do not spread out upon a greater area during sedimentation, but form closely limited debris flows. Synsedimentary fracturing and tilting of the reef platform, epirogenetic movements and seaquakes caused the slides. The entire formation period of the breccia includes about 20 millions of years. The longevity of the events points to solid paleomorphological situations around the eastern margin of the carbonate platform.


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Siliceous skeletons were investigated in two core profiles (9 cores), one off Cap de Sines, Portugal and the other off Cap de Mazagan, Morocco. Total number of skeletons was determined per gram of dried sediment at different core depths of the fraction >21 µ. Results are compared with a core profile from the Arabian Sea. Diatoms are of four groups: (A) marine-planktonic, B) marine-benthic, (C) freshwater and (D) Tertiary species (Trinacria e.g.). Species from groups (B), (C) and (D) are redeposited in all cores taken at a water depth of greater than 100 m. Small numbers of Silicoflagellates and Radiolarians were found throughout the cores from the Ibero-Moroccan shelf. In the Arabian Sea core, Radiolarians were concentrated in distinct horizons in which Tertiary material was redeposited (40-50, 140-150, 250-260 cm). The number of siliceous skeletons per gram of dried sediment decreases more or less rapidly with increasing depth in all cores. Whereas about 2500 skeletons were found in sediments close to the surface, approximately 100 skeletons only were found in deeper (>40 cm) layers. Deeper horizons with more than 100 specimens were interpreted as redeposited material. This sediment contained robust skeletons, resistant against dissolution, as well as benthic and Tertiary material. The decrease of siliceous skeletons relative to core depth depends upon the sedimentation rate. Where the sedimentation rate is high, the opal dissolution zone extends down to 30-60 cm, where the sedimentation rate is low, it is located at 10-30 cm. Below these depths opals disappears. These zones also have approximately the same age (4000 years) everywhere. Siliceous skeletons dissolve differentially, first the Silicoflagellates disappear, second the Diatoms, third the Radiolarians, and fourth the Sponge Spicules. Surface structure of skeletons from near the opal dissolution zones are similar to those of skeletons treated with NaOH. Tertiary diatoms (Trinacria e. g.) and benthic diatoms (Campylodiscus e.g.) dissolve less rapidly than skeletons of modern planktonic diatoms (Coscinodiscus e.g.). The time control of the opal dissolution zones appeared rather independent of various oceanic influences. No evidence was found for effects from upwelling either off Portugal or off Morocco. No difference in dissolution rates was recorded between the abyssal plains lying off these two areas. Likewise, there was no change in solution rates from Pleistocene to Holocene within either one of the abyssal plains. The Mediterranean outflow, which is enriched in dissolved silica, apparently had no effect on dissolution rates of siliceous skeletons in the sediment.


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We examine the possibility that glacial increase in the areal extent of reducing sediments might have changed the oceanic Cd inventory, thereby decoupling Cd from PO4. We suggest that the precipitation of Cd-sulfide in suboxic sediments is the single largest sink in the oceanic Cd budget and that the accumulation of authigenic Cd and U is tightly coupled to the organic carbon flux into the seafloor. Sediments from the Subantarctic Ocean and the Cape Basin (South Atlantic), where oxic conditions currently prevail, show high accumulation rates of authigenic Cd and U during glacial intervals associated with increased accumulation of organic carbon. These elemental enrichments attest to more reducing conditions in glacial sediments in response to an increased flux of organic carbon. A third core, overlain by Circumpolar Deep Water (CPDW) as are the other two cores but located south of the Antarctic Polar Front, shows an approximately inverse pattern to the Subantarctic record. The contrasting patterns to the north and south of the Antarctic Polar Front suggest that higher accumulation rates of Cd and U in Subantarctic sediments were driven primarily by increased productivity. This proposal is consistent with the hypothesis of glacial stage northward migration of the Antarctic Polar Front and its associated belt of high siliceous productivity. However, the increase in authigenic Cd and U glacial accumulation rates is higher than expected simply from a northward shift of the polar fronts, suggesting greater partitioning of organic carbon into the sediments during glacial intervals. Lower oxygen content of CPDW and higher organic carbon to biogenic silica rain rate ratio during glacial stages are possible causes. Higher glacial productivity in the Cape Basin record very likely reflects enhanced coastal up-welling in response to increased wind speeds. We suggest that higher productivity might have doubled the areal extent of suboxic sediments during the last glacial maximum. However, our calculations suggest low sensitivity of seawater Cd concentrations to glacial doubling of the extent of reducing sediments. The model suggests that during the last 250 kyr seawater Cd concentrations fluctuated only slightly, between high levels (about 0.66 nmol/kg) on glacial initiations and reaching lowest values (about 0.57 nmol/kg) during glacial maxima. The estimated 5% lower Cd content at the last glacial maximum relative to modern levels (0.60 nmol/kg) cannot explain the discordance between Cd and delta13C, such as observed in the Southern Ocean. This low sensitivity is consistent with foraminiferal data, suggesting minimal change in the glacial Cd mean oceanic content.


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Drilling at site 207 (DSDP Leg 21), located on the broad summit of the Lord Howe Rise, bottomed in rhyolitic rocks. Sanidine concentrates from four samples of the rhyolite were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar total fusion method and conventional K-Ar method, and yielded concordant ages of 93.7 +/- 1.1 my, equivalent to the early part of the Upper Cretaceous. At this time the Lord Howe Rise, which has continental-type structure, is thought to have been emergent and adjacent to the eastern margin of the Australian-antarctic continent. Subsequent to 94 my ago and prior to deposition of Maastrichtian (70-65 myBP) marine sediments on top of the rhyolitic basement of the Lord Howe Rise, rifting occurred and the formation of the Tasman Basin began by sea-floor spreading with rotation of the Rise away from the margin of Australia. Subsidence of the Rise continued until Early Eocene (about 50 myBP), probably marking the end of sea-floor spreading in the Tasman Basin. These large scale movements relate to the breakup of this part of Gondwanaland in the Upper Cretaceous.


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An astronomically calibrated age model for the Pliocene section of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 Cape Basin Site 1085 based on magnetic susceptibility data was developed using shipboard biostratigraphic datums. The composite core magnetic susceptibility record was compiled using shipboard correlations between Holes 1085A and 1085B and then tuned to the record of orbital variations in eccentricity to generate an orbitally tuned age model. Magnetic susceptibility apparently records climate variations in the Cape Basin. Strong power spectra values at the 100- and 400-k.y. frequency suggest an orbital control on the beat of Pliocene climate change in the Cape Basin.


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An isotope-geochemical study of Eocene-Oligocene magmatic rocks from the Western Kamchatka-Koryak volcanogenic belt revealed lateral heterogeneity of mantle magma sources in its segments: Western Kamchatka, Central Koryak, and Northern Koryak ones. In the Western Kamchatka segment magmatic melts were generated from isotopically heterogeneous (depleted and/or insignificantly enriched) mantle sources significantly contaminated by quartz-feldspathic sialic sediments; higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70429-0.70564) and lower 143Nd/144Nd [eNd(T) = 0.06-2.9] ratios in volcanic rocks from the Central Koryak segment presumably reflect contribution of an enriched mantle source; high positive eNd(T) and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios in magmatic rocks from the Northern Koryak segment area indicate their derivation from an isotopically depleted mantle source without significant contamination by sialic or mantle material enriched in radiogenic Sr and Nd. Significantly different contamination histories of Eocene-Oligocene mantle magmas in Kamchatka and Koryakia are related to their different thermal regimes: higher heat flow beneath Kamchatka led to crustal melting and contamination of mantle suprasubduction magmas by crustal melts. Cessation of suprasubduction volcanism in the Western Kamchatka segment of the continental margin belt was possibly related to accretion of the Achaivayam-Valagin terrane 40 Ma ago, whereas suprasubduction activity in the Koryak segment stopped due to closure of the Ukelayat basin in Oligocene.


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Abundance variations of six Pliocene species of discoasters have been analyzed over the time interval from 1.89 to 2.95 Ma at five contrasting sites in the North Atlantic: Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 552 (56°N) and 607 (41°N) and Ocean Drilling Program 658 (20°N), 659 (18°N), and 662 (1°S). A sampling interval equivalent to approximately 3 k.y. was used. Total Discoaster abundance showed a reduction with increasing latitude and from the effects of upwelling. This phenomenon is most obvious in Discoaster brouweri, the only species that survived over the entire time interval studied. Prior to 2.38 Ma, Discoaster pentaradiatus and Discoaster surculus are important components of the Discoaster assemblage: Discoaster pentaradiatus increases slightly with latitude up to 41°N, and its abundance relative to D. brouweri increases up to 56°N; D. surculus increases in abundance with latitude and with upwelling conditions relative to both D. brouweri and D. pentaradiatus and is dominant to the latter species at upwelling Site 658 and at the highest latitude sites. Discoaster asymmetricus and Discoaster tamalis appear to increase in abundance with latitude relative to D. brouweri. Many of the abundance changes observed appear to be connected with the initiation of glaciation in the North Atlantic at 2.4 Ma. The long-term trend of decreasing Discoaster abundance probably reflects the fall of sea-surface temperatures. This trend of cooling is overprinted by short-term variations that are probably associated with orbital forcing. Evidence for the astronomical elements of eccentricity and obliquity periodicities were found at all sites; however, only at Sites 607, 659, and 662 were precessional periodicities detected. Furthermore, only at Site 659 was precession found to be dominant to obliquity. Abundance peaks of individual species were found to cross-correlate between sites. The distinct abundance fluctuations observed especially in the tropics suggest that temperature is not the only factor responsible for this variation. This study reveals for the first time the importance of productivity pressure on the suppression of Discoaster abundance.