928 resultados para UNCOUPLING PROTEIN-2 GENE


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Aims: To evaluate the associations of excision repair cross complementing-group 1 (ERCC1) (DNA repair protein) (G19007A) polymorphism, methylation and immunohistochemical expression with epidemiological and clinicopathological factors and with overall survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. Methods and results: The study group comprised 84 patients with HNSCC who underwent surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy without chemotherapy. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used. The allele A genotype variant was observed in 79.8% of the samples, GG in 20.2%, GA in 28.6% and AA in 51.2%. Individuals aged more than 45 years had a higher prevalence of the allelic A variant and a high (83.3%) immunohistochemical expression of ERCC1 protein [odds ratio (OR) = 4.86, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2-19.7, P = 0.027], which was also high in patients with advanced stage (OR= 5.04, 95% CI: 1.07-23.7, P = 0.041). Methylated status was found in 51.2% of the samples, and was higher in patients who did not present distant metastasis (OR = 6.67, 95% CI: 1.40-33.33, P = 0.019) and in patients with advanced stage (OR = 5.04, 95% CI: 1.07-23.7, P = 0.041). At 2 and 5 years, overall survival was 55% and 36%, respectively (median = 30 months). Conclusion: Our findings may reflect a high rate of DNA repair due to frequent tissue injury during the lifetime of these individuals, and also more advanced disease presentation in this population with worse prognosis.


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Abstract Background In the tephritids Ceratitis, Bactrocera and Anastrepha, the gene transformer provides the memory device for sex determination via its auto-regulation; only in females is functional Tra protein produced. To date, the isolation and characterisation of the gene transformer-2 in the tephritids has only been undertaken in Ceratitis, and it has been shown that its function is required for the female-specific splicing of doublesex and transformer pre-mRNA. It therefore participates in transformer auto-regulatory function. In this work, the characterisation of this gene in eleven tephritid species belonging to the less extensively analysed genus Anastrepha was undertaken in order to throw light on the evolution of transformer-2. Results The gene transformer-2 produces a protein of 249 amino acids in both sexes, which shows the features of the SR protein family. No significant partially spliced mRNA isoform specific to the male germ line was detected, unlike in Drosophila. It is transcribed in both sexes during development and in adult life, in both the soma and germ line. The injection of Anastrepha transformer-2 dsRNA into Anastrepha embryos caused a change in the splicing pattern of the endogenous transformer and doublesex pre-mRNA of XX females from the female to the male mode. Consequently, these XX females were transformed into pseudomales. The comparison of the eleven Anastrepha Transformer-2 proteins among themselves, and with the Transformer-2 proteins of other insects, suggests the existence of negative selection acting at the protein level to maintain Transformer-2 structural features. Conclusions These results indicate that transformer-2 is required for sex determination in Anastrepha through its participation in the female-specific splicing of transformer and doublesex pre-mRNAs. It is therefore needed for the auto-regulation of the gene transformer. Thus, the transformer/transfomer-2 > doublesex elements at the bottom of the cascade, and their relationships, probably represent the ancestral state (which still exists in the Tephritidae, Calliphoridae and Muscidae lineages) of the extant cascade found in the Drosophilidae lineage (in which tra is just another component of the sex determination gene cascade regulated by Sex-lethal). In the phylogenetic lineage that gave rise to the drosophilids, evolution co-opted for Sex-lethal, modified it, and converted it into the key gene controlling sex determination.


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Chemical agents used in cancer therapy are associated with cell cycle arrest, activation or deactivation of mechanisms associated to DNA repair and apoptosis. However, due to the complexity of biological systems, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these activities are not fully understood. Thus, studies about gene and protein expression have shown promising results for understanding the mechanisms related to cellular responses and regression of cancer after chemotherapy. This study aimed to evaluate the gene and protein expression profiling in bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) with different TP53 status after gemcitabine (1.56 μM) treatment. The RT4 (grade 1, TP53 wild type), 5637 (grade 2, TP53 mutated) and T24 (grade 3, TP53 mutated) cell lines were used. PCR arrays and mass spectrometry were used to analyze gene and protein expression, respectively. Morphological alterations were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results of PCR array showed that gemcitabine activity was mainly related to CDKN1A, GADD45A and SERTDA1 overexpression, and BAX overexpression only in the wild type TP53 cells. Mass spectrometry demonstrated that gemcitabine modulated the protein expression, especially those from genes related to apoptosis, transport of vesicles and stress response. Analyses using SEM and TEM showed changes in cell morphology independently on the cell line studied. The observed decreased number of microvillus suggests low contact among the cells and between cell and extracellular matrix; irregular forms might indicate actin cytoskeleton deregulation; and the reduction in the amount of organelles and core size might indicate reduced cellular metabolism. In conclusion, independently on TP53 status or grade of bladder tumor, gemcitabine modulated genes related to the cell cycle and apoptosis, that reflected in morphological changes indicative of future cell death.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die funktionelle Bedeutung des Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor Gens lethal(2)tumorous imaginal discs (l(2)tid) durch die Identifikation von molekularen Partnern der vom Gen kodierten Proteine zu etablieren. Mit dem Screening einer Expressionsbibliothek mittels des Hefe-Di-Hybrid-Systems wurde das Protein Patched (Ptc) als ein neues Tid-bindendes Protein identifiziert. Ptc ist ein Zentralregulator der Hedhehog-Signalkette. Diese ist in der Entwicklung konserviert und in manchen humanen Krebsarten verwickelt. Die Tid/Ptc-Interaktion wurde mittels unabhängigen biochemischen Methoden wie dem GST-pulldown-Test oder der Immunopräzipitation überprüft. Außerdem ergaben funktionelle Studien in tumorosen Imaginalscheiben einen möglichen inhibitorischen Effekt von Tid über die Hh Signaltransduktion.Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Interaktion zwischen Tid und dem E-APC-Protein (Adenomatous polyposis coli) bewiesen. Polakis und seine Gruppe zeigten durch Studien mit dem Hefe-Di-Hybrid-System und in vitro, dass das hTid mit dem APC-Protein interagiert. Um dies auch auf Drosophila-Ebene zu überprüfen, wurden Immunopräzipitation-Studien mit den Drosophila-Gegenstücken durchgeführt. Diese Studien zeigen zum ersten Mal eine direkte Interaktion beider Proteine in vivo.


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Die Proteinhomöostase wird in der Zelle von drei Stoffwechselwegen reguliert: den molekularen Chaperonen, dem Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System und dem autophagosomalen Abbauweg. Die (Makro)Autophagie verpackt und transportiert zytosolische Komponenten in Autophagosomen zu den Lysosomen, wo sie abgebaut werden. Eine Störung dieses Abbauwegs wirkt auf die Proteostase.rnIn dieser Dissertation wurde C. elegans als Modellorganismus zur Erforschung von Proteinstabilität genutzt. In einer RNAi-vermittelten Proteostase-Analyse von Chromosom I und ausgewählter zusätzlicher Gene wurde ein Wurmstamm, der ein Luc::GFP-Konstrukt im Muskel exprimiert, genutzt. Dieses Reporterprotein aggregiert unter Hitzestressbedingungen und diese Aggregation kann durch Modulatoren der Proteostase beeinflusst werden. Dabei wurden mögliche neue Faktoren der Proteinhomöostase entdeckt. Durch weitere Experimente bei denen die Aggregation von PolyQ35::YFP im AM140-System, der Paralyse-Phänotyp und die Akkumulation Thioflavin S-gefärbter Aggregate von Aβ42 im CL2006-Wurmstamm und die Effekte auf die Autophagie mittels eines GFP::LGG1-Konstrukt analysiert wurden, konnten rbg-1 und rbg-2 als neue Modulatoren der Proteinhomöostase, insbesondere der Autophagie, identifiziert werden.rnIm Säuger bilden beide Orthologe dieser Gene, RAB3GAP1 und RAB3GAP2 den heterodimeren RAB3GAP-Komplex, der bisher nur bekannt war für die Stimulation der Umwandlung der GTP-gebundenen aktiven Form zur GDP-gebundenen inaktiven Form der RAB GTPase RAB3. In Immunoblot-Analysen und mikroskopischen Darstellungen im Säugersystem konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Effekte auf die Proteostase über den autophagosomalen Abbauweg wirken. RAB3GAP1/2 wirken als positive Stimulatoren, wenn die Lipidierung von LC3-I und der autophagische Flux von LC3-II und p62/SQSTM1 betrachtet werden. Diese Effekte werden aber nicht über die RAB GTPase RAB3 vermittelt. Die Proteine FEZ1 und FEZ2 haben einen antagonistischen Effekt auf die Autophagie und wenn alle vier Komponenten RAB3GAP1, RAB3GAP2, FEZ1 und FEZ2 zusammen herunter- oder hochreguliert werden, heben sich diese Effekte auf. In Co-Immunopräzipitationen und proteomischen Analysen konnte keine direkte Interaktion zwischen dem RAB3GAP-Komplex und FEZ1/2 oder zu anderen Autophagie-Genen nachgewiesen werden.rnHier konnte der RAB3GAP-Komplex funktionell mit Proteostase und Autophagie in C. elegans und Säugerzellen assoziiert werden. Dieser Komplex zeigt Einflüsse auf die autophagosomale Biogenese indem sie die Proteostase und die Bildung von (prä)autophagosomalen Strukturen in C. elegans und die Lipidierung von LC3 und damit den autophagischen Flux der Autophagiesubstrate LC3-II und p62/SQSTM1 in Säugerzellen beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus wirkt RAB3GAP der komplexen Autophagie-Unterdrückung durch FEZ1 und FEZ2 entgegen. Somit konnte gezeigt werden, dass RAB3GAP als neuartiger Faktor auf die autophagosomale Biogenese und somit auf die Proteostase wirkt.rn


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To obtain crystals of the Escherichia coli catabolite gene activator protein (CAP) complexed with its DNA-binding site, we have searched for crystallization conditions with 26 different DNA segments ≥28 base-pairs in length that explore a variety of nucleotide sequences, lengths, and extended 5′ or 3′ termini. In addition to utilizing uninterrupted asymmetric lac site sequences, we devised a novel approach of synthesizing half-sites that allowed us to efficiently generate symmetric DNA segments with a wide variety of extended termini and lengths in the large size range (≥28 bp) required by this protein. We report three crystal forms that are suitable for X-ray analysis, one of which (crystal form III) gives measurable diffraction amplitudes to 3 Å resolution. Additives such as calcium, n-octyl-β-d-glucopyranoside and spermine produce modest improvements in the quality of diffraction from crystal form III. Adequate stabilization of crystal form III is unexpectedly complex, requiring a greater than tenfold reduction in the salt concentration followed by addition of 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol and then an increase in the concentration of polyethylene glycol.


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In idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) typical vascular lesions are present in the branches of the portal vein or in the perisinusoidal area of the liver. Similar histological alterations have been reported in the pulmonary vasculature of patients with idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension (IPAH). As IPAH is associated with mutations of the bone morphogenetic protein receptor 2 (BMPR2) gene, the aim of this study was to investigate whether this association might also be found in patients with IPH. Twenty-three samples belonging to 21 unrelated caucasian patients with IPH followed in the hepatic haemodynamic laboratory of the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona were included in the study. All patients were studied for the entire open reading frame and splice site of the BMPR2 gene by direct sequencing and multiple ligation probe amplification (MLPA) in order to detect large deletions/duplications. None of the 23 patients had pulmonary artery hypertension. Four patients presented one single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in intron 5, four patients had a SNP in exon 12 and a SNP in exon 1 was found in two cases. Two patients had both intron 5 and exon 12 polymorphisms. All SNPs were previously described. Except for these three SNPs, neither mutations nor rearrangements have been identified in the BMPR2 gene in this population. We did not detect mutations or rearrangements in the coding region of the BMPR2 gene in our patients with IPH. These findings suggest that, in contrast to IPAH, mutations in BMPR2 are not involved in the pathogenesis of IPH.


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Background Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family proteins have a well-characterized role in heterochromatin packaging and gene regulation. Their function in organismal development, however, is less well understood. Here we used genome-wide expression profiling to assess novel functions of the Caenorhabditis elegans HP1 homolog HPL-2 at specific developmental stages. Results We show that HPL-2 regulates the expression of germline genes, extracellular matrix components and genes involved in lipid metabolism. Comparison of our expression data with HPL-2 ChIP-on-chip profiles reveals that a significant number of genes up- and down-regulated in the absence of HPL-2 are bound by HPL-2. Germline genes are specifically up-regulated in hpl-2 mutants, consistent with the function of HPL-2 as a repressor of ectopic germ cell fate. In addition, microarray results and phenotypic analysis suggest that HPL-2 regulates the dauer developmental decision, a striking example of phenotypic plasticity in which environmental conditions determine developmental fate. HPL-2 acts in dauer at least partly through modulation of daf-2/IIS and TGF-β signaling pathways, major determinants of the dauer program. hpl-2 mutants also show increased longevity and altered lipid metabolism, hallmarks of the long-lived, stress resistant dauers. Conclusions Our results suggest that the worm HP1 homologue HPL-2 may coordinately regulate dauer diapause, longevity and lipid metabolism, three processes dependent on developmental input and environmental conditions. Our findings are of general interest as a paradigm of how chromatin factors can both stabilize development by buffering environmental variation, and guide the organism through remodeling events that require plasticity of cell fate regulation.


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In adult skeletal muscle, abluminal sprouting or longitudinal splitting of capillaries can be initiated separately by muscle overload and elevated microcirculation shear stress respectively. In the present study, gene and protein expression patterns associated with the different forms of angiogenesis were examined using a targeted gene array (Superarray), validated by quantitative RT (reverse transcription)-PCR and immunoblots. Sprouting angiogenesis induced large changes in expression levels in genes associated with extracellular matrix remodelling, such as MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinase-2), TIMP (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases), SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine) and thrombospondin. Changes in neuropilin, midkine and restin levels, which may underpin changes in endothelial morphology, were seen during splitting angiogenesis. Up-regulation of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), Flk-1, angiopoietin-2 and PECAM-1 (platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1) was seen in both forms of angiogenesis, representing a common angiogenic response of endothelial cells. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that general angiogenic signals from growth factors can be influenced by the local microenvironment resulting in differing forms of capillary growth to produce a co-ordinated expansion of the vascular bed.


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Apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME) is a severe form of hypertension that is caused by impaired activity of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11beta-HSD2), which converts biologically active cortisol into inactive cortisone. Mutations in HSD11B2 result in cortisol-induced activation of mineralocorticoid receptors and cause hypertension with hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, and suppressed circulating renin and aldosterone concentrations. This study uncovered the first patient with AME who was described in the literature, identified the genetic defect in HSD11B2, and provided evidence for a novel mechanism of reduced 11beta-HSD2 activity. This study identified a cluster of amino acids (335 to 339) in the C-terminus of 11beta-HSD2 that are essential for protein stability. The cluster includes Tyr(338), which is mutated in the index patient, and Arg(335) and Arg(337), previously reported to be mutated in hypertensive patients. It was found that wild-type 11beta-HSD2 is a relatively stable enzyme with a half-life of 21 h, whereas that of Tyr(338)His and Arg(337)His was 3 and 4 h, respectively. Enzymatic activity of Tyr(338)His was partially retained at 26 degrees C or in the presence of the chemical chaperones glycerol and dexamethasone, indicating thermodynamic instability and misfolding. The results provide evidence that the degradation of both misfolded mutant Tyr(338)His and wild-type 11beta-HSD2 occurs through the proteasome pathway. Therefore, impaired 11beta-HSD2 protein stability rather than reduced gene expression or loss of catalytic activity seems to be responsible for the development of hypertension in some individuals with AME.


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Inflammation of the subarachnoid and ventricular space contributes to the development of brain damage i.e. cortical necrosis and hippocampal apoptosis in pneumococcal meningitis (PM). Galectin-3 and -9 are known pro-inflammatory mediators and regulators of apoptosis. Here, the gene and protein expression profile for both galectins was assessed in the disease progression of PM. The mRNA of Lgals3 and Lgals9 increased continuously in the cortex and in the hippocampus from 22 h to 44 h after infection. At 44 h after infection, mRNA levels of Lgals9 in the hippocampus were 7-fold and those of Lgals3 were 30-fold higher than in uninfected controls (P<0.01). Galectin-9 protein did not change, but galectin-3 significantly increased in cortex and hippocampus with the duration of PM. Galectin-3 was localized to polymorphonuclear neutrophils, microglia, monocytes and macrophages, suggesting an involvement of galectin-3 in the neuroinflammatory processes leading to brain damage in PM.


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Studies from our lab have shown that decreasing myocardial G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) activity and expression can prevent heart failure progression after myocardial infarction. Since GRK2 appears to also act as a pro-death kinase in myocytes, we investigated the effect of cardiomyocyte-specific GRK2 ablation on the acute response to cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. To do this we utilized two independent lines of GRK2 knockout (KO) mice where the GRK2 gene was deleted in only cardiomyocytes either constitutively at birth or in an inducible manner that occurred in adult mice prior to I/R. These GRK2 KO mice and appropriate control mice were subjected to a sham procedure or 30 min of myocardial ischemia via coronary artery ligation followed by 24 hrs reperfusion. Echocardiography and hemodynamic measurements showed significantly improved post-I/R cardiac function in both GRK2 KO lines, which correlated with smaller infarct sizes in GRK2 KO mice compared to controls. Moreover, there was significantly less TUNEL positive myocytes, less caspase-3, and -9 but not caspase-8 activities in GRK2 KO mice compared to control mice after I/R injury. Of note, we found that lowering cardiac GRK2 expression was associated with significantly lower cytosolic cytochrome C levels in both lines of GRK2 KO mice after I/R compared to corresponding control animals. Mechanistically, the anti-apoptotic effects of lowering GRK2 expression were accompanied by increased levels of Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, and increased activation of Akt after I/R injury. These findings were reproduced in vitro in cultured cardiomyocytes and GRK2 mRNA silencing. Therefore, lowering GRK2 expression in cardiomyocytes limits I/R-induced injury and improves post-ischemia recovery by decreasing myocyte apoptosis at least partially via Akt/Bcl-2 mediated mitochondrial protection and implicates mitochondrial-dependent actions, solidifying GRK2 as a pro-death kinase in the heart.


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Ubiquitylation plays an important role in the control of Na⁺ homeostasis by the kidney. It is well established that the epithelial Na⁺ channel ENaC is regulated by the ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-2, limiting ENaC cell surface expression and activity. Ubiquitylation can be reversed by the action of deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs). One such DUB, USP2-45, was identified previously as an aldosterone-induced protein in the kidney and is also a circadian output gene. In heterologous expression systems, USP2-45 binds to ENaC, deubiquitylates it, and enhances channel density and activity at the cell surface. Because the role of USP2-45 in renal Na⁺ transport had not been studied in vivo, we investigated here the effect of Usp2 gene inactivation in this process. We demonstrate first that USP2-45 protein has a rhythmic expression with a peak at ZT12. Usp2-KO mice did not show any differences from wild-type littermates with respect to the diurnal control of Na⁺ or K⁺ urinary excretion and plasma levels either on a standard diet or after acute and chronic changes to low- and high-Na⁺ diets, respectively. Moreover, they had similar aldosterone levels on either a low- or high-Na⁺ diet. Blood pressure measurements using telemetry did not reveal variations compared with control mice. Usp2-KO mice did not display alterations in expression of genes involved in sodium homeostasis or the ubiquitin system, as evidenced by transcriptome analysis in the kidney. Our data suggest that USP2 does not play a primary role in the control of Na⁺ balance or blood pressure.


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OBJECTIVES: We evaluated ankyrin repeat domain 1 (ANKRD1), the gene encoding cardiac ankyrin repeat protein (CARP), as a novel candidate gene for dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) through mutation analysis of a cohort of familial or idiopathic DCM patients, based on the hypothesis that inherited dysfunction of mechanical stretch-based signaling is present in a subset of DCM patients. BACKGROUND: CARP, a transcription coinhibitor, is a member of the titin-N2A mechanosensory complex and translocates to the nucleus in response to stretch. It is up-regulated in cardiac failure and hypertrophy and represses expression of sarcomeric proteins. Its overexpression results in contractile dysfunction. METHODS: In all, 208 DCM patients were screened for mutations/variants in the coding region of ANKRD1 using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing. In vitro functional analyses of the mutation were performed using yeast 2-hybrid assays and investigating the effect on stretch-mediated gene expression in myoblastoid cell lines using quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Three missense heterozygous ANKRD1 mutations (P105S, V107L, and M184I) were identified in 4 DCM patients. The M184I mutation results in loss of CARP binding with Talin 1 and FHL2, and the P105S mutation in loss of Talin 1 binding. Intracellular localization of mutant CARP proteins is not altered. The mutations result in differential stretch-induced gene expression compared with wild-type CARP. CONCLUSIONS: ANKRD1 is a novel DCM gene, with mutations present in 1.9% of DCM patients. The ANKRD1 mutations may cause DCM as a result of disruption of the normal cardiac stretch-based signaling.


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The H(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha(2) (HKalpha2) gene of the renal collecting duct and distal colon plays a central role in potassium and acid-base homeostasis, yet its transcriptional control remains poorly characterized. We previously demonstrated that the proximal 177 bp of its 5'-flanking region confers basal transcriptional activity in murine inner medullary collecting duct (mIMCD3) cells and that NF-kappaB and CREB-1 bind this region to alter transcription. In the present study, we sought to determine whether the -144/-135 Sp element influences basal HKalpha2 gene transcription in these cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift and supershift assays using probes for -154/-127 revealed Sp1-containing DNA-protein complexes in nuclear extracts of mIMCD3 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays demonstrated that Sp1, but not Sp3, binds to this promoter region of the HKalpha2 gene in mIMCD3 cells in vivo. HKalpha2 minimal promoter-luciferase constructs with point mutations in the -144/-135 Sp element exhibited much lower activity than the wild-type promoter in transient transfection assays. Overexpression of Sp1, but not Sp3, trans-activated an HKalpha2 proximal promoter-luciferase construct in mIMCD3 cells as well as in SL2 insect cells, which lack Sp factors. Conversely, small interfering RNA knockdown of Sp1 inhibited endogenous HKalpha2 mRNA expression, and binding of Sp1 to chromatin associated with the proximal HKalpha2 promoter without altering the binding or regulatory influence of NF-kappaB p65 or CREB-1 on the proximal HKalpha2 promoter. We conclude that Sp1 plays an important and positive role in controlling basal HKalpha2 gene expression in mIMCD3 cells in vivo and in vitro.