963 resultados para Trombe wall
N-Acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) is the major immunoepitope of group A streptococcal cell wall carbohydrates. Antistreptococcal antibodies cross-reactive with anti-GlcNAc and laminin are present in sera of patients with rheumatic fever. The cross-reactivity of these antibodies with human heart valvular endothelium and the underlying basement membrane has been suggested to be a possible cause of immune-mediated valve lesion. Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) encoded by the MBL2 gene, a soluble pathogen recognition receptor, has high affinity for GlcNAc. We postulated that mutations in exon 1 of the MBL2 gene associated with a deficient serum level of MBL may contribute to chronic severe aortic regurgitation (AR) of rheumatic etiology. We studied 90 patients with severe chronic AR of rheumatic etiology and 281 healthy controls (HC) for the variants of the MBL2 gene at codons 52, 54, and 57 by using a PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism-based method. We observed a significant difference in the prevalence of defective MBL2 alleles between patients with chronic severe AR and HC. Sixteen percent of patients with chronic severe AR were homozygotes or compound heterozygotes for defective MBL alleles in contrast to 5% for HC (P = 0.0022; odds ratio, 3.5 [ 95% confidence interval, 1.6 to 7.7]). No association was detected with the variant of the MASP2 gene. Our study suggests that MBL deficiency may contribute to the development of chronic severe AR of rheumatic etiology.
Introduction: Airway dysfunction in patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is evidenced by expiratory flow limitation and dynamic hyperinflation. These functional alterations have been attributed to closure/obstruction of small airways. Airway morphological changes have been reported in experimental models of acute lung injury, characterized by epithelial necrosis and denudation in distal airways. To date, however, no study has focused on the morphological airway changes in lungs from human subjects with ARDS. The aim of this study is to evaluate structural and inflammatory changes in distal airways in ARDS patients. Methods: We retrospectively studied autopsy lung tissue from subjects who died with ARDS and from control subjects who died of non pulmonary causes. Using image analysis, we quantified the extension of epithelial changes (normal, abnormal and denudated epithelium expressed as percentages of the total epithelium length), bronchiolar inflammation, airway wall thickness, and extracellular matrix (ECM) protein content in distal airways. The Student`s t test or the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare data between the ARDS and control groups. Bonferroni adjustments were used for multiple tests. The association between morphological and clinical data was analyzed by Pearson rank test. Results: Thirty-one ARDS patients (A: PaO(2)/FiO(2) <= 200, 45 +/- 14 years, 16 males) and 11 controls (C:52 +/- 16 years, 7 males) were included in the study. ARDS airways showed a shorter extension of normal epithelium (A:32.9 +/- 27.2%, C:76.7 +/- 32.7%, P < 0.001), a larger extension of epithelium denudation (A:52.6 +/- 35.2%, C:21.8 +/- 32.1%, P < 0.01), increased airway inflammation (A:1(3), C:0(1), P = 0.03), higher airway wall thickness (A:138.7 +/- 54.3 mu m, C:86.4 +/- 33.3 mu m, P < 0.01), and higher airway content of collagen I, fibronectin, versican and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) compared to controls (P = 0.03). The extension of normal epithelium showed a positive correlation with PaO(2)/FiO(2) (r(2) = 0.34; P = 0.02) and a negative correlation with plateau pressure (r(2) = 0.27; P = 0.04). The extension of denuded epithelium showed a negative correlation with PaO(2)/FiO(2) (r(2) = 0.27; P = 0.04). Conclusions: Structural changes in small airways of patients with ARDS were characterized by epithelial denudation, inflammation and airway wall thickening with ECM remodeling. These changes are likely to contribute to functional airway changes in patients with ARDS.
Background-The proximity to vascular structures is a limiting factor during radiofrequency ablation. However, little or no attention has been given to the atrial arterial circulation during the development of atrial fibrillation (AF) catheter ablation techniques. Methods and Results-We examined the atrial arterial circulation in areas involved in AF ablation in 24 heart specimens by colored resin injection and careful dissection. The sinus node artery (SNA) arose from the circumflex artery in 42% of case; proximal to the LA appendage in 29%, crossing the left atrium (LA) anterior wall; and after the LA appendage in the remaining 13%, crossing the mitral isthmus and passing close to the left pulmonary veins (PVs), the LA roof, and the right superior PV. In 58%, the SNA arose from the right coronary artery. Major arteries (>= 1 mm in external diameter) were found in the mitral isthmus in 54%, at the LA roof in 54%, and at the LA anterior wall in 29%. Around the left PV ostia, there were areas with major arteries in up to 37% (at the roof and inferior segments) and around the right PV ostia in up to 29% (at the roof segment). Conclusions-Major atrial coronary arteries, including the SNA, were commonly found in the areas involved in AF ablation and could cause difficulties in obtaining transmural lesions and electric isolation or even lead to ischemic sinus node or atrial dysfunction. (Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2010;3:600-605.)
Background and objectives: Cardiac positioning and stabilization during myocardial revascularization without extracorporeal circulation (ECC) may cause hemodynamic changes dependent to the surgical site. The objective of this study was to evaluate these changes during distal coronary anastomosis. Methods: Twenty adult patients undergoing myocardial revascularization without ECC were monitored by pulmonary artery catheter and transesophageal Echo Doppler. Hemodynamic data were collected at the following times before removing the stabilizer wall: (1) after volume adjustments, (2) at the beginning of distal anastomosis, and (3) after 5 minutes. Treated coronary arteries were grouped according to their location in the lateral, anterior, or posterior wall. Two-way ANOVA with repetition and Newman-Keuls post-test were used in the analysis. A p value < 0.05 was considered statically significant. Results: During myocardial revascularization without ECC, pulmonary artery wedge pressure showed elevation from 17.7 +/- 6.1 to 19.2 +/- 6.5 (p < 0.001) and 19.4 +/- 5.9 mmHg (p < 0.001), while the central venous pressure went from 13.9 +/- 5.4 to 14.9 +/- 5.9 mmHg (p = 0.007) and 15.1 +/- 6.0 mmHg (p = 0.006). Intermittent cardiac output was reduced from 4.70 +/- 1.43 to 4.23 +/- 1.22 (p < 0.001) and 4.26 +/- 1.25 L.min(-1) (p < 0.001). According to transesophageal Doppler, a significant group-time interaction was observed in cardiac output, which was reduced in the lateral group from 4.08 +/- 1.99 to 2.84 +/- 1.82 (p = 0.02) and 2.86 +/- 1.73 L.min(-1) (p = 0.02), and aortic blood flow, which went from 2.85 +/- 1.39 to 1.99 +/- 1.26 (p = 0.02) and 2.00 +/- 1.21 L.min(-1) (p = 0.02). Other hemodynamic changes were not observed during anastomoses. Conclusions: A significant hemodynamic deterioration was observed during myocardial revascularization without ECC. Transesophageal Doppler detected a decrease in cardiac output only in the lateral group.
Polysaccharides from the red alga Phacelocarpos peperocarpos were extracted with hot water, clarified, and precipitated with 2-propanol. The native preparation was highly sulfated (36.2% w/w). Alkali modification decreased the sulfate content by 2.0% w/w. The alkali-modified polysaccharide is composed mostly of galactose (Gal, 51 mol%) and 3,6-anhydrogalactose (AnGal, 41 mol%), with minor amounts of a mono-O-methylgalactose (MeGal, 1 mol%), xylose (Xyl, 6 mol%), and glucose (Glc, 1 mol%). The FTIR spectrum of the alkali-modified polysaccharide resembled K-carrageenan with absorption at 930 cm(-1) (indicative of AnGal) and 850 cm(-1) (Gal ii-sulfate). However, an additional, major band of absorption occurred at 820 cm(-1) indicating the presence of equatorial sulfate ester substitution at O-6 of Gal residues, A combination of linkage and C-13 NMR spectroscopic analyses showed that the polysaccharide was composed predominantly of a novel repeating-unit, O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl 4,6-disulfate)-(1 --> 4)-3,6-anhydro-alpha-D-galactopyranose. Minor structural variations also occurred, including alternative patterns of sulfation and the presence of terminal Xylp, The location of the terminal Xylp residues was not certain but evidence supported their attachment at O-3 of some 4-linked Galp residues. The cell-wall galactans remain unchanged during the life cycle of the alga. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Aims: To report the conclusion of the Think Thank 8 on Compliance Discussions during the second ICI-RS meeting in 2010. Methods: During a 3-day meeting a group of specialists discussed bladder compliance, what it represents, how it can be measured and if it is clinically relevant. Results: Bladder compliance is the result of a mathematical calculation of the volume required for a unit rise of pressure measured during a cystometric filling. It gives an indication on how the different mechanisms in the bladder wall react on stretching. There is a need of standardization of measurement and suggestions for this are given in the text. Pitfalls are described and how to avoid them. There is a wide range of compliance values in healthy volunteers and groups of patients. Poor compliance needs to be defined better as it can have significant clinical consequences. Prevention and treatment are discussed. Conclusion: If compliance is correctly measured and interpreted, it has importance in urodynamic testing and gives information relevant for clinical management. Neurourol. Urodynam. 30:714-722, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Bacteria phenotypically resembling members of the phylogenetically distinct planctomycete group of the domain Bacteria were isolated from postlarvae of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon. A selective medium designed in the light of planctomycete antibiotic resistance characteristics was used for this isolation. Planctomycetes were isolated from both healthy and monodon baculovirus-infected prawn postlarvae, The predominant colony type recovered from postlarvae regardless of viral infection status was nonpigmented. Other, less commonly observed types were pink or orange pigmented, A planctomycete-specific 16S rRNA-directed probe was designed and used to screen the isolates for their identity as planctomycetes prior to molecular phylogenetic characterization. 16S rRNA genes from nine prawn isolates together with two planctomycete reference strains (Planctomyces brasiliensis and Gemmata obscuriglobus) were sequenced and compared with reference sequences from the planctomycetes and other members of the domain Bacteria, Phylogenetic analyses and sequence signatures of the 16S rRNA genes demonstrated that the prawn isolates were members of the planctomycete group, Five representatives of the predominant nonpigmented colony type were members of the Pirellula group within the planctomycetes, as were three pink-pigmented colony type representatives. Homology values and tree topology indicated that representatives of the nonpigmented and pink-pigmented colony types formed two discrete clusters within the Pirellula group, not identical to any known Pirellula species, A sole representative of the orange colony type was a member of the Planctomyces group, virtually identical in 16S rDNA sequence to P. brasiliensis, and exhibited distinctive morphology.
Purpose: To test the hypothesis that ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are globally weaker than unruptured ones. Methods: Four ruptured and seven unruptured AAA specimens were harvested whole from fresh cadavers during autopsies performed over an 18-month period. Multiple regionally distributed longitudinally oriented rectangular strips were cut from each AAA specimen for a total of 77 specimen strips. Strips were subjected to uniaxial extension until failure. Sections from approximately the strongest and weakest specimen strips were studied histologically and histochemically. From the load-extension data, failure tension, failure stress and failure strain were calculated. Rupture site characteristics such as location, arc length of rupture and orientation of rupture were also documented. Results: The failure tension, a measure of the tissue mechanical caliber was remarkably similar between ruptured and unruptured AAA (group mean +/- standard deviation of within-subject means: 11.2 +/- 2.3 versus 11.6 +/- 3.6 N/cin; p=0.866 by mixed model ANOVA). In post-hoc analysis, there was little difference between the groups in other measures of tissue mechanical caliber as well such as failure stress (95 +/- 28 versus 98 +/- 23 N/cm(2); p=0.870), failure strain (0.39 +/- 0.09 versus 0.36 +/- 0.09; p=0.705), wall thickness (1.7 +/- 0.4 versus 1.5 +/- 0.4 mm; p=0.470), and % coverage of collagen within tissue cross section (49.6 +/- 12.9% versus 60.8 +/- 9.6%; p=0.133). In the four ruptured AAA, primary rupture sites were on the lateral quadrants (two on left; one on left-posterior; one on right). Remarkably, all rupture lines had a longitudinal orientation and ranged from 1 to 6 cm in length. Conclusion: The findings are not consistent with the hypothesis that ruptured aortic aneurysms are globally weaker than unruptured ones. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The use of synthetic mesh for abdominal wall closure after removal of the rectus abdominis is established but not standardised. This study compares two forms of mesh fixation: a simple suture, which fixes the mesh to the edges of the defect on the anterior rectus abdominis fascia; and total fixation, which incorporates the fasciae of the internal oblique, external oblique and transverse muscles in the suture, anchoring the mesh in the position of the removed muscle. Method: A total of 16 fresh cadavers were dissected. Two sutures were compared: simple and total. Three different sites were analysed: 5 cm above, 5 cm below and at the level of the umbilicus. The two sutures compared were tested in each region using a standardised technique. All sutures were performed with nylon 0, perpendicular to the linea alba. Each suture was secured to a dynamometer, which was pulled perpendicularly towards the midline until the rupture of the aponeurosis. `Rupture resistance` was measured in kilogram force. The mean among the groups was compared using the paired Student`s t-test to a significance level of 1% (p < 0.01). Results: The mean rupture resistance of the total suture was 160% higher than that of the simple suture. Conclusion: The total suture includes the external oblique, internal oblique and transverse fasciae, which are multi-directional, and creates a much higher resistance when compared with the simple suture. Total suture may reduce the incidence of bulging and hernias of the abdominal wall after harvesting the rectus abdominis muscle, but comparative clinical studies are necessary. (C) 2010 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) has been used in the food industry as an antimicrobial agent. This study aimed to investigate whether CO(2) pneumoperitoneum might act similarly as an antimicrobial agent in the infected peritoneal cavity. Peritonitis was induced in 58 rats by intraabdominal injection of an Escherichia coli inoculum (6 x 105 colony-forming units [CFU]/ml). Control rats were injected with saline solution. The rats were randomly divided into four groups: rat control (RC, n = 15), bacterial inoculation control (BIC, n = 10), bacterial inoculation and laparotomy (BIL, n = 17), and bacterial inoculation and CO(2) pneumoperitoneum (BIP, n = 16). The survival rates and histopathologic changes in the abdominal wall muscles, spleen, liver, intestines, and omentum were evaluated, and the samples were classified as ""preserved"" or ""inflamed"" (acute inflammation or tissue regeneration). The survival rates for the four groups were as follows: RC (100%), BIP (75%), BIL (53%), and BIC (30%). With regard to survival rates, statistically significant differences were observed between the following groups: RC and BIC (p = 0.0009), RC and BIL (p = 0.0045), BIP and BIC (p = 0.0332), and RC and BIP (p = 0.0470). No significant differences regarding survival rates were observed between the BIL and BIC groups or between the BIP and BIL groups. With regard to the number of inflamed samples per group, a statistically significant difference was observed between the BIC and RC groups and the BIL and RC groups (p = 0.05). Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum has a protective effect against bacterial peritonitis induced in rats.
Preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum (PPP) is a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of large incisional hernia (size > 10 cm in width or length) with loss of domain (LIHLD). There is no consensus in the literature on the amount of gas that must be insufflated in a PPP program or even how long it should be maintained. We describe a technique for calculating the hernia sac volume (HSV) and abdominal cavity volume (ACV) based on abdominal computerized tomography (ACT) scanning that eliminates the need for subjective criteria for inclusion in a PPP program and shows the amount of gas that must be insufflated into the abdominal cavity in the PPP program. Our technique is indicated for all patients with large or recurrent incisional hernias evaluated by a senior surgeon with suspected LIHLD. We reviewed our experience from 2001 to 2008 of 23 consecutive hernia surgical procedures of LIHLD undergoing preoperative evaluation with CT scanning and PPP. An ACT was required in all patients with suspected LIHLD in order to determine HSV and ACV. The PPP was performed only if the volume ratio HSV/ACV (VR = HSV/ACV) was a parts per thousand yen25% (VR a parts per thousand yen 25%). We have performed this procedure on 23 patients, with a mean age of 55.6 years (range 31-83). There were 16 women and 7 men with an average age of 55.6 years (range 31-83), and a mean BMI of 38.5 kg/m(2) (range 23-55.2). Almost all patients (21 of 23 patients-91.30%) were overweight; 43.5% (10 patients) were severely obese (obese class III). The mean calculated volumes for ACV and HSV were 9,410 ml (range 6,060-19,230 ml) and 4,500 ml (range 1,850-6,600 ml), respectively. The PPP is performed by permanent catheter placed in a minor surgical procedure. The total amount of CO(2) insufflated ranged from 2,000 to 7,000 ml (mean 4,000 ml). Patients required a mean of 10 PPP sessions (range 4-18) to achieve the desired volume of gas (that is the same volume that was calculated for the hernia sac). Since PPP sessions were performed once a day, 4-18 days were needed for preoperative preparation with PPP. The mean VR was 36% (ranged from 26 to 73%). We conclude that ACT provides objective data for volume calculation of both hernia sac and abdominal cavity and also for estimation of the volume of gas that should be insufflated into the abdominal cavity in PPP.
Purpose: To analyze in an experimental animal model the effect of 4 different levels of stents-graft oversizing on non-atherosclerotic aortas such as those found in young individuals who undergo stent-graft repair for traumatic aortic injuries. Methods: The diameter of the porcine thoracic aorta is similar to the aorta of young adults (18-20 mm), so 25 pigs were randomized into 5 groups: 1 control (without stent-graft) and 4 oversizing groups (A: 10%-19%, B: 20%-29%, C: 30%-39%, and D: >40%). Two types of biomechanical tests were performed on all aortas 4 weeks after endoprosthesis deployment. Results: The results of the detachment test, which analyzed the strength necessary to remove the stent-graft from the aorta, were similar in the 4 groups (A: 42 N, B: 41 N, C: 46 N, and D: 46 N). However, 2 aortas ruptured during the tests (groups C and D). The second test was performed in 3 aortic segments. Maximum shear strength, maximum stress, and maximum tension supported by the aortic wall had a negative and linear correlation with oversizing. There were significant differences in all 4 groups when compared with the control group. Strain, which reflects the elastic properties of the aortic wall, was very similar in all 4 groups, but a great difference was found when compared with the control group (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The study showed an important subacute change in the biomechanical properties of the aortic wall after implantation of an oversized endoprosthesis. This weakness of the aortic wall was confirmed by 2 ruptures during the detachment test. These results partially explain the interaction of stent-grafts with non-atherosclerotic thoracic aortas and may serve as a basis for further studies and the development of specific material to be used in vascular trauma and young patients. J Endovasc Ther. 2011; 18: 576-584
Protrusion of the abdominal wall secondary to abdominoplasty may occur in patients with weakness of the aponeurotic structures. The anterior layer of the rectus abdominis muscle consists of fibers that are transverse rather than vertical. Based on this anatomical feature, vertical sutures are suggested for the correction of diastasis recti, since they include a greater amount of fascial fibers and thus would be more resistant to tensile strength than horizontal ones. The anterior layers of the rectus abdominis muscles of 15 fresh cadavers were dissected. Two vertical lines were marked on each side of the linea alba, corresponding to the site where plication is usually performed in abdominoplasties. Three abdominal levels were evaluated: the supraumbilical, umbilical, and infraumbilical levels. A simple suture was placed in the vertical direction in one group and in the horizontal direction in the other group, at each of the three levels previously described. These sutures were connected to a dynamometer, which was pulled medially toward the linea alba until rupture of the aponeurosis occurred. The mean strength required to rupture the aponeurotic structures in which the vertical sutures had been placed was greater than for the horizontal ones (p < 0.0001). The vertical suture of the rectus abdominis sheaths was stronger than the horizontal suture because of the more transversal arrangement of its aponeurotic fibers. Thus, routine use of the vertical suture in plications of the aponeurosis of the rectus abdominis muscles is suggested.
Aim: To look at the characteristics of Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure (PHEEM) using data from the UK, Brazil, Chile and the Netherlands, and to examine the reliability and characteristics of PHEEM, especially how the three PHEEM subscales fitted with factors derived statistically from the data sets. Methods: Statistical analysis of PHEEM scores from 1563 sets of data, using reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and correlations of factors derived with the three defined PHEEM subscales. Results: PHEEM was very reliable with an overall Cronbach`s alpha of 0.928. Three factors were derived by exploratory factor analysis. Factor One correlated most strongly with the teaching subscale (R=0.802), Factor Two correlated most strongly with the role autonomy subscale (R=0.623) and Factor Three correlated most strongly with the social support subscale (R=0.538). Conclusions: PHEEM is a multi-dimensional instrument. Overall, it is very reliable. There is a good fit of the three defined subscales, derived by qualitative methods, with the three principal factors derived from the data by exploratory factor analysis.
Extraction of intracellular protein from Escherichia coli is traditionally achieved by mechanical disruption. A chemical treatment that destroys the integrity of the bacterial cell wall and could provide an alternative technique is examined in this study. Treatment with a combination of the chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) (greater than 0.3 mM) and the chaotropic agent urea (6 M) is highly effective at releasing protein from uninduced E. coli. The 6 M urea in the presence of 3 mM EDTA can release cytoplasmic protein from both logarithmic-phase and stationary-phase E. coli cells at levels equivalent to mechanical disruption. The concentrations of the two chemical agents were the major variables affecting the maximum levels of protein release. Several minor variables and interactions were also identified. The kinetics of protein release is first order. For 2, 4, and 6 M urea with 3 mM EDTA, the time constant is approximately 2.5 min independent of urea concentration. Kinetics for 3 mM EDTA without urea is considerably slower, with a time constant of 12.3 min. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.