925 resultados para Transversal competence
This study evaluated two variants of a behavioral parent training program known as Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) using 74 preschool-aged children with developmental disabilities. Families were randomly allocated to an enhanced parent training intervention that combined parenting skills and care-giving coping skills (SSTP-E), standard parent training intervention alone (SSTP-S) or waitlist control (WL) condition. At post-intervention, both programs were associated with lower levels of observed negative child behavior, reductions in the number of care-giving settings where children displayed problem behavior, and improved parental competence and satisfaction in the parenting role as compared with the waitlist condition. Gains attained at post-intervention were maintained at 1-year follow-up. Both interventions produced significant reductions in child problem behavior, with 67% of children in the SSTP-E and 77% of children in the SSTPS showing clinically reliable change from pre-intervention to follow-up. Parents reported a high level of satisfaction with both interventions.
The surfaces of non-geniculate coralline algae (NCA) are known to induce the settlement and metamorphosis of disparate marine taxa. In this study we investigate the responsiveness of larvae of Herdmania curvata (Ascidiacea: Stolidobranchia) to three species of NCA (Neo-goniolithon brassica-florida, Hydrolithon onkodes, and Lithothamnium prolifer) that cohabit the slope and crest of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef. H. curvata larvae were first exposed to these NCA at or within 2 h of hatching, which is 1 to 2 h prior to attaining competence, and then cultured continuously with the NCA for 12 to 14 h. Rates of settlement and metamorphosis of H, curvata cultured in laboratory chambers in the presence of the different NCA were significantly lower than spontaneous rates in seawater. The limited settlement in treatments containing NCA were confined entirely to the chamber periphery, and settlement never occurred on the surface of the NCA. The inhibitory effect was dose-dependent and was stronger in H. brassica-florida and H. onkodes than in L. prolifer. Larvae that did not settle in treatments with NCA had rounded anterior trunks and, in extreme cases, kinked tails with rounded and dissociated tail muscle cells. In some individuals, we observed the anterior chemosensory papillae being sloughed off the larval body. Morphological analysis of trunk ectodermal and mesenchymal nuclei of larvae cultured in the presence of the NCA revealed that general necrotic cell death was occurring. Importantly, H. curvata larvae that were exposed to NCA could not subsequently be induced to metamorphose in KCl-elevated seawater, whereas larvae not exposed to NCA metamorphosed at high rates in KCl-elevated seawater.
It is becoming widely recognized that extending the larval period of marine invertebrates, especially of species with non-feeding larvae, can affect post-larval performance. As these carry-over effects are presumed to be caused by the depletion of larval energy reserves, we predicted that the level of larval activity would also affect post-larval performance. This prediction was tested with the cosmopolitan colonial ascidian Diplosoma listerianum in field experiments in southern Australia. Diplosoma larvae, brooded in the parent colony, are competent to settle immediately after spawning, and they remain competent to metamorphose for > 15 h. Some larvae were induced to metamorphose 0 to 6 h after release, whilst others were induced to swim actively by alternating light and dark periods for up to 3 h prior to metamorphosis. Juvenile colonies were then transplanted to a subtidal field site in Port Phillip Bay and left to grow for up to 3 wk. Extending the larval period and increasing the amount of swimming both produced carry-over effects on post-larval performance. Colonies survived at different rates among experiments, but larval experience did not affect survival rates. Delays in metamorphosis and increased swimming activity did, however, reduce colony growth rates dramatically, resulting in 50% fewer zooids per colony. Moreover, such colonies produced initial zooids with smaller feeding structures, with the width of branchial baskets reduced by 10 to 15%. These differences in branchial basket size persisted and were still apparent in newly budded zooids 3 wk after metamorphosis. Our results suggest that, for D. listerianum, larval maintenance, swimming, and metamorphosis all use energy from a common pool, and increases in the allocation to maintenance or swimming come at the expense of post-larval performance.
This article explores the idea of 'cultural mobility' both as a way of thinking about the polarizing logic of class relations and practices in contemporary society and as a means by which the debate over the cultural omnivore might be advanced. The concept of cultural mobility refers to the differential capacity to engage with or consume cultural goods and services across the entire spectrum of cultural life, an ability which is itself premised upon an unequal, class-related distribution in cultural competence. Cultural mobility, then, is the ability to move at will between cultural realms, a freedom to choose where one is positioned in the cultural landscape. I argue that the concept provides fertile ground for exploring possible interconnections between a number of divergent strands in current social theory which have largely developed independently of each other. At the same time much of this theoretical effort remains divorced from concrete research agendas. Using data collected as part of a major study of Australian cultural consumption, the article provides a case study of cultural mobility and its class moorings which serves to clarify some of the existing confusions concerning the cultural omnivore.
Background An increased risk of choking associated with antipsychotic medication has been repeatedly postulated. Aims To examine this association in a large number of cases of choking deaths. Method Cases of individuals who had died because of choking were linked with a case register recording contacts with public mental health services. The actual and expected rates of psychiatric disorder and the presence of psychotropic medication in post-mortem blood samples were compared. Results The 70 people who had choked to death were over 20 times more likely to have been treated previously for schizophrenia. They were also more likely to have had a prior organic psychiatric syndrome. The risk for those receiving thioridazine or lithium was. respectively, 92 times and 30 times greater than expected. Other antipsychotic and psychotropic drugs were not over-represented. Conclusions The increased risk of death in people with schizophrenia may be a combination of inherent predispositions and the use of specific antipsychotic drugs. The increased risk of choking in those with organic psychiatric syndromes is consistent with the consequences of compromised neurological competence. Declaration of interest None.
The research analyzed critical aspects of the knowledge management process based on the analyses of knowledge, abilities and attitudes required to individual knowledge workers and to organizations responsible for the management process. In the present work a characterization of the knowledge management process was developed and information and knowledge wokers defined. Competence concept was discussed and specialists gave opinions about critical competences to knowledge management process. The opinions were organized and analyzed by the Delphi method. The results aggregate to the management context by discussing an extremely important resource to organizations - knowledge - and because they support its management process. The research identified wide critical aspects that are compatible with current organizational challenges, directing the process management to important themes as: the worker able to create, the organization able to convert individual knowledge into organizational knowledge, knowledge sharing while still tacit, the maximization organizational knowledge use, information and knowledge generation and preservation, among others important topics to be observed by knowledge workers and by administrators responsible for the knowledge management process.
The Neurosurgical Advanced Training curriculum of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) is currently undergoing change. Given the high standard of neurosurgery in Australia and New Zealand, it may be questioned why such change is necessary. However, the curriculum has not kept pace with developments in professional practice, educational practice or educational theory, particularly in the assessment of medical competence and performance. The curriculum must also adapt to the changing training environment, particularly the effects of reduced working hours, reducing caseloads due to shorter inpatient hospital stays and restricted access to public hospital beds and operating theatres, and the effects of subspecialisation. A formal review of the curriculum is timely. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The cosmopolitan family Calamoceratidae Ulmer, 1906, has 8 living genera, among them Phylloicus Muller, 1880, with species distributed from South to Central America. This genus is characterized by its dark-colored adults (brown to black) with diurnal to crepuscular habits. In this paper, the adults, pupae, and larvae of Phylloicus camargoi n. sp. are described and illustrated. The new species is easily diagnosed by male tergum X bearing a short, digitate, setose, basodorsal process; 2 short, digitate, hairless, lateral processes; and 2 pairs of very short processes on the posterior margin: a pair of digitate, hairless, posterolateral processes, and a pair of posteromesal processes. Additional diagnostic characters are the presence of 3 color bands on the forewings, 2 golden longitudinal bands and a white transversal one.
This paper suggests a comprehensive policy agenda and first steps to be undertaken by the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) in order to realize its humanitarian, professional and scientific mandates. The general aims of ISPRM, as formulated in its guiding documents, the relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations system, and demands of ISPRM`s constituency herein form the basis of this policy agenda Agenda items encompass contributions to the establishment of rehabilitation services worldwide and the development of PRM societies ISPRM`s possible input in general curricula in disability and rehabilitation, and in fighting discrimination against people experiencing disability are discuss. Moreover, the implementation of the International Classification of Functioning. Disability and Health (ICF) in medicine, contributions to WHO guidelines relevant to disability and rehabilitation the provision of a conceptual description of the rehabilitation strategy and the outline of a rehabilitation services matrix are seen as important agenda items of ISPRM`s external policy. With regard to its constituency and internal policy, a definition of the field of competence and a conceptual description of PRM, as well as the development of a consistent and comprehensive congress topic list and congress structure appear to be crucial items. The proposed agenda items serve as a basis for future discussions.
The Australian National Medical Education Colloquium provided a productive forum for medical educators to meet and to discuss and debate important contemporary issues affecting Australian medical schools. None of us know what the future will hold, and some of the possibilities discussed at the Colloquium were futuristic indeed. We would be wise to keep an open mind, to focus very much on competence and fitness to practice, and to develop a strong evidence base, as we travel this important path.
Dyslipidemia is known to increase significantly the odds of major cardiovascular events in the general population. Its control becomes even more important in the type 2 diabetic (T2DM) population. Bariatric surgeries, especially gastric bypass, are effective in achieving long-term control of dyslipidemia in morbidly obese patients. The objective of the study was to evaluate the control of dyslipidemia in patients with T2DM and BMI below 30 that were submitted to the laparoscopic ileal interposition associated to sleeve gastrectomy. An observational transversal study was performed in a tertiary care hospital, between June 2005 and August 2007. Mean follow-up was 24.5 months (range 12-38). The procedure was performed in 72 patients: 51 were men and 21 were women. Mean age was 53.1 years (38-66). Mean BMI was 27 kg/m(2) (22.1-29.4). Mean duration of T2DM was 10.5 years (3-22). Mean HbA1c was 8.5%. Hypercholesterolemia was diagnosed in 68% of the patients and hypertriglyceridemia in 63.9%. Mean postoperative BMI was 21.2.kg/m(2) (17-26.7). Mean postoperative HbA1c was 6.1%, ranging 4.4% to 8.3%. Overall, 86.1% of the patients achieved an adequate glycemic control (HbA1c < 7) without anti-diabetic medication. HbA1c below 6 was achieved by 50%, 36.1% had HbA1c between 6 and 7, and 13.9% had HbA1c above 7. Total hypercholesterolemia was normalized in 91.8% and hypertriglyceridemia in 89.1% of patients. Low-density lipoprotein below 100 mg/dl was seen in 85.7%. The laparoscopic ileal interposition associated to sleeve gastrectomy was an effective operation for the regression of dyslipidemia and T2DM in a non-obese population.
Protrusion of the abdominal wall secondary to abdominoplasty may occur in patients with weakness of the aponeurotic structures. The anterior layer of the rectus abdominis muscle consists of fibers that are transverse rather than vertical. Based on this anatomical feature, vertical sutures are suggested for the correction of diastasis recti, since they include a greater amount of fascial fibers and thus would be more resistant to tensile strength than horizontal ones. The anterior layers of the rectus abdominis muscles of 15 fresh cadavers were dissected. Two vertical lines were marked on each side of the linea alba, corresponding to the site where plication is usually performed in abdominoplasties. Three abdominal levels were evaluated: the supraumbilical, umbilical, and infraumbilical levels. A simple suture was placed in the vertical direction in one group and in the horizontal direction in the other group, at each of the three levels previously described. These sutures were connected to a dynamometer, which was pulled medially toward the linea alba until rupture of the aponeurosis occurred. The mean strength required to rupture the aponeurotic structures in which the vertical sutures had been placed was greater than for the horizontal ones (p < 0.0001). The vertical suture of the rectus abdominis sheaths was stronger than the horizontal suture because of the more transversal arrangement of its aponeurotic fibers. Thus, routine use of the vertical suture in plications of the aponeurosis of the rectus abdominis muscles is suggested.
The spatial and temporal association of muscle-specific tropomyosin gene expression, and myofibril assembly and degradation during metamorphosis is analyzed in the gastropod mollusc. Haliotis rufescens. Metamorphosis of tile planktonic larva to the benthic juvenile includes rearrangement and atrophy of specific larval muscles, and biogenesis of the new juvenile muscle system. The major muscle of the larva - the larval retractor muscle - reorganizes at metamorphosis, with two suites of cells having different fates. The ventral cells degenerate, while the dorsal cells become part of the developing juvenile mantle musculature. Prior to these changes in myofibrillar structure, tropomyosin mRNA prevalence declines until undetectable in the ventral cells, while increasing markedly in the dorsal cells. In the foot muscle and right shell muscle, tropomyosin mRNA levels remain relatively stable, even trough myofibril content increases. In a population of median mesoderm cells destined to form de novo the major muscle of the juvenile and adult (the columellar muscle), tropomyosin expression is initiated at 45 h after induction of metamorphosis. Myofibrillar filamentous actin is not detected in these cells until about 7 days later. Given that patterns of tropomyosin mRNA accumulation in relation to myofibril assembly and disassembly differ significantly among the four major muscle systems examined, we suggest that different regulatory mechanisms, probably operating at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels, control the biogenesis and atrophy of different larval and postlarval muscles at metamorphosis.
The study investigated the social rules applicable to selection interviews, and the attributions ions made by interviewers in response to rule-breaking behaviours by candidates. Sixty personnel specialists (31 males and 29 females) participated in the main study which examined their perceptions of social rules and attributions about rule breaking in their work experience. They listened to audiotapes of actual selection interviews, and made judgments about hireability communication competence, and specific social rules. Results indicated that interview rules could be categorized into two groups: specific interview presentation skills and general interpersonal competence. While situational attributions were more salient in explaining the breaking of general interpersonal competence rules, internal attributions (ability, effort) were more salient explanations for the breaking of more specific interview rules (with the exception of the preparation rule where lack of effort was the most likely explanation for rule breaking). Candidates previously judged as competent communicators were rated more favourably on both global and specific measures of rule-following competence, as well as on hireability. The theoretical and practical implications of combining social rules and attribution theory in the study of selection interviews are discussed.
Polymorphisms of chemokines and chemokine-receptors genes have been shown to influence the rate of progression to AIDS; however, their influence on response to HAART remains unclear. We investigated the frequency of the SDF-1-3`A, CCR2-64I, CCR5-D32 and CCR5-Promoter-59029-A/G polymorphisms in Brazilian HIV-1-infected and uninfected individuals and their influence on CD4+ T-cell evolution HIV-1 infected individuals before and during HAART. Polymorphism detection was done in a transversal study of 200 HIV-1-infected and 82 uninfected individuals. The rate of CD4+ T cell increase or decrease was studied in a cohort of 155 HIV-1 infected individuals on pre and post-HAART. Polymorphisms were determined by PCR associated with RFLP. The rate of CD4+ T-cell decline or increase was also determined. HIV-1 infected and uninfected subjects showed, respectively, frequencies of 0.193 and 0.220 for SDF-1-3`A, of 0.140 and 0.110 for CCR2-V64I, of 0.038 and 0.055 for CCR5-D32, and of 0.442 and 0.390 for CCR5-P-59029-A/G. HIV-1-infected subjects carrying one, two or three of these four polymorphisms showed better CD4+ T-cell recovery than HIV-1-infected subjects carrying the four wild-type alleles (+2.7, +1.6, +3.5, and -0.9 lymphocytes/mu l/month, respectively). Regression logistic analysis showed that the CCR5-D32/CCR2-V64I association was predictor of positive CD4+ T cell slope after HAART. The distribution of polymorphisms did not differ between HIV-1-infected and uninfected individuals, but differed from more homogenous ethnic groups probably reflecting the miscegenation of the Brazilian population. We add further evidence of the role of these polymorphisms by showing that the CD4 gain was influenced by carriage of one or more of the polymorphisms studied here. These results highlight the possibility that these genetic traits can be useful to identify patients at risk for faster progression to AIDS or therapeutic failure.