956 resultados para Tourist routes
Ancien possesseur : Argenson, Antoine-René de Voyer (1722-1787 ; marquis de Paulmy d')
Ancien possesseur : Argenson, Antoine-René de Voyer (1722-1787 ; marquis de Paulmy d')
Ancien possesseur : Argenson, Antoine-René de Voyer (1722-1787 ; marquis de Paulmy d')
In a randomised trial comparing early enteral feeding by gastric and post-pyloric routes, White and colleagues have shown that gastric feeding is possible and efficient in the vast majority of critically ill patients. But the authors' conclusion that gastric is equivalent to post-pyloric is true in only the least severe patients. Given the extra workload and costs, post-pyloric is now clearly indicated in case of gastric feeding failure.
Along with viral vectors, non-viral strategies have been developed in order to efficiently deliver nucleic acids to ocular cells. During the last decade, we have observed that the outcome of these non-viral delivery systems depends on the genetic material used, the targeted tissue or cells, the expected effect duration, and the routes of administration. Assessment of efficiency has been evaluated in normal eyes or in animal models of ocular diseases. The chemical and physical methods that have been adapted for the delivery of nucleic acids to ocular tissues are highlighted and discussed in this review. Also, the results obtained with different non-viral strategies from their initial conception to their present development are summarized. At the present, selective targeting of ocular tissues and cells can be achieved using the most yielding route of administration to the eye in combination with an appropriate drug delivery technique.
Pollution of air, water and soil by industrial chemicals presents a potential health risk to humans. Such chemicals can enter the human body by three routes, namely by inhalation, dermal absorption, and ingestion and in special cases by injection (needle sticks, bites, cuts, etc.). In the workplace, pulmonary and dermal absorption are the main routes of entry, but poor personal hygiene and work habits can result in ingestion that contributes to the dose. Air monitoring provides reliable information on inhalation exposure, and patches can be used to estimate dermal exposure. Local adverse effects, such as skin and eye irritation, or nose and lung irritation, are closely related to the external exposure. Systemic adverse effects, on the other hand, are related to the absorbed amount (dose), or to the level of the pollutant or its metabolite in the target organ. Human biological monitoring is becoming a powerful tool for scientists and policy makers to assess and manage the risk of exposure to chemicals both in the general population and at the workpalce. This chapter will focus on the occupational environment keeping in mind that biological monitoring in humans is a very actual issue in public health politics, in environmental medicine, and in science in general.
La présente thèse se propose d'étudier les fortifications connues dans le territoire d'Erétrie (île d'Eubée, Grèce), essentiellement aux époques classique et hellénistique (Ve-IIe siècles av. J.-C.). La plupart de ces constructions (forteresses de grand appareil, habitats fortifiés, enceintes de pierres sèches et tours) sont connues depuis le 19e siècle, mais ce travail constitue la première étude archéologique et historique d'ensemble qui leur est consacrée exclusivement. Bien que décrites depuis longtemps, les fortifications des campagnes grecques ont surtout été étudiées d'un point de vue architectural et historique. Cette approche a privilégié une interprétation militaire et stratégique, reliant les fortifications au sein de réseaux défensifs conçus à grande échelle et destinés à bloquer les accès et les frontières du territoire. Notre perspective est différente, puisqu'elle s'efforce de replacer chaque fortification dans la géographie antique en étudiant son interaction avec les plaines et les reliefs, les frontières, l'habitat, les voies de communication, les terres cultivables et la répartition de la population. Pour ce faire, nous avons établi une carte archéologique de l'Erétriade, conduit des prospections extensives autour des fortifications, ainsi que dans de nombreuses régions du territoire. Cette méthode permet d'aborder l'étude des fortifications rurales en adoptant des angles d'analyse différents : le premier, macro-géographique, met ainsi en valeur des caractéristiques générales, telles que la relation entre les fortifications et la capitale d'une part, les fortifications et les terres cultivables de l'autre ; au plan régional, ou micro-géographique, elle analyse la répartition des fortifications au sein de chaque district de l'Erétriade, voire des vallées ou des cantons, mettant en évidence le rôle local des ouvrages fortifiés. Au terme de cette recherche, il est apparu qu'une approche purement stratégique ou militaire ne permettait pas d'expliquer la répartition géographique des fortifications, puisque ces dernières se trouvent pour la plupart à l'intérieur du territoire et non à ses frontières. Elles ne sont pas non plus disposées de manière à pouvoir exercer une surveillance étroite sur les routes pénétrant dans la chôra ; aussi leur fonctionnement au sein d'un «réseau défensif frontalier ne peut pas être démontré. Dans l'Erétriade, la colonne vertébrale de la sécurité publique est formée par les habitats fortifiés, dèmes et kômai, complétée par l'existence de deux forteresses militaires ayant accueilli des garnisons. Placés toujours à bonne distance de la ville, puis à intervalles plus ou moins réguliers au sein du territoire, les habitats fortifiés jouent sur le plan régional le rôle de la ville : en cas d'invasion ou de danger, la population du dème ou des dèmes environnants pouvait y trouver refuge, mettant ainsi à l'abri récoltes, biens et animaux. L'apparition des fortifications territoriales correspond à l'extension maximale de l'occupation humaine, agricole et économique du territoire. Les communautés rurales qui en avaient la possibilité se dotèrent alors de fortifications, souvent sommaires, pour faire face à des menaces variées, mais surtout pour assurer leur propre sécurité et protéger un équilibre autarcique fragile. Il ne faut donc pas nécessairement attribuer la construction de fortifications à un événement historique précis, interprétation abusive courante dans l'étude des fortifications, en Grèce comme ailleurs. La fortification des habitats ruraux s'est réalisée de manière progressive, en réponse aux sentiments d'insécurité d'une population rurale toujours plus nombreuse. Faute de références littéraires et d'inscriptions, en particulier de décrets honorifiques, les forteresses et les habitats fortifiés de l'Erétriade constituent les derniers témoins de l'insécurité publique et des violences auxquelles fut confronté le territoire d'Erétrie aux époques classique et hellénistique.
Aim. To predict the fate of alpine interactions involving specialized species, using a monophagous beetle and its host-plant as a case study. Location. The Alps. Methods. We investigated genetic structuring of the herbivorous beetle Oreina gloriosa and its specific host-plant Peucedanum ostruthium. We used genome fingerprinting (in the insect and the plant) and sequence data (in the insect) to compare the distribution of the main gene pools in the two associated species and to estimate divergence time in the insect, a proxy for the temporal origin of the interaction. We quantified the similarity in spatial genetic structures by performing a Procrustes analysis, a tool from the shape theory. Finally, we simulated recolonization of an empty space analogous to the deglaciated Alps just after ice retreat by two lineages from two species showing unbalanced dependence, to examine how timing of the recolonization process, as well as dispersal capacities of associated species, could explain the observed pattern. Results. Contrasting with expectations based on their asymmetrical dependence, patterns in the beetle and plant were congruent at a large scale. Exceptions occurred at a regional scale in areas of admixture, matching known suture zones in Alpine plants. Simulations using a lattice-based model suggested these empirical patterns arose during or soon after recolonization, long after the estimated origin of the interaction c. 0.5 million years ago. Main conclusions. Species-specific interactions are scarce in alpine habitats because glacial cycles have limited opportunities for coevolution. Their fate, however, remains uncertain under climate change. Here we show that whereas most dispersal routes are paralleled at large scale, regional incongruence implies that the destinies of the species might differ under changing climate. This may be a consequence of the host-dependence of the beetle that locally limits the establishment of dispersing insects.
The highly pathogenic Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV) and the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) use α-dystroglycan as a cellular receptor and enter the host cell by an unusual endocytotic pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, dynamin, and actin. Upon internalization, the viruses are delivered to acidified endosomes in a Rab5-independent manner bypassing classical routes of incoming vesicular trafficking. Here we sought to identify cellular factors involved in the unusual and largely unknown entry pathway of LASV and LCMV. Cell entry of LASV and LCMV required microtubular transport to late endosomes, consistent with the low fusion pH of the viral envelope glycoproteins. Productive infection with recombinant LCMV expressing LASV envelope glycoprotein (rLCMV-LASVGP) and LCMV depended on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as well as lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), an unusual phospholipid that is involved in the formation of intraluminal vesicles (ILV) of the multivesicular body (MVB) of the late endosome. We provide evidence for a role of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) in LASV and LCMV cell entry, in particular the ESCRT components Hrs, Tsg101, Vps22, and Vps24, as well as the ESCRT-associated ATPase Vps4 involved in fission of ILV. Productive infection with rLCMV-LASVGP and LCMV also critically depended on the ESCRT-associated protein Alix, which is implicated in membrane dynamics of the MVB/late endosomes. Our study identifies crucial cellular factors implicated in Old World arenavirus cell entry and indicates that LASV and LCMV invade the host cell passing via the MVB/late endosome. Our data further suggest that the virus-receptor complexes undergo sorting into ILV of the MVB mediated by the ESCRT, possibly using a pathway that may be linked to the cellular trafficking and degradation of the cellular receptor.
This paper estimates a model of airline competition for the Spanish air transport market. I test the explanatory power of alternative oligopoly models with capacity constraints. In addition, I analyse the degree of density economies. Results show that Spanish airlines conduct follows a price-leadership scheme so that it is less competitive than the Cournot solution. I also find evidence that thin routes can be considered as natural monopolies
La liberalización del transporte aéreo que se llevó a término en la Unión Europea a principios de los años noventa ha tenido efectos positivos sobre el bienestar del viajero. No obstante, existe un consenso en la literatura académica que estos efectos dependen de la existencia de una competencia efectiva en el nivel de la ruta. En este sentido, se plantea el problema que puede llegar a suponer las ventajas de escalera de las compañías dominantes en cada mercado interior. Además, se pretende capturar la diferenciación de productos como característica esencial de la industria del transporte aéreo. El análisis de estas cuestiones se realiza de la forma siguiente. En primer lugar, se hace referencia a los principales aspectos económicos que condicionan la competencia en el transporte aéreo. Y en segundo lugar, se implementa un modelo empírico basado en un sistema de tres ecuaciones, que se estima mediante la técnica de las variables instrumentales. La muestra utilizada hace referencia al año 2001 para la mayoría de las rutas del mercado interior español de vuelos regulares en dónde hay competencia. Los resultados de la estimación muestran la existencia de unas condiciones de competencia diferentes según el segmento del mercado al cual se dirigen las compañías aéreas. Efectivamente, la competencia en precios (calidad) parece ser predominante en el segmento de viajeros por motivos personales (negocios). Adicionalmente, el dominio que la compañía dominante tiene sobre la mayoría de las rutas parece descansar en las ventajas competitivas, tanto en términos de costes como en términos de demanda, que le proporciona el control de la red aeroportuaria nacional. De todo esto se puede inferir que el mantenimiento y/o aumento de los beneficios de la liberalización de los servicios de transporte aéreo exige extender la liberalización al uso del aeropuertos así como descentralizar su gestión.
Nutritional support in the intensive care setting represents a challenge but it is fortunate that its delivery and monitoring can be followed closely. Enteral feeding guidelines have shown the evidence in favor of early delivery and the efficacy of use of the gastrointestinal tract. Parenteral nutrition (PN) represents an alternative or additional approach when other routes are not succeeding (not necessarily having failed completely) or when it is not possible or would be unsafe to use other routes. The main goal of PN is to deliver a nutrient mixture closely related to requirements safely and to avoid complications. This nutritional approach has been a subject of debate over the past decades. PN carries the considerable risk of overfeeding which can be as deleterious as underfeeding. Therefore the authors will present not only the evidence available regarding the indications for PN, its implementation, the energy required, its possible complementary use with enteral nutrition, but also the relative importance of the macro- and micronutrients in the formula proposed for the critically ill patient. Data on long-term survival (expressed as 6 month survival) will also be considered a relevant outcome measure. Since there is a wide range of interpretations regarding the content of PN and great diversity in its practice, our guidance will necessarily reflect these different views. The papers available are very heterogeneous in quality and methodology (amount of calories, nutrients, proportion of nutrients, patients, etc.) and the different meta-analyses have not always taken this into account. Use of exclusive PN or complementary PN can lead to confusion, calorie targets are rarely achieved, and different nutrients continue to be used in different proportions. The present guidelines are the result of the analysis of the available literature, and acknowledging these limitations, our recommendations are intentionally largely expressed as expert opinions.
Iowa’s Rail Environment Iowa’s rail transportation system provides both freight and passenger service. Rail serves a variety of trips, including those within Iowa and those to other states as well as to foreign markets. While rail competes with other modes, it also cooperates with those modes to provide intermodal services to Iowans. In 2009 Iowa’s rail transportation system could be described as follows: Freight Iowa’s 130,000-mile freight transportation system includes an extensive railroad network, a well-developed highway system, two bordering navigable waterways, and a pipeline network as well as air cargo facilities. While rail accounts for only 3 percent of the freight network, it carries 43 percent of Iowa’s freight tonnage. A great variety of commodities ranging from fresh fish to textiles to optical products are moved by rail. However, most of the Iowa rail shipments consist of bulk commodities, including grain, grain products, coal, ethanol, and fertilizers. The railroad network performs an important role in moving bulk commodities produced and consumed in the state to local processors, livestock feeders, river terminals and ports for foreign export. The railroad’s ability to haul large volumes, long distances at low costs will continue to be a major factor in moving freight and improving the economy of Iowa. Key 2008 Facts • 3,945 miles of track • 18 railroads • 49.5 million tons shipped • 39.7 million tons received • 2 Amtrak routes • 6 Amtrak stations • 66,286 rail passenger rides Key Rail Trends • slightly fewer miles being operated; • railroads serving Iowa has remained the same; • more rail freight traffic; • more tons hauled per car; • higher average rail rates per ton-mile since 2002; • more car and tons hauled per locomotive; and • more ton miles per gallon of fuel consumed. Iowa’s rail system and service has been evolving over time relative to its size, financial conditions, and competition from other modes.
Stents have a long history in traditional valve surgery as both, porcine biological valves as well as pericardial valves are mounted on stents prior to implantation. Recently stent-mounted biological devices have been compressed up to the point, where they can be passed through a catheter. Various routes can be distinguished for implantation: open access, the trans-vascular route in antegrade or retrograde fashion, as well as direct trans-apical or trans-atrial access. Direct access has the potentialforvideo-endoscopic valve replacement. In theory, as well as in the experimental setting, valved stents have been implanted in tricuspid and caval position respectively, as well as in pulmonary, mitral and aortic locations. The largest clinical experience has been achieved in pulmonary position whereas current efforts target the aortic position.