907 resultados para Throwing Shoulder


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Context: Even though dry-land S&C training is a common practice in swimming, there are countless uncertainties over it effects in performance of age group swimmers. Objective: To investigate the effects of dry-land S&C programs in swimming performance of age group swimmers. Participants: A total of 21 male competitive swimmers (12.7±0.7 years) were randomly assigned to the Control Group (n=7) and experimental GR1 and GR2 (n=7 for each group). Intervention: Control group performed a 10-week training period of swim training alone, GR1 followed a 6-week dry-land S&C program based on sets/repetitions plus a 4-week swim training program alone and GR2 followed a 6-week dry-land S&C program focused on explosiveness, plus a 4-week program of swim training alone. Results: For the dry-land tests a time effect was observed between week 0 and week 6 for vertical jump (p<0.01) in both experimental groups, and for the GR2 ball throwing (p<0.01), with moderate-strong effect sizes. The time*group analyses showed that for performance in 50 m, differences were significant, with the GR2 presenting higher improvements than their counterparts (F=4.156; ƿ=0.007; η2=0.316) at week 10. Conclusions: The results suggest that 6 weeks of a complementary dry-land S&C training may lead to improvements in dry-land strength. Furthermore, a 4-week adaptation period was mandatory to achieve beneficial transfer for aquatic performance. Additional benefits may occur if coaches plan the dry-land S&C training focusing on explosiveness.


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The primary aim of the research activity presented in this PhD thesis was the development of an innovative hardware and software solution for creating a unique tool for kinematics and electromyographic analysis of the human body in an ecological setting. For this purpose, innovative algorithms have been proposed regarding different aspects of inertial and magnetic data elaboration: magnetometer calibration and magnetic field mapping (Chapter 2), data calibration (Chapter 3) and sensor-fusion algorithm. Topics that may conflict with the confidentiality agreement between University of Bologna and NCS Lab will not be covered in this thesis. After developing and testing the wireless platform, research activities were focused on its clinical validation. The first clinical study aimed to evaluate the intra and interobserver reproducibility in order to evaluate three-dimensional humero-scapulo-thoracic kinematics in an outpatient setting (Chapter 4). A second study aimed to evaluate the effect of Latissimus Dorsi Tendon Transfer on shoulder kinematics and Latissimus Dorsi activation in humerus intra - extra rotations (Chapter 5). Results from both clinical studies have demonstrated the ability of the developed platform to enter into daily clinical practice, providing useful information for patients' rehabilitation.


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The properties of the mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase activated by the natural cofactor Mg2+ or by Ca2+, were studied, mainly on heart mitochondria from swine, widely used in translational medicine. The Ca2+ driven conformational changes in the F1FO-ATPase form the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), which triggers regulated cell death and is involved in severe pathologies. The Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase hydrolyzes ATP with kinetics slightly different from those of the Mg2+-ATPase. Known F1-ATPase inhibitors inhibit both the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP formation strengthening the molecular link between them. The different Gd3+ effects on the Ca2+- and Mg2+-activated F1FO-ATPases confirm their difference as also phenylglyoxal which preferentially inhibits the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase. The effects of phenylarsine and dibromobimane, which interact with differently distant Cys thiols, show that mPTP opening is ruled by nearby or distant dithiols. Bergamot polyphenols and melatonin inhibit the mPTP and ROS formation. H2S, a known cardiovascular protector, unaffects the F1FO-ATPase, but inhibits Ca2+ absorption and indirectly the mPTP, both in swine heart and mussel midgut gland mitochondria. New generation triazoles inhibit the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP, but unaffect the Mg2+-activated F1FOATPase. In parallel, the energy metabolism was investigated in mammalian cells. In boar sperm ATP is mainly produced by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), even if it decreases over time because of less active mitochondria. Insufficient ATP may induce sperm dysfunction. Also, canine mesenchymal stem cells rely on OXPHOS; those from umbilical cord which produce more ATP than those from adipose tissue, seem preferable for transplant studies. The intestinal porcine enterocyte cell line IPEC-J2, used for human gut research, responds to different fetal bovine serum concentrations by remodeling OXPHOS without altering the bioenergetic parameters. The IPEC-J2 bioenergetics is modulated by Vitamin K vitamers. These data shoulder cell bioenergetics as precious tool for medical research.


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Every day, firefighters are involved in emergency response tasks, which are both physically and psychologically exhausting. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the number of firefighters who are injured or die while performing their job is incredibly high. When firefighters are injured, they must follow a rehabilitation therapy program to physically recover and depending on the severity of their injuries they may not fully recuperate at all. If they sustain a permanent injury that they cannot recover from, they may be out of work for the rest of their career. This research focuses on studying and developing a special device, known as an exoskeleton, aimed at assisting and preventing potential injuries among firefighters. Nowadays, the usage of human exoskeletons is becoming more common in a variety of fields. In fact, it is currently being researched and developed for soldiers, athletes, and critical care patients around the world. Most of the existing exoskeletons have been developed for the assistance of the lower human body. The research that I have done in my thesis instead relates to mobility of the upper body. Many of the existing exoskeletons have been analyzed and compared to each other and the human body, such as the study of human arm parts and their movements around three principal joints: shoulder, elbow, and wrist. The correct design of the shoulder exoskeleton join is still a big challenge for designers because of the complexity of biomechanical human movements. The exoskeleton must fit perfectly to the human body, otherwise it could be harmful for both the recovery and the safety of the user. The goal of this thesis is to design an upper-body arm exoskeleton worn by firefighters and develop and test a PID control system to prevent the risk of injuries while performing their job.


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The 1d extended Hubbard model with soft-shoulder potential has proved itself to be very difficult to study due its non solvability and to competition between terms of the Hamiltonian. Given this, we tried to investigate its phase diagram for filling n=2/5 and range of soft-shoulder potential r=2 by using Machine Learning techniques. That led to a rich phase diagram; calling U, V the parameters associated to the Hubbard potential and the soft-shoulder potential respectively, we found that for V<5 and U>3 the system is always in Tomonaga Luttinger Liquid phase, then becomes a Cluster Luttinger Liquid for 57, with a quasi-perfect crystal in the U<3V/2 and U>5 region. Finally we found that for U<5 and V>2-3 the system shall maintain the Cluster Luttinger Liquid structure, with a residual in-block single particle mobility.


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Background: l’intervento di artroprotesi inversa di spalla sta assumendo sempre più importanza all’interno dell’approccio chirurgico della spalla. Il Concetto Bobath viene somministrato solitamente a pazienti con problematiche neurologiche centrali (es. ictus), ma si è visto molto efficace nel ristabilire un’importante stabilità scapolare a livello dell’arto superiore. Obiettivo: valutare il dolore e la funzionalità di spalla in persone con protesi inversa di spalla in seguito ad un percorso riabilitativo implementato da tecniche appartenenti al Concetto Bobath. Metodi: sono stati selezionati tre soggetti (3 F) di et. media di 74 anni sottoposti ad intervento di artroprotesi inversa di spalla e successivamente a trattamento riabilitativo con tecniche appartenenti al Concetto Bobath. I soggetti partecipanti sono stati valutati durante e alla fine del percorso riabilitativo attraverso l’utilizzo della scala NRS per il dolore, mentre per la funzionalità di spalla la UCLA Shoulder Scale), la Constant-Murley Scale e la DASH. I limiti presenti in questo studio sono attribuibili sia al fatto che nelle banche dati sono assenti studi che riguardano lo stesso argomento, sia al fatto che il numero di pazienti entrati a far parte dello studio è molto limitato sia per le complicanze durante il trattamento o l’interruzione del trattamento in alcuni pazienti. Risultati: al termine della sperimentazione, tutti i soggetti hanno presentato un miglioramento delle misure di outcome. Un importante miglioramento si è notato nella stabilità scapolare, nei compensi muscolari e nel dolore. I risultati sono stati poi confrontati con gli outcome di pazienti trattati secondo protocolli standardizzati, appartenenti a studi presenti all’interno delle banche dati. Conclusioni: l’utilizzo di tecniche appartenenti al Concetto Bobath sembra essere efficace in pazienti sottoposti ad artroprotesi inversa di spalla. Tuttavia, sono necessari ulteriori studi per verificarne gli effettivi effetti.


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Background: Attualmente, diversi approcci riabilitatavi vengono proposti per il miglioramento del dolore e della funzione a seguito di intervento chirurgico alla spalla. La teleriabilitazione si è rivelata una valida alternativa per l’erogazione dei servizi riabilitativi a distanza: grazie all’utilizzo delle tecnologie di telecomunicazione, è possibile fornire consulenza, valutazione, monitoraggio, intervento e educazione, superando le barriere geografiche, temporali, sociali ed economiche. Obiettivo: Lo scopo della revisione è valutare le prove di efficacia presenti in letteratura in merito all’utilizzo della teleriabilitazione per il miglioramento funzionale dei pazienti operati di spalla. Metodi: La revisione è stata redatta secondo la checklist del PRISMA statement. La ricerca è stata condotta da aprile a settembre 2022, consultando le banche dati Cochrane Library, PubMed e PEDro. La ricerca è stata limitata a studi primari sperimentali e quasi, con full-text reperibile in lingua italiana o inglese e senza limiti temporali, inerenti soggetti operati alla spalla trattati con diverse modalità di teleriabilitazione. Come elemento di confronto è stato incluso qualsiasi tipo di intervento riabilitativo convenzionale. La qualità metodologica è stata valutata con la PEDro scale. Risultati: sono stati inclusi 4 RCT e 1 CCT, che hanno indagato misure di outcome relative a: dolore, mobilità articolare, forza, abilità funzionale e qualità della vita. Dall’analisi qualitativa dei risultati degli studi si è osservato che in tutti i gruppi sperimentali si sono ottenuti miglioramenti significativi negli outcome d’interesse; in due studi è stata evidenziata una superiorità statisticamente significativa della teleriabilitazione. Conclusioni: Nonostante la revisione non sia giunta a risultati generalizzabili e di validità assoluta, la teleriabilitazione ha dimostrato di essere una modalità sicura ed efficace nel miglioramento clinico e funzionale dei soggetti operati alla spalla.