930 resultados para Textile fibers.


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Brazil is the only country in South America to have an automotive supplier sector based on natural fibers. New opportunities are arising due to an increase demand by the car makers in applying natural fibers in their parts. Several crop fibers have been developed in Brazil. Among them can be listed caroa, piacava, pupunha, mutum and others of regional application. For the automotive industry, which requires large quantities with uniform quality, the alternatives are sisal (170,000 ton/yr), curaua (150 ton/yr in 2003), malva, 200 ton/yr; Brazil is the single largest producer country of sisal, and commercially, the only one in curaua. For South America, the alternatives are fique in Colombia, abaca in equator, flax in Argentina and curaua in Venezuela. It must be understood by the target countries of drugs, is that crop fiber can be an economic alternative to coca in the Andes region, therefore an instrument of land reform and drug reduction plantations. Several companies have a strong program of apply natural fibers based components in their products: Volkswagen do Brazil, DaimlerChrysler, General Motors do Brazil. Among their suppliers can be listed companies such Pematec (curaua), Toro (sisal, coir and jute), Incomer (sisal and jute), Ober (jute, curaua), Indaru (jute and sisal), Antolin (imported kenaf,) Tapetes Sao Carlos (sisal), Poematec (coir) and Art-Gore, with Woodstock'' wood and natural fibers). Figures about production and demand are discussed in the paper.


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Let S(M) be the ring of (continuous) semialgebraic functions on a semialgebraic set M and S*(M) its subring of bounded semialgebraic functions. In this work we compute the size of the fibers of the spectral maps Spec(j)1:Spec(S(N))→Spec(S(M)) and Spec(j)2:Spec(S*(N))→Spec(S*(M)) induced by the inclusion j:N M of a semialgebraic subset N of M. The ring S(M) can be understood as the localization of S*(M) at the multiplicative subset WM of those bounded semialgebraic functions on M with empty zero set. This provides a natural inclusion iM:Spec(S(M)) Spec(S*(M)) that reduces both problems above to an analysis of the fibers of the spectral map Spec(j)2:Spec(S*(N))→Spec(S*(M)). If we denote Z:=ClSpec(S*(M))(M N), it holds that the restriction map Spec(j)2|:Spec(S*(N)) Spec(j)2-1(Z)→Spec(S*(M)) Z is a homeomorphism. Our problem concentrates on the computation of the size of the fibers of Spec(j)2 at the points of Z. The size of the fibers of prime ideals "close" to the complement Y:=M N provides valuable information concerning how N is immersed inside M. If N is dense in M, the map Spec(j)2 is surjective and the generic fiber of a prime ideal p∈Z contains infinitely many elements. However, finite fibers may also appear and we provide a criterium to decide when the fiber Spec(j)2-1(p) is a finite set for p∈Z. If such is the case, our procedure allows us to compute the size s of Spec(j)2-1(p). If in addition N is locally compact and M is pure dimensional, s coincides with the number of minimal prime ideals contained in p. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Le lambahoany est un pagne tissé par une société textile malgache telle que la Cotona d’ Antsirabe. D’ailleurs, il enveloppe le peuple malgache depuis son existence, les hommes comme les femmes, puis les vivants comme les morts. C’est ainsi que le lambahoany occupe une importante place dans la communauté malgache, non seulement comme un panneau de transmission des messages spécifiques mais également pour son rôle au système éducatif social au même titre que les arts virtuels développés aux écoles des arts. Ensuite, il est aussi nécessaire pour sensibiliser des personnes à travers d’un sujet donné. C’est en ce sens qu’il n’est plus un simple pagne mais il s’agit d’un objet patrimonial qui permet d’identifier les malgaches. Alors, leur préservation et leur valorisation se confirme primordial. D’où, la valorisation du lambahoany et sa pérennisation pour les générations futures constituent les principaux objectifs de cette étude; ABSTRACT: The Lambahoany is woven loin cloth by Malagasy textile companies like Cotona Antsirabe. Moreover, it wraps the Malagasy people since its existence, men and women, and the living and the dead. Thus the Lambahoany occupies an important place in the Malagasy community, not only as a sign of transmission of specific messages but also for its role in social education system as well as virtual arts developed schools of the arts. Then it is also necessary to educate people through a given topic. It is in this sense that it is no longer a simple loincloth, but it is a heritage object that identifies the Malagasy. So, their preservation and enhancement confirms paramount. Hence, the enhancement of Lambahoany and its sustainability for future generations are the main objectives of this study.


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Purpose. To measure the increase in tear secretion evoked by selective stimulation of the different populations of sensory receptors of the cornea and conjunctiva by using moderate and intense mechanical, chemical, and cold stimuli. Methods. Six healthy subjects participated in the study. Tear secretion was measured in both eyes by the Schirmer’s test conducted under control conditions and after stimulation of the center of the cornea and the temporal conjunctiva with a gas esthesiometer. Mechanical stimulation consisted in three pulses of 3 seconds’ duration of warmed air (at 34°C on the eye surface) applied at moderate (170 mL/min) and high (260 mL/min) flow rates. Cold thermal stimulation was made with cooled air that produced a corneal temperature drop of −1°C or −4.5°C. Chemical (acidic) stimulation was performed with a jet of gas containing a mixture of 80% CO2 in air. Results. The basal volume of tear secretion increased significantly (P < 0.05, paired t-test) after stimulation of the cornea with high-flow mechanical stimuli (260 mL/min), intense cooling pulses (−4.5°C), and chemical stimulation (80% CO2). The same stimuli were ineffective when applied to the conjunctiva. Moderate mechanical (170 mL/min) and cold (−1°C) stimulation of the cornea or the conjunctiva did not change significantly the volume of tear secretion. Conclusions. Reflex tear secretion caused by corneal stimulation seems to be chiefly due to activation of corneal polymodal nociceptors, whereas selective excitation of corneal mechanonociceptors or cold receptors appears to be less effective in evoking an augmented lacrimal secretion. Conjunctival receptors stimulated at equivalent levels do not evoke an increased tear secretion.


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Recent advances in wearable electronics, technical textiles, and wearable strain sensing devices have resulted in extensive research on stretchable electrically conductive fibers. Addressing these areas require the development of efficient fiber processing methodologies that do not compromise the mechanical properties of the polymer (typically an elastomer) when nanomaterials are added as conductive fillers. It is highly desirable that the addition of conductive fillers provides not only electrical conductivity, but that these fillers also enhance the stiffness, strength, stretchability, and toughness of the polymer. Here, the compatibility of polyurethane (PU) and graphene oxide (GO) is utilized for the study of the properties of elastomeric conductive fibers prepared by wet-spinning. The GO-reinforced PU fibers demonstrate outstanding mechanical properties with a 200-fold and a threefold enhancement in Young's modulus and toughness, respectively. Postspinning thermal annealing of the fibers results in electrically conductive fibers with a low percolation threshold (≈0.37 wt% GO). An investigation into optimized fiber's electromechanical behavior reveals linear strain sensing abilities up to 70%. Results presented here provide practical insights on how to simultaneously maintain or improve electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical properties in conductive elastomer fibers.


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Recent developments in graphene oxide fibre (GO) processing include exciting demonstrations of hand woven textile structures. However, it is uncertain whether the fibres produced can meet the processing requirements of conventional textile manufacturing. This work reports for the first time the production of highly flexible and tough GO fibres that can be knitted using textile machinery. The GO fibres are made by using a dry-jet wet-spinning method, which allows drawing of the spinning solution (the GO dispersion) in several stages of the fibre spinning process. The coagulation composition and spinning conditions are evaluated in detail, which led to the production of densely packed fibres with near-circular cross-sections and highly ordered GO domains. The results are knittable GO fibres with Young's modulus of ~7.9 GPa, tensile strength of ~135.8 MPa, breaking strain of ~5.9%, and toughness of ~5.7 MJ m(-3). The combination of suitable spinning method, coagulation composition, and spinning conditions led to GO fibres with remarkable toughness; the key factor in their successful knitting. This work highlights important progress in realising the full potential of GO fibres as a new class of textile.


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The development of electrically conducting fibers based on known cytocompatible materials is of interest to those engaged in tissue regeneration using electrical stimulation. Herein, it is demonstrated that with the aid of rheological insights, optimized formulations of graphene containing spinnable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) dopes can be made possible. This helps extend the general understanding of the mechanics involved in order to deliberately translate the intrinsic superior electrical and mechanical properties of solution-processed graphene into the design process and practical fiber architectural engineering. The as-produced fibers are found to exhibit excellent electrical conductivity and electrochemical performance, good mechanical properties, and cellular affinity. At the highest loading of graphene (24.3 wt%), the conductivity of as-prepared fibers is as high as 150 S m-1 (more than two orders of magnitude higher than the highest conductivity achieved for any type of nanocarbon-PLGA composite fibers) reported previously. Moreover, the Young's modulus and tensile strength of the base fiber are enhanced 647- and 59-folds, respectively, through addition of graphene.


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Effective functional innervation of medical bionic devices, as well as re-innervation of target tissue in nerve and spinal cord injuries, requires a platform that can stimulate and orientate neural growth. Gordon Wallace and co-workers report on p. 4393 that conducting and nonconducting biodegradable polymers show excellent potential as suitable hybrid substrata for neural regeneration and may form the basis of electrically active conduits designed to accelerate nerve repair.


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The recent discovery of liquid crystalline (LC) behavior of graphene oxide (GO) dispersions in various organic, and aqueous media brings added control to the assembly of larger structures using the chemical process approach.[1-3] The LC state can be used to direct the ordered assembly of nanocomponents in macroscopic structures via simple methods like wet-spinning. [3] Here, we developed a scaleable fabrication route to produce graphene fibers via a facile continuoes wetspinning methode. We develop solid understanding in the required criteria to correlate processability with LC behavior, aspect ratio and the dispersion concentration to provide a viable platform for spinning of LC GO. We demonstrate a striking result that highlits the importance of GO sheet size and polydispersity in generating wetspinnable LC GO dispersions from very low spinning dope concentrations (as low as 0.075 wt. %). The new knowledge gained through rheological investigations provides a sound explanation as to why continuous spinning of binder-free GO fibers is enabled by the LC behavior at this very low concentration.


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In this work, we have proven that starch nanofibrous membranes with high tensile strength, water stability and non-cytotoxicity can be produced by electrospinning of starch solution and post-treatment with GTA in vapor phase. GTA vapor phase crosslinking plays a key role in forming water-stable nanofiber membrane and improving the mechanical properties. Comparing with non-crosslinked starch fibers, the crosslinked fibers are increased by nearly 10 times in tensile strength. The crosslinked starch fibrous membranes are non-cytotoxic. They may find applications in the fields of tissue engineering, pharmaceutical therapy and medical.


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The effect of oxidative stabilization and carbonization processes on the structure, mass and mechanical properties of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor fibers was analyzed. A gradual densification of the fibers occurring from mass loss, decrease in fiber diameter and increase in density were observed after stabilization at a maximum temperature of 255 °C and carbonization at a maximum temperature of 800 °C. The tensile strength and modulus of the fibers were found to decrease after stabilization but then increased after low temperature carbonization. The thermal processing of the precursor fibers affected their mode of failure after tensile loading, changing from a ductile type of failure to a brittle type. The type of failure correlated well with the crystal structure changes in the fibers. Whilst the PAN precursor fiber started to exotherm above 225 °C in air, no prominent exothermic reaction was measured in the carbonized fibers in air up to 430 °C. The aromatization index of stabilized fiber was calculated to be ∼66%, and that of carbonized fiber was ∼99%. FTIR studies indicated that the variation in the chemical structure of the fibers with the stabilization of the fibers. Radial heterogeneity in the stabilized fibers was observed however it was not promoted to the carbonized fibers. Finally, a method to calculate mass retention of PAN precursor fiber after heat treatment was developed, and the calculated percentage mass retained of the precursor fiber after oxidation and carbonization were found to be 81% and 51%, respectively. . This study proposes an effective method to calculate the percentage of mass retained by precursor fibers after stabilization and low temperature carbonization to provide a model for evaluating carbon fiber yield from a given amount of fibers.


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Silkworm silk fibers are core-shell composites of fibroin and sericin proteins. Studying the interactions between fibroin and sericin is essential for understanding the properties of these composites. It isobserved that compared to the domestic silk cocoon Bombyx mori (B. mori), the adhesion between fibroin and sericin from the wild silk cocoon, Antheraea pernyi (A. pernyi), is significantly stronger with a higherdegree of heterogeneity. The adsorption of A. pernyi sericin on its fibroin is almost twice the value for B.mori sericin on fibroin, both showing a monolayer Langmuir adsorption. 1H NMR and FTIR studiesdemonstrate on a molecular level the stronger interactions and the more intensive complex formation between A. pernyi fibroin and sericin, facilitated by the hydrogen bonding between glycine and serine.The findings of this study may help the design of composites with superior interfacial adhesion between different components.