925 resultados para Testicular regression
ARAÚJO, Arrilton ; SOUSA, Maria Bernardete Cordeiro . Testicular volume and reproductive status of Wild Callithrix jacchus. International Journal of Primatology, v.29, p.1355–1364, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10764-008-9291-4
We evaluate the integration of 3D preoperative computed tomography angiography of the coronary arteries with intraoperative 2D X-ray angiographies by a recently proposed novel registration-by-regression method. The method relates image features of 2D projection images to the transformation parameters of the 3D image. We compared different sets of features and studied the influence of preprocessing the training set. For the registration evaluation, a gold standard was developed from eight X-ray angiography sequences from six different patients. The alignment quality was measured using the 3D mean target registration error (mTRE). The registration-by-regression method achieved moderate accuracy (median mTRE of 15 mm) on real images. It does therefore not provide yet a complete solution to the 3D–2D registration problem but it could be used as an initialisation method to eliminate the need for manual initialisation.
Current practice for analysing functional neuroimaging data is to average the brain signals recorded at multiple sensors or channels on the scalp over time across hundreds of trials or replicates to eliminate noise and enhance the underlying signal of interest. These studies recording brain signals non-invasively using functional neuroimaging techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) generate complex, high dimensional and noisy data for many subjects at a number of replicates. Single replicate (or single trial) analysis of neuroimaging data have gained focus as they are advantageous to study the features of the signals at each replicate without averaging out important features in the data that the current methods employ. The research here is conducted to systematically develop flexible regression mixed models for single trial analysis of specific brain activities using examples from EEG and MEG to illustrate the models. This thesis follows three specific themes: i) artefact correction to estimate the `brain' signal which is of interest, ii) characterisation of the signals to reduce their dimensions, and iii) model fitting for single trials after accounting for variations between subjects and within subjects (between replicates). The models are developed to establish evidence of two specific neurological phenomena - entrainment of brain signals to an $\alpha$ band of frequencies (8-12Hz) and dipolar brain activation in the same $\alpha$ frequency band in an EEG experiment and a MEG study, respectively.
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a disease of unknown aetiology with drug-induced AIH being the most complex and not fully understood type. We present the case of a 57-year-old female patient with acute icteric hepatitis after interferon-beta-1b (IFNβ-1b) administration for multiple sclerosis (MS). Based on liver autoimmune serology, histology and appropriate exclusion of other liver diseases, a diagnosis of AIH-related cirrhosis was established. Following discontinuation of IFNβ-1b, a complete resolution of biochemical activity indices was observed and the patient remained untreated on her own decision. However, 3 years later, after a course of intravenous methylprednisolone for MS, a new acute transaminase flare was recorded which subsided again spontaneously after 3 weeks. Liver biopsy and elastography showed significant fibrosis regression (F2 fibrosis). To our knowledge, this is the first report showing spontaneous cirrhosis regression in an IFNβ-1b-induced AIH-like syndrome following drug withdrawal, suggesting that cirrhosis might be reversible if the offending fibrogenic stimulus is withdrawn.
A cutia (Dasyprocta aguti) é um roedor silvestre encontrado amplamente na região Nordeste do Brasil. É uma espécie muito utilizada pela população humana de baixa renda como fonte alternativa de proteína na alimentação. Foram utilizadas 31 cutias, machos, provenientes da Universidade Federal do Piauí (FUFPI), Estado do Piauí e da Escola Superior de Agricultura de Mossoró Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os animais foram divididos em grupos etários desde o nascimento até os 14 meses de idade. O diâmetro nuclear médio foi obtido pela medida de 10 núcleos do tipo celular estudado em cada testículo, no estágio 1 do ciclo do epitélio seminífero. Nos animais que não apresentaram o epitélio organizado em estágios bem definidos em virtude da idade, foram feitas medidas em secções transversais escolhidas somente pelo contorno circular. O início da assincronia do processo espermatogênico foi observado a partir dos seis meses de idade. A puberdade, na cutia Dasyprocta aguti, foi definitivamente estabelecida a partir dos nove meses de idade, pois estavam presentes todos os tipos celulares e espermatozóides liberados no lume tubular em grande parte do parênquima testicular.
Foi estudado, por meio da histometria, o desenvolvimento testicular em 31 cutias da espécie Dasyprocta aguti desde o nascimento até 14 meses de idade. O diâmetro e a área, médios, foram obtidos a partir de 30 secções transversais de cordões e/ou túbulos seminíferos, em cada testículo, utilizando-se sistema de computadorizado de analises de imagem e uma ocular micrométrica Zeiss CPL 10X, acoplada a uma objetiva de 40X. As proporções volumétricas do testículo foram obtidas com o método estereométrico, segundo Elias, Henning e Schwartz¹. O diâmetro tubular médio apresentou crescimento lento desde o nascimento até os oito meses de idade, nas duas metodologias empregadas. Quando foi usada a ocular micrométrica observou-se que, a partir de nove meses, o diâmetro tubular teve um crescimento acelerado, chegando a duplicar o seu valor, se comparado com grupo etário que o antecedia. A proporção volumétrica dos cordões testiculares e túbulos seminíferos cresceu gradualmente, atingindo, aos nove meses, seu valor máximo (86,50%). As células de Leydig apresentaram proporção volumétrica decrescente, e seus maiores valores foram expressivos do nascimento até quatro meses de idade (7,00 ± 1,77% a 9,55 ± 0,64%) e mínimos a partir de nove meses, tendendo ainda a uma estabilização. O estroma diminuiu com a evolução da idade caindo bruscamente a partir da puberdade. Conclui-se que o diâmetro dos cordões testiculares e túbulos seminíferos apresentou maior crescimento, coincidindo com o início da puberdade e a proporção volumétrica das células de Leydig encontrou-se, respectivamente, mais alta e mais baixa no mesmo período.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuição dos vasos arteriais nos testículos em caprinos com diferentes graus de divisão escrotal. A configuração escrotal foi classificada da seguinte forma: Grupo I: constituído por caprinos com escroto único, Grupo II: com escroto separado até a metade do testículo e Grupo III: com separação escrotal estendendo-se além da metade do testículos. As artérias foram injetadas e coradas com solução de acetado de vinil, sendo os orgãos (30 pares) submetidos à corrossão para obtenção dos moldes vasculares. As artérias testiculares emergem da aorta abdominal, com trajeto retilíneo, atravessam o canal inguinal, apresentam-se espiraladas e envolvidas parcialmente pelo plexo pampiniforme. Próximo à extremidade caudada do testículo, dividem-se mais freqüentemente nos ramos cranial e caudal, os quais emitem vasos colaterais, de onde emergem ramos penetrantes. Os testículos dos animais com nível intermediário de divisão escrotal (Grupo II) apresentam menor quantidade destes ramos, sendo os quadrantes mais povoados o ventrolateral e o dorsolateral. Conclui-se que a origem, o trajeto e a distribuição das artérias testiculares não apresentam variações relacionadas ao grau de divisão escrotal em caprinos.
Classical regression analysis can be used to model time series. However, the assumption that model parameters are constant over time is not necessarily adapted to the data. In phytoplankton ecology, the relevance of time-varying parameter values has been shown using a dynamic linear regression model (DLRM). DLRMs, belonging to the class of Bayesian dynamic models, assume the existence of a non-observable time series of model parameters, which are estimated on-line, i.e. after each observation. The aim of this paper was to show how DLRM results could be used to explain variation of a time series of phytoplankton abundance. We applied DLRM to daily concentrations of Dinophysis cf. acuminata, determined in Antifer harbour (French coast of the English Channel), along with physical and chemical covariates (e.g. wind velocity, nutrient concentrations). A single model was built using 1989 and 1990 data, and then applied separately to each year. Equivalent static regression models were investigated for the purpose of comparison. Results showed that most of the Dinophysis cf. acuminata concentration variability was explained by the configuration of the sampling site, the wind regime and tide residual flow. Moreover, the relationships of these factors with the concentration of the microalga varied with time, a fact that could not be detected with static regression. Application of dynamic models to phytoplankton time series, especially in a monitoring context, is discussed.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do grau de bipartição escrotal e do período do ano sobre a termorregulação escroto-testicular em caprinos criados no Estado do Piauí. Foram utilizados 18 reprodutores caprinos machos, divididos em três grupos de seis animais: O Grupo I contendo caprinos com escroto simples, o Grupo II, caprinos com escroto bipartido até 50% do comprimento testicular e o Grupo III, caprinos com bipartição superior a 50% do comprimento testicular. Os parâmetros avaliados foram as temperaturas do escroto, testículo e funículo espermático, obtidas de forma invasiva, com um termômetro digital termoacoplável, e não invasiva, com um pirômetro, nos terços proximal, médio e distal. Os dados foram coletados nos períodos seco (outubro-novembro) e chuvoso (fevereiro-março) do ano, bem como, nos turnos da manhã (6h00 às 7h00) e tarde (14h00 às 15h00). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) seguida do teste SNK para comparação das médias (p<0,05). O período do ano interferiu na termorregulação escroto-testicular, pois no período seco as temperaturas do escroto, testículo e funículo espermático foram mais elevadas que as observadas no período chuvoso. O grau de bipartição do escroto foi outro fator que modificou a temperatura escroto-testicular, já que os caprinos que apresentaram escroto com maior grau de bipartição demonstraram as menores médias das temperaturas escroto-testiculares em ambos os períodos e turnos avaliados. Conclui-se, portanto, que tanto o período do ano quanto o grau de bipartição do escroto influenciaram o processo de termorregulação escroto-testicular em caprinos.
The appearance of testicular oocytes (TO) in wild fish populations has received considerable attention in the scientific literature and public media. Current methods to quantify TO are lethal; instead, a non-lethal alternative was examined. Laparoscopic insertion into the genital pore allowed internal visualization of the gonad and detection of TO by collecting five testis biopsies in smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides. Overall, biopsies quantified similar levels of TO detection and severity to conventional transverse sectioning with less than 10% mortality. Suitability of surgical anesthetics, tricaine methanesulfonate and electronarcosis were examined in laboratory and field applications. Electronarcosis had the added benefit of rapid sex identification and immediate release of female fish with minimal trauma, representing significant benefits when sampling small or compromised populations. Laparoscopy may be useful for monitoring the prevalence and severity of TO in these fish species when lethal sampling is not a desired outcome.
Assessing the fit of a model is an important final step in any statistical analysis, but this is not straightforward when complex discrete response models are used. Cross validation and posterior predictions have been suggested as methods to aid model criticism. In this paper a comparison is made between four methods of model predictive assessment in the context of a three level logistic regression model for clinical mastitis in dairy cattle; cross validation, a prediction using the full posterior predictive distribution and two “mixed” predictive methods that incorporate higher level random effects simulated from the underlying model distribution. Cross validation is considered a gold standard method but is computationally intensive and thus a comparison is made between posterior predictive assessments and cross validation. The analyses revealed that mixed prediction methods produced results close to cross validation whilst the full posterior predictive assessment gave predictions that were over-optimistic (closer to the observed disease rates) compared with cross validation. A mixed prediction method that simulated random effects from both higher levels was best at identifying the outlying level two (farm-year) units of interest. It is concluded that this mixed prediction method, simulating random effects from both higher levels, is straightforward and may be of value in model criticism of multilevel logistic regression, a technique commonly used for animal health data with a hierarchical structure.
Background: Scrotal exploration is considered the procedure of choice for acute scrotum. Objectives: We evaluated the importance of early diagnosis and testicular salvage on the therapeutic outcomes of patients with pediatric testicular torsion (TT) and testicular appendage torsion (TAT) in our geographic area. Patients and Methods: We performed a retrospective database analysis of patients who underwent emergency surgery for TT or TAT between January 1996 and June 2009. Patient history, physical examination findings, laboratory test results, color Doppler sonography (CDS) results, and surgical findings were reviewed. Results: A total of 65 cases were included in our analysis. Forty-two cases were followed up for at least 3 months. Testicular tenderness was identified as the major clinical manifestation of TT, while only a few patients with TAT presented with swelling. CDS was an important diagnostic modality. The orchiectomy rate was 71% in the TT group. Conclusions: Cases of acute scrotum require attention in our area. Early diagnosis and scrotal exploration could salvage the testis or preserve normal function without the need for surgery.