993 resultados para Terratrèmols-Sevilla-1755


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Se ha publicado la 2ª edición en mayo de 2015 (http://hdl.handle.net/10668/1892)


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)


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We report 22 new polymorphic microsatellites for the Ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea), and we describe how they can be efficiently co-amplified using multiplexed polymerase chain reactions. In addition, we report DNA concentration, amplification success, rates of genotyping errors and the number of genotyping repetitions required to obtain reliable data with three types of noninvasive or nondestructive samples: shed feathers collected in colonies, feathers plucked from living individuals and buccal swabs. In two populations from Greenland (n=21) and Russia (Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, n=21), the number of alleles per locus varied between 2 and 17, and expected heterozygosity per population ranged from 0.18 to 0.92. Twenty of the markers conformed to Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium expectations. Most markers were easily amplified and highly reliable when analysed from buccal swabs and plucked feathers, showing that buccal swabbing is a very efficient approach allowing good quality DNA retrieval. Although DNA amplification success using single shed feathers was generally high, the genotypes obtained from this type of samples were prone to error and thus need to be amplified several times. The set of microsatellite markers described here together with multiplex amplification conditions and genotyping error rates will be useful for population genetic studies of the Ivory gull.


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Publicaciones que lo desarrollan: - Temas. Actividades de promoción (http://www.repositoriosalud.es/handle/10668/1821); Actividades individuales (http://www.repositoriosalud.es/handle/10668/1818); Actividades grupales y comunitarias (http://www.repositoriosalud.es/handle/10668/1819); Guías anticipatorias y consejos (http://www.repositoriosalud.es/handle/10668/1820). Este programa se ha realizado con la colaboración de: - Asociación Andaluza de Enfermería Comunitaria. ASANEC - Asociación de Pediatras de Atención Primaria- Andalucía. APAP-AND - Sociedad Española de Pediatría Social.SPS - Asociación Española de Trabajo Social y Salud. AETSYS


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados). Revisión externa: Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS); Plan Andaluz de Diabetes; Sociedades Científicas: ASANEC, ASENHOA, SAGO, SAMFYC, SEMG-Andalucía, SEMERGEM-Andalucía


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Documento relacionado: Al lado, itinerario de atención compartida : Demencias, Alzheimer (http://hdl.handle.net/10668/487). Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Salud Pública / 'Al Lado' con... / 'Al Lado' con las personas afectadas por Alzheimer.


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Publicaciones complementarias: Folleto: Guía de prevención y cuidado de las úlceras arteriales para personas cuidadoras. Folleto desplegable: Guía rápida de consulta para la prevención y cuidados de las úlceras arteriales.


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INTRODUCTION According to genome wide association (GWA) studies as well as candidate gene approaches, Behçet's disease (BD) is associated with human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A and HLA-B gene regions. The HLA-B51 has been consistently associated with the disease, but the role of other HLA class I molecules remains controversial. Recently, variants in non-HLA genes have also been associated with BD. The aims of this study were to further investigate the influence of the HLA region in BD and to explore the relationship with non-HLA genes recently described to be associated in other populations. METHODS This study included 304 BD patients and 313 ethnically matched controls. HLA-A and HLA-B low resolution typing was carried out by PCR-SSOP Luminex. Eleven tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located outside of the HLA-region, previously described associated with the disease in GWA studies and having a minor allele frequency in Caucasians greater than 0.15 were genotyped using TaqMan assays. Phenotypic and genotypic frequencies were estimated by direct counting and distributions were compared using the χ(2) test. RESULTS In addition to HLA-B*51, HLA-B*57 was found as a risk factor in BD, whereas, B*35 was found to be protective. Other HLA-A and B specificities were suggestive of association with the disease as risk (A*02 and A*24) or protective factors (A*03 and B*58). Regarding the non-HLA genes, the three SNPs located in IL23R and one of the SNPs in IL10 were found to be significantly associated with susceptibility to BD in our population. CONCLUSION Different HLA specificities are associated with Behçet's disease in addition to B*51. Other non-HLA genes, such as IL23R and IL-10, play a role in the susceptibility to the disease.


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Actualización enero de 2015. Esta guía se ha realizado en virtud de un convenio de colaboración entre el Servicio Andaluz de Salud y la Sociedad Andaluza de Famacéuticos de Hospital. Grupo hospitalario para la evaluación de medicamentos en Andalucía (GHEMA).