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Managers in five nations rated scenarios exemplifying indigenous forms of informal influence whose cultural origins were concealed. Locally generated scenarios illustrated episodes of guanxi, wasta, jeitinho, svyazi and pulling strings. Local scenarios were judged representative of local influence processes but so too were some scenarios derived from other contexts. Furthermore, many scenarios were rated as more typical in non-local contexts. While these influence processes are found to be widely disseminated, they occur more frequently in contexts characterized by high self-enhancement values, low self-transcendence values and high endorsement of business corruptibility. Implications for a fuller understanding of local business practices are discussed. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This article investigates whether (1) cross-functional integration within a firm and the use of information systems (IS) that support information sharing with external parties can enhance integration across the supply chain and wider networks and (2) whether collaboration with customers, suppliers and other external parties leads to increased supply chain performance in terms of new product development and introduction of new processes. Data from a high-quality survey carried out in Taiwan in 2009 were used, and appropriate econometric models were applied. Results show that the adoption of IS that enhance information sharing is vital not only for the effective communication with suppliers and with wider network members, but their adoption also has a direct effect across a firm's innovative effort. Cross-functional integration appears to matter only for the introduction of an innovative process. Collaboration with customers and suppliers affected a product's design and its overall features and functionality, respectively. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Purpose: The aim of this article is to detail the correlation between quality management, specifically its tools and critical success factors, and performance in terms of primary operational and secondary organisational performances. Design/methodology/approach: Survey data from the UK and Turkey were analysed using exploratory factor analyses, structural equation modelling and regression analysis. Findings: The results show that quality management has a significant and positive impact on both primary and secondary performances; that Turkish and UK attitudes to quality management are similar; and that quality management is widely practised in manufacturing and service industries but has more statistical emphasis in the manufacturing sector. The main challenge for making quality management practice more effective lies in an appropriate balanced use of the different sorts of the tools and critical success factors. Originality/value: This study takes a novel approach by: (i) exploring the relationship between primary operational and secondary organisational performances, (ii) using service and manufacturing data and (iii) making a cross-country comparison between the UK (a developed economy) and Turkey (a developing economy). Limitations: Detailed contrast provided between only two countries. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The focus of this article is the process of doing memory-work research. We tell the story of our experience of what it was like to use this approach. We were enthused to work collectively on a "discovery" project to explore a method with which we were unfamiliar. We hoped to build working relationships based on mutual respect and the desire to focus on methodology and its place in our psychological understanding. The empirical activities highlighted methodological and experiential challenges, which tested our adherence to the social constructionist premise of Haug's original description of memory work. Combined with practical difficulties of living across Europe, writing and analyzing the memories became contentious. We found ourselves having to address a number of tensions emanating from the work and our approach to it. We discuss some of these tensions alongside examples that illustrate the research process and the ways we negotiated the collective nature of the memory-work approach. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The importance of informal institutions and in particular culture for entrepreneurship is a subject of ongoing interest. Past research has mostly concentrated on cross-national comparisons, cultural values and the direct effects of culture on entrepreneurial behaviour, but in the main found inconsistent results. We add a fresh perspective to this research stream by turning attention to community-level culture and cultural norms. We hypothesize indirect effects of cultural norms on venture emergence: Community-level cultural norms (performance-based culture and socially supportive institutional norms) impact important supply-side variables (entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial motivation) which in turn influence nascent entrepreneurs' success in creating operational ventures (venture emergence). We test our predictions on a unique longitudinal dataset, tracking nascent entrepreneurs' venture creation efforts over a five-year time span, and find evidence supporting them. Our research contributes to a more fine-grained understanding of how culture, in particular perceptions of community cultural norms, influences venture emergence. Based on these findings, we discuss how venture creation efforts can be supported. Our research highlights the embeddedness of entrepreneurial behaviour and its immediate antecedent beliefs in the local, community context. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Two types of sodium carbonate powder produced by spray drying (SD) and dry neutralization (DN) were studied for their compaction properties using a uniaxial compression tester. A comparison was also made with Persil washing powder. Dry neutralized sodium carbonate showed greater resistance to compression and also produced a weaker compact when compressed to 100 kPa. Spray-dried sodium carbonate had an absence of fine particles but compacted easily. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that both types of powder were predominantly amorphous in nature. Moisture sorption measurements showed that both powders behaved in a similar way below 50% relative humidity (RH). However, dry neutralized sodium carbonate had a high moisture affinity above this RH. Particle structures were also examined using scanning electron microscopy, showing the heterogeneous interior of the spray-dried particles. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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We re-analysed visuo-spatial perspective taking data from Kessler and Thomson (2010) plus a previously unpublished pilot with respect to individual- and sex differences in embodied processing (defined as body-posture congruence effects). We found that so-called 'systemisers' (males/low-social-skills) showed weaker embodiment than so-called 'embodiers' (females/high-social-skills). We conclude that 'systemisers' either have difficulties with embodied processing or, alternatively, they have a strategic advantage in selecting different mechanisms or the appropriate level of embodiment. In contrast, 'embodiers' have an advantageous strategy of "deep" embodied processing reflecting their urge to empathise or, alternatively, less flexibility in fine-tuning the involvement of bodily representations. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A status report of the modelling and simulation work that is being undertaken as part of the TIMES (Totally Integrated More Electric Systems) project is presented. Dynamic power quality simulations have been used to asses the performance of the electrical system of a EMA based actuation system for an Airbus A330 size aircraft, for both low voltage 115 V, and high voltage 230 V three-phase AC systems. The high voltage system is shown to have benefits in terms of power quality and reduced size and weight of equipment.


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The reactivity of Amberlite (IRA-67) base "heterogeneous" resin in Sonogashira cross-coupling of 8-bromoguanosine 1 with phenylacetylene 3 to give 2 has been examined. Both 1 and 2 coordinate to Pd and Cu ions, which explains why at equivalent catalyst loadings, the homogeneous reaction employing triethylamine base is poor yielding. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) has been used to probe and quantify the active nitrogen base sites of the Amberlite resin, and postreaction Pd and Cu species. The Pd2Cl3(PPh)2 precatalyst and CuI cocatalyst degrade to give Amberlite-supported metal nanoparticles (average size ∼2.7 nm). The guanosine product 2 formed using the Amberlite Pd/Cu catalyst system is of higher purity than reactions using a homogeneous Pd precatalyst, a prerequisite for use in biological applications. Copyright © Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The Norwegian physicist Lars Vegard studied with William H. Bragg in Leeds and then with Wilhelm Wien in Würzburg. There, in 1912, he heard a lecture by Max Laue describing the first X-ray diffraction experiments and took accurate notes which he promptly sent to Bragg. Although now remembered mainly for his work on the physics of the aurora borealis, Vegard also did important pioneering work in three areas of crystallography. He derived chemical insight from a series of related crystal structures that he determined, Vegard's Law relates the unit-cell dimensions of mixed crystals to those of the pure components, and he determined some of the first crystal structures of gases solidified at cryogenic temperatures. © 2013 Taylor and Francis.


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Illustrative extracts from the writings of Paul P. Ewald and of Max von Laue are presented. The latter in turn contains extensive text contributions from William Lawrence Bragg. These selections we have chosen so as to indicate the nature of the discovery of X-ray diffraction from crystals (experiments undertaken by Friedrich, Knipping and von Laue) and its early and prompt application in crystal structure analyses (by William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg). The platform for these discoveries was provided by a macroscopic physics problem dealt with by Ewald in his doctoral thesis with Arnold Sommerfeld in the Munich Physics Department, which is also where von Laue was based. W.L. Bragg was a student in Cambridge who used Trinity College Cambridge as his address on his early papers; experimental work was done by him in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, and also with his father, W.H. Bragg, in the Leeds University Physics Department. Of further historical interest is the award of an Honorary DSc (Doctor of Science) degree in 1936 to Max von Laue by the University of Manchester, UK, while William Lawrence Bragg was Langworthy Professor of Physics there. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This introduction has four purposes. It first of all gives a working definition of the refugee. It then outlines the main groups of refugees which have moved to Britain since the early modern period, focusing, more particularly, upon the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which form the main focus of this volume. The article then introduces the reader to concepts of cultural transfer, especially as applied to migration and refugees, as well as outlining the main issues under consideration in the British case study, which forms the basis of this volume. Finally, the study introduces the main essays which follow and explains the structure adopted. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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A growing body of academic and popular literature considers the history of South African football. These and existing publications pay little or no attention to the emergence of white professional football in apartheid South Africa. The National Football League (NFL) challenged the amateur game and introduced professional football to the country. During its 17-year existence, the NFL grew each season with large attendances until its demise in 1977. In addition, the NFL imported a range of international players, invited foreign teams and actively engaged in the political debates in South African sport at the time. The NFL was instrumental in popularising the game across the country for all South Africans. The NFL became the most popular sports entertainment of choice for South Africans during this period. Finally, the NFL actively engaged in a campaign of destroying rival non-racial anti-apartheid leagues while simultaneously co-opting less progressive organisations. © 2013 Taylor and Francis.


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A simple fiber sensor capable of simultaneous measurement of liquid level and refractive index (RI) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The sensing head is an all-fiber modal interferometer manufactured by splicing an uncoated single-mode fiber with two short sections of multimode fiber. The interference pattern experiences blue shift along with an increase of axial strain and surrounding RI. Owing to the participation of multiple cladding modes with different sensitivities, the height and RI of the liquid could be simultaneously measured by monitoring two dips of the transmission spectrum. Experimental results show that the liquid level and RI sensitivities of the two dips are 245.7 pm/mm, -38 nm/RI unit (RIU), and 223.7 pm/mm, -62 nm/RIU, respectively. The approach has distinctive advantages of easy fabrication, low cost, and high sensitivity for liquid level detection with the capability of distinguishing the RI variation simultaneously. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The performance of the British retail sectors in terms of productivity growth is not brilliant. This paper focuses on a specific component of productivity growth (technical efficiency) and tests the extent to which its variance across the sector can be explained by the differences in the educational attainment of the pool of workers to which retail firms have access. The empirical analysis is carried out on a sample of 1061 retail firms from the Annual Respondents Database, 1997-2005. The results confirm that the county-level differences of the stock of human capital can explain the technical efficiency differentials across the sector. © 2011 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.