938 resultados para THERM COUPLES
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A48, Secondary 60G12
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A48, Secondary 60G12.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B10, 47A07, 35S05.
The main focus of this paper is on mathematical theory and methods which have a direct bearing on problems involving multiscale phenomena. Modern technology is refining measurement and data collection to spatio-temporal scales on which observed geophysical phenomena are displayed as intrinsically highly variable and intermittant heirarchical structures,e.g. rainfall, turbulence, etc. The heirarchical structure is reflected in the occurence of a natural separation of scales which collectively manifest at some basic unit scale. Thus proper data analysis and inference require a mathematical framework which couples the variability over multiple decades of scale in which basic theoretical benchmarks can be identified and calculated. This continues the main theme of the research in this area of applied probability over the past twenty years.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.
We investigated family members’ lived experience of Parkinson’s disease (PD) aiming to investigate opportunities for well-being. A lifeworld-led approach to healthcare was adopted. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore in-depth interviews with people living with PD and their partners. The analysis generated four themes: It’s more than just an illness revealed the existential challenge of diagnosis; Like a bird with a broken wing emphasizing the need to adapt to increasing immobility through embodied agency; Being together with PD exploring the kinship within couples and belonging experienced through support groups; and Carpe diem! illuminated the significance of time and fractured future orientation created by diagnosis. Findings were interpreted using an existential-phenomenological theory of well-being. We highlighted how partners shared the impact of PD in their own ontological challenges. Further research with different types of families and in different situations is required to identify services required to facilitate the process of learning to live with PD. Care and support for the family unit needs to provide emotional support to manage threats to identity and agency alongside problem-solving for bodily changes. Adopting a lifeworld-led healthcare approach would increase opportunities for well-being within the PD illness journey.
In the first part of this study human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA sequences derived from 201 clones of the C2-V3 env region and the first exon of the tat gene were obtained from six MV-1 infected heterosexual couples. These molecular data were used to confirm the epidemiological relationships. The ability of the molecular data to draw such conclusions was also tested with multiple phylogenetic analyses. The tat region was much more useful in establishing epidemiological relationships than the commonly used C2-V3.^ Subsequently, using nucleotide sequences from the first exon of the Tat gene, we tested the hypothesis that a Florida dentist (a common source) infected five of his patients in the course of dental procedures, against the null hypothesis that the dentist and each individual of the dental group independently acquired the virus within the local community. Multiple phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the sequences of the five patients were significantly more related to each other than to sequences of the controls. Our results using Tat sequences, combined with envelope sequence data, strongly support a common phylogenetic epidemiological relationship among these five patients.^ A third study is presented, which deals with the effects of genomic variations in drug resistance. HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) mutations were detected in DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 11 of 12 HIV-infected children after 11-20 months of zidovudine monotherapy. The codon 41/215 mutant combination was associated with general decline in health status. Patients developing the codon 70 mutation tended to have a better health status. ^
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) following in vitro fertilization (IVF) offers couples at risk for transmitting genetic disorders the opportunity to identify affected embryos prior to replacement. In particular, embryo gender determination permits screening for X-linked diseases of unknown etiology. Analysis of embryos can be performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of material obtained by micromanipulation. This approach provides an alternative to the termination of an established pregnancy following chorionic villi sampling or amniocentesis. ^ Lately, the focus of preimplantation diagnosis and intervention has been shifting toward an attempt to correct cytoplasmic deficiencies. Accordingly, it is the aim of this investigation to develop methods to permit the examination of single cells or components thereof for clinical evaluation. In an attempt to lay the groundwork for precise therapeutic intervention for age related aneuploidy, transcripts encoding proteins believed to be involved in the proper segregation of chromosomes during human oocyte maturation were examined and quantified. Following fluorescent rapid cycle RT-PCR analysis it was determined that the concentration of cell cycle checkpoint gene transcripts decreases significantly as maternal age increases. Given the well established link between increasing maternal age and the incidence of aneuploidy, these results suggest that the degradation of these messages in aging oocytes may be involved with inappropriate chromosome separation during meiosis. ^ In order to investigate the cause of embryonic rescue observed following clinical cytoplasmic transfer procedures and with the objective of developing a diagnostic tool, mtDNA concentrations in polar bodies and subcellular components were evaluated. First, the typical concentration of mtDNA in human and mouse oocytes was determined by fluorescent rapid cycle PCR. Some disparity was noted between the copy numbers of individual cytoplasmic samples which may limit the use of the current methodology for the clinical assessment of the corresponding oocyte. ^
A recent multi-country study on hormonal contraceptives (HC) and HIV acquisition and transmission among African HIV-serodiscordant couples reported a statistically significant doubling of risk for HIV acquisition among women as well as transmission from women to men for injectable contraceptives. Together with a prior cohort study on African women seeking health services, these data are the strongest yet to appear on the HC-HIV risk. This paper will briefly review the Heffron study strengths and relevant biological and epidemiologic evidence; address the futility of further trials; and propose instead an alternative framework for next steps. The weight of the evidence calls for a discontinuation of progestin-dominant methods. We propose here five types of productive activities: (1) scaling injectable hormones down and out of the contraceptive mix; (2) strengthening and introducing public health strategies with proven potential to reduce HIV spread; (3) providing maximal choice to reduce unplanned pregnancy, starting with quality sexuality education through to safe abortion access; (4) expanding provider training, end-user counseling and access to male and female barriers, with a special renewed focus on female condom; (5) initiating a serious research agenda to determine anti-STI/HIV potential of the contraceptive cervical cap. Trusting women to make informed choices is critical to achieve real progress in dual protection.
Shaping the Luso-Brazilian space in Portuguese America was through constant conflicts between different individuals and institutions. Regarding to land ownership, such conflicts were aggravated, depending on the individuals involved and their context. The captaincy of Rio Grande, there is conflict over land ownership Cidade dos Veados and Olho d' Água Azul and its stakeholders: priests of the Society of missionaries of the village Guajiru; indian mission Guajiru; and members of Carneiro da Cunha family. In 1725, the jesuit mission Guajiru requested a league of land at a place called Cidade dos Veados for the indians of his mission claiming that the land that the mission had was not sufficient for the subsistence of the same. In 1727, priest requested another league of land in place Olho d'Água Azul, stating that the mission had more than 192 couples. Both lands were properly required for the mission guajiru. however, in 1760, with the changes imposed by the indian directorate ombudsman responsible for investigating indigenous possessions realized that the indians did not occupy the two lands requested in the 1720s , due to the fact João Carneiro da Cunha has taken possession of the same. As a result, the impasse over land are ligth. This conflict over land ownership Cidade dos Veados and Olho d'Água Azul, we intend to highlight in particular the motivations and mindsets about possessory property of each party involved. We seek to understand the motivations of each group involved allowed the use of specific strategies and set out to try to take possession of the lands of the Cidade dos Veados e Olho d'Água Azul
The discussion involving the identity of social actors has taken place for some years, however, it has become significant for the discourse studies over the last years due to the fragmentation of postmodern actors. Understanding the identity as a symbolic concept that can aid in the detection of certain realities - a kind of mechanism / a magnifying glass (MERLUCCI, 1985) - you can check the linguistic materiality of the introductory text of the lattes resume as a adequate place for the formation of collective identities . The aim of this dissertation is to reflect, in a time of postmodernity, through the lattes introductory curriculum texts, the collective identities of the language researchers are portrayed in discursive and social practices based on the accumulation of cultural and academic capital. For analysis, surrounding the indisciplinary posture in Applied Linguistics (MOITA-LOPES, 2006), the descriptive / interpretive methodology was used (MAGALHÃES, 2001). Whereas the study method and the social theory, as state reasons of the research makes use of the Sociological Approach and Communicational Discourse, chain linked to the assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis (PEDROSA, 2012a). The corpus is constituted of twenty-seven introductory texts from the lattes curriculum of language researchers, connected to three institutions of higher learning in Sergipe. After the collection, on the lattes platform, and the numbering of the curriculum in order to achieve the research objective, we performed the analysis based on three identity themes: teaching, social belonging (BAJOIT, 2006; DESCHAMPS; MOLINER, 2009) and the accumulation of academic-cultural capital (BOURDIEU, 2004; HEY, 2008). The data show that the texts of the lattes curriculum are based on hegemonic and ideological principals, referring to the accumulation of academic assets, the valuation of actors and the hierarchical positions, recognized and ratified by couples who socialize among themselves Right now, the research allows us to infer that, in postmodernity, some collective identity assumptions, contribute to the understanding of the academic reality, around the the lattes curriculum.
New ways of sociability can be perceive in a historical context marked by the social change. The investigation developed by this thesis follow this idea, pointing the emergency of social relations established between individuals in drift. The foremost aim of this research was to assay, using a case study, the bonds constructed among the people that attend the Terminal Central - Pratic Shopping of Uberlândia-MG, the main responsible for the reception and distribution of public transport of the city. With the growth of the urban centers, their population became attractive objects of analysis in the social science field and the understanding of the city, in their core, by the dwellers displacement. Thus, after the separation of the people that use the Terminal Central in seven groups (students, families and couples, elderly, deaf and/or mute, employees of the stores in Terminal and of the bus companies), their interactions tried to be understood, by identifying the similarity with the sociability in traffic studies. In places with a great flow of people, the sociability in traffic suggests bonds of friendship, kindness, as foray, impersonality, frailty and the sudden break of contact.
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Credit must be given to Freda Leinwand from Monkmeyer Press Photo Service.
The goal of this study was to determine whether beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (AR) and beta(2)-AR differ in regulating cardiomyocyte survival and apoptosis and, if so, to explore underlying mechanisms. One potential mechanism is that cardiac beta(2)-AR can activate both G(s) and G(i) proteins, whereas cardiac beta(1)-AR couples only to G(s). To avoid complicated crosstalk between beta-AR subtypes, we expressed beta(1)-AR or beta(2)-AR individually in adult beta(1)/beta(2)-AR double knockout mouse cardiac myocytes by using adenoviral gene transfer. Stimulation of beta(1)-AR, but not beta(2)-AR, markedly induced myocyte apoptosis, as indicated by increased terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP end labeling or Hoechst staining positive cells and DNA fragmentation. In contrast, beta(2)-AR (but not beta(1)-AR) stimulation elevated the activity of Akt, a powerful survival signal; this effect was fully abolished by inhibiting G(i), G(beta gamma), or phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3K) with pertussis toxin, beta ARK-ct (a peptide inhibitor of G(beta gamma)), or LY294002, respectively. This indicates that beta(2)-AR activates Akt via a G(i)-G(beta gamma)-PI3K pathway. More importantly, inhibition of the G(i)-G(beta gamma)-PI3K-Akt pathway converts beta(2)-AR signaling from survival to apoptotic. Thus, stimulation of a single class of receptors, beta(2)-ARs, elicits concurrent apoptotic and survival signals in cardiac myocytes. The survival effect appears to predominate and is mediated by the G(i)-G(beta gamma)-PI3K-Akt signaling pathway.
Consumers have relationships with other people, and they have relationships with brands similar to the ones they have with other people. Yet, very little is known about how brand and interpersonal relationships relate to one another. Even less is known about how they jointly affect consumer well-being. The goal of this research, therefore, is to examine how brand and interpersonal relationships influence and are influenced by consumer well-being. Essay 1 uses both empirical methods and surveys from individuals and couples to investigate how consumer preferences in romantic couples, namely brand compatibility, influences life satisfaction. Using traditional statistical techniques and multilevel modeling, I find that the effect of brand compatibility, or the extent to which individuals have similar brand preferences, on life satisfaction depends upon power in the relationship. For high power partners, brand compatibility has no effect on life satisfaction. On the other hand, for low power partners, low brand compatibility is associated with decreased life satisfaction. I find that conflict mediates the link between brand compatibility and power on life satisfaction. In Essay 2 I again use empirical methods and surveys to investigate how resources, which can be considered a form of consumer well-being, influence brand and interpersonal relations. Although social connections have long been considered a fundamental human motivation and deemed necessary for well-being (Baumeister and Leary 1995), recent research has demonstrated that having greater resources is associated with weaker social connections. In the current research I posit that individuals with greater resources still have a need to connect and are using other sources for connection, namely brands. Across several studies I test and find support for my theory that resource level shifts the preference of social connection from people to brands. Specifically, I find that individuals with greater resources have stronger brand relationships, as measured by self-brand connection, brand satisfaction, purchase intentions and willingness to pay with both existing brand relationships and with new brands. This suggests that individuals with greater resources place more emphasis on these relationships. Furthermore, I find that resource level influences the stated importance of brand and interpersonal relationships, and that having or perceiving greater resources is associated with an increased preference to engage with brands over people. This research demonstrates that there are times when people prefer and seek out connections with brands over other people, and highlights the ways in which our brand and interpersonal relationships influence one another.