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A 35Cl NQR study of 2-chloro-3-pyridinol showed the presence of four NQR signals at 77 K. One of the lines showed a positive temperature coefficient of the NQR frequency. 1H NMR studies showed the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and the anomalous NQR temperature dependence has been explained in terms of Bayer and hydrogen bond effects. The room temperature x-ray structure and the low-temperature NQR data suggest the presence of a phase transition.


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Electrical resistivity of bulk amorphous Al23T77 samples has been studied as a function of pressure (up to 80 kbar) and temperature (down to 77 K). At atmospheric pressure the temperature dependence of resistivity obeys the relation = π0 exp(δE/RT) with two activation energies. In the temperature range 300 K T > 234 K the activation energy is 0.58 eV and for 234 >T 185 K the value is δE = 0.30 ev. The activation energy has been measured as a function of pressure. The electrical resistivity decreases exponentially with the increase of pressure and at 70 kbar pressure the electrical behaviour of the sample shows a metallic nature with a positive temperature coefficient. The high pressure phase of the sample is found to be a crystalline hexagonal phase.


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The thermodynamic activities of MgO in the NaCl-type solid solutions which can exist in xMgO + (1 x)MnO have been determined in the temperature range 1163 to 1318 K from a solid-state galvanic cell incorporating MgF2 as the solid electrolyte. The activities of MnO have been calculated by a graphical Gibbs-Duhem integration method. The activities of both the components exhibit positive deviations from ideality over the entire composition range. The excess molar enthalpies are found to be positive. Further, xMgO + (1 - x)MnO does not conform to regular-solution behaviour. The origin of the excess thermodynamic properties is discussed in relation to the cationic size disparity and the crystal-field effects.


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A graphical method is presented for Hall data analysis, including the temperature variation of activation energy due to screening. This method removes the discrepancies noted in the analysis of recently reported Hall data on Si(In).


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Regional metamorphic belts provide important constraints on the plate tectonic architecture of orogens. We report here a detailed petrologic examination of the sapphirine-bearing ultra-high temperature (UHT) granulites from the Jining Complex within the Khondalite Belt of the North China Craton (NCC). These granulites carry diagnostic UHT assemblages and their microstructures provide robust evidence to trace the prograde, peak and retrograde metamorphic evolution. The P–T conditions of the granulites estimated from XMgGrt(Mg/Fe + Mg) − XMgSpr isopleth calculations indicate temperature above 970 °C and pressures close to 7 kbar. We present phase diagrams based on thermodynamic computations to evaluate the mineral assemblages and microstructures and trace the metamorphic trajectory of the rocks. The evolution from Spl–Qtz–Ilm–Crd–Grt–Sil to Spr–Qtz–Crd–Opx–Ilm marks the prograde stage. The Spl–Qtz assemblage appears on the low-pressure side of the P–T space with Spr–Qtz stable at the high-pressure side, possibly representing an increase in pressure corresponding to compression. The spectacular development of sapphirine rims around spinel enclosed in quartz supports this inference. An evaluation of the key UHT assemblages based on model proportion calculation suggests a counterclockwise P–T path. With few exceptions, granulite-facies rocks developed along collisional metamorphic zones have generally been characterized by clockwise exhumation trajectories. Recent evaluation of the P–T paths of metamorphic rocks developed within collisional orogens indicates that in many cases the exhumation trajectories follow the model subduction geotherm, in accordance with a tectonic model in which the metamorphic rocks are subducted and exhumed along a plate boundary. The timing of UHT metamorphism in the NCC (c. 1.92 Ga) coincides with the assembly of the NCC within the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent, a process that would have involved subduction of passive margins sediments and closure of the intervening ocean. Thus, the counterclockwise P–T path obtained in this study correlates well with a tectonic model involving subduction and final collisional suturing, with the UHT granulites representing the core of the hot or ultra-hot orogen developed during Columbia amalgamation.


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Previous research on P leaf analysis for detecting deficiencies in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) has not considered temperature as a determining factor. This is despite correlations between leaf P content and temperature being observed in other crops. As part of research into a new cotton farming system for the semi-arid tropics of Australia, we conducted two P fertiliser rate experiments on recently cleared un-cropped (bicarbonate P < 5 mg kg- 1) and previously cropped (bicarbonate P 26 mg kg- 1) soil. They aimed to develop P requirements and more importantly to determine if temperature affects the leaf P concentrations used to diagnose P deficiencies. In 2002, optimal yield on un-cropped, low P soil was achieved with a 60 kg P ha- 1 rate. In 2003, residual P from the 40 kg P ha- 1 treatment produced optimal yield. On cropped, high P soil there was no yield response to treatments up to 100 kg P ha- 1. On low P soil, a positive correlation was observed between P concentration in the youngest fully-unfurled leaf (YFUL), fertiliser rate, and mean diurnal temperature in the seven days prior to sampling. On high P soil, a positive correlation was observed between the YFUL and mean diurnal temperature however there was no correlation with fertiliser rate. These results show that YFUL analysis can be used to diagnose P deficiencies in cotton, provided the temperature prior to sampling is considered.


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Condensing enzymes play an important and decisive role in terms of fatty acid composition of any organism. They can be classified as condensing enzymes involved in initiating the cycle and enzymes involved in elongating the initiated fatty acyl chain. In E. coli, two isoforms for the elongation condensing enzymes (FabB and FabF) exists whereas Plasmodium genome contains only one isoform. By in vitro complementation studies in E. coli CY244 cells, we show that PfFabB/ functions like E. coli FabF as the growth of the mutant cells could rescued only in the presence of oleic acid. But unlike bacterial enzyme, PfFabB/F does not increase the cis-vaccenic acid content in the mutant cells upon lowering the growth temperature. This study thus highlights the distinct properties of P. falciparum FabF which sets it apart from E. coli and most other enzymes of this family, described so far.


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In this work, effects of pressure sensitive yielding and plastic dilatancy on void growth and void interaction mechanisms in fracture specimens displaying high and low constraint levels are investigated. To this end, large deformation finite element simulations are carried out with discrete voids ahead of the notch. It is observed that multiple void interaction mechanism which is favored by high initial porosity is further accelerated by pressure sensitive yielding, but is retarded by loss of constraint. The resistance curves predicted based on a simple void coalescence criterion show enhancement in fracture resistance when constraint level is low and when pressure sensitivity is suppressed.


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A 5' Taq nuclease assay specific for Avibacterium paragallinarum was designed and optimized for use in diagnosing infectious coryza. The region chosen for assay design was one of known specificity for Av. paragallinarum. The assay detected Av. paragallinarum reference strains representing the three Page and the eight Kume serovars, and field isolates from diverse geographical locations. No cross-reactions were observed with other Avibacterium species, with other bacteria taxonomically related to Av. paragallinarum nor with bacteria and viruses likely to be present in swabs collected from suspected infectious coryza cases. The detection limit for the assay was 6 to 60 colony-forming units per reaction. Twenty-two out of 53 swabs collected from sick birds reacted in the 5' Taq nuclease assay, whereas Av. paragallinarum was not isolated from any of the swabs. All of the 22 swabs yielded other bacteria in culture. The presence of Av. paragallinarum in the swabs was also demonstrated by sequencing, thereby confirming the ability of the assay to detect Av. paragallinarum in the presence of other bacteria. The ability to quantify bacterial load in the swabs using the 5' Taq nuclease assay was demonstrated.


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The first larval instar has been identified as a critical stage for population mortality in Lepidoptera, yet due to the body size of these larvae, the factors that contribute to mortality under field conditions are still not clear. Dispersal behaviour has been suggested as a significant, but ignored factor contributing to mortality in first-instar lepidopteran larvae. The impact that leaving the host plant has on the mortality rate of Helicoverpa armigera neonates was examined in field crops and laboratory trials. In this study the following are examined: (1) the effects of soil surface temperature, and the level of shade within the crop, on the mortality of neonates on the soil after dropping off from the host plant; (2) the percentage of neonates that dropped off from a host plant and landed on the soil; and (3) the effects of exposure to different soil surface temperatures on the development and mortality of neonates. The findings of this study showed that: (1) on the soil, surface temperatures above 43°C were lethal for neonates, and exposure to these temperatures contributed greatly to the overall mortality rate observed; however, the fate of neonates on the soil varied significantly depending on canopy closure within the crop; (2) at least 15% of neonates dropped off from the host plant and landed on the soil, meaning that the proportion of neonates exposed to these condition is not trivial; and (3) 30 min exposure to soil surface temperatures approaching the lethal level (>43°C) has no significant negative effects on the development and mortality of larvae through to the second instar. Overall leaving the plant through drop-off contributes to first-instar mortality in crops with open canopies; however, survival of neonates that have lost contact with a host plant is possible, and becomes more likely later in the crop growing season.


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Copper aluminum oxide films were prepared by direct current (dc) reactive magnetron sputtering under various substrate temperatures in the range of 303–648 K and systematically studied their physical properties. The physical properties of the films were strongly affected by the substrate temperature. The films formed at substrate temperatures <373 K were amorphous while those deposited at higher substrate temperatures (≥373 K) were polycrystalline in nature. The electrical properties of the films enhanced with substrate temperature due to the improved crystallinity. The Hall mobility of 9.4 cm2/V s and carrier concentration of 3.5 × 1017 cm−3 were obtained at the substrate temperature of 573 K. The optical band gap of the films decreased from 3.87 to 3.46 eV with the increase of substrate temperature from 373 to 573 K.


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A constitutive modeling approach for shape memory alloy (SMA) wire by taking into account the microstructural phase inhomogeneity and the associated solid-solid phase transformation kinetics is reported in this paper. The approach is applicable to general thermomechanical loading. Characterization of various scales in the non-local rate sensitive kinetics is the main focus of this paper. Design of SMA materials and actuators not only involve an optimal exploitation of the hysteresis loops during loading-unloading, but also accounts for fatigue and training cycle identifications. For a successful design of SMA integrated actuator systems, it is essential to include the microstructural inhomogeneity effects and the loading rate dependence of the martensitic evolution, since these factors play predominant role in fatigue. In the proposed formulation, the evolution of new phase is assumed according to Weibull distribution. Fourier transformation and finite difference methods are applied to arrive at the analytical form of two important scaling parameters. The ratio of these scaling parameters is of the order of 10(6) for stress-free temperature-induced transformation and 10(4) for stress-induced transformation. These scaling parameters are used in order to study the effect of microstructural variation on the thermo-mechanical force and interface driving force. It is observed that the interface driving force is significant during the evolution. Increase in the slopes of the transformation start and end regions in the stress-strain hysteresis loop is observed for mechanical loading with higher rates.


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Abstract is not available.


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Humans are a social species with the internal capability to process social information from other humans. To understand others behavior and to react accordingly, it is necessary to infer their internal states, emotions and aims, which are conveyed by subtle nonverbal bodily cues such as postures, gestures, and facial expressions. This thesis investigates the brain functions underlying the processing of such social information. Studies I and II of this thesis explore the neural basis of perceiving pain from another person s facial expressions by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). In Study I, observing another s facial expression of pain activated the affective pain system (previously associated with self-experienced pain) in accordance with the intensity of the observed expression. The strength of the response in anterior insula was also linked to the observer s empathic abilities. The cortical processing of facial pain expressions advanced from the visual to temporal-lobe areas at similar latencies (around 300 500 ms) to those previously shown for emotional expressions such as fear or disgust. Study III shows that perceiving a yawning face is associated with middle and posterior STS activity, and the contagiousness of a yawn correlates negatively with amygdalar activity. Study IV explored the brain correlates of interpreting social interaction between two members of the same species, in this case human and canine. Observing interaction engaged brain activity in very similar manner for both species. Moreover, the body and object sensitive brain areas of dog experts differentiated interaction from noninteraction in both humans and dogs whereas in the control subjects, similar differentiation occurred only for humans. Finally, Study V shows the engagement of the brain area associated with biological motion when exposed to the sounds produced by a single human being walking. However, more complex pattern of activation, with the walking sounds of several persons, suggests that as the social situation becomes more complex so does the brain response. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the roles of distinct cortical and subcortical brain regions in the perception and sharing of others internal states via facial and bodily gestures, and the connection of brain responses to behavioral attributes.


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BACKGROUND: The psocid Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, is a widespread, significant pest of stored commodities, has developed strong resistance to phosphine, the major grain disinfestant. The aim was to develop effective fumigation protocols to control this resistant pest. RESULTS: Time to population extinction of all life stages (TPE) in days was evaluated at a series of phosphine concentrations and temperatures at two relative humidities. Regression analysis showed that temperature, concentration and relative humidity all contributed significantly to describing TPE (P < 0.001, R2 = 0.95), with temperature being the dominant variable, accounting for 74.4% of the variation. Irrespective of phosphine concentration, TPE was longer at lower temperatures and high humidity (70% RH) and shorter at higher temperatures and low humidity (55% RH). At any concentration of phosphine, a combination of higher temperature and lower humidity provides the shortest fumigation period to control resistant L. bostrychophila. For example, 19 and 11 days of fumigation are required at 15 °C and 70% RH at 0.1 and 1.0 mg L-1 of phosphine respectively, whereas only 4 and 2 days are required at 35 °C and 55% RH for the same respective concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The developed fumigation protocols will provide industry with flexibility in application of phosphine.