950 resultados para Sutton, Bill
Background: Cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that a specific polymorphism (allele 2 of both IL-1A +4845 and IL-1B +3954) in the IL-1 gene cluster has been associated with an increased susceptibility to severe periodontal disease and to an increased bleeding tendency during periodontal maintenance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between IL-1 genotype and periodontitis in a prospective longitudinal study in an adult population of essentially European heritage. Methods: From an ongoing study of the Oral Care Research Programme of The University of Queensland, 295 subjects consented to genotyping for IL-1 allele 2 polymorphisms. Probing depths and relative attachment levels were recorded at baseline, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months using the Florida probe. Periodontitis progression at a given site was defined as attachment loss greater than or equal to2 mm at any observation period during the 5 years of the study and the extent of disease progression determined by the number of sites showing attachment loss. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Prevotella intermedia were detected using ELISA. Results: 38.9% of the subjects were positive for the composite IL-1 genotype. A relationship between the IL-1 positive genotype and increased mean probing pocket depth in non-smokers greater than 50 years of age was found. Further, IL-1 genotype positive smokers and genotype positive subjects with P. gingivalis in their plaque had an increase in the number of probing depths greater than or equal to3.5 mm, There was a consistent trend for IL-1 genotype positive subjects to experience attachment loss when compared with IL-1 genotype negative subjects. Conclusion: The results of this study have shown an interaction of the IL-1 positive genotype with age, smoking and P. gingivalis which suggests that IL-1 genotype is a contributory but non-essential risk factor for periodontal disease progression in this population.
The prevalence of neoplasia in birds is generally low; however, in some species of companion and aviary birds, the incidence is high and neoplasia is a common cause of death. Surgical excision or limb amputation has been performed as the therapeutic plan. Chemotherapy in the treatment of avian neoplasia is largely empirical and poorly documented. For example, cisplatin has been used intralesionally in macaws (Ara species) with limited clinical success. Eight sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita), under general isoflurane anesthesia, were infused intravenously with cisplatin at 6.4 or 1.0 mg/kg over 1 hour and hydrated with lactated Ringer's solution for 1 hour before and 2 hours after cisplatin infusion. Birds were euthanatized 96 hours after infusion, except for 2 birds given the low cisplatin dose, which were euthanatized on day 35 after dosing. All birds tolerated the study procedure while under anesthesia. Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate did not change significantly. In the low-dose group, the mean cloacal temperature decreased significantly during the infusion period (P < .001) and then rose progressively to preinfusion values by 24 hours. Also in this group, the mean body weight tended to increase during the infusion period before significantly decreasing (P < .05) by 5% at 96 hours after dosing. At 24 hours after dosing, all birds were bright and eating. However, intermittent regurgitation and fecal changes (moist, dark green feces and yellow urates) occurred in 3 of 8 birds, especially those given the high dose. By 72 hours after dosing, droppings in the low-dose group were normal in appearance. One bird in the high-dose group died by 94 hours after dosing. Myelosuppression was not observed in any bird and at necropsy, no evidence of cisplatin toxicity was found except in 1 bird given the high cisplatin dose. On histology, this bird showed nephrotoxicity, and its serum uric acid levels and mean estimated white blood cell count increased significantly by 24 hours after dosing. This paper reports for the first time the effect of systemic cisplatin administration in birds and provides veterinarians data for formulating efficacious and safe protocols for platinum-containing compounds when treating neoplasia in parrots and other companion birds.
In this paper theoretical models have been established that can account for the gas transmission through nanocomposite laminates, consisting of an oxide layer of finite permeability containing defects, on a polymer sheet of finite thickness. The defect shapes can either be in the form of long cracks or rectangular holes. The models offer a choice of exact numerical calculations or fast and intuitive analytical approximations. The experimental measurements of oxygen permeation through four different SiOx/poly (ethylene terephthalate) samples that were strained to produce distributions or cracks showed good agreement when compared with predicted results from the approximate analytic model. As a consequence of this observation, a key practical conclusion is that, because of the logarithmic dependence of transmission on the width of a crack, for a given strain it is better to have a small number of large cracks rather than a large number of small cracks. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The role of nitrate, ammonium, and culture medium pH on shoot organogenesis in Nicotiana tabacum zz100 leaf discs was examined. The nitrogen composition of a basal liquid shoot induction medium (SIM) containing 39.4 mM NO3- and 20.6 mM NH4+ was altered whilst maintaining the overall ionic balance with Na+ and Cl- ions. Omission of total nitrogen and nitrate, but not ammonium, from SIM prevented the initiation and formation of shoots. When nitrate was used as the sole source of nitrogen, a high frequency of explants initiated and produced leafy shoots. However, the numbers of shoots produced were significantly fewer than the control SIM. Buffering nitrate-only media with the organic acid 2[N-morpholinol]thanesulphonic acid (MES) could not compensate for the omission of ammonium. Ammonium used as the sole source of nitrogen appeared to have a negative effect on explant growth and morphogenesis, with a significant lowering of media pH. Buffering ammonium-only media with MES stabilized pH and allowed a low frequency of explants to initiate shoot meristems. However, no further differentiation into leafy shoots was observed. The amount of available nitrogen appears to be less important than the ratio between nitrate and ammonium. Shoot formation was achieved with a wide range of ratios, but media containing 40 mM nitrate and 20 mM ammonium (70:30) produced the greatest number of shoots per explant. Results from this study indicate a synergistic effect between ammonium and nitrate on shoot organogenesis independent of culture medium pH.
We propose a model for permeation in oxide coated gas barrier films. The model accounts for diffusion through the amorphous oxide lattice, nano-defects within the lattice, and macro-defects. The presence of nano-defects indicate the oxide layer is more similar to a nano-porous solid (such as zeolite) than silica glass with respect to permeation properties. This explains why the permeability of oxide coated polymers is much greater, and the activation energy of permeation much lower, than values expected for polymers coated with glass. We have used the model to interpret permeability and activation energies measured for the inert gases (He, Ne and Ar) in evaporated SiOx films of varying thickness (13-70 nm) coated on a polymer substrate. Atomic force and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the structure of the oxide layer. Although no defects could be detected by microscopy, the permeation data indicate that macro-defects (>1 nm), nano-defects (0.3-0.4 nm) and the lattice interstices (<0.3 nm) all contribute to the total permeation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
During reverse transcription, the positive-strand HIV-1 RNA genome is converted into a double-stranded DNA copy which can be permanently integrated into the host cell genome. Recent analyses show that HIV-1 reverse transcription is a highly regulated process. The initiation reaction can be distinguished from a subsequent elongation reaction carried out by a reverse transcription complex composed of (at least) heterodimeric reverse transcriptase, cellular tRNA(lys3) and HIV-1 genomic RNA sequences. In addition, viral factors including Tat, Nef, Vif, Vpr, IN and NCp7, cellular proteins, and TAR RNA and other RNA stem-loop structures appear to influence this complex and contribute to the efficiency of the initiation reaction. As viral resistance to many antiretroviral compounds is a continuing problem, understanding the ways in which these factors influence the reverse transcription complex will likely lead to novel antiretroviral strategies. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
This paper presents results on the simulation of the solid state sintering of copper wires using Monte Carlo techniques based on elements of lattice theory and cellular automata. The initial structure is superimposed onto a triangular, two-dimensional lattice, where each lattice site corresponds to either an atom or vacancy. The number of vacancies varies with the simulation temperature, while a cluster of vacancies is a pore. To simulate sintering, lattice sites are picked at random and reoriented in terms of an atomistic model governing mass transport. The probability that an atom has sufficient energy to jump to a vacant lattice site is related to the jump frequency, and hence the diffusion coefficient, while the probability that an atomic jump will be accepted is related to the change in energy of the system as a result of the jump, as determined by the change in the number of nearest neighbours. The jump frequency is also used to relate model time, measured in Monte Carlo Steps, to the actual sintering time. The model incorporates bulk, grain boundary and surface diffusion terms and includes vacancy annihilation on the grain boundaries. The predictions of the model were found to be consistent with experimental data, both in terms of the microstructural evolution and in terms of the sintering time. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This article addresses the effect of parenthood on pay, examining potential reasons for-differences between Australia and the UK that are evident in spite of their similarly minimalist. male, breadwinner style approaches to work/family issues, Although cross-national differences reflect complex intersections of policy combinations, institutional frameworks, patterns of employment and gender contracts that cannot be assessed in a single analysis, the data used in this analysis uncover some of the factors that contribute to different outcomes. Motherhood penalties in the UK appear to be associated primarily with the comparatively low level of part-time earnings in that country, while higher premiums to fatherhood at least in part reflect a wider overall wage distribution. These findings reinforce the heed to interpret earnings effects of parenthood within the context of national patterns of employment and wage distribution; and highlight the breadth of strategies needed to deliver more equitable outcomes.
Granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME) is a morphological description of an inflammatory disorder of the canine central nervous system (CNS). It has been reported in many areas of the world. including Australia, and is one of the more common nervous disorders of dogs. Most breeds of dogs of both sexes and all ages can be affected but young to middle-aged small and terrier breeds have been stated as being more susceptible. There are variable anatomical forms and distribution of the lesions in the CNS; the presenting clinical signs can reflect singly or collectively cerebellar, cerebral, and brain stem dysfunction. Meningeal and spinal cord involvement are also common. There is no specific diagnostic test but a combination of clinical signs, history and cerebro-spinal fluid cytology are useful indicators. However differential diagnosis from other inflammatory disorders of the brain is difficult. No infectious agent aetiology has been established for GME and therefore no satisfactory therapeutic approach is available. The role of the immune system in terms of either initiating or potentiating the lesions in the CNS appears to be the most likely direction for further investigation into the nature of this disorder.
This study explores several important aspects of the management of new product development (NPD) in the Chinese steel industry. Specifically it explores NPD success factors, the importance of management functions to new product success and measures of new product success from the perspective of the industry's practitioners. Based on a sample of 190 industrial practitioners from 18 Chinese steel companies, the study provides a mixed picture as China makes the transition from a centrally-controlled to market-based economy. On one hand, respondents ranked understanding users' needs as the most important factor influencing the performance of the new products. Further, formulating new product strategy and strengthening market research are perceived as the most important managerial functions in NPD. However, technical performance measures are regarded as more important and are more widely used in industry than market-based or financial measures of success.
Passerine birds living on islands are usually larger than their mainland counterparts, in terms of both body size and bill size. One explanation for this island rule is that shifts in morphology are an adaptation to facilitate ecological niche expansion. In insular passerines, for instance, increased bill size may facilitate generalist foraging because it allows access to a broader range of feeding niches. Here we use morphologically and ecologically divergent races of white-eyes (Zosteropidae) to test three predictions of this explanation: (1) island populations show a wider feeding niche than mainland populations; (2) island-dwelling populations are made up of individual generalists; and (3) within insular populations there is a positive association between size and degree of foraging generalism. Our results provide only partial support for the traditional explanation. In agreement with the core prediction, island populations of white-eye do consistently display a wider feeding niche than comparative mainland populations. However, observations of individually marked birds reveal that island-dwelling individuals are actually more specialized than expected by chance. Additionally, neither large body size nor large bill size are associated with generalist foraging behavior per se. These latter results remained consistent whether we base our tests on natural foraging behavior or on observations at an experimental tree, and whether we use data from single or multiple cohorts. Taken together, our results suggest that generalist foraging and niche expansion are not the full explanation for morphological shifts in island-dwelling white-eyes. Hence, we review briefly five alternative explanations for morphological divergence in insular populations: environmental determination of morphology, reduced predation pressure, physiological optimization, limited dispersal, and intraspecific dominance.
Dysfunction in the motor system is a feature of persistent whiplash associated disorders. Little is known about motor dysfunction in the early stages following injury and of its progress in those persons who recover and those who develop persistent symptoms. This study measured prospectively, motor system function (cervical range of movement (ROM), joint position error (JPE) and activity of the superficial neck flexors (EMG) during a test of cranio-cervical flexion) as well as a measure of fear of re-injury (TAMPA) in 66 whiplash subjects within 1 month of injury and then 2 and 3 months post injury. Subjects were classified at 3 months post injury using scores on the neck disability index: recovered (30). Motor system function was also measured in 20 control subjects. All whiplash groups demonstrated decreased ROM and increased EMG (compared to controls) at 1 month post injury. This deficit persisted in the group with moderate/severe symptoms but returned to within normal limits in those who had recovered or reported persistent mild pain at 3 months. Increased EMG persisted for 3 months in all whiplash groups. Only the moderate/severe group showed greater JPE, within 1 month of injury, which remained unchanged at 3 months. TAMPA scores of the moderate/severe group were higher than those of the other two groups. The differences in TAMPA did not impact on ROM, EMG or JPE. This study identifies, for the first time, deficits in the motor system, as early as 1 month post whiplash injury, that persisted not only in those reporting moderate/severe symptoms at 3 months but also in subjects who recovered and those with persistent mild symptoms. (C) 2002 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
As end-user computing becomes more pervasive, an organization's success increasingly depends on the ability of end-users, usually in managerial positions, to extract appropriate data from both internal and external sources. Many of these data sources include or are derived from the organization's accounting information systems. Managerial end-users with different personal characteristics and approaches are likely to compose queries of differing levels of accuracy when searching the data contained within these accounting information systems. This research investigates how cognitive style elements of personality influence managerial end-user performance in database querying tasks. A laboratory experiment was conducted in which participants generated queries to retrieve information from an accounting information system to satisfy typical information requirements. The experiment investigated the influence of personality on the accuracy of queries of varying degrees of complexity. Relying on the Myers–Briggs personality instrument, results show that perceiving individuals (as opposed to judging individuals) who rely on intuition (as opposed to sensing) composed queries more accurately. As expected, query complexity and academic performance also explain the success of data extraction tasks.