987 resultados para Students organizations


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Tracey Holt introduced Triptico to her department after attending training from Sue Shercliff, ESOL Lecturer. Triptico is a resource for teachers to use in conjunction with their interactive whiteboards that currently contains around 20 different interactive resources - all of which can be easily edited, adapted and saved for later use. This quickly spread throughout the entire college. It is a fantastic free resource which promotes more interaction in the classroom between the teacher and students.


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The Grimsby Institute wanted to create an infrastructure that would enable staff and students to use more mobile technology to enhance learning. They have improved the wifi connectivity in college and streamlined the software used to access college areas, as well as encouraging individuals to use their own technology. So far this has had a positive impact on retention and simplified the support that the college needs to provide, as well as saving the organisation money through some strategic changes.


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Students have a lot to say about their digital environment, if we listen. But behind the headline messages what they want is complex and contradictory. Different learners need different kinds of technology and technical support to succeed. These posters can be used to stimulate discussion between staff and students as a way of developing a shared understanding of the complexity of these issues. The posters have been updated from their originals to reflect the emerging findings from the FE Digital Student study as well as the HE strand.


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Case study on Calderdale College using the social learning network Edmodo to support students with learning difficulties or disabilities to engage with social media.


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Case study on the DigiDesk helpdesk service at Barnet and Southgate College that helps meet FELTAG recommendations for greater participation in digital leadership activities and schemes.


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Case study about how East Berkshire College is engaging student and staff in online activities to develop digital literacy skills.


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A guide by Birmingham City University to raise staff awareness


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This paper is aimed at government, non-government organizations, intergovernmental organizations and the general public as they work toward the development of their individual strategies and action plans. It has been recognized that community-based organizations have a particular relevance to the pursuit of sustainable resource management and may well contribute to the foundations of self-sustenance. Women on Lake Victoria, Tanzania presently face great challenges within the fishery. These include the lack of capital, interference by men, theft of fishing gear, time constraints and socio-cultural problems. In recent years, the fish trading and marketing sectors of the fishery, which have traditionally been dominated by women, have seen large incursions by male entrepreneurs. This move has endangered the role of women within the fishery. This paper focuses on the Tweyambe Fishing Enterprise (TFE), a well-known women's group based in Kasheno village in the Muleba District of Kagera Region in northwestern Tanzania. Inhabitants from the Haya ethnic group who make up some 95% of the population of Kagera Region dominate this village. The TFE has a series of initiatives aimed towards ecologically sound self-development


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Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are now major players in the realm of environmental conservation. While many environmental NGOs started as national organizations focused around single-species protection, governmental advocacy, and preservation of wilderness, the largest now produce applied conservation science and work with national and international stakeholders to develop conservation solutions that work in tandem with local aspirations. Marine managed areas (MMAs) are increasingly being used as a tool to manage anthropogenic stressors on marine resources and protect marine biodiversity. However, the science of MMA is far from complete. Conservation International (CI) is concluding a 5 year, $12.5 million dollar Marine Management Area Science (MMAS) initiative. There are 45 scientific projects recently completed, with four main “nodes” of research and conservation work: Panama, Fiji, Brazil, and Belize. Research projects have included MMA ecological monitoring, socioeconomic monitoring, cultural roles monitoring, economic valuation studies, and others. MMAS has the goals of conducting marine management area research, building local capacity, and using the results of the research to promote marine conservation policy outcomes at project sites. How science is translated into policy action is a major area of interest for science and technology scholars (Cash and Clark 2001; Haas 2004; Jasanoff et al. 2002). For science to move policy there must be work across “boundaries” (Jasanoff 1987). Boundaries are defined as the “socially constructed and negotiated borders between science and policy, between disciplines, across nations, and across multiple levels” (Cash et al. 2001). Working across the science-policy boundary requires boundary organizations (Guston 1999) with accountability to both sides of the boundary, among other attributes. (Guston 1999; Clark et al. 2002). This paper provides a unique case study illustrating how there are clear advantages to collaborative science. Through the MMAS initiative, CI built accountability into both sides of the science-policy boundary primarily through having scientific projects fed through strong in-country partners and being folded into the work of ongoing conservation processes. This collaborative, boundary-spanning approach led to many advantages, including cost sharing, increased local responsiveness and input, better local capacity building, and laying a foundation for future conservation outcomes. As such, MMAS can provide strong lessons for other organizations planning to get involved in multi-site conservation science. (PDF contains 3 pages)


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LABURPENA: EAEko hezkuntza sistemak gero eta ikasle etorkin kopuru handiagoa du. Horrek ikasgeletan hizkuntz aniztasuna sortzen du, ezinezkoa bihurtuz irakasleek ume guztien ama hizkuntza jakitea. Egoera berri horren aurrean, lan honen helburua da jatorri etorkina duten ikasleen ama hizkuntzei eskolan ematen zaien trataera ezagutzea. Asmo horrekin, adituek eskolako hizkuntzaren ikaskuntza prozesuan umeen ama hizkuntzek duten garrantziaz diotena aztertu dugu eta, ondoren, etorkin kopuru handia duen eskola publiko batean murgildu gara errealitate hori ikertzeko. Azterketa-lanean lorturiko emaitzak ikusita, ez du ematen ikastetxe horretan jarraitzen ari diren hezkuntza elebiduna modu egokiena denik egoera berriari erantzuteko eta badirudi interesgarria izan daitekeela antolakuntza, metodologia eta estrategia berritzaileetan pentsatzea.


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This presentation will describe the use of online forums in Moodle, a course management system, to teach students to evaluate both print and electronic reference sources. For two semesters I have created an online forum called the Fishing Hole Scouting Report for an in-class exercise. Students are given 2-3 background questions and told to find the answers using both a library-approved reference source and Wikipedia. Students then evaluate the reference source for effectiveness and ease of use, compared to Wikipedia, and post their comments in the forum to share with the class. I will highlight the educational benefits of using Moodle forums for this purpose and discuss best practices for selecting the most effective sources and questions.


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In traditional teaching, the fundamental concepts of electromagnetic induction are usually quickly analyzed, spending most of the time solving problems in a more or less rote manner. However, physics education research has shown that the fundamental concepts of the electromagnetic induction theory are barely understood by students. This article proposes an interactive teaching sequence introducing the topic of electromagnetic induction. The sequence has been designed based on contributions from physics education research. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between experimental findings (macroscopic level) and theoretical interpretation (microscopic level). An example of the activities that have been designed will also be presented, describing the implementation context and the corresponding findings. Since implementing the sequence, a considerable number of students have a more satisfactory grasp of the electromagnetic induction explicative model. However, difficulties are manifested in aspects that require a multilevel explanation, referring to deep structures where the system description is better defined.


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Esta pesquisa analisa o processo de introdução das temáticas ambientais no currículo chileno no Segundo Segmento do Ensino Fundamental entre os anos 1996 e 2002. Foi considerado como início do processo de elaboração de um novo currículo (1996) a transformação da disciplina Ciências Naturalez em Estudio y Comprensión de la Natureza. O foco desta pesquisa está centrado nos Quinto, Sexto, Sétimo e oitavo ano de Ensino Fundamental, dirigido a alunos de 10 a 13 anos de idade. Defendo que incorporação do discurso da educação ambiental se insere no processo mais amplo de apropriação de discursos internacionais e dos novos objetivos do país retornando à democracia, com uma nova política de modernização. Para tal, foram investigados os decretos curriculares 40, 240, 232, os Objetivos Fundamentales (OF), Contenidos Mínimos Obligatorios (CMO) e Planes y Programas de estudio dos anos citados, revistas, páginas web e diversos documentos que permitiram entender a circulação de discursos referentes às temáticas ambientais e de modernização do país de volta à democracia. Como apoio às investigações feitas, foram entrevistadas, no atual país de residência o Chile, algumas pessoas relacionadas com esse processo de mudança, como Cristian Cox, Jacqueline Gysling, Jaime Cornejo, bem como foram investigadas organizações que tiveram influência nesse processo como a ?Casa de la Paz? e a Revista de História Natural. Foram utilizados os aportes teóricos de Ciclo de Políticas de Stephen Ball em relação ao processo de produção de políticas, com privilégio para a investigação dos Contextos de Influência e de Produção de Texto. Igualmente foram utilizados os aportes de Ivor Goodson referente à construção social das disciplinas escolares e à importância do contexto político, econômico e social e sua dinâmica gerada para a criação de determinadas políticas. Concluo que, ao mesmo tempo em que foram desenvolvidos objetivos integradores na nova disciplina, foi incorporada a demanda relacionada à renovação pedagógica, buscando centrar o processo de ensino na aprendizagem do aluno, privilegiando suas inquietudes e conhecimentos prévios, e tornando a disciplina mais ativa e exploratória. Nesse sentido é que defendo que a incorporação das temáticas ambientais, tanto evidencia o projeto de modernização do ensino, legitimado por discursos internacionais, como demonstra um tratamento local dessas questões: um desenvolvimento transversal e interdisciplinar, defendido por distintas comunidades disciplinares.