998 resultados para Stimulus intensity


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This study aimed to develop an equipment and system of resistance exercise (RE), based on squat-type exercise for rodents, with control of training variables. We developed an operant conditioning system composed of sound, light and feeding devices that allowed optimized RE performance by the animal. With this system, it is not necessary to impose fasting or electric shock for the animal to perform the task proposed (muscle contraction). Furthermore, it is possible to perform muscle function tests in vivo within the context of the exercise proposed and control variables such as intensity, volume (sets and repetitions), and exercise session length, rest interval between sets and repetitions, and concentric strength. Based on the experiments conducted, we demonstrated that the model proposed is able to perform more specific control of other RE variables, especially rest interval between sets and repetitions, and encourages the animal to exercise through short-term energy restriction and "disturbing" stimulus that do not promote alterations in body weight. Therefore, despite experimental limitations, we believe that this RE apparatus is closer to the physiological context observed in humans.


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Objective To verify the effects of exercise intensity deception by the Borg scale on the ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR) and performance responses during a constant power output open-loop exercise. Methods Eight healthy men underwent a maximal incremental test on a cycle ergometer to identify the peak power output (PPO) and heart rate deflection point (HRDP). Subsequently, they performed a constant power output trial to exhaustion set at the HRDP intensity, in deception (DEC) and informed (INF) conditions: DEC-subjects were told that they would be cycling at an intensity corresponding to two categories below the RPE quantified at the HRDP; INF-subjects were told that they would cycle at the exact intensity corresponding to the RPE quantified at the HRDP. Results The PPO and power output at the HRDP obtained in maximal incremental tests were 247.5 +/- 32.1 W and 208.1 +/- 27.1 W, respectively. No significant difference in the time to exhaustion was found between DEC (525 +/- 244 s) or INF (499 +/- 224 s) trials. The slope and the first and second measurements of the RPE and HR parameters showed no significant difference between trials. Conclusions Psychophysiological variables such as RPE and HR as well as performance were not affected when exercise intensity was deceptively manipulated via RPE scores. This may suggest that unaltered RPE during exercise is a regulator of performance in this open-loop exercise.


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Rainfall intensity durations relationships are extremely important in the design of systems for mitigating runoff losses. The objective of this work was to compare rainfall depths generated by the PLUVIO 2.1 software, with depths from the standard intensity duration curves developed by MARTINEZ & MAGNI (1999). It was compared rainfall intensities of 10, 20, 30, 60, 120 and 1440 minute durations for 2, 5, 10, 50 and 100 year return periods for 30 sites in the state of Sao Paulo. The results showed that PLUVIO was effective, except in predicting the 24 hours rainfall from 100 year return period events in four locations in the central and eastern regions of the state.


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The saccadic paradigm has been used to investigate specific cortical networks involving visuospatial attention. We examined whether asymmetry in theta and beta band differentiates the role of the hemispheres during the execution of two different prosacadic conditions: a fixed condition, where the stimulus was presented at the same location; and a random condition, where the stimulus was unpredictable. Twelve healthy volunteers (3 male; mean age: 26.25) performed the task while their brain activity pattern was recorded using quantitative electroencephalography. We did not find any significant difference for beta, slow- and fast-alpha frequencies for the pairs of electrodes analyzed. The results for theta band showed a superiority of the left hemisphere in the frontal region when responding to the random condition on the right, which is related to the planning and selection of responses, and also a greater activation of the right hemisphere during the random condition, in the occipital region, related to the identification and recognition of patterns. These results indicate that asymmetries in the premotor area and the occipital cortex differentiate memory- and stimulus-driven tasks. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a painful condition and is a clinical challenge due to the different treatment strategies available. High-intensity lasers have been studied as a possible option. The aim of this randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical study was to evaluate the effects of Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers on DH. The study group comprised 28 subjects who met the inclusion criteria. A visual analogue scale was used to quantify sensitivity before treatment as baseline, immediately before and immediately after treatment, and 1 week and 1 month after treatment. Teeth were assigned to four groups: group 1 control (no treatment), group 2 Er:YAG laser treatment (2 Hz/32.4 mJ/5.9 J/cm(2)), group 3 Er,Cr:YSGG laser treatment (0.25 W/4.4 J/cm(2)), and group 4 Er,Cr:YSGG laser treatment (0.50 W/ 8.9 J/cm(2)). Data were collected and submitted to statistical analysis for both evaporative (air) and mechanical (probe) stimulation. For both the air and probe stimulation no differences were observed between the pretreatment sensitivities. With the evaporative stimulus, the pain level immediately after treatment was reduced; however, after this the values remained stable. Irradiation with the Er:YAG laser was associated with the lowest level of pain. With the mechanical stimulus, group 4 showed the most pronounced decrease in pain immediately after treatment; however, by the end of the study, pain levels had increased. Groups 1, 2 and 3 showed a reduction in pain that was significantly different from that in group 4 after the 4 weeks of clinical follow up. Based on the results and within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that none of the laser treatments studied was capable of completely eliminating pain, but the Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers are suitable for the treatment of DH.


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Purpose: To compare two modalities of exercise training (i.e., Endurance Training [ET] and High-Intensity Interval Training [HIT]) on health-related parameters in obese children aged between 8 and 12 years. Methods: Thirty obese children were randomly allocated into either the ET or HIT group. The ET group performed a 30 to 60-minute continuous exercise at 80% of the peak heart rate (HR). The HIT group training performed 3 to 6 sets of 60-s sprint at 100% of the peak velocity interspersed by a 3-min active recovery period at 50% of the exercise velocity. HIT sessions last similar to 70% less than ET sessions. At baseline and after 12 weeks of intervention, aerobic fitness, body composition and metabolic parameters were assessed. Results: Both the absolute (ET: 26.0%; HIT: 19.0%) and the relative VO2 peak (ET: 13.1%; HIT: 14.6%) were significantly increased in both groups after the intervention. Additionally, the total time of exercise (ET: 19.5%; HIT: 16.4%) and the peak velocity during the maximal graded cardiorespiratory test (ET: 16.9%; HIT: 13.4%) were significantly improved across interventions. Insulinemia (ET: 29.4%; HIT: 30.5%) and HOMA-index (ET: 42.8%; HIT: 37.0%) were significantly lower for both groups at POST when compared to PRE. Body mass was significantly reduced in the HIT (2.6%), but not in the ET group (1.2%). A significant reduction in BMI was observed for both groups after the intervention (ET: 3.0%; HIT: 5.0%). The responsiveness analysis revealed a very similar pattern of the most responsive variables among groups. Conclusion: HIT and ET were equally effective in improving important health related parameters in obese youth.


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Objective: To compare individuals with and without hyperhidrosis in terms of the intensity of palmar and plantar sweating. Methods: We selected 50 patients clinically diagnosed with palmoplantar hyperhidrosis and 25 normal individuals as controls. We quantified sweating using a portable noninvasive electronic device that has relative humidity and temperature sensors to measure transepidermal water loss. All of the individuals had a body mass index of 20-25 kg/cm(2). Subjects remained at rest for 20-30 min before the measurements in order to reduce external interference. The measurements were carried out in a climate-controlled environment (21-24 degrees C). Measurements were carried out on the hypothenar region on both hands and on the medial plantar region on both feet. Results: In the palmoplantar hyperhidrosis group, the mean transepidermal water loss on the hands and feet was 133.6 +/- 51.0 g/m(2)/h and 71.8 +/- 40.3 g/m(2)/h, respectively, compared with 37.9 +/- 18.4 g/m(2)/h and 27.6 +/- 14.3 g/m(2)/h, respectively, in the control group. The differences between the groups were statistically significant (p < 0.001 for hands and feet). Conclusions: This method proved to be an accurate and reliable tool to quantify palmar and plantar sweating when performed by a trained and qualified professional.


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The soil surface roughness increases water retention and infiltration, reduces the runoff volume and speed and influences soil losses by water erosion. Similarly to other parameters, soil roughness is affected by the tillage system and rainfall volume. Based on these assumptions, the main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of tillage treatments on soil surface roughness (RR) and tortuosity (T) and to investigate the relationship with soil and water losses in a series of simulated rainfall events. The field study was carried out at the experimental station of EMBRAPA Southeastern Cattle Research Center in Sao Carlos (Fazenda Canchim), in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Experimental plots of 33 m(2) were treated with two tillage practices in three replications, consisting of: untilled (no-tillage) soil (NTS) and conventionally tilled (plowing plus double disking) soil (CTS). Three successive simulated rain tests were applied in 24 h intervals. The three tests consisted of a first rain of 30 mm/h, a second of 30 mm/h and a third rain of 70 mm/h. Immediately after tilling and each rain simulation test, the surface roughness was measured, using a laser profile meter. The tillage treatments induced significant changes in soil surface roughness and tortuosity, demonstrating the importance of the tillage system for the physical surface conditions, favoring water retention and infiltration in the soil. The increase in surface roughness by the tillage treatments was considerably greater than its reduction by rain action. The surface roughness and tortuosity had more influence on the soil volume lost by surface runoff than in the conventional treatment. Possibly, other variables influenced soil and water losses from the no-tillage treatments, e. g., soil type, declivity, slope length, among others not analyzed in this study.


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Cunha TF, Moreira JB, Paixao NA, Campos JC, Monteiro AW, Bacurau AV, Bueno CR Jr., Ferreira JC, Brum PC. Aerobic exercise training upregulates skeletal muscle calpain and ubiquitin-proteasome systems in healthy mice. J Appl Physiol 112: 1839-1846, 2012. First published March 29, 2012; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00346.2011.-Aerobic exercise training (AET) is an important mechanical stimulus that modulates skeletal muscle protein turnover, leading to structural rearrangement. Since the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and calpain system are major proteolytic pathways involved in protein turnover, we aimed to investigate the effects of intensity-controlled AET on the skeletal muscle UPS and calpain system and their association to training-induced structural adaptations. Long-lasting effects of AET were studied in C57BL/6J mice after 2 or 8 wk of AET. Plantaris cross-sectional area (CSA) and capillarization were assessed by myosin ATPase staining. mRNA and protein expression levels of main components of the UPS and calpain system were evaluated in plantaris by real-time PCR and Western immunoblotting, respectively. No proteolytic system activation was observed after 2 wk of AET. Eight weeks of AET resulted in improved running capacity, plantaris capillarization, and CSA. Muscle RING finger-1 mRNA expression was increased in 8-wk-trained mice. Accordingly, elevated 26S proteasome activity was observed in the 8-wk-trained group, without accumulation of ubiquitinated or carbonylated proteins. In addition, calpain abundance was increased by 8 wk of AET, whereas no difference was observed in its endogenous inhibitor calpastatin. Taken together, our findings indicate that skeletal muscle enhancements, as evidenced by increased running capacity, plantaris capillarization, and CSA, occurred in spite of the upregulated UPS and calpain system, suggesting that overactivation of skeletal muscle proteolytic systems is not restricted to atrophying states. Our data provide evidence for the contribution of the UPS and calpain system to metabolic turnover of myofibrillar proteins and skeletal muscle adaptations to AET.


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Bioenergetic analysis may be applied in order to predict microbial growth yields, based on the Gibbs energy dissipation and mass conservation principles of the overall growth reaction. The bioenergetics of the photoautotrophic growth of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis was investigated in different bioreactor configurations (tubular photobioreactor and open ponds) using different nitrogen sources (nitrate and urea) and under different light intensity conditions to determine the best growing conditions in terms of Gibbs energy dissipation, number of photons to sustain cell growth and phototrophic energy yields distribution in relation to the ATP and NADPH formation, and release of heat. Although an increase in the light intensity increased the Gibbs energy dissipated for cell growth and maintenance with both nitrogen sources, it did not exert any appreciable influence on the moles of photons absorbed by the system to produce one C-mol biomass. On the other hand, both bioenergetic parameters were higher in cultures with nitrate than with urea, likely because of the higher energy requirements needed to reduce the former nitrogen source to ammonia. They appreciably increased also when open ponds were substituted by the tubular photobioreactor, where a more efficient light distribution ensured a remarkably higher cell mass concentration. The estimated percentages of the energy absorbed by the cell showed that, compared with nitrate, the use of urea as nitrogen source allowed the system to address higher energy fractions to ATP production and light fixation by the photosynthetic apparatus, as well as a lower fraction released as heat. The best energy yields values on Gibbs energy necessary for cell growth and maintenance were achieved in up to 4-5 days of cultivation, indicating that it would be the optimum range to maintain cell growth. Thanks to this better bioenergetic situation, urea appears to be a quite promising low-cost, alternative nitrogen source for Arthrospira platensis cultures in photobioreactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC), a life-threatening inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy, affects 30% of the approximately 8 million patients infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. Even though the Th1 T cell-rich myocarditis plays a pivotal role in CCC pathogenesis, little is known about the factors controlling inflammatory cell migration to CCC myocardium. Methods and Results: Using confocal immunofluorescence and quantitative PCR, we studied cell surface staining and gene expression of the CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 receptors and their chemokine ligands in myocardial samples from end-stage CCC patients. CCR5+, CXCR3+, CCR4+, CCL5+ and CXCL9+ mononuclear cells were observed in CCC myocardium. mRNA expression of the chemokines CCL5, CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL17, CCL19 and their receptors was upregulated in CCC myocardium. CXCL9 mRNA expression directly correlated with the intensity of myocarditis, as well as with mRNA expression of CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 and their ligands. We also analyzed single-nucleotide polymorphisms for genes encoding the most highly expressed chemokines and receptors in a cohort of Chagas disease patients. CCC patients with ventricular dysfunction displayed reduced genotypic frequencies of CXCL9 rs10336 CC, CXCL10 rs3921 GG, and increased CCR5 rs1799988CC as compared to those without dysfunction. Significantly, myocardial samples from CCC patients carrying the CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes associated to a lower risk displayed a 2-6 fold reduction in mRNA expression of CXCL9, CXCL10, and other chemokines and receptors, along with reduced intensity of myocarditis, as compared to those with other CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes. Conclusions: Results may indicate that genotypes associated to reduced risk in closely linked CXCL9 and CXCL10 genes may modulate local expression of the chemokines themselves, and simultaneously affect myocardial expression of other key chemokines as well as intensity of myocarditis. Taken together our results may suggest that CXCL9 and CXCL10 are master regulators of myocardial inflammatory cell migration, perhaps affecting clinical progression to the life-threatening form of CCC.


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The aims were both to determine lactate and ventilatory threshold during incremental resistance training and to analyze the acute cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses during constant-load resistance exercise at lactate threshold (LT) intensity. Ten healthy men performed 2 protocols on leg press machine. The incremental test was performed to determine the lactate and ventilatory thresholds through an algorithmic adjustment method. After 48 h, a constant-load exercise at LT intensity was executed. The intensity of LT and ventilatory threshold was 27.1 +/- 3.7 and 30.3 +/- 7.9% of 1RM, respectively (P=0.142). During the constant-load resistance exercise, no significant variation was observed between set 9 and set 15 for blood lactate concentration (3.3 +/- 0.9 and 4.1 +/- 1.4 mmol.L-1, respectively. P=0.166) and BORG scale (11.5 +/- 2.9 and 13.0 +/- 3.5, respectively. P=0.783). No significant variation was observed between set 6 and set 15 for minute ventilation (19.4 +/- 4.9 and 22.4 +/- 5.5L. min(-1), respectively. P=0.091) and between S3 and S15 for VO2 (0.77 +/- 0.18 and 0.83 +/- 0.16L. min(-1), respectively. P=1.0). Constant-load resistance exercise at LT intensity corresponds to a steady state of ventilatory, cardio-metabolic parameters and ratings of perceived exertion.


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Introduction: The saccadic paradigm has been used to investigate specific cortical networks involving attention. The behavioral and electrophysiological investigations of the SEM contribute significantly to the understanding of attentive patterns presented of neurological and psychiatric disorders and sports performance. Objective: The current study aimed to investigate absolute alpha power changes in sensorimotor brain regions and the frontal eye fields during the execution of a saccadic task. Methods: Twelve healthy volunteers (mean age: 26.25; SD: +/- 4.13) performed a saccadic task while the electroencephalographic signal was simultaneously recorded for the cerebral cortex electrodes. The participants were instructed to follow the LEDs with their eyes, being submitted to two different task conditions: a fixed pattern versus a random pattern. Results: We found a moment main effect for the C3, C4, F3 and F4 electrodes and a condition main effect for the F3 electrode. We also found interaction between factor conditions and frontal electrodes. Conclusions: We conclude that absolute alpha power in the left frontal cortex discriminates the execution of the two stimulus presentation patterns during SEM. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Temperature changes caused by laser irradiation can promote damage to the surrounding dental tissues. In this study, we evaluated the temperature changes of recently extracted human mandibular incisors during intracanal irradiation with an 810-nm diode laser at different settings. Fifty mandibular incisors were enlarged up to an apical size of ISO No. 40 file. After the final rinse with 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 0.2% lauryl sodium sulfate biologic detergent, and sterile water, samples were irradiated with circular movements from apex to crown through five different settings of output power (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 W) in continuous mode. The temperature changes were measured on both sides of the apical and middle root thirds using two thermopar devices. A temperature increase of 7 degrees C was considered acceptable as a safe threshold when applying the diode laser. Results: The results showed that only 3.5-W output power increased the outer surface temperature above the critical value. Conclusion: The recommended output power can be stipulated as equal to or less than 3 W to avoid overheating during diode laser irradiation on thin dentin walls. (c) 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.1.015006]


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Asthma is an allergic lung disease can be modulated by drugs that modify the activity of central nervous system (CNS) such as amphetamine (AMPH). AMPH is a highly abused drug that exerts potent effects on behavior and immunity. In this study we investigated the mechanism involved in the effects of long-term AMPH treatment on the increased magnitude of allergic lung response. We evaluated mast cells degranulation, cytokines release, airways responsiveness and, expression of adhesion molecules. Male Wistar rats were treated with AMPH or vehicle (PBS) for 21 days and sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA) one week after the first injection of vehicle or AMPH. Fourteen days after the sensitization, the rats were challenged with an OVA aerosol, and 24 h later their parameters were analyzed. In allergic rats, the treatment with AMPH exacerbated the lung cell recruitment due increased expression of ICAM-1, PECAM-1 and Mac-1 in granulocytes and macrophages recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage. Elevated levels of IL-4, but decreased levels of IL-10 were also found in samples of lung explants after AMPH treatment. Conversely, the ex-vivo tracheal hyper-responsiveness to methacholine (MCh) was reduced by AMPH treatment, whereas the force contraction of tracheal segments due to in vitro antigen challenge remained unaltered. Our findings suggest that lung inflammation and airway hyper-responsiveness due to OVA challenge are under the distinct control of AMPH during long-term treatment. Our data strongly indicate that AMPH positively modulates allergic lung inflammation via the increase of ICAM-1, PECAM-1, Mac-1 and IL-4. AMPH also abrogates the release of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.