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The potential for an autonomous wave-powered desalination system is considered and it is identified that the most promising configuration is a reverse osmosis (RO) plant utilising a pressure exchanger-intensifier for energy recovery. A numerical model of the RO plant with a pressure exchanger-intensifier is developed that shows that a specific energy consumption of less than 2.0 kW h/m3 over a wide range of sea-water feed conditions, making it particularly suitable for use with a variable power source such as wave energy. A numerical model of the combined wave-power and desalination plant is also developed that shows that it is possible to supply the desalination plant with sea-water directly pressurised by the wave energy converter, eliminating the cost and energy losses associated with converting the energy into electricity and back to pressurised water. For a typical sea-state the specific hydraulic energy consumption of the desalination plant is estimated to be 1.85 kW h/m3 whilst maintaining a recovery-ratio of less than 25 to 35% to avoid the need for chemical pre-treatment to eliminate scaling problems. It is suggested that the economic potential for wave-powered desalination depends on these energy and cost savings more than compensating for the reduction in membrane life that occurs with variable feed conditions.


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Diagnostic based modelling (DBM) actively combines complementary advantages of numerical plasma simulations and relatively simple optical emission spectroscopy (OES). DBM is employed to determine absolute atomic oxygen ground state densities in a helium–oxygen radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet. A comparatively simple one-dimensional simulation yields detailed information on electron properties governing the population dynamics of excited states. Important characteristics of the electron dynamics are found to be largely insensitive to details of the chemical composition and to be in very good agreement with space and phase-resolved OES. Benchmarking the time and space resolved simulation allows us to subsequently derive effective excitation rates as the basis for DBM with simple space and time integrated OES. The population dynamics of the upper O 3p 3P (? = 844 nm) atomic oxygen state is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through tracer comparison with the upper Ar 2p1 (? = 750.4 nm) state. The presented results for the atomic oxygen density show excellent quantitative agreement with independent two-photon laser-induced fluorescence measurements.


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The southern waterfront of the city of Buenos Aires has been recovered. Now that more than 20 years have passed since the projects began, we are able to get some perspective on these developments and can confront them with the integral history of this area. The areas of Puerto Madero, Costanera Sur, Reserva Ecológica and Santa María del Plata have distinctive characteristics and these are reflected in urban landscape, architecture and especially through the use of these spaces. Real estate developments cohabit with public space, tourism with local leisure facilities, and the most expensive office floors with local choripan1 stands, all of these in a development in which the state, the municipality, international corporations and real estate companies have collaborated and discussed to produce a hybrid new space for the city.


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A series of ultra-lightweight digital true random number generators (TRNGs) are presented. These TRNGs are based on the observation that, when a circuit switches from a metastable state to a bi-stable state, the resulting state may be random. Four such circuits with low hardware cost are presented: one uses an XOR gate; one uses a lookup table; one uses a multiplexer and an inverter; and one uses four transistors. The three TRNGs based on the first three circuits are implemented on a field programmable gate array and successfully pass the DIEHARD RNG tests and the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) RNG tests. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the proposed TRNG designs are the most lightweight among existing TRNGs.


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A quasi-classical model (QCM) of nuclear wavepacket generation, modification and imaging by three intense ultrafast near-infrared laser pulses has been developed. Intensities in excess of 10(13) W cm(-2) are studied, the laser radiation is non-resonant and pulse durations are in the few-cycle regime, hence significantly removed from the conditions typical of coherent control and femtochemistry. The 1s sigma ground state of the D-2 precursor is projected onto the available electronic states in D-2(+) (1s sigma(g) ground and 2p sigma(u) dissociative) and D+ + D+ (Coulomb explosion) by tunnel ionization by an ultrashort 'pump' pulse, and relative populations are found numerically. A generalized non-adiabatic treatment allows the dependence of the initial vibrational population distribution on laser intensity to be calculated. The wavepacket is approximated as a classical ensemble of particles moving on the 1s sigma(g) potential energy surface (PES), and hence follow trajectories of different amplitudes and frequencies depending on the initial vibrational state. The 'control' pulse introduces a time-dependent polarization of the molecular orbital, causing the PES to be modified according to the dynamic Stark effect and the transition dipole. The trajectories adjust in amplitude, frequency and phase-offset as work is done on or by the resulting force; comparing the perturbed and unperturbed trajectories allows the final vibrational state populations and phases to be determined. The action of the 'probe' pulse is represented by a discrete internuclear boundary, such that elements of the ensemble at a larger internuclear separation are assumed to be photodissociated. The vibrational populations predicted by the QCM are compared to recent quantum simulations (Niederhausen and Thumm 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 013404), and a remarkable agreement has been found. The applicability of this model to femtosecond and attosecond time-scale experiments is discussed and the relation to established femtochemistry and coherent control techniques are explored.


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Spinor Bose condensates loaded in optical lattices have a rich phase diagram characterized by different magnetic order. Here we apply the density matrix renormalization group to accurately determine the phase diagram for spin-1 bosons loaded on a one-dimensional lattice. The Mott lobes present an even or odd asymmetry associated to the boson filling. We show that for odd fillings the insulating phase is always in a dimerized state. The results obtained in this work are also relevant for the determination of the ground state phase diagram of the S=1 Heisenberg model with biquadratic interaction.


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Reaction of a ligand which contains two N-donor and O-donor tridentate domains separated by a 1,3-phenylene spacer unit with Zn2+ ions results in a pentanuclear circular helicate [Zn5(L)5]10+ and this structure persists in both the solid and solution state. The formation of this high nuclearity species is governed by unfavourable steric interactions between the phenyl units which destabilize the simple linear helicate. Incorporation of enantiopure units within the ligand strand controls the diastereoselectivity with up to 80% d.e.


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We propose a hybrid approach to the experimental assessment of the genuine quantum features of a general system consisting of microscopic and macroscopic parts. We infer entanglement by combining dichotomic measurements on a bidimensional system and phase-space inference through the Wigner distribution associated with the macroscopic component of the state. As a benchmark, we investigate the feasibility of our proposal in a bipartite-entangled state composed of a single-photon and a multiphoton field. Our analysis shows that, under ideal conditions, maximal violation of a Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt-based inequality is achievable regardless of the number of photons in the macroscopic part of the state. The difficulty in observing entanglement when losses and detection inefficiency are included can be overcome by using a hybrid entanglement witness that allows efficient correction for losses in the few-photon regime.


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The generation of entanglement between two oscillators that interact via a common reservoir is theoretically studied. The reservoir is modeled by a one-dimensional harmonic crystal initially in thermal equilibrium. Starting from a separable state, the oscillators can become entangled after a transient time, that is of the order of the thermalization time scale. This behaviour is observed at finite temperature even when the oscillators are at a distance significantly larger than the crystal's interparticle spacing. The underlying physical mechanisms can be explained by the dynamical properties of the collective variables of the two oscillators which may decouple from or be squeezed by the reservoir. Our predictions can be tested with an ion chain in a linear Paul trap. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011


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We study an energy-constrained sandpile model with random neighbors. The critical behavior of the model is in the same universality class as the mean-field self-organized criticality sandpile. The critical energy E-c depends on the number of neighbors n for each site, but the various exponents are independent of n. A self-similar structure with n-1 major peaks is developed for the energy distribution p(E) when the system approaches its stationary state. The avalanche dynamics contributes to the major peaks appearing at E-Pk = 2k/(2n - 1) with k = 1,2,...,n-1, while the fine self-similar structure is a natural result of the way the system is disturbed. [S1063-651X(99)10307-6].


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Using the R-matrix Floquet theory we have carried out non-perturbative, ab initio one- and two-colour calculations of the multiphoton ionization of magnesium with the laser frequencies chosen such that the initial state of the atom is resonantly coupled with autoionizing resonances of the atom. Good agreement is obtained with previous calculations in the low-intensity regimes. The single-photon ionization from the 3s3p P excited state of magnesium has been studied in the vicinity of the 3p S autoionizing resonance at non-perturbative laser intensities. Laser-induced degenerate states (LIDS) are observed for modest laser intensities. By adding a second laser which resonantly couples the 3p S = and 3p3d P autoionizing levels, we show that, due to the small width of the 3p3d P state, LIDS occur between this state and the 3s3p P state at intensities of the first laser below 10 W cm . We next investigate the case in which the first laser induces a resonant two-photon coupling between the ground state and the 3p S autoionizing state, while the second laser again resonantly couples the respective 3p S and 3p3d P autoionizing states. At weak intensities, our calculations compare favourably with recent experimental data and calculations. We show that when the intensity of the first laser is increased, the effect of an additional autoionizing state, the 4s5s S state, becomes significant. This state is coupled to the 3p3d P autoionizing level by one photon, inducing a triply resonant processes. We show that LIDS occur among the three autoionizing levels and we discuss their effect on the decay rate of the ground state. We consider dressed two- and three-level atoms which can be used to model the results of our calculations.


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The Large Fish Indicator (LFI) is a size-based indicator of fish community state. The indicator describes the proportion by biomass of a fish community represented by fish larger than some size threshold. From an observed peak value of 0.49 in 1990, the Celtic Sea LFI declined until about 2000 and then fluctuated around 0.10 throughout the 2000s. This decline in the LFI reflected a period of diminishing ‘large’ fish biomass, probably related to high levels of size selective fishing. During the study period, fishing mortality was maintained at consistently high values. Average biomass of ‘small’ fish fluctuated across the whole time series, showing a weak positive trend in recent years. Inter-annual variation in the LFI was increasingly driven by fluctuation in small fish biomass as large fish biomass declined. Simulations using a size-based ecosystem model suggested that recovery in Celtic Sea fish community size-structure (LFI) could demand at least 20% reductions in fishing pressure and occur on decadal timescales.


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A range of chloroplumbate(II) organic salts, based on the two cations, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium and trihexyl(tetradecyl) phosphonium, was prepared by ionothermal synthesis. Depending on the structure of the organic cation and on the molar ratio of PbCl2 in the product,.PbCl2, the salts were room-temperature ionic liquids or crystalline organic/inorganic hybrid materials. The solids were studied using Raman spectroscopy; the crystal structure of [C(2)mim]{PbCl3} was determined and shown to contain 1D infinite chloroplumbate(II) strands formed by edge-sharing tetragonal pyramids of pentacoordinate (PbCl5) units. The liquids were analysed using Pb-207 NMR and Raman spectroscopies, as well as viscometry. Phase diagrams were constructed based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. Discrete anions: [PbCl4](2-) and [PbCl3](-), were detected in the liquid state. The trichloroplumbate(II) anion was shown to have a flexible structure due to the presence of a stereochemically-active lone pair. The relationship between the liquid phase anionic speciation and the structure of the corresponding crystalline products of ionothermal syntheses was discussed, and the data were compared with analogous tin(II) systems.


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This article provides the first history of early cinema in the territory and (from 1907) US state of Oklahoma. It covers the origins and proliferation of fiction and nonfiction filmmaking, paying particular attention to the various films produced at the 101 Ranch and the Pawnee Bill Ranch. It also covers the beginnings of newsreel footage in the state. The article also delves into the issues of film exhibition in Oklahoma, ranging from the earliest film screenings to the nickelodeon era, and also provides a history of efforts towards censorship in the pre-1915 era.


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C.A.T. Malone and S.K.F. Stoddart, (eds.). 1994,