974 resultados para Spermatic cord


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Tissue engineering is a technique by which a live tissue can be re-constructed and one of its main goals is to associate cells with biomaterials. Electrospinning is a technique that facilitates the production of nanofibers and is commonly used to develop fibrous scaffolds to be used in tissue engineering. In the present study, a different approach for cell incorporation into fibrous scaffolds was tested. Mesenchymal stem cells were extracted from the wall of the umbilical cord and mononuclear cells from umbilical cord blood. Cells were re-suspended in a 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution and subjected to electrospinning for 30 min under a voltage of 21 kV. Cell viability was assessed before and after the procedure by exclusion of dead cells using trypan blue staining. Fiber diameter was observed by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of cells within the scaffolds was analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. After electrospinning, the viability of mesenchymal stem cells was reduced from 88 to 19.6% and the viability of mononuclear cells from 99 to 8.38%. The loss of viability was possibly due to the high viscosity of the polymer solution, which reduced the access to nutrients associated with electric and mechanical stress during electrospinning. These results suggest that the incorporation of cells during fiber formation by electrospinning is a viable process that needs more investigation in order to find ways to protect cells from damage.


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Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) were first isolated from bone marrow and then from various adult tissues including placenta, cord blood, deciduous teeth, and amniotic fluid. MSCs are defined or characterized by their ability to adhere to plastic, to express specific surface antigens, and to differentiate into osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipogenic, and myogenic lineages. Although the molecular mechanisms that control MSC proliferation and differentiation are not well understood, the involvement of microRNAs has been reported. In the present study, we investigated the role of miR-125b during osteoblastic differentiation in humans. We found that miR-125b increased during osteoblastic differentiation, as well as Runx2 and ALPL genes. To study whether the gain or loss of miR-125b function influenced osteoblastic differentiation, we transfected MSCs with pre-miR-125b or anti-miR-125b and cultured the transfected cells in an osteoblastic differentiation medium. After transfection, no change was observed in osteoblastic differentiation, and Runx2, OPN, and ALPL gene expression were not changed. These results suggest that the gain or loss of miR-125b function does not influence levels of Runx2, OPN, and ALPL during osteoblastic differentiation.


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Abstract Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) is a virulent disease which may infect by affecting the central nervous system (CNS) tissues in cattle and causes degeneration in nerves. Central nervous system tissues such as brain and spinal cord which are classified as specified risk materials (SRMs) are regarded to be main source of infection. The contamination of the meat with the specific risk materials (SRMs) can occur in phases of slaughter, fragmentation of carcass and processing. This study was conducted in order to investigate the existence of CNS tissues in raw meat ball (cig kofte) which is commonly consumed in the Southeastern Region of Turkey, particularly in Şanlıurfa. For this purpose, 145 samples of raw meat ball were tested. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (Ridascreen risk material 10/5, R-biofarm GmbH) which determine glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) as determinant were used. As a result of the analyses, positivity was detected in 21 of totally 145 samples of raw meat ball (14.48%). 6 (4.14%) of the samples gave low level of positivity (≥ 0.1 standard absorbance), 10 (6.90%) gave medium level of positivity (>0.2 standard absorbance) and 5 (3.45%) gave high level of positivity (≥0.5 standard absorbance). As a consequence, meats are contaminated in any phase of both slaughter and meat production even if accidentally. Regarding this matter, necessary measures should be taken and hygiene rules should be applied.


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The aim of this study was to clarify the clinical phenotype of late-onset spinal motor neuronopathy (LOSMoN), an adult-onset autosomal dominant lower motor neuron disorder identified first in two families in Eastern Finland, in order to clarify its genetic background. Motor neuron disorders (MNDs) are characterized by dysfunction and premature death of motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. MNDs can manifest at any age of the human lifespan, ranging from pre- or neonatal forms such as spinal muscular atrophy type I (SMA I) to those preferentially affecting the older age groups exemplified by sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). With a combination of genetic linkage analysis and genome sequencing using DNA from a total of 55 affected members of 17 families and a whole genome scan, we were able to show that LOSMoN is caused by the c.197G>T p.G66V mutation in the gene CHCHD10. This study showed that LOSMoN has very characteristic features that help to differentiate it from other more malignant forms of motor neuron disease, such as ALS, which was erroneously diagnosed in many patients in our cohort. Lack of fibrillations in the first dorsal interosseus muscle on EMG and extensive grouping of non-atrophic type IIA/2A fibers on muscle biopsy were shown to be common findings in LOSMoN, but rare or absent in ALS patients. The results of this study will help clinicians recognize the characteristic phenotype of LOSMoN disease and thus improve their diagnostic accuracy, and will also allow physicians to provide adequate genetic counseling for patients.


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The relationship between the child's cogni tive development and neurological maturation has been of theoretical interest for many year s. Due to diff iculties such as the lack of sophisticated techniques for measur ing neurolog ical changes and a paucity of normative data, few studies exist that have attempted to correlate the two factors. Recent theory on intellectual development has proposed that neurological maturation may be a factor in the increase of short-term memory storage space. Improved technology has allowed reliable recordings of neurolog ical maturation.. In an attempt to correlate cogni tive development and neurological maturation, this study tested 3-and II-year old children. Fine motor and gross motor short-term memory tests were used to index cogni tive development. Somatosensory evoked potentials elici ted by median nerve stimulation were used to measure the time required for the sensation to pass along the nerve to specific points on the somatosensory pathway. Times were recorded for N14, N20, and P22 interpeak latencies. Maturation of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (outside the brain and spinal cord) was indi~ated by the recorded times. Signif icant developmental di fferences occurred between 3-and ll-year-olds in memory levels, per ipheral conduction velocity and central conduction times. Linear regression analyses showed that as age increased, memory levels increased and central conduction times decreased. Between the ll-year-old groups, there were no significant differences in central or peripheral nervous system maturation between subjects who achieved a 12 plus score on the digit span test of the WISC-R and those who scored 7 or lower on the same test. Levels achieved on the experimental gross and fine motor short-term memory tests differed significantly within the ll-year-old group.


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Functional Electrically Stimulated (FES) ami cycle ergometry is a relatively new technique for exercise in individuals with impairments of the upper limbs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 12 weeks of FES arm cycle ergometry on upper limb function and cardiovascular fitness in individuals with tetraplegia. F!ve subjects (4M/1F; mean age 43.8 ± 15.4 years) with a spinal cord injury of the cervical spine (C3- C7; ASIA B-D) participated in 12 weeks of3 times per week FES arm cycle ergometry training. Exercise performance measures (time to fatigue, distance to fatigue, work rate) were taken at baseline, 6 weeks, and following 12 weeks of training. Cardiovascular measures (MAP, resting HR, average and peak HR during exercise, cardiovascular efficiency) and self reported upper limb function (as determined by the CUE, sf-QIF, SCI-SET questionnaires) were taken at baseline and following 12 weeks of training. Increases were found in time to fatigue (84.4%), distance to fatigue (111.7%), and work rate (51.3%). These changes were non-significant. There was a significant decrease in MAP (91.1 ± 13.9 vs. 87.7 ± 14.7 mmHg) following 12 weeks ofFES arm cycle ergometry. There was no significant change in resting HR or average and peak HR during exercise. Cardiovascular efficiency showed an increase following the 12 weeks ofFES training (142.9%), which was non-significant. There were no significant changes in the measures of upper limb function and spasticity. Overall, FES arm cycle ergometry is an effective method of cardiovascular exercise for individuals with tetraplegia, as evidenced by a significant decrease in MAP, however it is unclear whether 12 weeks of thrice weekly FES arm cycle ergometry may effectively improve upper limb function in all individuals with a cervical SCI.


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Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of mortality in the spinal cord injured (SCI) population. Reduced arterial compliance is a cardiovascular risk factor and whole body vibration (WBV) has be en shown to improve arterial compliance in able-bodied individuals. The study investigated the effect of an acute session ofWBV on arterial compliance as measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV). On separate days, arm, leg and aortic PWV were measured pre- and post- a 45 minute session of passive stance (PS) and WBV. The WBV was intermittent with a set frequency of 45Hz and amplitude of O.6mm. There was no condition by time effect when comparing PWV after WBV and PS. Following WBV, aortic (928.6±127.7 vs. 901.1±96.6cm/sec), leg (1035.2±113.8 vs.l099.8±114.2cm/sec) and arm PWV (1118.9±119.8 vs. 1181.1±124.4cm/s) did not change. As such, WBV did not reduce arterial compliance, however future research with protocol modifications is recommended.


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An unidentified young African American gentleman sits cross-legged on a decorative wooden stool in this small black and white tintype photograph. The date and name of the photographer are unknown. Hand-colored red detailing is visible on the curtain cord and the tablecloth. This tintype was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. Relatives of the Sloman - Bell families were former American slaves who settled in Canada."Tintypes were the invention of Prof. Hamilton Smith of Ohio. They begin as thin sheets of iron, covered with a layer of black paint. This serves as the base for the same iodized collodion coating and silver nitrate bath used in the ambrotype process. First made in 1856, millions were produced well into the twentieth century. When tintypes were finished in the same sorts of mats and cases used for ambrotypes, it can be almost impossible to distinguish which process was used without removing the image to examine the substrate." Source: American Museum of Photography http://www.photographymuseum.com/primer.html


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In vertebrates, signaling by retinoic acid (RA) is known to play an important role in embryonic development, as well as organ homeostasis in the adult. In organisms such as adult axolotls and newts, RA is also important for regeneration of the CNS, limb, tail, and many other organ systems. RA mediates many of its effects in development and regeneration through nuclear receptors, known as retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs). This study provides evidence for an important role of the RA receptor, RAR~2, in ,( '. regeneration ofthe spinal cord and tail of the adult newt. It has previously been proposed that the ability of the nervous system to regenerate might depend on the presence or absence of this RAR~2 isoform. Here, I show for the very first time, that the regenerating spinal cord of the adult newt expresses this ~2 receptor isoform, and inhibition of retinoid signaling through this specific receptor with a selective antagonist inhibits tail and spinal cord regeneration. This provides the first evidence for a role of this receptor in this process. Another species capable of CNS ~~generation in the adult is the invertebrate, " Lymnaea stagnalis. Although RA has been detected in a small number of invertebrates (including Lymnaea), the existence and functional roles of the retinoid receptors in most invertebrate non-chordates, have not been previously studied. It has been widely believed, however, that invertebrate non-chordates only possess the RXR class of retinoid receptors, but not the RARs. In this study, a full-length RXR cDNA has been cloned, which was the first retinoid receptor to be discovered in Lymnaea. I then went on to clone the very first full-length RAR eDNA from any non-chordate, invertebrate species. The functional role of these receptors was examined, and it was shown that normal molluscan development was altered, to varying degrees, by the presence of various RXR and RAR agonists or antagonists. The resulting disruptions in embryogenesis ranged from eye and shell defects, to complete lysis of the early embryo. These studies strongly suggest an important role for both the RXR and RAR in non-chordate development. The molluscan RXR and RAR were also shown to be expressed in the adult, nonregenerating eNS, as well as in individual motor neurons regenerating in culture. More specifically, their expression displayed a non-nuclear distfibution, suggesting a possible non-genomic role for these 'nuclear' receptors. It was shown that immunoreactivity for the RXR was present in almost all regenerating growth cones, and (together with N. Farrar) it was shown that this RXR played a novel, non-genomic role in mediating growth cone turning toward retinoic acid. Immunoreactivity for the novel invertebrate RAR was also found in the regenerating growth cones, but future work will be required to determine its functional role in nerve cell regeneration. Taken together, these data provide evidence for the importance of these novel '. retinoid receptors in development and regeneration, particularly in the adult nervous system, and the conservation of their effects in mediating RA signaling from invertebrates to vertebrates.


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The vitamin A metabolite, retinoic acid (RA), is known to play a crucial role in several developmental processes including axial patterning and differentiation. More recently, RA has been implicated in the regenerative process acting through its classical signaling pathway, the nuclear receptors, retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR), to mediate gene transcription. Moreover, RA has been shown to act as a guidance molecule for growth cones of regenerating motorneurons of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Our lab has recently shown that RA can induce this morphological response independent of nuclear transcription, however, the role of the retinoid receptors in RA-induced chemoattraction is still unknown. Here, I show that the retinoid receptors, RXR and RAR, may mediate the growth cones response to the metabolically active retinoic acid isomers, all-trans and 9-cis RA, in Lymnaea stagnalis. Data presented here show that both an RXR and RAR antagonist can block growth cone turning in response to application of both isomers. Because no prior investigations have shown growth cone turning of individual vertebrate neurons, I aimed to show that both retinoic acid isomers were capable of inducing growth cone turning of embryonic spinal cord neurons in the frog, Xenopus laevis. For the first time in Xenopus, I showed that both all-trans and 9-cis RA were able to induce significantly more neurite outgrowth from cultured embryonic spinal cord neurons and induce positive growth cone turning of individual growth cones. In addition, I showed that the presence of the RXR antagonist, HX531, blocked 9-cis RA-induced growth cone turning and the RARβ antagonist, LE135, blocked all-trans RA-induced growth cone turning in this species. Evidence provided here shows for the first time, conservation of retinoic acid-induced growth cone turning in a vertebrate model system. In addition, these data show that the receptors involved in this morphological response may be the same in vertebrates and invertebrates.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999.5 B56 D64 2007


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The key is 4 1/2 cm long and is attached to a gold cord ending in a burnt orange tassel.


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Le sang provenant d’un cordon ombilical (SCO) représente une bonne source de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) pour des transplantations. Cependant, le nombre de cellules souches contenues dans ce sang est souvent insuffisant pour greffer un adulte. Le mécanisme intervenant dans la domiciliation de ces cellules au sein de la moelle osseuse (MO) est encore mal compris. On sait que l’interaction entre la chimiokine SDF-1 et le récepteur CXCR4, présent sur les cellules CD34+ de SCO, mène à la migration de ces cellules en direction de la MO. Nous pensons que l’augmentation de la proportion de cellules qui réussit à se greffer pourra pallier au problème du nombre. Les produits de dégradation, C3a et le C3desarg,, issus du système du complément, sont connus pour favoriser la réponse de cellules exprimant CXCR4 vers SDF-1. Nous avons analysé l’effet du C3adesarg, molécule non anaphylatoxique, sur la migration cellulaire vers SDF-1, de même que sur la prise de greffe des cellules CD34+ issues de SCO suite à une transplantation sur des souris NOD/SCIDyC-. Nos expériences ont démontré que le C3a ainsi que le C3adesarg augmentaient tous les deux la réponse des cellules CD34+ vers SDF-1. Toutefois, nous n’avons pas pu démontrer que ces molécules liaient directement le récepteur CXCR4. Par contre, le composé C3adesarg favorise la prise de greffe des cellules CD34+ de SCO. Il serait donc un bon candidat pour poursuivre une optimisation de ses propriétés. Nous avons également constaté que suite à une transplantation chez la souris, les cellules CD34+ de SCO subissent une hausse d’expression transitoire de leur CXCR4 environ quatre jours après la greffe. Cette hausse d’expression coïncide avec la multiplication des cellules CD34+ dans la MO. Nous avons également confirmé qu’une cellule CD34+ avec une forte expression de CXCR4 était dans un état prolifératif. Nos données suggèrent que l’interaction directe avec les cellules stromales soit responsable de cette hausse d’expression de CXCR4.


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Les décès attribués à un choc septique à la suite d’une infection sévère augmentent chez les diabétiques et surviennent assez fréquemment dans les unités de soins intensifs. Le diabète sucré et le choc septique augmentent la production d’espèces réactives oxygénées et de cytokines pro-inflammatoires, lesquelles activent le facteur de transcription nucléaire Kappa B conduisant à l’induction du récepteur B1 (RB1) des kinines. Le diabète induit par la streptozotocine (STZ) augmente l’expression du RB1 dans divers tissus périphériques, le cerveau et la moelle épinière. Les lipopolysaccharides bactériens (LPS), souvent utilisés pour induire le choc septique, induisent aussi le RB1. L’objectif de ce travail vise à démontrer la contribution du RB1 des kinines dans l’exacerbation du choc septique pendant le diabète. Des rats Sprague-Dawley (225-250 gr) traités à la STZ (65 mg/kg, i.p.) ou le véhicule ont reçu quatre jours plus tard les LPS (2 mg/kg, i.v.) ou le véhicule en présence ou pas d’un antagoniste du RB1 (SSR240612, 10 mg/kg) administré par gavage. La température corporelle a été mesurée pendant 24h après le traitement. Le SSR240612 a aussi été administré à 9h AM et 9h PM et les rats sacrifiés à 9h AM le jour suivant après un jeûne de 16 h. Les effets de ces traitements ont été mesurés sur les taux plasmatiques d’insuline et de glucose, l’œdème et la perméabilité vasculaire (dans divers tissus avec la technique du Bleu d’Evans) ainsi que sur l’expression du RB1 (PCR en temps réel) dans le cœur et le rein. L’augmentation de la température corporelle après traitement au LPS chez les rats traités ou pas à la STZ a été bloquée par le SSR240612. L’antagoniste a normalisé l’hyperglycémie et amélioré la déficience en insuline chez les rats STZ. Le SSR240612 a inhibé l’œdème et réduit la perméabilité vasculaire dans les tissus des rats diabétiques traités ou pas avec les LPS. La surexpression du RB1 chez les rats traités au STZ et/ou LPS était renversée par le SSR240612. Cet antagoniste a prévenu la mortalité causée par les LPS et LPS plus STZ. Les effets anti-pyrétique, anti-inflammatoire et anti-diabétique du SSR240612 suggèrent que le RB1 puisse représenter une cible thérapeutique valable pour le traitement de la co-morbidité associée au choc septique dans le diabète.


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Les Cellules Endothéliales Progénitrices ("Endothelial Progenitor Cells", EPCs) sont des précurseurs endothéliaux qui jouent un rôle émergeant en biologie vasculaire. Les EPCs ont été localisées dans le cordon ombilical, la moelle osseuse, le sang périphérique et dans certains tissus régénérateurs. Les interactions des EPCs avec les cellules sanguines et vasculaires peuvent largement influencer leurs propriétés biologiques et dicter leur fonctionnement pendant la réparation endothéliale. Plus spécifiquement, les interactions des EPCs avec les plaquettes circulantes induisent leur migration, leur recrutement et leur différentiation en cellules endothéliales aux sites de lésions vasculaires. Cependant, l’impact d’une telle interaction sur la fonction plaquettaire n’a pas été recherché. Le but de mon projet était de :1) générer des EPCs à partir des cellules mononucléaires du sang humain périphérique ("Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells", PBMCs); 2) étudier les interactions adhésives entre les EPCs et les plaquettes; 3) déterminer leur impact sur la fonction plaquettaire et la formation du thrombus et 4) décrire le mécanisme d’action des EPCs sur les plaquettes et le thrombus. Mises en culture sur une surface de fibronectine dans un milieu conditionné, les PBMCs fraîchement isolées possédaient une morphologie ronde et une petite taille. Après cinq jours, les PBMCs adhérentes donnaient naissance à des colonies, puis formaient une monocouche de cellules aplaties caractéristiques des EPCs après dix jours de culture. Les EPCs différenciées étaient positives pour l’Ulex-lectine et l’Acétyle des lipoprotéines de faible densité ("Acetylated Low Density Lipoprotein", Ac-LDL), exprimaient les marqueurs progéniteurs (CD34, P-sélectine, VEGFR2, vWF et VE-Cadhérine) tandis que les marqueurs leucocytaires (CD14, PSGL-1 et L-sélectine) étaient absents. Ces EPCs interagissaient avec les plaquettes activées par un mécanisme dépendant de la P-sélectine plaquettaire, inhibaient l’activation et l’agrégation plaquettaire et réduisaient significativement l’adhésion plaquettaire, principalement par l’action de prostacycline (PGI2). En fait, ceci était associé avec une augmentation de l’expression de la cyclooxygénase-2 (COX-2) et du monoxyde d’azote (NO) synthéthase inductible (iNOS). Toutefois, les effets inhibiteurs des EPCs sur la fonction plaquettaire ont été renversés par une inhibition de la COX et non pas du NO. Bien que les EPCs fussent en mesure de lier les plaquettes via la P-sélectine, leurs effets prédominants étaient médiés essentiellement par une sécrétion paracrine, impliquant la PGI2. Néanmoins, un rapprochement étroit ou un bref contact entre les EPCs et les plaquettes était requis pour que cette fonction soit complètement réalisée. D’ailleurs, cet aspect a été investigué chez des souris déficientes en P-sélectine (P-sel-/-) et chez leurs congénères de phénotype sauvage (Wild Type, WT). Chez les souris WT, les EPCs inhibaient l’agrégation plaquettaire dans le sang complet de manière concentration-dépendante alors que dans les souris P-sel-/-, l’action des EPCs n’avait pas d’effet significatif. De plus, en utilisant un modèle murin de thrombose artérielle, nous avons démontré que l’infusion systémique des EPCs altéraient la formation du thrombus et réduisaient significativement sa masse chez les souris WT, mais non pas chez les souris P-sel-/-. En outre, le nombre des EPCs incorporées au niveau du thrombus et de la paroi vasculaire était visiblement réduit chez les P-sel-/- par rapport aux souris WT. Dans cette étude, nous sommes parvenus à différentier adéquatement des EPCs à partir des PBMCs, nous avons étudié les interactions adhésives entre les EPCs et les plaquettes, et nous avons décrit leur impact sur la fonction plaquettaire et la formation du thrombus. De plus, nous avons identifié la PGI2 comme étant le principal facteur soluble sécrété par les EPCs en culture et responsable de leurs effets inhibiteurs sur l’activation, l’adhésion et l’agrégation plaquettaire in vitro. De surcroît, nous avons élucidé le mécanisme d’action des EPCs sur l’agrégation plaquettaire et la formation du thrombus, in vivo, et nous avons souligné le rôle de la P-sélectine plaquettaire dans ce processus. Ces résultats ajoutent de nouvelles connaissances sur la biologie des EPCs et définissent leur rôle potentiel dans la régulation de la fonction plaquettaire et la thrombogenèse.