930 resultados para Southeast Asia -- Foreign public opinion, Western


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The paper examines the question, in how far Fukushima caused changes in the media coverage and the public opinion about nuclear power in Germany. To answer this question we used two methods, content analysis and survey. Firstly we analysed data from a quantitative content analyses to examine changes in the media coverage about nuclear power between 2010 and 2011. The first investigation period lasted from 10.07.2010 to 04.09.2010, immediately before the German Bundestag vote for the lifetime extension of nuclear power stations. The second investigation period covered the first two months of media coverage after Fukushima from 12.03.2011 to 16.5.2011. Secondly our data consist of a representative telephone panel survey (n=341). As the first wave was carried out from 16.8.2010 to 06.9.2010 and the second wave from 15.5.2011 to 04.06.2011 these data set gives us the unique possibility to investigate attitude changes about nuclear power on the individual level.


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Basato su interviste con i principali attori tedeschi e su un’analisi della letteratura, l’articolo analizza lo sviluppo recente dell’economia tedesca e la strategia tedesca nell’affrontare la crisi dell’eurozona. La Germania è uno stato commerciale (trading state), la cui crescita è fortemente trainata dalle esportazioni. Fino agli anni novanta, rigidità istituzionali forti, nel sistema di relazioni industriali e nel sistema di protezione sociale, contribuivano a conciliare lo sviluppo delle esportazioni con una crescita armonica dei consumi interni, contribuendo cosi a ingabbiare la «tigre» tedesca. A partire dagli anni novanta, sia le relazioni industriali sia la protezione sociale sono state fortemente liberalizzate, stimolando ulteriormente la competitività estera e indebolendo i consumi interni. Il modello economico tedesco, cosi come è venuto profilandosi negli ultimi dieci anni, è alla base delle politiche di austerità che la Germania impone all’Europa. Tali politiche sono fortemente condivise dai partiti politici, dagli attori sociali e dall’opinione pubblica, e le probabilità che la strategia tedesca cambi sono minime.


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Land investment is booming in Laos, driven especially by demand for resources among its rapidly developing neighbours. Still, Laos remains one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia. The government hopes that projects linked to land investments will improve local productivity, infrastructure, and poverty rates. But there are many risks to local livelihoods and the environment. Ensuring that land investment truly benefits the broader population demands effective regulation and strong political will. This policy brief provides key insights and recommendations drawn from the national inventory of land concessions and leases, the most comprehensive accounting of such land deals to date for a single country.


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The conservation of large carnivores is a formidable challenge for biodiversity conservation. Using a data set on the past and current status of brown bears (Ursus arctos), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), gray wolves (Canis lupus), and wolverines (Gulo gulo) in European countries, we show that roughly one-third of mainland Europe hosts at least one large carnivore species, with stable or increasing abundance in most cases in 21st-century records. The reasons for this overall conservation success include protective legislation, supportive public opinion, and a variety of practices making coexistence between large carnivores and people possible. The European situation reveals that large carnivores and people can share the same landscape.


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Based on interviews with the main German actors and on secondary sources, the article examines the recent development of the German political economy, and the German strategy vis-à-vis the Euro zone. Germany is a trading state whose economic growth is strongly export-led. Until the years 1990s, strong institutional rigidities, both in industrial relations and in the welfare state, contributed to reconcile export growth with household consumption, thus keeping the German “tiger” on a leash. From the early 1990s on, however, both industrial relations and social protections have been strongly liberalized, thus further stimulating external competitiveness and reducing the role of consumption in the German growth model. The unleashed trading state shapes the German response to the Euro crisis and the austerity policies that Germany imposes to Europe. These policies are strongly supported by political parties, social actors, and public opinion in Germany, and the likelihood that they change in the near future is minimal.


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Climatic records for Danum for 1985 to 1998, elsewhere in Sabah since 1879, and long monthly rainfall series from other rainforest locations are used to place the climate, and particularly the dry period climatology, of Danum into a world rainforest context. The magnitude frequency and seasonality of dry periods are shown to vary greatly within the world's rainforest zone. The climate of Danum, which is aseasonal but subject, as in 1997 to 1998, to occasional drought, is intermediate between less drought–prone north–western Borneo and the more drought–prone east coast. Changes through time in drought magnitude frequency in Sabah and rainforest locations elsewhere in South–East Asia and in the Neotropics are compared. The 1997 to 1998 ENSO–related drought event in Sabah is placed into a historical context. The effects of drought on tree growth and mortality in the tropics are assessed and a model relating intensity and frequency of drought disturbance to forest structure and composition is discussed.


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This thesis seeks to analyze the relationship between public attitudes toward refugees in a refugee receiving state and the realization of the legal rights afforded refugees (de facto rights). I hypothesize that the more negative a host culture is toward refugees, the less refugees are able to realize their rights. Conversely, the more positive a host culture is toward refugees, the more refugees are able to realize their rights. I test the hypothesis through a case study of refugee populations in Cape Town, South Africa, based on research conducted from May to June 2007. The orientation (positive or negative) of the host culture's perceptions toward a refugee group (Independent Variable) is measured through: (1) a coded content analysis of the South African media, (2) a coded content analysis of semi-structured interviews, and (3) an assessment of secondary source public opinion surveys and reports. The realization of refugee rights (Dependent Variable) is operationalized as a function of two rights: (1) the right to personal physical integrity and (2) the right to protection from unlawful detention. These rights are measured by coding (1) media reports and (2) interviews, and by (3) assessing NGO reports and secondary source public opinion surveys. My empirical data shows that the cultural orientation toward refugees is not overwhelmingly negative, and the realization of rights is not conclusively "low." However, the frequency of data coded "negative" and "low" versus "positive" or "high" suggest that South Africans regard refugees somewhat negatively and that rights are not fully realized. This finding is strengthened by the analysis of secondary sources and field notes.


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The major risk factors for liver cancer in Southeast Asia: HBV infection, aflatoxin exposure and p53 expression/mutation, were examined in experimental models. Four groups were examined for development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with and without neonatal exposure to aflatoxin (AFB$\sb1)$: (Group I.) Transgenic HBsAg mice with one p53 allele. (Group II) Transgenic HBsAg mice with two p53 alleles. (Group III) Non-transgenic litter mates with one p53 allele. (Group IV) Non-transgenic litter mates with two p53 alleles. HCC developed in Group I animals exposed to aflatoxin at an earlier time and were of a higher grade than those seen later in other groups. These results provide an explanation for as to why p53 is a target for deletion and/or mutation in human HCC especially when found in high risk areas where HBV infection and Aflatoxin B1 food contamination is high, and nicely illustrates a synergistic interaction among these three factors. None of the tumors analyzed had loss or mutation in the p53 gene.^ To determine the significance of the specific p53ser249 mutation found in HBV/aflatoxin associated human hepatomas in an in-vivo experimental model using transgenic mice, a two-nucleotide change in the mouse p53 gene at amino acid position 246, which is equivalent to that of 249 in human p53, was introduced. Transgenic mice with mutant p53 controlled by the albumin promoter were generated and shown to express the p53ser246 mutant RNA and protein specifically in liver. Three groups were examined for development of HCC with and without neonatal exposure to aflatoxin: (Group V) Transgenic p53ser246 mice with two p53 alleles. (Group VI) Transgenic p53ser246 mice with one p53 allele. (Group VII) Double transgenic for p53ser246 and HBsAg with two p53 alleles. One hundred percent of male mice with the three risk factors injected with aflatoxin developed high grade liver tumors, compared to 66.6% from group VI and only 14.2% of group V suggesting synergistic interaction between HBsAg and this particular ser246 p53 mutation.^ In order to examine the growth properties of hepatocytes and correlation with p53 loss and/or mutation, cell proliferation and ploidy analysis of liver from normal heterozyous, homozygous null mice and from transgenic mutant p53ser246, mice were studied. Loss of wild-type p53 increased G1/G0 ratios of cells as well as proliferation and decreased cell ploidy. The mutant p53ser246 did not show a significant effect on cell ploidy or proliferation. However a striking 5-10X increase in G1/G0 ratio suggests that this specific mutation specifically induces G0 to G1 transition, which in turn further predisposes hepatocytes to the damaging effect of Aflatoxin. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Nos proponemos conmemorar aquí los cien años del nacimiento de uno de los destacados intelectuales del siglo XX, cuya obra fuera ampliamente reconocida en nuestro ámbito cultural: nos referimos al escritor venezolano Arturo Uslar Pietri (1906- 2001) quien dedicara su larga vida a transitar diversos caminos del saber. Publicó su primer artículo periodístico a los catorce años; el último, el de la despedida, en su columna del diario El Nacional, aparecería en enero de 1998. Habían transcurrido setenta y ocho años. Cumplirá este aspecto relevante de su producción desde la mirada que le imprime el comunicador social, tarea que se suma a su labor de educador, en los escritos de la columna semanal que titulara Pizarrón. Dejará registrados así destacados artículos de opinión que darán a conocer las ideas de nuestros grandes hombres, entre los que se encuentra el propio Uslar, al tiempo que contribuyen a formar la opinión pública desde las columnas de la prensa y de este modo procura testimoniar tanto nuestra historia política como los registros más destacados de nuestra cultura.


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Consideración sobre la obra periodística de Andrés Bello, uno de los autores decimonónicos que asumieron los valores e ideas ilustradas y liberales, derivadas de los pensadores ingleses y franceses de comienzos del siglo XIX. Estas ideas aparecen en sus textos académicos y sobre todo en los periódicos en los que colaboró. Entre sus ideas económicas más importantes, que generaron “opinión pública", se destaca la valorización de la libre iniciativa, la propiedad privada y la búsqueda del aumento de la riqueza como estrategia para el progreso de los países. Se analiza este trasfondo social y económico porque se trata de ideas y perspectivas éticas donde convergen la moralidad, la política y el derecho, cuya importancia es destacable frente a un mundo globalizado.


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Este trabajo intenta marcar las líneas fundamentales del modelo explicativo elaborado por Jürgen Habermas para dar cuenta del proceso de configuración de un espacio público en la modernidad, y observar sus posibilidades de aplicación a la realidad del mundo revolucionario iberoamericano de comienzos del siglo XIX. Asimismo, se ocupa de la trayectoria del concepto de opinión pública como recurso de legitimidad del sistema representativo liberal que intentó ser aplicado en las antiguas colonias a todo lo largo del siglo.


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Habiéndose instalado como principio operativo hegemónico a nivel mundial, la perspectiva del desarrollo sustentable rige actualmente las políticas medioambientales en Argentina. La gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos (GIRSU) es consecuente con la idea de compatibilidad entre conservación del medio ambiente y crecimiento económico que postula el desarrollo sustentable. La Estrategia Nacional que busca instalarla en el país menciona una serie de fases dentro de las cuales se encuentra la segregación en origen. Por lo tanto, el programa de Separación de basura en origen implementado por la Municipalidad de La Plata desde 2008, parecería responder a dicha propuesta. Sin embargo, la ausencia de un marco normativo correspondiente y de una política que contemple la totalidad de las etapas de gestión de la basura, hacen del programa una fase operativa desvinculada del proceso global de GIRSU. Entonces, partiendo del enfoque conceptual de la Sociología Medioambiental, esta investigación busca dar cuenta del posicionamiento actual de la población respecto de la cuestión del medio ambiente y del RSU a través de reconocer las opiniones, actitudes y prácticas de los ciudadanos de La Plata en torno al ambiente en general y al RSU en particular en el marco del programa de separación de basura en origen. Mediante la indagación de la opinión pública a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado, se llega a la conclusión de que existe entre la población de La Plata un alto conocimiento aunque escasa participación en el Programa de Separación de Basura en Origen. Sin embargo, el alto porcentaje de población que realiza un tipo alternativo de segregación de basura domiciliaria, demuestra una fuerte predisposición entre la población frente a dicha práctica. Por otro lado, si bien la población sostiene un discurso y unas prácticas altamente conservacionistas, los 3 mismos no implican necesariamente una conciencia y prácticas activas de índole conservacionista, no existiendo un activismo conservacionista propiamente dicho


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El presente artículo indaga algunos ejemplos de la representación de las formas de sociabilidad en la prensa española del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX, otorgando especial atención a la tertulia. El estudio intenta arrojar luz sobre las relaciones entre sociabilidad y prensa, interrogando, entre otras cosas, la función de la ficcionalización de la tertulia en las publicaciones periódicas de la época, así como también la significación de la sociabilidad como patrón narrativo para el desarrollo de la prensa y el surgimiento de un concepto de opinión pública en España.