967 resultados para Songs, Ganda.


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Type 1 diabetes-mellitus implies a life-threatening absolute insulin deficiency. Artificial pancreas (CGM sensor, insulin pump and control algorithm) is promising to outperform current open-loop therapies.


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An advantage of laser crystallization over conventional heating methods is its ability to limit rapid heating and cooling to thin surface layers. Laser energy is used to heat the a-Si thin film to change the microstructure to poly-Si. Thin film samples of a-Si were irradiated with a CW-green laser source. Laser irradiated spots were produced by using different laser powers and irradiation times. These parameters are identified as key variables in the crystallization process. The power threshold for crystallization is reduced as the irradiation time is increased. When this threshold is reached the crystalline fraction increases lineally with power for each irradiation time. The experimental results are analysed with the aid of a numerical thermal model and the presence of two crystallization mechanisms are observed: one due to melting and the other due to solid phase transformation.


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Escritura por la que Jeroni Torrella, doncel de Gandía, vende a Alonso de la Serna, doncel de Gandía, un censal de 60 libras valencianas y pensión anual de 90 sueldos valencianos, originalmente vendido a Jaume Roca, caballero de Gandia, por Francesc Joan Corts, señor del lugar de la Pobla, su mujer Beatriu Esplugues, Jaume Martorell y su mujer Caterina, y Joan Nadal y su mujer Joana, vecinos del lugar de la Pobla, ante el notario de la ciudad de Xàtiva Miquel Puig el 5 de agosto de 1499. A la escritura de venta acompaña el ápoca del pago de las 60 libras realizado por Alonso de la Sena a Jeroni Torrella. Notario, Francesc Pérez de Culla. Testigos: Damià Ones, panadero, y Jaume Diego, vecinos de Gandía.


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Durante el siglo XX, hemos pasado de ser una sociedad activa que disfrutaba de la ciudad a medida que recorría sus calles, a ser una sociedad motorizada cuyo interés principal es transportarse de un punto A a un punto B en el menor tiempo posible. En este siglo XXI, la concepción del espacio urbano y de la vida cotidiana se encuentra en un movimiento de rechazo de esta ideología anterior. Ya no nos interesan esas ciudades funcionales diseñadas solamente para los vehículos y un movimiento de recuperación del espacio urbano se ha iniciado sobre una trama de ciudad todavía anclada en el pasado. Este ensayo pretende analizar los retos provenientes de este cambio ideológico y dar una serie de soluciones a la conversión de espacios públicos de tránsito en espacios de estar al aire libre que den pie a una sinergia comunicativa de sus gentes. Hoy en día nos encontramos con los inicios de este movimiento de cambio que busca una mejora en la salud y la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos, previamente relegados a espacios libres públicos muy acotados. Ahora, todo el espacio libre se convierte en espacio para sus ciudadanos buscando crear de esta forma una “sala de estar” al aire libre.


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[115]. El mercado municipal de Cullera, sobre la montaña el Santuario de la Virgen, en primer plano carro tirado por un caballo, 1925 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [116-117]. El abogado Ribera y el secretario sentados junto al Mercado municipal de Cullera y apoyados en la barandilla de la fuente del mercado, 1925 (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) – [118-122]. Francisco Roglá López con gorro y gafas de motorista, en la moto con sidecar en Villa Rosalía, en la moto cerca del faro al fondo playa del Dosel, 1925 (5 pares estereoscópicos) (5 fot.) – [123-124]. El faro de Cullera, 1925 (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) – [125]. Pescando desde las rocas próximas al faro, al fondo la playa del Dosel de Cullera, 1925 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.)– [126]. Puente de hierro visto desde un campo de cultivo, 1925 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [127]. Trabajadores de Villa Rosalía (dos hombres y una mujer con un perro) (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [128-129]. Luís, Ignacio y Paquito jugando con un carro lleno de leña, los tres llevan boina, 1925 (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) – [130-134]. Los tres hermanos Luís, Ignacio y Paquito en el jardín de Villa Rosalía y jugando en el columpio, 1925 (5 pares estereoscópicos) (5 fot.) – [135]. Luís, Ignacio y Paquito con su madre sentados en un banco del jardín, la niñera Pilar y otra muchacha (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [136]. Luís, Ignacio y Paco al volante en el coche de papá, la perrita Isa mira al fotógrafo padre de los niños Francisco Roglá López, 1926 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [137]. Luís, Ignacio y Paquito con su madre sentados alrededor de una mesa de madera, felices con los cachorros de su perrita Isa (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [138]. Paquito Roglá Orrico de pié en el campo (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [139-141]. Paco Roglá Orrico con Merceditas Orrico Gay vestidos para una celebración (ella con teja y mantilla negra), en una foto acompañan a Pilar que lleva en brazos un bebé (posiblemente Manolo Orrico Gay), 1925 (3 pares estereoscópicos) (3 fot.) – [142]. Portada gótica de la Colegiata de Santa María de Gandía, Isabel Orrico con sus tres hijos y Mercedes Gay Llovera con sus hijos, 1926 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [143]. Isabel Orrico Vidal, Mercedes Gay y Manolo Orrico Vidal con su hija Merceditas Orrico Gay, Manolo Orrico Gay con las manos sobre la cabeza de su primo Ignacio Roglá Orrico, éste y Luís y Paco Roglá Orrico vestidos de marinero, 1926 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [144]. Matilde Vidal Gasco y Manolo Orrico Guzmán bajando de la Ermita de los Santos de la Piedra, Abdón y Senen, situada en una colina rodeada por arrozales frente a Villa Rosalía, 1926 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [145]. Isabel Orrico Vidal con sus padres Matilde Vidal Gasco y Manuel Orrico Guzmán, 1926 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [146-150]. Chalet de la playa en construcción frente a la playa de San Antonio de Cullera (5 pares estereoscópicos) (5 fot.) – [151]. Isabel Orrico Vidal en la terraza del chalet de la playa (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [152]. Vista del Castillo de Cullera desde la fachada posterior del chalet de la playa, al fondo la Iglesia de San Antonio (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [153-154]. Vistas: campos de naranjos, al fondo la playa del Racó (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) – [155-156]. Santuario de la Virgen y Castillo de Cullera, vistas desde el Castillo (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) – [157]. Isabel Orrico Vidal en la montaña del Castillo, al fondo la playa del Racó con los campos de naranjos próximos al mar, Cullera 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [158-159]. Vistas del pueblo y de la playa de San Antonio desde el Castillo, 1927 (2 pares estereoscópicos) (2 fot.) – [160]. Los tres hermanos Luis, Paco e Ignacio junto a una caseta de baño, en la playa de San Antonio de Cullera, 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [161]. Ignacio, Paco y Luis tumbados en la orilla de la playa de San Antonio, al fondo se ve el faro, 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [162]. En la playa Mercedes Gay, Isabel Orrico Vidal y Josefina Vila Gimeno bajo las sombrillas, los hermanos Ignacio, Luís y Paco jugando en la arena con Merceditas, 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [163]. Ignacio, Paco y Luís Roglá Orrico junto a la fuente en la Avenida Peris Mencheta de Cullera, al fondo el Santuario de la Virgen del Castillo, 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [164-166]. Luís con la toalla, Paco tumbado en la orilla e Ignacio con el barquito de juguete, en otra foto jugando con los pozalitos en la playa de San Antonio, los tres hermanos sentados en los escalones, 1927 (3 pares estereoscópicos) (3 fot.) – [167]. Merceditas Orrico Gay en la playa de San Antonio de Cullera, 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [168]. Rincón típico de Cullera entre las casas, 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [169-173]. Subida al Santuario de la Virgen del Castillo, restos del Castillo de Cullera, 1927 (5 fot.) – [174]. Bajada de la Virgen del Castillo de Cullera, multitud en la calle junto al anda que lleva la Virgen, balcones engalanados, 1927 (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.) – [175]. Manolo y Miguel Orrico Vidal comiendo una paella con unos amigos (1 par estereoscópico) (1 fot.)


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A curiosidade do que acontece com os cânticos entoados pela comunidade carisma e a maneira com que toca as pessoas, no âmbito individual e no coletivo foi o que gerou essa pesquisa. A associação do significado das letras dos cânticos relacionado à transformação social que acontece dentro do trabalho e missão social urbana da Comunidade Carisma acabou sendo o foco desse trabalho. Sabe-se que a música tem um poder imenso de atuar na área emocional e nas experiências do ser humano, atuando tanto no individual, quanto no coletivo da pessoa. Então, até que ponto, música não é uma alienação, mas sim um instrumento de despertar individual e coletivamente - para a transformação e a aplicabilidade de todo este envolvimento social que a Comunidade Carisma vive? Dentro do que é a base teológica da comunidade, a ordem do culto e toda a sua liturgia, foi feito um levantamento de toda estrutura da mesma. E como se processa o louvor e o significado das letras dos cânticos compostos por membros deste ministério, com a ação que começa no individual, reporta-se ao coletivo e que gera transformação social dentro e fora da comunidade.(AU)


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A curiosidade do que acontece com os cânticos entoados pela comunidade carisma e a maneira com que toca as pessoas, no âmbito individual e no coletivo foi o que gerou essa pesquisa. A associação do significado das letras dos cânticos relacionado à transformação social que acontece dentro do trabalho e missão social urbana da Comunidade Carisma acabou sendo o foco desse trabalho. Sabe-se que a música tem um poder imenso de atuar na área emocional e nas experiências do ser humano, atuando tanto no individual, quanto no coletivo da pessoa. Então, até que ponto, música não é uma alienação, mas sim um instrumento de despertar individual e coletivamente - para a transformação e a aplicabilidade de todo este envolvimento social que a Comunidade Carisma vive? Dentro do que é a base teológica da comunidade, a ordem do culto e toda a sua liturgia, foi feito um levantamento de toda estrutura da mesma. E como se processa o louvor e o significado das letras dos cânticos compostos por membros deste ministério, com a ação que começa no individual, reporta-se ao coletivo e que gera transformação social dentro e fora da comunidade.(AU)


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A juvenile male zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, kept singly with its father develops a fairly complete imitation of the father’s song. The imitation is less complete when other male siblings are present, possibly because as imitation commences, model abundance increases. Here we examine the consequences of allowing more or less access to a song model. Young males heard a brief song playback when they pecked at a key, but different males were allowed to hear different numbers of playbacks per day. Using an automated procedure that scored the similarity between model and pupil songs, we discovered that 40 playbacks of the song motif per day, lasting a total of 30 sec, resulted in a fairly complete imitation. More exposure led to less complete imitation. Vocal imitation often may reflect the interaction of diverse influences. Among these, we should now include the possible inhibitory effect of model overabundance, which may foster individual identity and explain the vocal diversity found in zebra finches and other songbirds.


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Methyllycaconitine (MLA), α-conotoxin ImI, and α-bungarotoxin inhibited the release of catecholamines triggered by brief pulses of acetylcholine (ACh) (100 μM, 5 s) applied to fast-superfused bovine adrenal chromaffin cells, with IC50s of 100 nM for MLA and 300 nM for α-conotoxin ImI and α-bungarotoxin. MLA (100 nM), α-conotoxin ImI (1 μM), and α-bungarotoxin (1 μM) halved the entry of 45Ca2+ stimulated by 5-s pulses of 300 μM ACh applied to incubated cells. These supramaximal concentrations of α7 nicotinic receptor blockers depressed by 30% (MLA), 25% (α-bungarotoxin), and 50% (α-conotoxin ImI) the inward current generated by 1-s pulses of 100 μM ACh, applied to voltage-clamped chromaffin cells. In Xenopus oocytes expressing rat brain α7 neuronal nicotinic receptor for acetylcholine nAChR, the current generated by 1-s pulses of ACh was blocked by MLA, α-conotoxin ImI, and α-bungarotoxin with IC50s of 0.1 nM, 100 nM, and 1.6 nM, respectively; the current through α3β4 nAChR was unaffected by α-conotoxin ImI and α-bungarotoxin, and weakly blocked by MLA (IC50 = 1 μM). The functions of controlling the electrical activity, the entry of Ca2+, and the ensuing exocytotic response of chromaffin cells were until now exclusively attributed to α3β4 nAChR; the present results constitute the first evidence to support a prominent role of α7 nAChR in controlling such functions, specially under the more physiological conditions used here to stimulate chromaffin cells with brief pulses of ACh.


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In behavior reminiscent of the responsiveness of human infants to speech, young songbirds innately recognize and prefer to learn the songs of their own species. The acoustic and physiological bases for innate recognition were investigated in fledgling white-crowned sparrows lacking song experience. A behavioral test revealed that the complete conspecific song was not essential for innate recognition: songs composed of single white-crowned sparrow phrases and songs played in reverse elicited vocal responses as strongly as did normal song. In all cases, these responses surpassed those to other species’ songs. Although auditory neurons in the song nucleus HVc and the underlying neostriatum of fledglings did not prefer conspecific song over foreign song, some neurons responded strongly to particular phrase types characteristic of white-crowned sparrows and, thus, could contribute to innate song recognition.


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The high vocal center (HVC) controls song production in songbirds and sends a projection to the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) of the descending vocal pathway. HVC receives new neurons in adulthood. Most of the new neurons project to RA and replace other neurons of the same kind. We show here that singing enhances mRNA and protein expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the HVC of adult male canaries, Serinus canaria. The increased BDNF expression is proportional to the number of songs produced per unit time. Singing-induced BDNF expression in HVC occurs mainly in the RA-projecting neurons. Neuronal survival was compared among birds that did or did not sing during days 31–38 after BrdUrd injection. Survival of new HVC neurons is greater in the singing birds than in the nonsinging birds. A positive causal link between pathway use, neurotrophin expression, and new neuron survival may be common among systems that recruit new neurons in adulthood.


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In many song birds, males develop their songs as adults by imitating the songs of one or more tutors, memorized previously during a sensitive phase early in life. Previous work using two assays, the production of imitations by adult males and playback-induced calling by young birds during the sensitive phase for memorization, has shown that song birds can discriminate between their own and other species' songs. Herein I use both assays to show that male mountain white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha, must learn to sing but have a genetic predisposition to memorize and learn the songs of their own subspecies. Playback tests to young naive birds before they even begin to sing reveal that birds give begging calls more in response to oriantha song than to songs of another species. After 10 days of tutoring with songs of either their own or another subspecies, birds continue to give stronger call responses to songs of their own subspecies, irrespective of whether they were tutored with them, and are more discriminating in distinguishing between different dialects of their own subspecies. The memory processes that facilitate recognition and discrimination of own-subspecies' song may also mediate the preferential imitation of song of a bird's own subspecies. Such perceptual biases could constrain the direction and rate of cultural evolution of learned songs.


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The genetic basis of sexual isolation that contributes to speciation is one of the unsolved questions in evolutionary biology. Drosophila ananassae and Drosophila pallidosa are closely related, and postmating isolation has not developed between them. However, females of both species discriminate their mating partners, and this discrimination contributes to strong sexual isolation between them. By using surgical treatments, we demonstrate that male courtship songs play a dominant role in female mate discrimination. The absence of the song of D. pallidosa dramatically increased interspecies mating with D. ananassae females but reduced intraspecies mating with D. pallidosa females. Furthermore, genetic analysis and chromosomal introgression by repeated backcrosses to D. pallidosa males identified possible loci that control female discrimination in each species. These loci were mapped on distinct positions near the Delta locus on the middle of the left arm of the second chromosome. Because the mate discrimination we studied is well developed and is the only known mechanism that prevents gene flow between them, these loci may have played crucial roles in the evolution of reproductive isolation, and therefore, in the speciation process between these two species.


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Eits is a work of fiction, a non-traditional novel whose structure is largely determined by an Oulipian-style constraint. The constraint in Eits is culled from the album names and song titles of the band Explosions in the Sky. Each album corresponds to a chapter in the novel, and the language of each album title must be used in some way as an introduction to each chapter. Within each chapter (album), song titles correspond to numbered sections where each title must appear as is in the first sentence of that section. This not only dictates, to some degree, the direction of the text that will follow, but, looking ahead, the title of the next section will dictate where this section must arrive. From this, a narrative naturally takes shape. Albums/chapters appear chronologically, according to each album's release date, and within each album/chapter, songs/sections appear in the order they do on the album. This is, perhaps, the most straightforward way of ordering the received language of the constraint, the possibilities beyond this exponential. Eits is a novel that shifts in form, providing a texture to the space and reading experience of the novel, all in hopes of creating a space in which content and form inform and push each other to new limits. Eits is never satisfied to settle on one form for too long, and it is in the movement between forms that the narrative develops in interesting ways. Eits demonstrates the combinatoric possibilities inherent in language, and this exploration of potential highlights the reciprocal relationship between writing and reading. As Eits builds upon a limited language set, it explores and exploits the combinatory possibilities that language allows for both writer and reader. It demonstrates that all combinatoric potentialities, visible or not, always co-exist in the same time and space, and in this infinite space, individuals are invited to be writers and readers in simultaneity.