959 resultados para Song cycles


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Lecture by Dr. Benjamin Lapidus covering the career of Cuban guitarist, composer, and orchestrator Juanito Marquez Urbino.


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The concentration of avian song at first light (i.e., the dawn chorus) is widely appreciated but has an enigmatic functional significance. The most widely accepted explanation is that birds are active but light levels are not adequate for foraging. As a consequence, the time of first song should be predictable from the light level of individuals singing at dawn. To test this, I collected data from a tropical forest of Ecuador, involving 130 species. Light intensity at first song was a highly repeatable species' trait (r = 0.57). Foraging height was a good predictor of first song, with canopy birds singing at lower light levels than understory birds (r = -0.62). Although light level predicts the onset of singing in tropical and temperate bird communities, the structural complexity and trophic specializations in tropical forests may exert an important influence, which has been overlooked in research conducted in the temperate zone.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This text presents a discussion about the song cycle Slopiewnie Opus 46 bis of Karol Szymanowski, one of the most important Polish composers of the 20th century. Slopiewnie was composed on texts of Julian Tuwim, poet born in 1894 in Łódź, who used ancient roots to create new words and search for special sonorities. First, this text introduces a brief biographical sketch about Szymanowski, in order to contextualize Slopiewnie in relation to the composer’s works. Afterwards, the text provides an analysis of the songs and their texts, which may serve as a study tool for future perfomers. Interpretative suggestions are offered, based on the experience of learning these songs and on references. The text also presents the phonetic transcription of the poems, as well as a suggested translation to Portuguese, making it easier for Brazilian singers to learn the cycle’s text and prosody.


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We thank the Tsawout and Tseycum First Nation bands for access to Mandarte, everyone who contributed to the long-term data collection, and the European Research Council and Royal Society for funding. We thank J.D. Hadfield, P. Bijma, E. Postma, and L.F. Keller for illuminatingdiscussions. Also, L.E.B. Kruuk, R. Bonduriansky, and an anonymous reviewer provided insightful comments that improved the manuscript.


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© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.


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Acknowledgements GIA is grateful for funding from the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland that enabled fieldwork for this project. RW was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF grant No. 1245/11). SM was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF grant No. 1436/14). We would like to thank Chris Talbot and Yohann Poprawski for careful and constructive reviews. The authors appreciate the help of Nicolas Waldmann in precisely locating the positons of dated unconformities.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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This thesis analyzes the Chow motives of 3 types of smooth projective varieties: the desingularized elliptic self fiber product, the Fano surface of lines on a cubic threefold and an ample hypersurface of an Abelian variety. For the desingularized elliptic self fiber product, we use an isotypic decomposition of the motive to deduce the Murre conjectures. We also prove a result about the intersection product. For the Fano surface of lines, we prove the finite-dimensionality of the Chow motive. Finally, we prove that an ample hypersurface on an Abelian variety possesses a Chow-Kunneth decomposition for which a motivic version of the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem holds.


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The influence of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean on Late Pliocene global climate reconstructions has remained ambiguous due to a lack of well-dated Antarctic-proximal, paleoenvironmental records. Here we present ice sheet, sea-surface temperature, and sea ice reconstructions from the ANDRILL AND-1B sediment core recovered from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf. We provide evidence for a major expansion of an ice sheet in the Ross Sea that began at ~3.3 Ma, followed by a coastal sea surface temperature cooling of ~2.5°C, a stepwise expansion of sea ice, and polynya-style deep mixing in the Ross Sea between 3.3 and 2.5 Ma. The intensification of Antarctic cooling resulted in strengthened westerly winds and invigorated ocean circulation. The associated northward migration of Southern Ocean fronts has been linked with reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation by restricting surface water connectivity between the ocean basins, with implications for heat transport to the high latitudes of the North Atlantic. While our results do not exclude low-latitude mechanisms as drivers for Pliocene cooling, they indicate an additional role played by southern high-latitude cooling during development of the bipolar world.


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In a sediment core from the Pacific sector of the Antarctic Zone (AZ) of the Southern Ocean, we report diatom-bound N isotope (d15Ndb) records for total recoverable diatoms and two distinct diatom assemblages (pennate and centric rich). These data indicate tight coupling between the degree of nitrate consumption and Antarctic climate across the last two glacial cycles, with d15Ndb (and thus the degree of nitrate consumption) increasing at each major Antarctic cooling event. Coupled with evidence from opal- and barium-based proxies for reduced export production during ice ages, the d15Ndb increases point to ice age reductions in the supply of deep ocean-sourced nitrate to the AZ surface. The two diatom assemblages and species abundance data indicate that the d15Ndb changes are not the result of changing species composition. The pennate and centric assemblage d15Ndb records indicate similar changes but with a significant decline in their difference during peak ice ages. A tentative seasonality-based interpretation of the centric-to-pennate d15Ndb difference suggests that late summer surface waters became nitrate free during the peak glacials.


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