966 resultados para Solids incorporation
This work is concerned with a study of certain phenomena related to the performance and design of distributors in gas fluidized beds with particular regard to flowback of solid particles. The work to be described is divided into two parts. I. In Part one, a review of published material pertaining to distribution plates, including details from the patent specifications, has been prepared. After a chapter on the determination of the incipient fluidizing velocity, the following aspects of multi-orifice distributor plates in gas fluidized beds have been studied: (i) The effect of the distributor on bubble formation related to the way in which even distribution of bubbles on the top surface of the fluidized bed is obtained, e.g. the desirable pressure drop ratio ?PD/?PB for the even distribution of gas across the bed. Ratios of distributor pressure drop ?PD to bed pressure drop at which stable fluidization occurs show reasonable agreement with industrial practice. There is evidence that larger diameter beds tend to be less stable than smaller diameter beds when these are operated with shallow beds. Experiments show that in the presence of the bed the distributor pressure drop is reduced relative to the pressure drop without the bed, and this pressure drop in the former condition is regarded as the appropriate parameter for the design of the distributor. (ii) Experimental measurements of bubble distribution at the surface has been used to indicate maldistribution within the bed. Maldistribution is more likely at low gas flow rates and with distributors having large fractional free area characteristics (i.e. with distributors having low pressure drops). Bubble sizes obtained from this study, as well as those of others, have been successfully correlated. The correlation produced implies the existence of a bubble at the surface of an orifice and its growth by the addition of excess gas from the fluidized bed. (iii) For a given solid system, the amount of defluidized particles stagnating on the distributor plate is influenced by the orifice spacing, bed diameter and gas flow rate, but independent of the initial bed height and the way the orifices are arranged on the distributor plate. II. In Part two, solids flowback through single and multi-orifice distributors in two-dimensional and cylindrical beds of solids fluidized with air has been investigated. Distributors equipped with long cylindrical nozzles have also been included in the study. An equation for the prediction of free flowback of solids through multi-orifice distributors has been derived. Under fluidized conditions two regimes of flowback have been differentiated, namely Jumping and weeping. Data in the weeping regime have been successfully correlated. The limiting gas velocity through the distributor orifices at which flowback is completely excluded is found to be indepnndent of bed height, but a function of distributor design and physical properties of gas and solid used. A criterion for the prediction of this velocity has been established. The decisive advantage of increasing the distributor thickness or using nozzles to minimize solids flowback in fluidized beds has been observed and the opportunity taken to explore this poorly studied subject area. It has been noted, probably for the first time, that with long nozzles, there exists a critical nozzle length above which uncontrollable downflow of solids occurs. A theoretical model for predicting the critical length of a bundle of nozzles in terms of gas velocity through the nozzles has been set up. Theoretical calculations compared favourably with experiments.
Development of accurate and sensitive analytical methods to measure the level of biomarkers, such as 8-oxo-guanine or its corresponding nucleoside, 8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine, has become imperative in the study of DNA oxidative damage in vivo. Of the most promising techniques, HPLC-MS/MS, has many attractive advantages. Like any method that employs the MS technique, its accuracy depends on the use of multiply, isotopically-labelled internal standards. This project is aimed at making available such internal standards. The first task was to synthesise the multiply, isotopically-labelled bases (M+4) guanine and (M+4) 8-oxo-guanine. Synthetic routes for both (M+4) guanine and (M+4) 8-oxo-guanine were designed and validated using the unlabelled compounds. The reaction conditions were also optimized during the “dry runs”. The amination of the 4-hydroxy-2,6-dichloropyrimidine, appeared to be very sensitive to the purity of the commercial [15]N benzylamine reagent. Having failed, after several attempts, to obtain the pure reagent from commercial suppliers, [15]N benzylamine was successfully synthesised in our laboratory and used in the first synthesis of (M+4) guanine. Although (M+4) bases can be, and indeed have been used as internal standards in the quantitative analysis of oxidative damage, they can not account for the errors that may occur during the early sample preparation stages. Therefore, internal standards in the form of nucleosides and DNA oligomers are more desirable. After evaluating a number of methods, an enzymatic transglycolization technique was adopted for the transfer of the labelled bases to give their corresponding nucleosides. Both (M+4) 2-deoxyguanosine and (M+4) 8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine can be purified on micro scale by HPLC. The challenge came from the purification of larger scale (>50 mg) synthesis of nucleosides. A gel filtration method was successfully developed, which resulted in excellent separation of (M+4) 2’-deoxyguanosine from the incubation mixture. The (M+4) 2’-deoxyguanosine was then fully protected in three steps and successfully incorporated, by solid supported synthesis, into a DNA oligomer containing 18 residues. Thus, synthesis of 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine on a bigger scale for its future incorporation into DNA oligomers is now a possibility resulting from this thesis work. We believe that these internal standards can be used to develop procedures that can make the measurement of oxidative DNA damage more accurate and sensitive.
The initial objective of this work was to evaluate and introduce fabrication techniques based on W/0/W double emulsion and 0/W single emulsion systems with solvent evaporation for the incorporation of a surrogate macromolecule (BSA) into microspheres and microcapsules fabricated using P(HB-HV}, PEA and their blends. Biodegradation, expressed as changes in the gross and ultrastructural morphology of BSA loaded microparticulates with time was monitored using SEM concomitant with BSA release. Spherical microparticulates were successfully fabricated using both the W/0/W and 0/W emulsion systems. Both microspheres and microcapsules released BSA over a period of 24 to 26 days. BSA release from P(HB-HV)20% PCL 11 microcapsules increased steadily with time, while BSA release from all other microparticulates was characterised by an initial lag phase followed by exponential release lasting 6-11 days. Microcapsules were found to biodegrade more rapidly than microspheres fabricated from the same polymer. The incubation of microparticulates in newborn calf serum; synthetic gastric juice and pancreatin solution showed that microspheres and microcapsules were susceptible to enzymatic biodegradation. The in vitro incubation of microparticulates in Hank's buffer demonstrated limited biodegradation of microspheres and microcapsules by simple chemical hydrolysis. BSA release was thought to ocurr as a result of the macromolecule diffusing through either inherent micropores or via pores and channels generated in situ by previously dissolved BSA. However, in all cases, irrespective of percentage loading or fabrication polymer, low encapsulation efficiencies were obtained with W/0/W and 0/W techniques (4.2±0.9%- 15.5±0.5%,n=3), thus restricting the use of these techniques for the generation of microparticulate sustained drug delivery devices. In order to overcome this low encapsulation efficiency, a W/0 single emulsion technique was developed and evaluated in an attempt to minimise the loss of the macromolecule into the continuous aqueous phase and increase encapsulation efficiency. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) [PLCG] 75:25 and 50:50, PEA alone and PEA blended with PLCG 50:50 to accelerate biodegradation, were used to microencapsulate the water soluble antibiotic vancomycin, a putative replacement for gentamicin in the control of bacterial infection in orthopaedic surgery especially during total hip replacement. Spherical microspheres (17.39±6.89~m,n=74-56.5±13.8~m,n=70) were successfully fabricated with vancomycin loadings of 10, 25 and 50%, regardless of the polymer blend used. All microspheres remained structurally intact over the period of vancomycin release and exhibited high percentage yields( 40. 75±2 .86%- 97.16±4.3%,n=3)and encapsulation efficiencies (47.75±9.0%- 96.74±13.2%,n=12). PLCG 75:25 microspheres with a vancomycin loading of 50% were judged to be the most useful since they had an encapsulation efficiency of 96.74+13.2%, n=12 and sustained therapeutically significant vancomycin release (15-25μg/ml) for up to 26 days. This work has provided the means for the fabrication of a spectrum of prototype biodegradable microparticulates, whose biodegradation has been characterised in physiological media and which have the potential for the sustained delivery of therapeutically useful macromolecules including water soluble antibiotics for orthopaedic applications.
The preparation of N2-phenoxylacetyl-S 6-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-6-thioguanosine phosphoramidite and its subsequent incorporation into oligoribonucleotides is described. The identity of the oligonucleotides was confirmed by UV spectrophotometry and nucleoside composition analysis. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Microporous, poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrices were loaded with progesterone by precipitation casting using co-solutions of PCL and progesterone in acetone. Progesterone loadings up to 32% w/w were readily achieved by increasing the drug content of the starting PCL solution. The kinetics of steroid release in PBS at 37°C over 10 days could be described effectively by a diffusional release model although the Korsmeyer-Peppas model indicated the involvement of multiple release phenomena. The diffusion rate constant (D) increased from 8 to 24 μg/mg matrix/day0.5 as the drug loading increased from 3.6 to 12.4% w/w. A total cumulative release of 75%-95% indicates the high efficiency of steroid delivery. Increasing the matrix density from 0.22 to 0.39 g/cm3, by increasing the starting PCL solution concentration, was less effective in changing drug release kinetics. Retention of anti-proliferative activity of released steroid was confirmed using cultures of breast cancer epithelial (MCF-7) cells. Progesterone released from PCL matrices into PBS at 37°C over 14 days retarded the growth of MCF-7 cells by a factor of at least 3.5 compared with progesterone-free controls. These findings recommend further investigation of precipitation-cast PCL matrices for delivery of bioactive molecules such as anti-proliferative agents from implanted, inserted or topical devices.
In this review, we discuss the phenomenon of complementary macropore incorporation into mesoporous and/or microporous solids in order to enhance their catalytic performance in fuels and chemicals synthesis. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.
This paper presents MRI measurements of a novel semi solid MR contrast agent to pressure. The agent is comprised of potassium chloride cross linked carageenan gum at a concentration of 2% w/v, with micron size lipid coated bubbles of air at a concentration of 3% v/v. The choice for an optimum suspending medium, the methods of production and the preliminary MRI results are presented herein. The carageenan gum is shown to be ideally elastic for compressions relating to volume changes less than 15%, in contrast to the inelastic gellan gum also tested. Although slightly lower than that of gellan gum, carageenan has a water diffusion coefficient of 1.72×10-9 m2.s-1 indicating its suitability to this purpose. RARE imaging is performed whilst simultaneously compressing test and control samples and a maximum sensitivity of 1.6% MR signal change per % volume change is found which is shown to be independent of proton density variations due to the presence of microbubbles and compression. This contrast agent could prove useful for numerous applications, and particularly in chemical engineering. More generally the method allows the user to non-invasively image with MRI any process that causes, within the solid, local changes either in bubble size or bubble shape. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We investigate the impact of methane concentration in hydrogen plasma on the growth of large-grained polycrystalline diamond (PCD) films and its hydrogen impurity incorporation. The diamond samples were produced using high CH4 concentration in H2 plasma and high power up to 4350 W and high pressure (either 105 or 110 Torr) in a microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) system. The thickness of the free-standing diamond films varies from 165 µm to 430 µm. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), micro-Raman spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were used to characterize the morphology, crystalline and optical quality of the diamond samples, and bonded hydrogen impurity in the diamond films, respectively. Under the conditions employed here, when methane concentration in the gas phase increases from 3.75% to 7.5%, the growth rate of the PCD films rises from around 3.0 µm/h up to 8.5 µm/h, and the optical active bonded hydrogen impurity content also increases more than one times, especially the two CVD diamond specific H related infrared absorption peaks at 2818 and 2828 cm−1 rise strongly; while the crystalline and optical quality of the MCD films decreases significantly, namely structural defects and non-diamond carbon phase content also increases a lot with increasing of methane concentration. Based on the results, the relationship between methane concentration and diamond growth rate and hydrogen impurity incorporation including the form of bonded infrared active hydrogen impurity in CVD diamonds was analyzed and discussed. The effect of substrate temperature on diamond growth was also briefly discussed. The experimental findings indicate that bonded hydrogen impurity in CVD diamond films mainly comes from methane rather than hydrogen in the gas source, and thus can provide experimental evidence for the theoretical study of the standard methyl species dominated growth mechanism of CVD diamonds grown with methane/hydrogen mixtures.
Aim. To compare the incorporation, growth, and chondrogenic potential of bone marrow (BM) and adipose tissue (AT) mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in scaffolds used for cartilage repair. Methods. Human BM and AT MSCs were isolated, culture expanded, and characterised using standard protocols, then seeded into 2 different scaffolds, Chondro-Gide or Alpha Chondro Shield. Cell adhesion, incorporation, and viable cell growth were assessed microscopically and following calcein AM/ethidium homodimer (Live/Dead) staining. Cell-seeded scaffolds were treated with chondrogenic inducers for 28 days. Extracellular matrix deposition and soluble glycosaminoglycan (GAG) release into the culture medium was measured at day 28 by histology/immunohistochemistry and dimethylmethylene blue assay, respectively. Results. A greater number of viable MSCs from either source adhered and incorporated into Chondro-Gide than into Alpha Chondro Shield. In both cell scaffolds, this incorporation represented less than 2% of the cells that were seeded. There was a marked proliferation of BM MSCs, but not AT MSCs, in Chondro-Gide. MSCs from both sources underwent chondrogenic differentiation following induction. However, cartilaginous extracellular matrix deposition was most marked in Chondro- Gide seeded with BM MSCs. Soluble GAG secretion increased in chondrogenic versus control conditions. There was no marked difference in GAG secretion by MSCs from either cell source. Conclusion. Chondro-Gide and Alpha Chondro Shield were permissive to the incorporation and chondrogenic differentiation of human BM and AT MSCs. Chondro-Gide seeded with BM MSCs demonstrated the greatest increase in MSC number and deposition of a cartilaginous tissue.
Group VI metal hexacarbonyls, M(CO)6 (M = Cr, Mo and W), are of extreme importance as catalysts in industry and also of fundamental interest due to the established charge transfer mechanism between the carbon monoxide and the metal. They condense to molecular solids at ambient conditions retaining the octahedral (Oh) symmetry of gas phase and have been extensively investigated by previous workers to understand their fundamental chemical bonding and possible industrial applications. However little is known about their behavior at high pressures which is the focus of this dissertation. Metal hexacarbonyls were subjected to high pressures in Diamond-Anvil cells to understand the pressure effect on chemical bonding using Raman scattering in situ. The high-pressure results on each of the three metal hexacarbonyls are presented and are followed by a critical analysis of the entire family. The Raman study was conducted at pressures up to 45 GPa and X-ray up to 58 GPa. This is followed by a discussion on infra red spectra in conjunction with Raman and X-ray analysis to provide a rationale for polymerization. Finally the probable synthesis of extremely reactive species under high-pressures and as identified via Raman is discussed. The high-pressure Raman scattering, up to 30 GPa, demonstrated the absence of Π-backbonding. The disappearance of parental Raman spectra for (M = Cr, Mo and W) at 29.6, 23.3 and 22.2 GPa respectively was attributed to the total collapse of the Oh symmetry. This collapse under high-pressure lead to metal-mediated polymeric phase characterized by Raman active δ(OCO) feature, originating from intermolecular vibrational coupling in the parent sample. Further increase in pressures up to 45 GPa, did not affect this feature. The pressure quenched Raman spectra, revealed various chemical groups non-characteristic of the parent sample and adsorption of CO in addition to the characteristic δ(OCO) feature. The thus recorded Raman, complemented with the far and mid-infrared pressure quenched spectra, reveal the formation of novel metal-mediated polymers. The X-ray diffraction on W(CO)6 up to 58 GPa revealed the generation of amorphous polymeric pattern which was retained back to ambient conditions.