970 resultados para Solar heating


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Maclean, R., Beveridge, C., Longcope, D.W., Brown, D.S. and Priest, E.R., 2005, A topological analysis of the magnetic breakout model for an eruptive solar flare, Proc. Roy. Soc., 461, 2099-2120. Sponsorship: PPARC/STFC


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Morgan, H.; Habbal, S. R., An empirical 3D model of the large-scale coronal structure based on the distribution of H? filaments on the solar disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 464, Issue 1, March II 2007, pp.357-365


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Jones, R. A.; Breen, A. R.; Fallows, R. A.; Canals, A.; Bisi, M. M.; Lawrence, G. (2007). Interaction between coronal mass ejections and the solar wind, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, Issue A8 RAE2008


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Canals, A.; Breen, A. R.; Ofman, L.; Moran, P. J.; Fallows, R. A., Estimating random transverse velocities in the fast solar wind from EISCAT Interplanetary Scintillation measurements, Annales Geophysicae, vol. 20, Issue 9, pp.1265-1277


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Chaplin, W. J.; Dumbill, A. M.; Elsworth, Y.; Isaak, G. R.; McLeod, C. P.; Miller, B. A.; New, R.; Pint?r, B., Studies of the solar mean magnetic field with the Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON), Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 343, Issue 3, pp. 813-818. RAE2008


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Breen, Andrew; Fallows, R. A.; Thomasson, P.; Bisi, M. M., 'Extremely long baseline interplanetary scintillation measurements of solar wind velocity', Journal of Geophysical Research (2006) 111(A8) pp.A08104 RAE2008


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Li, Xing; Lu, Q. M.; Li, B., 'Ion Pickup by Finite Amplitude Parallel Propagating Alfven Waves', The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2007) 661(1) pp.L105-L108 RAE2008


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Pint?r, B.; Erd?lyi, R.; Goossens, M., Global oscillations in a magnetic solar model. II. Oblique propagation, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 466, Issue 1, April IV 2007, pp.377-388 Pint?r, B.; Erd?lyi, R.; Goossens, M., (2007) 'Global oscillations in a magnetic solar model II. Oblique propagation', Astronomy and Astrophysics 466(1) pp.377-388 RAE2008


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Breen, Andrew; Bisi, M.M.; Fallows, R.A.; Habbal, S.R., (2007) 'Large-scale structure of the fast solar wind', Journal of Geophysical Research 112(A6) pp.A06101 RAE2008


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Concentrating solar power is an important way of providing renewable energy. Model simulation approaches play a fundamental role in the development of this technology and, for this, an accurately validation of the models is crucial. This work presents the validation of the heat loss model of the absorber tube of a parabolic trough plant by comparing the model heat loss estimates with real measurements in a specialized testing laboratory. The study focuses on the implementation in the model of a physical-meaningful and widely valid formulation of the absorber total emissivity depending on the surface’s temperature. For this purpose, the spectral emissivity of several absorber’s samples are measured and, with these data, the absorber total emissivity curve is obtained according to Planck function. This physical-meaningful formulation is used as input parameter in the heat loss model and a successful validation of the model is performed. Since measuring the spectral emissivity of the absorber surface may be complex and it is sample-destructive, a new methodology for the absorber’s emissivity characterization is proposed. This methodology provides an estimation of the absorber total emissivity, retaining its physical meaning and widely valid formulation according to Planck function with no need for direct spectral measurements. This proposed method is also successfully validated and the results are shown in the present paper.


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The deposition of ultrasonic energy in tissue can cause tissue damage due to local heating. For pressures above a critical threshold, cavitation will occur in tissue and bubbles will be created. These oscillating bubbles can induce a much larger thermal energy deposition in the local region. Traditionally, clinicians and researchers have not exploited this bubble-enhanced heating since cavitation behavior is erratic and very difficult to control. The present work is an attempt to control and utilize this bubble-enhanced heating. First, by applying appropriate bubble dynamic models, limits on the asymptotic bubble size distribution are obtained for different driving pressures at 1 MHz. The size distributions are bounded by two thresholds: the bubble shape instability threshold and the rectified diffusion threshold. The growth rate of bubbles in this region is also given, and the resulting time evolution of the heating in a given insonation scenario is modeled. In addition, some experimental results have been obtained to investigate the bubble-enhanced heating in an agar and graphite based tissue- mimicking material. Heating as a function of dissolved gas concentrations in the tissue phantom is investigated. Bubble-based contrast agents are introduced to investigate the effect on the bubble-enhanced heating, and to control the initial bubble size distribution. The mechanisms of cavitation-related bubble heating are investigated, and a heating model is established using our understanding of the bubble dynamics. By fitting appropriate bubble densities in the ultrasound field, the peak temperature changes are simulated. The results for required bubble density are given. Finally, a simple bubbly liquid model is presented to estimate the shielding effects which may be important even for low void fraction during high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment.


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A complete understanding of high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced temperature changes in tissue requires insight into all potential mechanisms for heat deposition. Applications of therapeutic ultrasound often utilize acoustic pressures capable of producing cavitation activity. Recognizing the ability of bubbles to transfer acoustic energy into heat generation, a study of the role bubbles play in tissue hyperthermia becomes necessary. These bubbles are typically less than 50μm. This dissertation examines the contribution of bubbles and their motion to an enhanced heating effect observed in a tissue-mimicking phantom. A series of experiments established a relationship between bubble activity and an enhanced temperature rise in the phantom by simultaneously measuring both the temperature change and acoustic emissions from bubbles. It was found that a strong correlation exists between the onset of the enhanced heating effect and observable cavitation activity. In addition, the likelihood of observing the enhanced heating effect was largely unaffected by the insonation duration for all but the shortest of insonation times, 0.1 seconds. Numerical simulations were used investigate the relative importance of two candidate mechanisms for heat deposition from bubbles as a means to quantify the number of bubbles required to produce the enhanced temperature rise. The energy deposition from viscous dissipation and the absorption of radiated sound from bubbles were considered as a function of the bubble size and the viscosity of the surrounding medium. Although both mechanisms were capable of producing the level of energy required for the enhanced heating effect, it was found that inertial cavitation, associated with high acoustic radiation and low viscous dissipation, coincided with the the nature of the cavitation best detected by the experimental system. The number of bubbles required to account for the enhanced heating effect was determined through the numerical study to be on the order of 150 or less.


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High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) can be used to control bleeding, both from individual blood vessels as well as from gross damage to the capillary bed. This process, called acoustic hemostasis, is being studied in the hope that such a method would ultimately provide a lifesaving treatment during the so-called "golden hour", a brief grace period after a severe trauma in which prompt therapy can save the life of an injured person. Thermal effects play a major role in occlusion of small vessels and also appear to contribute to the sealing of punctures in major blood vessels. However, aggressive ultrasound-induced tissue heating can also impact healthy tissue and can lead to deleterious mechanical bioeffects. Moreover, the presence of vascularity can limit one’s ability to elevate the temperature of blood vessel walls owing to convective heat transport. In an effort to better understand the heating process in tissues with vascular structure we have developed a numerical simulation that couples models for ultrasound propagation, acoustic streaming, ultrasound heating and blood cooling in Newtonian viscous media. The 3-D simulation allows for the study of complicated biological structures and insonation geometries. We have also undertaken a series of in vitro experiments, in non-uniform flow-through tissue phantoms, designed to provide a ground truth verification of the model predictions. The calculated and measured results were compared over a range of values for insonation pressure, insonation time, and flow rate; we show good agreement between predictions and measurements. We then conducted a series of simulations that address two limiting problems of interest: hemostasis in small and large vessels. We employed realistic human tissue properties and considered more complex geometries. Results show that the heating pattern in and around a blood vessel is different for different vessel sizes, flow rates and for varying beam orientations relative to the flow axis. Complete occlusion and wall- puncture sealing are both possible depending on the exposure conditions. These results concur with prior clinical observations and may prove useful for planning of a more effective procedure in HIFU treatments.


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For high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to continue to gain acceptance for cancer treatment it is necessary to understand how the applied ultrasound interacts with gas trapped in the tissue. The presence of bubbles in the target location have been thought to be responsible for shielding the incoming pressure and increasing local heat deposition due to the bubble dynamics. We lack adequate tools for monitoring the cavitation process, due to both limited visualization methods and understanding of the underlying physics. The goal of this project was to elucidate the role of inertial cavitation in HIFU exposures in the hope of applying noise diagnostics to monitor cavitation activity and control HIFU-induced cavitation in a beneficial manner. A number of approaches were taken to understand the relationship between inertial cavitation signals, bubble heating, and bubble shielding in agar-graphite tissue phantoms. Passive cavitation detection (PCD) techniques were employed to detect inertial bubble collapses while the temperature was monitored with an embedded thermocouple. Results indicate that the broadband noise amplitude is correlated to bubble-enhanced heating. Monitoring inertial cavitation at multiple positions throughout the focal region demonstrated that bubble activity increased prefocally as it diminished near the focus. Lowering the HIFU duty cycle had the effect of maintaining a more or less constant cavitation signal, suggesting the shielding effect diminished when the bubbles had a chance to dissolve during the HIFU off-time. Modeling the effect of increasing the ambient temperature showed that bubbles do not collapse as violently at higher temperatures due to increased vapor pressure inside the bubble. Our conclusion is that inertial cavitation heating is less effective at higher temperatures and bubble shielding is involved in shifting energy deposition at the focus. The use of a diagnostic ultrasound imaging system as a PCD array was explored. Filtering out the scattered harmonics from the received RF signals resulted in a spatially- resolved inertial cavitation signal, while the amplitude of the harmonics showed a correlation with temperatures approaching the onset of boiling. The result is a new tool for detecting a broader spectrum of bubble activity and thus enhancing HIFU treatment visualization and feedback.


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Solar Energy is a clean and abundant energy source that can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels around which questions still persist about their contribution to climate and long-term availability. Monolithic triple-junction solar cells are currently the state of the art photovoltaic devices with champion cell efficiencies exceeding 40%, but their ultimate efficiency is restricted by the current-matching constraint of series-connected cells. The objective of this thesis was to investigate the use of solar cells with lattice constants equal to InP in order to reduce the constraint of current matching in multi-junction solar cells. This was addressed by two approaches: Firstly, the formation of mechanically stacked solar cells (MSSC) was investigated through the addition of separate connections to individual cells that make up a multi-junction device. An electrical and optical modelling approach identified separately connected InGaAs bottom cells stacked under dual-junction GaAs based top cells as a route to high efficiency. An InGaAs solar cell was fabricated on an InP substrate with a measured 1-Sun conversion efficiency of 9.3%. A comparative study of adhesives found benzocyclobutene to be the most suitable for bonding component cells in a mechanically stacked configuration owing to its higher thermal conductivity and refractive index when compared to other candidate adhesives. A flip-chip process was developed to bond single-junction GaAs and InGaAs cells with a measured 4-terminal MSSC efficiency of 25.2% under 1-Sun conditions. Additionally, a novel InAlAs solar cell was identified, which can be used to provide an alternative to the well established GaAs solar cell. As wide bandgap InAlAs solar cells have not been extensively investigated for use in photovoltaics, single-junction cells were fabricated and their properties relevant to PV operation analysed. Minority carrier diffusion lengths in the micrometre range were extracted, confirming InAlAs as a suitable material for use in III-V solar cells, and a 1-Sun conversion efficiency of 6.6% measured for cells with 800 nm thick absorber layers. Given the cost and small diameter of commercially available InP wafers, InGaAs and InAlAs solar cells were fabricated on alternative substrates, namely GaAs. As a first demonstration the lattice constant of a GaAs substrate was graded to InP using an InxGa1-xAs metamorphic buffer layer onto which cells were grown. This was the first demonstration of an InAlAs solar cell on an alternative substrate and an initial step towards fabricating these cells on Si. The results presented offer a route to developing multi-junction solar cell devices based on the InP lattice parameter, thus extending the range of available bandgaps for high efficiency cells.