928 resultados para Solar Dryers and Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage


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New Zealand is one of the world’s largest producers of dairy products and has a climate with high levels of solar radiation; however, the use of solar energy in the dairy processing industry has received limited attention. An examination of historical records found that the annual peak in New Zealand milk production and processing occurs at a time when solar radiation levels are increasing markedly. An F-Chart analysis was used to simulate the performance of large-area arrays of solar collectors and to determine their suitability for heating and cooling in a dairy processing environment. For the study four types of solar collectors were analysed: glazed flat plates, evacuated tubes, evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors and a building-integrated solar collector under development at the University of Waikato (UoW). It was found that of these echnologies, both flat plate and evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors could make useful heating and cooling contributions. Furthermore, the solar fraction was determined mainly by the collector area to storage volume ratio. Finally, it was found that the UoW building-integrated solar collector could make a significant contribution to energy use in dairies and may be an attractive future technology for the industry.


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Thirty years ago in Australia, there was a significant research, development and demonstration programme in solar industrial process heating (SIPH). This activity was led principally by the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation, the country’s main scientific research body. Other state government bodies also funded demonstration projects. Today, there is very little SIPH activity at any level in Australia. The contrast with the progress in other renewable energy technologies like wind and solar photovoltaic systems is striking. While the implementation of these technologies has progressed, SIPH has gone backwards. If Australia is to decarbonise its economy at the rate required, a massive deployment of solar thermal technology in those industries which use large quantities of low temperature hot water is also required. Recent developments nationally and internationally may rekindle new applications of solar thermal energy use by industry. This paper reviews the past achievements in SIPH in Australia and describes the lessons learned in order to better prepare for any new wave of SIPH activity.


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In many highly glazed buildings, the thermal comfort of the occupants will tend to be related to the incoming solar energy and the heat transfer behaviour of the glazing. In this study, several glazing systems were designed using the software tools VISION 3 (University of Waterloo 1992) and WINDOW-6 (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2011), with a view to improving thermal environment of occupants near the glazed wall of a commercial office. The systems were fabricated and experimentally tested to validate the software modelling results. Subsequently, the glazing systems were retro-fitted to the office and tested in situ for a summer month. Results of this testing, in the form of Fangers’ predicted mean vote (PMV) and the predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD), are presented, and some options for improving the thermal environment in this near-façade zone are discussed.


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Architects and designers could readily use a quick and easy tool to determine the solar heat gains of their selected glazing systems for particular orientations, tilts and climate data. Speedy results under variable solar angles and degree of irradiance would be welcomed by most. Furthermore, a newly proposed program should utilise the outputs of existing glazing tools and their standard information, such as the use of U-values and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients (SHGC’s) as generated for numerous glazing configurations by the well-known program WINDOW 6.0 (LBNL, 2001). The results of this tool provide interior glass surface temperature and transmitted solar radiation which link into comfort analysis inputs required by the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool –V2 (ASHRAE, 2011). This tool is a simple-to-use calculator providing the total solar heat gain of a glazing system exposed to various angles of solar incidence. Given basic climate (solar) data, as well as the orientation of the glazing under consideration the solar heat gain can be calculated. The calculation incorporates the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient function produced for the glazing system under various angles of solar incidence WINDOW 6.0 (LBNL, 2001). The significance of this work rests in providing an orientation-based heat transfer calculator through an easy-to-use tool (using Microsoft EXCEL) for user inputs of climate and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (WINDOW-6) data. We address the factors to be considered such as solar position and the incident angles to the horizontal and the window surface, and the fact that the solar heat gain coefficient is a function of the angle of incidence. We also discuss the effect of the diffuse components of radiation from the sky and those from ground surface reflection, which require refinement of the calculation methods. The calculator is implemented in an Excel workbook allowing the user to input a dataset and immediately produce the resulting solar gain. We compare this calculated total solar heat gain with measurements from a test facility described elsewhere in this conference (Luther et.al., 2012).


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Remote communities in the high altitude areas of Nepal suffer both chronic and acute malnutrition. This is due to a shortage of arable land and a harsh climate. For seven months of the year, the harvesting of fresh vegetables is almost impossible. Greenhouse technology, if appropriate for the location and its community, can extend the growing season considerably. Experience in the Ladakh region of India indicates that year-round cropping is possible in greenhouses in cold mountainous areas. A simple 50-m2 greenhouse has been constructed in Simikot, the main town of Humla, northwest Nepal. This paper describes the evaluation of the thermal performance of that greenhouse. Both measurement and simulation were used in the evaluation. Measurements during the winter of 2006-7 indicate that the existing design is capable of producing adequate growing conditions for some vegetable crops, but that improvements are required if crops like tomatoes are to be grown successfully. Options to improve the thermal performance of the greenhouse have been investigated by simulation. Improvements to the building envelope such as wall insulation, double-glazing and using a thermal screen were simulated with a validated TRNSYS model. The impact of the addition of nighttime heat from internal passive solar water collectors was also predicted. The simulations indicate that the passive solar water collectors would raise the average greenhouse air temperature by 2.5°C and the overnight air temperature would increase by 4.0°C. When used in combination, overnight temperatures are predicted to by almost 7°C higher.


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Today’s power system network has become more complex and it has more responsibilities and challenges to provide secure, reliable and quality energysupply to the communities. A small entity of electrical network known as Microgrid (MG) is more popular nowadays to enhance reliablity and secure level of energy supply, in case of any energy crisis in the utility network. The MG can also provide clean energy supply by integrating renewable energy sources effectively. TheMG with small scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power system is more suitable to provide reliable and clean energy supply for remote or urban communities in residential level. This paper presents the basic analysis study of stand-alone solar photovoltaic (PV) MG power system which has been developed with the aid of Matlab - Simulink software, on the basis of residential load profile and solar exposure level in a particular area of Geelong, Victoria State. The simulation result depicts the control behavior of MG power system with optimum sizing of PV (4.385 kW)and battery storage (480Ah/48V) facility, fulfills daily energy needs in residential load level. This study provides a good platform to develop an effective and reliable stand-alone MG power system for the remote communities in the near future.


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It presents a solar collector to be used in a system for heating water for bathing, whose main characteristics are its low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly. The absorbing surface of the collector is formed by an aluminum plate with eight flaps where they lodge PVC pipes. The catchment area of solar radiation corresponds to 1.3 meters. The collector box was made of wood, is covered by transparent glass and thermal insulation of tire chips and expanded polystyrene (EPS). Absorber tubes were connected in parallel through the use of PVC fittings and fixed to the plate by the use of metal poles and rivets. The entire absorber received paint flat black for better absorption of sunlight. The system worked on a thermosiphon assembly and absorber of the collector has been tested in two configurations: with the tubes facing up, directly exposed to the impact of sunlight and facing down, exchanging heat with the plate by conduction. It was determined the most efficient configuration for the correct purpose. The solar collector was connected to a thermal reservoir, also alternative, low-cost forming the system of solar water heating. We evaluated thermal parameters that proved the viability of the heating system studied


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The technical and economic viability of solar heating for swimming pools is unquestionable, besides there it replaces the high costs and environmental impacts of conventional supply of energy, and it improves an optimization in the pool heating uses. This work applies the principles of the greenhouse effect: advanced thermodynamics, heat retention and equalization of temperature, to optimize the solar heating equipment, reducing the area required by collectors as much as 40% (still estimated value) for commercial collectors, with minor architectural and aesthetic impacts on the environment. It features a solar heating alternative in pools, whose main characteristics: low cost, simplicity in manufacturing and assembly and a faster heating. The system consists of two collectors spiral hoses made of polyethylene with a hundred meters each, and working on a forced flow, with only one pass of the working fluid inside the coils, and is used to pump itself treatment of pool water to obtain the desired flow. One of the collectors will be exposed to direct solar radiation, and the other will be covered by a glass slide and closed laterally, so providing the greenhouse effect. The equipment will be installed in parallel and simultaneously exposed to the sun in order to obtain comparative data on their effectiveness. Will be presented results of thermal tests for this the two cases, with and without transparent cover. Will be demonstrated, by comparison, the thermal, economic and material feasibility of these systems for heating swimming pools.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e relacionar a radiação líquida com o calor latente equivalente, em mm de água, nos cultivos protegido e de campo, na cultura de pimentão. O experimento foi feito em Botucatu, SP. A estimativa do fluxo de calor latente foi feita pelo método do balanço de energia, por meio da razão de Bowen. Foram feitas medidas instantâneas da radiação líquida (Rn), dos fluxos convectivos de calor latente (LE) e sensível (H), do fluxo de calor no solo (G), e dos gradientes psicrométricos sobre a cultura. O cultivo protegido, apesar de receber menor quantidade de radiação solar global, foi mais eficiente na conversão da radiação líquida disponível em matéria seca total e na produtividade de frutos. No balanço de energia, o cultivo protegido apresentou razões G/Rn e LE/Rn inferiores e H/Rn superior, com um fluxo de calor latente, equivalente em milímetros, 45,43% menor que no cultivo no campo. Apresentou, ainda, menor quantidade de radiação líquida disponível e menores perdas de energia, mostrando-se mais eficiente no uso da água.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of water storage time on the cytotoxicity of soft liners.Methods: Sample discs of soft liners Dentusoft, Dentuflex, Trusoft, Ufi-Gel-P and denture base acrylic resin Lucitone-550 were prepared and divided into four groups: GN: No treatment, G24: Stored in water at 37 degrees C for 24 h; G48: Stored in water at 37 degrees C for 48 h, GHW: Immersed in water at 55 degrees C for 10 min. To analyse the cytotoxic effect, three samples of each group were placed in tubes with Dubelcco's Modified Eagle Mediums and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h. During this period, the toxic substances were leached to the culture medium. The cytotoxicity was analysed quantitatively by the incorporation of radioactivity H-3-thymidine checking the number of viable cells (synthesis of DNA). The data were statistically analysed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's honestly significant difference tests (alpha = 0.05).Results: Treatments did not reduce the cytotoxicity effect of the soft liners (p > 0.05). It was found that Ufi-Gel-P had a non-cytotoxic effect, Trusoft had a slightly cytotoxic effect, Dentuflex had a moderated cytotoxic effect, Dentusoft alternated between slightly and non-cytotoxic effect, and Lucitone-550 had non-cytotoxic effect when stored in water for 48 h.Conclusion: The effect of water storage and the heat treatment did not reduce the cytotoxicity of the soft liners.


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A thorough study of the thermal performance of multipass parallel cross-flow and counter-cross-flow heat exchangers has been carried out by applying a new numerical procedure. According to this procedure, the heat exchanger is discretized into small elements following the tube-side fluid circuits. Each element is itself a one-pass mixed-unmixed cross-flow heat exchanger. Simulated results have been validated through comparisons to results from analytical solutions for one- to four-pass, parallel cross-flow and counter-cross-flow arrangements. Very accurate results have been obtained over wide ranges of NTU (number of transfer units) and C* (heat capacity rate ratio) values. New effectiveness data for the aforementioned configurations and a higher number of tube passes is presented along with data for a complex flow configuration proposed elsewhere. The proposed procedure constitutes a useful research tool both for theoretical and experimental studies of cross-flow heat exchangers thermal performance.


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The accurate determination of thermophysical properties of milk is very important for design, simulation, optimization, and control of food processing such as evaporation, heat exchanging, spray drying, and so forth. Generally, polynomial methods are used for prediction of these properties based on empirical correlation to experimental data. Artificial neural networks are better Suited for processing noisy and extensive knowledge indexing. This article proposed the application of neural networks for prediction of specific heat, thermal conductivity, and density of milk with temperature ranged from 2.0 to 71.0degreesC, 72.0 to 92.0% of water content (w/w), and 1.350 to 7.822% of fat content (w/w). Artificial neural networks presented a better prediction capability of specific heat, thermal conductivity, and density of milk than polynomial modeling. It showed a reasonable alternative to empirical modeling for thermophysical properties of foods.


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The growing concern for renewable and cleaner energy sources has increased the demand for biofuels, pointing out the ethanol from sugarcane. The aim of this study was quantify the partition of energy balance components and monitor the physiological development indexes of the sugarcane, relating them to water availability conditions of climate and soil in Campos dos Goytacazes, Norte Fluminense, Brazil. To this end, a micrometeorological station was settled in an area of 13 ha in commercial cultivation. The culture was regularly monitored at 85, 102, 128, 149, 174, 194, 215, 235, 255 and 280 days after cutting (DAC). The variations in water availability directly influenced the rates of crop growth and energy balance. Under the conditions studied most of the available energy (53%) was consumed by the latent heat flux.