927 resultados para Sol-gel Route
Sampling and preconcentration techniques play a critical role in headspace analysis in analytical chemistry. My dissertation presents a novel sampling design, capillary microextraction of volatiles (CMV), that improves the preconcentration of volatiles and semivolatiles in a headspace with high throughput, near quantitative analysis, high recovery and unambiguous identification of compounds when coupled to mass spectrometry. The CMV devices use sol-gel polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) coated microglass fibers as the sampling/preconcentration sorbent when these fibers are stacked into open-ended capillary tubes. The design allows for dynamic headspace sampling by connecting the device to a hand-held vacuum pump. The inexpensive device can be fitted into a thermal desorption probe for thermal desorption of the extracted volatile compounds into a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The performance of the CMV devices was compared with two other existing preconcentration techniques, solid phase microextraction (SPME) and planar solid phase microextraction (PSPME). Compared to SPME fibers, the CMV devices have an improved surface area and phase volume of 5000 times and 80 times, respectively. One (1) minute dynamic CMV air sampling resulted in similar performance as a 30 min static extraction using a SPME fiber. The PSPME devices have been fashioned to easily interface with ion mobility spectrometers (IMS) for explosives or drugs detection. The CMV devices are shown to offer dynamic sampling and can now be coupled to COTS GC-MS instruments. Several compound classes representing explosives have been analyzed with minimum breakthrough even after a 60 min. sampling time. The extracted volatile compounds were retained in the CMV devices when preserved in aluminum foils after sampling. Finally, the CMV sampling device were used for several different headspace profiling applications which involved sampling a shipping facility, six illicit drugs, seven military explosives and eighteen different bacteria strains. Successful detection of the target analytes at ng levels of the target signature volatile compounds in these applications suggests that the CMV devices can provide high throughput qualitative and quantitative analysis with high recovery and unambiguous identification of analytes.
La catalyse est à la base de la fabrication de médicaments, de produits textiles, d‘engrais, des pots d’échappement, et une multitude d’autres applications de notre quotidien. En effet, dans les pays industrialisés jusqu’à 80% des produits manufacturés utilisés au quotidien ont nécessité au moins une étape de catalyse lors de leur fabrication. Outre être actif, il est primordial pour un catalyseur performant d’être résistant à la désactivation qui se traduit par la perte d’activité ou de sélectivité d’un catalyseur au cours du temps. La synthèse d’un matériau multifonctionnel permet de répondre à ces différents critères. L’objectif d’un design intelligent de matériaux est de mener à des effets synergiques de chacune des composantes. Pour un catalyseur, en plus d’être actif et sélectif pour le produit désiré, il faut en plus qu’il soit durable, stable dans le temps, et permette d’être réutilisable. L’objectif de ce projet est de faire une synthèse originale, simple et reproductible d’un catalyseur actif et résistant à la désactivation. De base, un catalyseur se compose d’un support et d’un matériau actif. La nature, la morphologie et l’agencement de ces derniers dictent le comportement chimique du catalyseur final. Comme matériau actif, les nanoparticules d’or sont très prisées en raison de leur potentiel de catalyse élevée pour de nombreuses réactions. Cependant, aux températures de fonctionnement de la catalyse, les nanoparticules d’or ont tendance à se désactiver par coalescence. Pour remédier à cela, il est possible de déposer une couche de silice mésoporeuse afin de protéger les NPs d’or des rudes conditions de réaction tout en étant perméables aux espèces réactives. Plusieurs types de matériaux peuvent servir de support aux nanoparticules d’or. À ce titre, les particules d’oxydes de fer magnétiques telles que la magnétite (Fe[indice inférieur 3]O[indice inférieur 4]) sont intéressantes pour leur potentiel hyperthermique, phénomène par lequel des nanoparticules (NPs) magnétiques transforment de l’énergie électromagnétique provenant d’un champ externe haute fréquence en chaleur, créant ainsi des nano-fours. Une première couche de silice est utilisée comme matrice de greffage afin de fixer les nanoparticules d’or sur la magnétite. La structure visée est illustrée à la Figure ci-dessous. Figure 1 Structure du catalyseur de Fe2O4@SiO2-Au-SiO2m (Ge, Zhang, Zhang, & Yin, 2008) Plusieurs avenues d’assemblage et de synthèse sont explorées pour chacune des composantes de la structure visée. Les avantages et inconvénients ainsi que des mécanismes sont proposés pour chaque voie de synthèse. Le matériau est utilisé comme catalyseur pour la réaction de réduction du 4-Nitrophénol par du NaBH4. Pour ce qui est de la synthèse de magnétite par voie solvothermique, il a été démontré qu’il était important d’être dans un milieu sous pression puisque l’étape limitante de la réaction est la solubilité des particules de magnétites dans le milieu. Cela est en accord avec le principe de mûrissement d’Ostwald selon lequel les petites particules ont tendance à se dissoudre dans le milieu et précipiter à la surface des plus grosses particules de façon à diminuer l’énergie interfaciale. Cette synthèse a été reproduite avec succès et a mené à la production de nanoparticules de Fe[indice inférieur 3]O[indice inférieur 4] sphériques creuses d’une taille de 150 [plus ou moins] 30nm. Ces sphères creuses ont été recouvertes d’une couche de silice dense par une méthode de Stöber modifiée. Le recouvrement forme des amas de particules et est non uniforme en raison de la présence de poly(éthlyène glycol) à la sur face de la magnétite, un adjuvant présent lors de sa synthèse afin d’améliorer la dispersion de la magnétite. La synthèse et le greffage d’AuNPs sont bien maîtrisés : les AuNPs ont une taille de 17 [plus ou moins] 6nm et la quantité d’or greffé est assez élevée. Ultimement, une méthode de greffage alternative tel que le greffage par croissance in situ de nanoparticules d’or pourrait être emprunté afin d’obtenir des particules plus petites. Pour ce qui est de la formation d’une couche de silice mésoporeuse, la méthode par calcination est une meilleure option que par gravure chimique en raison de sa sélectivité envers la couche externe de silice plus élevée ainsi que la formation apparente de pores.
In this work the maximum carbon dioxide adsorption capacity of carbon aerogels, obtained by a sol-gel process using 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid/formaldehyde (DHBAF) and resorcinol/formaldehyde (RF) as precursors, was studied. The effect of increasing the temperature of carbonization and physical activation of the samples DHBAF was also studied. The results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity is favoured at lower temperatures, adsorption and desorption are rapid and the performance is maintained over several cycles of CO2 adsorption/desorption. A comparison with samples of commercial carbons was also made and it was concluded that carbon aerogels exhibit a behaviour comparable or superior to that obtained for the commercial carbons studied.
Technical diversity and various knowledge is required for the understanding of undoubtedly complex system such as a Lithium-ion battery. The peculiarity is to combine different techniques that allow a complete investigation while the battery is working. Nowadays, research on Li-ion batteries (LIBs) is experiencing an exponential growth in the development of new cathode materials. Accordingly, Li-rich and Ni-rich NMCs, which have similar layered structure of LiMO2 oxides, have been recently proposed. Despite the promising performance on them, still a lot of issues have to be resolved and the materials need a more in depth characterisation for further commercial applications. In this study LiMO2 material, in particular M = Co and Ni, will be presented. We have focused on the synthesis of pure LiCoO2 and LiNiO2 at first, followed by the mixed LiNi0.5Co0.5O2. Different ways of synthesis were investigated for LCO but the sol-gel-water method showed the best performances. An accurate and systematic structural characterization followed by the appropriate electrochemical tests were done. Moreover, the in situ techniques (in-situ XRD and in situ OEMS) allowed a deep investigation in the structural change and gas evolution upon the electrochemically driven processes.
Solar fuels from CO2 is a topic of current large scientific and industrial interest. In particular, photo-electrochemical cells (PECs) represent today one of the most promising technology for storing sun energy as chemical bonds exploiting carbon dioxide as starting reagent. In this thesis, the possibility of using Aurivillius-type compounds for the production of solar fuels was deeply investigated. Aurivillius-type perovskites, with general formula Bi(n+1)Fe(n-3)Ti3O(3n+3), were synthesized and fully characterized to study the influence of the number of perovskite layers as well as of the synthesis parameters onto their final properties. In particular, 8 different systems were considered increasing the amount of iron and, as a consequence, the number of perovskite layers. These compounds were synthesized through a standard solid-state reaction method as well as via a sol-gel technique and characterized by XRD, SEM and BET analyses. The band gap value and the photocatalytic activity towards Rhodamine B decomposition were assessed as well. For each system, a screen-printing ink was formulated to be deposited as photo-electrodes onto transparent conducting supports. The photo-electrodes were morphologically characterized by XRD and SEM analysis, and their electrochemical properties (cyclic and linear voltammetry, EIS, Mott-Schottky analysis) were determined. Finally, the most promising materials were tested as photo-cathode inside PEC cell under different illumination conditions, to quantify their ability to convert CO2. The obtained results show the potentiality of Aurivillius-type compounds as innovative material for carbon dioxide photo-electrochemical reduction.
The field of medical devices has experienced, more than others, technological advances, developments and innovations, thanks to the rapidly expanding scientific knowledge and collaboration between different disciplines such as biology, engineering and materials science. The design of functional components can be achieved by exploiting composite materials based on nanostructured smart materials, that due to the inherent characteristics of single constituents develop unique properties that make them suitable for different applications preserving excellent mechanical proprieties. For instance, recent developments have focused on the fabrication of piezoelectric devices with multiple biomedical functions, as actuation and sensing functions in one component for monitoring pressure signals. The present Ph.D. Thesis aims at investigating nanostructured smart materials embedded into a polymeric matrix to obtain a composite material that can be used as a functional component for medical devices. (i) Nanostructured piezoelectric material with self-sensing capability was successfully manufactured by using ceramic (i.e. lead zirconate titanate (PZT)) and (ii) polymeric (i.e. poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoro ethylene (PVDF-TRFE)) piezoelectric materials. PZT nanofibers were obtained by sol-gel electrospinning starting from synthetized PZT precursor solution. Synthesis, sol-gel electrospinning process, and thermal treatment were accurately controlled to obtain PZT nanofibers dimensionally stable with densely packed grains in the perovskite phase. To guarantee the impact resistance of the laminate, the morphology and size of the hosting filler were accurately designed by increasing the surface area to volume ratio. Moreover, to solve the issue relative to the mechanical discrepancy between rigid electronic materials/soft human tissues/different material of the device (iii) a nanostructured flexible composite material based on a network of Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) made of curled nanofibers that present a tuneable mechanical response as a function of the applied stress was successful fabricated.
In questo lavoro di tesi è stata investigata la sintesi di compositi a base di nano particelle di biossido di titanio rivestite da un bio-tensioattivo naturale. Il noto fotocatalizzatore (Nano-TiO2) è stato accoppiato ad un bio-tensioattivo dalle riconosciute proprietà antibatteriche, antivirali e anti-tumorali per ottenere un materiale composito multifunzionale. Diverse opzioni di design sono state investigate e la sintesi ottimizzata attraverso una caratterizzazione sistematica dei materiali prodotti, sia sulle sospensioni (DLS, ELS, TEM) sia sui prodotti granulati e calcinati (XRD, FT-IR, SEM, UV-Vis., BET). Per comprendere il ruolo del bio-tensioattivo e i potenziali effetti sinergici che il materiale composito potesse generare, si sono effettuate diverse caratterizzazioni funzionali testando il materiale per la realizzazione di nano-fasi fotocatalitiche da impiegare in processi di adsorbimento/degradazione di inquinanti acquosi, per la realizzazione di rivestimenti tessili antibatterici e come composito utile per l’assorbimento di metalli pesanti.
The immobilization of the ruthenium moiety Ru(NH3)4SO3 by reaction of trans-[Ru(NH3)4SO2(H2O)]2+ with silica gel functionalized with 3-(1-imidazolyl)propyl groups is reported. A 60% surface coverage was obtained in the proportion of the resulting material [=Si(CH2)3imN-Ru(NH3)4SO3]. The anchored Ru(II) complex was characterized and its reactivity investigated. Derivatives of CO, pyrazine, and isonicotinamide have been prepared and characterized by electronic and vibrational spectroscopies, as well as by chemical means. The [=Si(CH2)3imN-Ru(NH3)4SO4]Cl, obtained through oxidation of the corresponding ruthenium(II) sulfite species, has been characterized and the aquo and the oxalate derivative have been synthesized.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Des techniques adaptées aux contextes routiers sont nécessaires pour maintenir et réhabiliter des chaussées construites sur pergélisol ou en contexte de gel saisonnier. Plusieurs problématiques peuvent engendrer une augmentation des coûts de réparation et entretien, une diminution de la durée de vie des chaussées et des problèmes reliés à la sécurité des usagers de la route. L’objectif du projet consiste donc à élaborer un outil d’aide à la décision, qui contribuerait à localiser les zones sensibles au gel saisonnier et à la dégradation du pergélisol, à discerner les causes de dégradation des chaussées dues au gel saisonnier et à sélectionner les meilleures stratégies d’atténuation et de réfection à moindre coût. Le projet de recherche est divisé en deux volets distincts. Le premier volet traite des problématiques de gel de chaussées en contexte de gel saisonnier. Actuellement, il existe des méthodes de diagnostic qui permettent de détecter les endroits où un problème de gélivité est susceptible d’être présent. Par contre, ces méthodes ne permettent pas de discerner si le problème de gel est en profondeur ou en surface de la chaussée; en d’autres mots si le problème est lié à un soulèvement différentiel du sol ou à un soulèvement de fissures. De plus, les méthodes utilisées ne sont pas adaptées aux chaussées en contexte municipal. Selon les problématiques connues de certains sites, il a été possible de développer un abaque permettant de différencier si la problématique de gel se situe en surface ou en profondeur dans une chaussée. Puis, une analyse d’imagerie 3D a été réalisée pour complémenter l’abaque créé. À l’aide de cette technologie, une nouvelle méthode sera mise au point pour détecter des problématiques de gel grâce aux profils transversaux. Le deuxième volet porte sur les chaussées construites sur pergélisol. Les méthodes actuelles de détection de la dégradation du pergélisol sous les chaussées manquent de précision et ont besoin d’être raffinées, surtout dans le contexte actuel de réchauffement climatique. Pour ce faire, trois sites d’essais ont été étudiés sur l’Alaska Highway au Yukon. En fonction de différentes analyses telles que des analyses de profils longitudinaux, de la densité spectrale et de longueurs d’onde, des tendances ont été décelées pour caractériser l’instabilité du pergélisol.
The buccal mucosal route offers several advantages but the delivery of certain drugs can be limited by low membrane permeability. This study investigated the buccal permeability properties of didanosine (ddI) and assessed the potential of ALOE VERA gel (AVgel) as a novel buccal permeation enhancer. Permeation studies were performed using Franz diffusion cells, and the drug was quantified by UV spectroscopy. Histomorphological evaluations were undertaken using light and transmission electron microscopy. The permeability of ddI was concentration-dependent, and it did not have any adverse effects on the buccal mucosae. A linear relationship (R (2) = 0.9557) between the concentrations and flux indicated passive diffusion as the mechanism of drug transport. AVgel at concentrations of 0.25 to 2 %w/v enhanced ddI permeability with enhancement ratios from 5.09 (0.25 %w/v) to 11.78 (2 %w/v) but decreased permeability at 4 and 6 %w/v. Ultrastructural analysis of the buccal mucosae treated with phosphate buffer saline pH 7.4 (PBS), ddI/PBS, and ddI/PBS/AVgel 0.5 %w/v showed cells with normal plasmalemma, well-developed cristae, and nuclei with regular nuclear envelopes. However, cells from 1, 2, and 6 %w/v AVgel-treated mucosae showed irregular nuclear outlines, increased intercellular spacing, and plasmalemma crenulations. This study demonstrates the potential of AVgel as a buccal permeation enhancer for ddI to improve anti-HIV and AIDS therapy.
By means of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (SXPD) and Raman spectroscopy, we have detected, in a series of nanocrystalline and compositionally homogeneous ZrO(2)-Y(2)O(3) solid solutions, the presence at room temperature of three different phases depending on Y(2)O(3) content, namely two tetragonal forms and the cubic phase. The studied materials, with average crystallite sizes within the range 7-10 nm, were synthesized by a nitrate-citrate gel-combustion process. The crystal structure of these phases was also investigated by SXPD. The results presented here indicate that the studied nanocrystalline ZrO(2)-Y(2)O(3) solid solutions exhibit the same phases reported in the literature for compositionally homogeneous materials containing larger (micro)crystals. The compositional boundaries between both tetragonal forms and between tetragonal and cubic phases were also determined. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
INTRODUÇÃO: O reparo tissular é o objetivo final da cirurgia. A cultura celular requer arcabouço mecânico que dê suporte ao crescimento celular e difusão dos nutrientes. O uso do plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) como um arcabouço 3D possui diversas vantagens: é material biológico, de fácil absorção pós-transplante, rico em fatores de crescimento, em especial PDGF- ββ e TGF-β que estimula síntese de matriz extracelular na cartilagem. OBJETIVO: Desenvolver arcabouço 3D à base de PRP. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Duas formas foram idealizadas: Sphere e Carpet. Condições estéreis foram utilizadas. O gel de plaquetas permaneceu em cultura celular, observado diariamente em microscópio invertido. RESULTADOS: Ambos arcabouços obtiveram sucesso, com aspectos positivos e negativos. DISCUSSÃO: A forma Sphere não aderiu ao plástico. Observou-se retração do gel e investigação ao microscópio dificultada devido às áreas opacas no campo visual. A forma Carpet não aderiu ao plástico e apresentou-se translúcida. O tempo de estudo foi de 20 dias. CONCLUSÕES: A produção de um arcabouço 3D PRP foi um sucesso, e trata-se de uma alternativa que necessita ser mais utilizado e investigado para que se consolide em uma rota eficiente e confiável na tecnologia de engenharia tissular, particularmente em cultura de tecido cartilaginoso.
The nanostructural characteristics of acid-catalyzed sonogels are studied along the aging process at 60 degreesC in saturated conditions and after the CO, supercritical extraction (aerogel). The structural evolution was studied by means of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and UV-Visible absorption techniques. The sonogel exhibits a mass fractal structure in a length scale between zeta - 1/q(0) similar to 5.3 and a(1) similar to 1/q(m) similar to 0.22 nm, as the length scale probed by SAXS. The apparent mass fractal dimension lightly increases from 2.0 for fresh gel until 2.2 for 14 days aging in wet conditions. The UV absorption also increases with the aging time in wet conditions. Both observations are consistent with the syneresis process accompanying the polycondensation progress during aging in saturated conditions. For long aging times, the wet sonogels show a light transition from a mass to a surface fractal. in a very small interval of the length scale, developing an extremely rough surface with fractal dimension D-S similar to 2.9, the fractal characteristics of the sonogels practically do not change with the alcohol exchange. With the CO2 supercritical extraction (aerogel). The interval in the length scale in which the surface fractal is defined increases, while the surface fractal dimension diminishes to D-S similar to 2.5. The mass fractal characteristics are less apparent in the aerogels. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
STUDY DESIGN Descriptive anatomical study on ovine and human cadaveric lumbar spinal segments. OBJECTIVE To describe the alternative transpedicular approach to deliver therapeutic agents into intervertebral disc (IVD). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA The present delivery approach of therapeutic agents (growth factors/cells/hydrogels) within the IVD is through injection, via the annulus fibrosus (AF). However, it has recently been demonstrated that small needle puncture of the AF leads to further degeneration and disc herniation. In addition, the injected material has a high chance to be extruded through the AF injury. METHODS Lumbar ovine and human spinal segments were used. Under fluoroscopy, a 2-mm Kirschner wire was introduced in the caudal vertebra through the pedicle and the inferior endplate to the nucleus pulposus. Gross anatomy analysis and high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) were performed to assess the right position of the wire in pedicles. Discography and nucleotomy were performed using a 14G cannula insertion or a 2-mm arthroscopic shaver blade, respectively. Nucleoplasty was also performed with agarose gel/contrast agent and imaged with HR-pQCT. RESULTS Gross anatomy, fluoroscopy, and HR-pQCT images showed that the nucleus pulposus could be approached through the endplate via the pedicle without affecting the spinal canal and the neural foramina. The contrast agent was delivered into the IVD and nucleus pulposus was removed from the disc and filled with agarose gel. CONCLUSION This study describes how a transpedicular approach can be used as an alternative route to deliver therapeutic agents to the disc without disruption of the AF showing the potential use of this technique in preclinical research and highlighting its clinical relevance for IVD regeneration.