997 resultados para Snow, C. P


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Molar heat capacities of the binary compounds NiAl, NiIn, NiSi, NiGe, NiBi, NiSb, CoSb and FeSb were determined every 10 K by differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range 310-1080 K. The experimental results have been fitted versus temperature according to C-p = a + b . T + c . T-2 + d . T-2. Results are given, discussed and compared to estimations found in the literature. Two compounds, NiBi and FeSb, are subject to transformations between 460 and 500 K. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To explore the changes in resting energy expenditure (REE) and whole body protein turnover induced by malaria, 23 children aged 6 to 14 y (23.9 +/- 1.0 kg, 1.3 +/- 0.02 m) were studied on three separate days after treatment (d 1, d 2, and 15 d later). REE was assessed by indirect calorimetry (hood), whereas whole body protein turnover was estimated using a single dose of [15N]glycine administered p.o. by measuring the isotopic enrichment of [15N]ammonia in urine over 12 h. Within the first 3.5 h after treatment, the body temperature dropped from 39.8 +/- 0.1 to 37.8 +/- 0.1 degrees C (p < 0.0001), and REE followed the same pattern, decreasing rapidly from 223 +/- 6 to 187 +/- 4 kJ/kg/d (p < 0.0001). Whole body protein synthesis and breakdown were significantly higher during the 1st day (5.65 +/- 0.38 and 6.21 +/- 0.43 g/kg/d, respectively) than at d 15 (2.95 +/- 0.17 and 2.77 +/- 0.2 g/kg/d). It is concluded that Gambian children suffering from an acute episode of malaria have an increased REE averaging 37% of the control value (d 15) and that this was associated with a substantial increase (by a factor of 2) in whole body protein turnover. A rapid normalization of the hypermetabolism and protein hypercatabolism states after treatment was observed.


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Studies on microbial activity and biomass in forestry plantations often overlook the role of litter, typically focusing instead on soil nutrient contents to explain plant and microorganism development. However, since the litter is a significant source of recycled nutrients that affect nutrient dynamics in the soil, litter composition may be more strongly correlated with forest growth and development than soil nutrient contents. This study aimed to test this hypothesis by examining correlations between soil C, N, and P; litter C, N, P, lignin content, and polyphenol content; and microbial biomass and activity in pure and mixed second-rotation plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium before and after senescent leaf drop. The numbers of cultivable fungi and bacteria were also estimated. All properties were correlated with litter C, N, P, lignin and polyphenols, and with soil C and N. We found higher microbial activity (CO2 evolution) in litter than in soil. In the E. grandis monoculture before senescent leaf drop, microbial biomass C was 46 % higher in litter than in soil. After leaf drop, this difference decreased to 16 %. In A. mangium plantations, however, microbial biomass C was lower in litter than in soil both before and after leaf drop. Microbial biomass N of litter was approximately 94 % greater than that of the soil in summer and winter in all plantations. The number of cultivable fungi and bacteria increased after leaf drop, especially so in the litter. Fungi were also more abundant in the E. grandis litter. In general, the A. mangium monoculture was associated with higher levels of litter lignin and N, especially after leaf drop. In contrast, the polyphenol and C levels in E. grandis monoculture litter were higher after leaf drop. These properties were negatively correlated with total soil C and N. Litter in the mixed stands had lower C:N and C:P ratios and higher N, P, and C levels in the microbial biomass. This suggests more effective nutrient cycling in mixed plantations in the long term, greater stimulation of microbial activity in litter and soil, and a more sustainable system in general.


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Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze is the main component of the Mixed Ombrophilous forest and, in the State of São Paulo, it is associated with a high diversity of soil organisms, essential for the maintenance of soil quality, making the conservation of this ecosystem a major and pressing challenge. The objective of this study was to identify the physical and chemical properties that are most closely correlated with dehydrogenase enzyme activity, basal respiration and microbial biomass under native (NF) and replanted (RF) Araucaria angustifolia forests in three regions of the state of São Paulo, in winter and summer. The main differentiating factors between the areas were also determined. Each forest was represented by three true replications; at each site, from around the araucaria trees, 15 soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected to evaluate the soil physical, chemical and microbiological properties. At the same points, forest litter was sampled to assess mass and chemical properties. The following microbiological properties were evaluated: microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal respiration (CO2-C), metabolic quotient (Q: CO2), dehydrogenase enzyme activity (DHA) as well as the physical properties (moisture, bulk density, macroporosity and total porosity), soil chemical properties [pH, organic carbon (org-C), P, Ca, K, Mg, Al, H+Al], litter dry mass, and C, N and S contents. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (TWO-WAY: ANOVA). A Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) and a Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) were also performed. In the soil under NF, the values of K, P, soil macroporosity, and litter dry mass were higher and Q: CO2 and DHA lower, regardless of the sampling period, and DHA was lower in winter. In the RF areas, the levels of moisture, porosity and Q: CO2 were higher in both sampling periods, and DHA was higher in winter. The MBC was only higher under NF in the summer, while the litter contents of C, N and S were greater in winter. In winter, CCA showed a high correlation of DHA with CO2-C, pH and H+Al, while in the summer org-C, moisture, Mg, pH and litter C were more associated with DHA and CO2-C. The CDA indicated H+Al, available P, total porosity, litter S content, and soil moisture as the most discriminating variables between NF and RF, but moisture was the most relevant, in both seasons and CO2-C only in winter. The combined analysis of CCA and CDA showed that the contribution of the microbiological variables to a differentiation of the areas was small at both samplings, which may indicate that the period after reforestation was long enough to allow an almost complete recovery of the microbial activity.


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In a no-tillage system, cover crops must be used that combine shoot dry matter production and nutrient recycling. The aim of this study was to evaluate shoot dry matter production, decomposition rate and macronutrient and silicon release from pigeonpea and pearl millet in monoculture and intercropping systems. A randomized block design was used with a 3 x 6 factorial arrangement, with four replications. The first factor consisted of three cover crops (pigeonpea, pearl millet and intercropping of these cover crops) and the second consisted of six sampling times [0, 18, 32, 46, 74 and 91 days after desiccation (DAD)]. Pearl millet produced greater amounts of shoot dry matter and content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, C and Si and had a higher decomposition rate and macronutrient and Si release than the other cover crops. The rates of decomposition and daily nutrient release from shoot dry matter were highest in the first period of evaluation (0-18 DAD). Over time, the C/N, C/P and C/S ratios increased, while C/Si and the decomposition rate decreased. Potassium was the nutrient most quickly released to the soil, especially from pearl millet residue. Silicon had the lowest release rate, with 62, 82 and 74 % of the total content in the shoot dry matter remaining in the last evaluation of pearl millet, pigeonpea and in the intercrop system, respectively. The shoot dry matter from the intercrop system had a different decomposition rate than that from the pearl millet monoculture and pigeonpea. Plants with greater shoot dry matter production and lower C/Si ratio are more effective in a no-tillage system for providing a more complete and persistent soil cover.


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The phosphorus supply to crops in tropical soils is deficient due to its somewhat insoluble nature in soil, and addition of P fertilizers has been necessary to achieve high yields. The objective of this study was to examine the mechanisms through which a cover crop (Congo grass - Brachiaria ruziziensis) in rotation with soybean can enhance soil and fertilizer P availability using long-term field trials and laboratory chemical fractionation approaches. The experimental field had been cropped to soybean in rotation with several species under no-till for six years. An application rate of no P or 240 kg ha-1 of P2O5 had been applied as triple superphosphate or as Arad rock phosphate. In April 2009, once more 0.0 or 80.0 kg ha-1 of P2O5 was applied to the same plots when Congo grass was planted. In November 2009, after Congo grass desiccation, soil samples were taken from the 0-5 and 5-10 cm depth layer and soil P was fractionated. Soil-available P increased to the depth of 10 cm through growing Congo grass when P fertilizers were applied. The C:P ratio was also increased by the cover crop. Congo grass cultivation increased P content in the soil humic fraction to the depth of 10 cm. Congo grass increases soil P availability by preventing fertilizer from being adsorbed and by increasing soil organic P.


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Computer simulations of a colloidal particle suspended in a fluid confined by rigid walls show that, at long times, the velocity correlation function decays with a negative algebraic tail. The exponent depends on the confining geometry, rather than the spatial dimensionality. We can account for the tail by using a simple mode-coupling theory which exploits the fact that the sound wave generated by a moving particle becomes diffusive.


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We describe simulations of an elastic filament immersed in a fluid and subjected to a body force. The coupling between the fluid flow and the friction that the filament experiences induces bending and alignment perpendicular to the force. With increasing force there are four shape regimes, ranging from slight distortion to an unsteady tumbling motion. We also find marginally stable structures. The instability of these shapes and the alignment are explained by induced bending and nonlocal hydrodynamic interactions. These effects are experimentally relevant for stiff microfilaments.


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Organic matter plays an important role in many soil properties, and for that reason it is necessary to identify management systems which maintain or increase its concentrations. The aim of the present study was to determine the quality and quantity of organic C in different compartments of the soil fraction in different Amazonian ecosystems. The soil organic matter (FSOM) was fractionated and soil C stocks were estimated in primary forest (PF), pasture (P), secondary succession (SS) and an agroforestry system (AFS). Samples were collected at the depths 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80-100, 100-160, and 160-200 cm. Densimetric and particle size analysis methods were used for FSOM, obtaining the following fractions: FLF (free light fraction), IALF (intra-aggregate light fraction), F-sand (sand fraction), F-clay (clay fraction) and F-silt (silt fraction). The 0-5 cm layer contains 60 % of soil C, which is associated with the FLF. The F-clay was responsible for 70 % of C retained in the 0-200 cm depth. There was a 12.7 g kg-1 C gain in the FLF from PF to SS, and a 4.4 g kg-1 C gain from PF to AFS, showing that SS and AFS areas recover soil organic C, constituting feasible C-recovery alternatives for degraded and intensively farmed soils in Amazonia. The greatest total stocks of carbon in soil fractions were, in decreasing order: (101.3 Mg ha-1 of C - AFS) > (98.4 Mg ha-1 of C - FP) > (92.9 Mg ha-1 of C - SS) > (64.0 Mg ha-1 of C - P). The forms of land use in the Amazon influence C distribution in soil fractions, resulting in short- or long-term changes.


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OBJECTIVE: Pigmented orthochromatic leukodystrophy (POLD) and hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids (HDLS) are rare neurodegenerative disorders characterized by cerebral white matter abnormalities, myelin loss, and axonal swellings. The striking overlap of clinical and pathologic features of these disorders suggested a common pathogenesis; however, no genetic or mechanistic link between POLD and HDLS has been established. Recently, we reported that mutations in the colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) gene cause HDLS. In this study, we determined whether CSF1R mutations are also a cause of POLD. METHODS: We performed sequencing of CSF1R in 2 pathologically confirmed POLD families. For the largest family (FTD368), a detailed case report was provided and brain samples from 2 affected family members previously diagnosed with POLD were re-evaluated to determine whether they had HDLS features. In vitro functional characterization of wild-type and mutant CSF1R was also performed. RESULTS: We identified CSF1R mutations in both POLD families: in family 5901, we found c.2297T>C (p.M766T), previously reported by us in HDLS family CA1, and in family FTD368, we identified c.2345G>A (p.R782H), recently reported in a biopsy-proven HDLS case. Immunohistochemical examination in family FTD368 showed the typical neuronal and glial findings of HDLS. Functional analyses of CSF1R mutant p.R782H (identified in this study) and p.M875T (previously observed in HDLS), showed a similar loss of CSF1R autophosphorylation of selected tyrosine residues in the kinase domain for both mutations when compared with wild-type CSF1R. CONCLUSIONS: We provide the first genetic and mechanistic evidence that POLD and HDLS are a single clinicopathologic entity.


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Newer chemotherapeutic protocols as well as high-dose chemotherapy have increased the response rate in myeloma. However, these treatments are not curative. Effective maintenance strategies are now required to prolong the duration of response. We conducted a randomized trial of maintenance treatment with thalidomide and pamidronate. Two months after high-dose therapy, 597 patients younger than age 65 years were randomly assigned to receive no maintenance (arm A), pamidronate (arm B), or pamidronate plus thalidomide (arm C). A complete or very good partial response was achieved by 55% of patients in arm A, 57% in arm B, and 67% in arm C (P = .03). The 3-year postrandomization probability of event-free survival was 36% in arm A, 37% in arm B, and 52% in arm C (P < .009). The 4-year postdiagnosis probability of survival was 77% in arm A, 74% in arm B, and 87% in arm C (P < .04). The proportion of patients who had skeletal events was 24% in arm A, 21% in arm B, and 18% in arm C (P = .4). Thalidomide is an effective maintenance therapy in patients with multiple myeloma. Maintenance treatment with pamidronate does not decrease the incidence of bone events.


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RESUMO A sustentabilidade dos sistemas conservacionistas de produção agrícola está intimamente ligada ao retorno dos nutrientes ao solo, por meio da decomposição dos resíduos vegetais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a decomposição de resíduos culturais e a mineralização de nutrientes em solos com diferentes texturas ao longo de 175 dias de incubação. Os tratamentos consistiram em fatorial 6 x 4 x 5, inicialmente composto por seis tratamentos, sendo quatro resíduos culturais: milho, braquiária, feijão, estilosantes e dois controles, ambos sem resíduo e um com adição de fontes inorgânicas dos nutrientes; quatro diferentes texturas formadas a partir de um mesmo solo e cinco tempos de avaliação após o início da incubação: 0, 25, 75, 125 e 175 dias. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Ao longo do experimento, avaliaram-se a liberação de C-CO2, taxa de decomposição e cinética de mineralização do N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn e Cu dos resíduos. A textura do solo não influenciou a liberação de C-CO2, a massa seca remanescente e a mineralização dos nutrientes dos resíduos culturais. Os resíduos de estilosantes e de braquiária apresentaram maior liberação de C-CO2 e redução de massa seca que os demais resíduos. A mineralização do N, P e S ocorreu de forma inversa às relações C/N, C/P e C/S. A decomposição dos resíduos culturais foi regulada pelos teores de N e extrativos solúveis em água; e a mineralização de macronutrientes, pelos seus respectivos conteúdos iniciais nos resíduos.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar as convergências e divergências no desenvolvimento das propostas de educação continuada, financiadas pelo Banco Mundial - BM -, tomando como referencial as experiências de Minas Gerais e de São Paulo. Por um lado, existem evidências de que esses estados elaboraram suas propostas de formação continuada financiadas pelo Banco Mundial, incorporando em grau diferenciado as orientações deste órgão, pois não foi concedido o mesmo grau de autonomia às universidades e aos estabelecimentos de ensino que deles participaram. Por outro lado, pesquisas realizadas no campo da formação continuada têm apontado para questões que não foram consideradas nesses projetos e em sua implementação. Para discutir tais questões, o trabalho analisa, de início, as concepções de formação docente presentes nos documentos do BM. A seguir são discutidas as experiências de Minas Gerais e de São Paulo, procurando identificar permanências e rupturas com as propostas do banco. Finalmente, com base na literatura sobre formação continuada são analisados alguns dos resultados e conseqüências da implementação dos projetos nos dois estados mencionados.