993 resultados para Sistemi multi-agente, TuCSoN, ReSpecT, coordinazione semantica


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El trabajo comunitario tiene una larga tradición en España, aunque la denominación Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario (DCC) es mucho más reciente. En éste artículo, defendemos ésta designación; revisamos sus antecedentes, remontándonos a los años posteriores a la II Guerra Mundial y vemos cómo ha evolucionado hasta llegar a nuestros días. Nos detenemos en las políticas culturales, el concepto de ciudadanía y los modelos de sociedad de acogida; abordamos el reto de la participación, fundamental en los procesos de trabajo comunitario; tratamos el papel de la cultura y de la creatividad en los procesos de trabajo comunitario y vemos cuál ha sido la aportación de los artistas. Por último trazamos las líneas de lo que sería el marco metodológico de intervención en proyectos DCC y exponemos las fases de desarrollo de los proyectos: diagnóstico, desarrollar la toma de conciencia de la dimensión colectiva, concretar cooperativamente los objetivos de cada fase del proyecto, planificación de la intervención, desarrollo del proyecto, y por último la evaluación.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate pathological mechanisms underlying brain tissue alterations in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) using multi-contrast 3 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Forty-two MCI patients and 77 healthy controls (HC) underwent T1/T2* relaxometry as well as Magnetization Transfer (MT) MRI. Between-groups comparisons in MRI metrics were performed using permutation-based tests. Using MRI data, a generalized linear model (GLM) was computed to predict clinical performance and a support-vector machine (SVM) classification was used to classify MCI and HC subjects. RESULTS: Multi-parametric MRI data showed microstructural brain alterations in MCI patients vs HC that might be interpreted as: (i) a broad loss of myelin/cellular proteins and tissue microstructure in the hippocampus (p ≤ 0.01) and global white matter (p < 0.05); and (ii) iron accumulation in the pallidus nucleus (p ≤ 0.05). MRI metrics accurately predicted memory and executive performances in patients (p ≤ 0.005). SVM classification reached an accuracy of 75% to separate MCI and HC, and performed best using both volumes and T1/T2*/MT metrics. CONCLUSION: Multi-contrast MRI appears to be a promising approach to infer pathophysiological mechanisms leading to brain tissue alterations in MCI. Likewise, parametric MRI data provide powerful correlates of cognitive deficits and improve automatic disease classification based on morphometric features.


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L'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) peut fournir aux cardiologues des informations diagnostiques importantes sur l'état de la maladie de l'artère coronarienne dans les patients. Le défi majeur pour l'IRM cardiaque est de gérer toutes les sources de mouvement qui peuvent affecter la qualité des images en réduisant l'information diagnostique. Cette thèse a donc comme but de développer des nouvelles techniques d'acquisitions des images IRM, en changeant les techniques de compensation du mouvement, pour en augmenter l'efficacité, la flexibilité, la robustesse et pour obtenir plus d'information sur le tissu et plus d'information temporelle. Les techniques proposées favorisent donc l'avancement de l'imagerie des coronaires dans une direction plus maniable et multi-usage qui peut facilement être transférée dans l'environnement clinique. La première partie de la thèse s'est concentrée sur l'étude du mouvement des artères coronariennes sur des patients en utilisant la techniques d'imagerie standard (rayons x), pour mesurer la précision avec laquelle les artères coronariennes retournent dans la même position battement après battement (repositionnement des coronaires). Nous avons découvert qu'il y a des intervalles dans le cycle cardiaque, tôt dans la systole et à moitié de la diastole, où le repositionnement des coronaires est au minimum. En réponse nous avons développé une nouvelle séquence d'acquisition (T2-post) capable d'acquérir les données aussi tôt dans la systole. Cette séquence a été testée sur des volontaires sains et on a pu constater que la qualité de visualisation des artère coronariennes est égale à celle obtenue avec les techniques standard. De plus, le rapport signal sur bruit fourni par la séquence d'acquisition proposée est supérieur à celui obtenu avec les techniques d'imagerie standard. La deuxième partie de la thèse a exploré un paradigme d'acquisition des images cardiaques complètement nouveau pour l'imagerie du coeur entier. La technique proposée dans ce travail acquiert les données sans arrêt (free-running) au lieu d'être synchronisée avec le mouvement cardiaque. De cette façon, l'efficacité de la séquence d'acquisition est augmentée de manière significative et les images produites représentent le coeur entier dans toutes les phases cardiaques (quatre dimensions, 4D). Par ailleurs, l'auto-navigation de la respiration permet d'effectuer cette acquisition en respiration libre. Cette technologie rend possible de visualiser et évaluer l'anatomie du coeur et de ses vaisseaux ainsi que la fonction cardiaque en quatre dimensions et avec une très haute résolution spatiale et temporelle, sans la nécessité d'injecter un moyen de contraste. Le pas essentiel qui a permis le développement de cette technique est l'utilisation d'une trajectoire d'acquisition radiale 3D basée sur l'angle d'or. Avec cette trajectoire, il est possible d'acquérir continûment les données d'espace k, puis de réordonner les données et choisir les paramètres temporel des images 4D a posteriori. L'acquisition 4D a été aussi couplée avec un algorithme de reconstructions itératif (compressed sensing) qui permet d'augmenter la résolution temporelle tout en augmentant la qualité des images. Grâce aux images 4D, il est possible maintenant de visualiser les artères coronariennes entières dans chaque phase du cycle cardiaque et, avec les mêmes données, de visualiser et mesurer la fonction cardiaque. La qualité des artères coronariennes dans les images 4D est la même que dans les images obtenues avec une acquisition 3D standard, acquise en diastole Par ailleurs, les valeurs de fonction cardiaque mesurées au moyen des images 4D concorde avec les valeurs obtenues avec les images 2D standard. Finalement, dans la dernière partie de la thèse une technique d'acquisition a temps d'écho ultra-court (UTE) a été développée pour la visualisation in vivo des calcifications des artères coronariennes. Des études récentes ont démontré que les acquisitions UTE permettent de visualiser les calcifications dans des plaques athérosclérotiques ex vivo. Cepandent le mouvement du coeur a entravé jusqu'à maintenant l'utilisation des techniques UTE in vivo. Pour résoudre ce problème nous avons développé une séquence d'acquisition UTE avec trajectoire radiale 3D et l'avons testée sur des volontaires. La technique proposée utilise une auto-navigation 3D pour corriger le mouvement respiratoire et est synchronisée avec l'ECG. Trois échos sont acquis pour extraire le signal de la calcification avec des composants au T2 très court tout en permettant de séparer le signal de la graisse depuis le signal de l'eau. Les résultats sont encore préliminaires mais on peut affirmer que la technique développé peut potentiellement montrer les calcifications des artères coronariennes in vivo. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse présente trois nouvelles techniques pour l'IRM du coeur entier capables d'améliorer la visualisation et la caractérisation de la maladie athérosclérotique des coronaires. Ces techniques fournissent des informations anatomiques et fonctionnelles en quatre dimensions et des informations sur la composition du tissu auparavant indisponibles. CORONARY artery magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the potential to provide the cardiologist with relevant diagnostic information relative to coronary artery disease of patients. The major challenge of cardiac MRI, though, is dealing with all sources of motions that can corrupt the images affecting the diagnostic information provided. The current thesis, thus, focused on the development of new MRI techniques that change the standard approach to cardiac motion compensation in order to increase the efficiency of cardioavscular MRI, to provide more flexibility and robustness, new temporal information and new tissue information. The proposed approaches help in advancing coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in the direction of an easy-to-use and multipurpose tool that can be translated to the clinical environment. The first part of the thesis focused on the study of coronary artery motion through gold standard imaging techniques (x-ray angiography) in patients, in order to measure the precision with which the coronary arteries assume the same position beat after beat (coronary artery repositioning). We learned that intervals with minimal coronary artery repositioning occur in peak systole and in mid diastole and we responded with a new pulse sequence (T2~post) that is able to provide peak-systolic imaging. Such a sequence was tested in healthy volunteers and, from the image quality comparison, we learned that the proposed approach provides coronary artery visualization and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) comparable with the standard acquisition approach, but with increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The second part of the thesis explored a completely new paradigm for whole- heart cardiovascular MRI. The proposed techniques acquires the data continuously (free-running), instead of being triggered, thus increasing the efficiency of the acquisition and providing four dimensional images of the whole heart, while respiratory self navigation allows for the scan to be performed in free breathing. This enabling technology allows for anatomical and functional evaluation in four dimensions, with high spatial and temporal resolution and without the need for contrast agent injection. The enabling step is the use of a golden-angle based 3D radial trajectory, which allows for a continuous sampling of the k-space and a retrospective selection of the timing parameters of the reconstructed dataset. The free-running 4D acquisition was then combined with a compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm that further increases the temporal resolution of the 4D dataset, while at the same time increasing the overall image quality by removing undersampling artifacts. The obtained 4D images provide visualization of the whole coronary artery tree in each phases of the cardiac cycle and, at the same time, allow for the assessment of the cardiac function with a single free- breathing scan. The quality of the coronary arteries provided by the frames of the free-running 4D acquisition is in line with the one obtained with the standard ECG-triggered one, and the cardiac function evaluation matched the one measured with gold-standard stack of 2D cine approaches. Finally, the last part of the thesis focused on the development of ultrashort echo time (UTE) acquisition scheme for in vivo detection of calcification in the coronary arteries. Recent studies showed that UTE imaging allows for the coronary artery plaque calcification ex vivo, since it is able to detect the short T2 components of the calcification. The heart motion, though, prevented this technique from being applied in vivo. An ECG-triggered self-navigated 3D radial triple- echo UTE acquisition has then been developed and tested in healthy volunteers. The proposed sequence combines a 3D self-navigation approach with a 3D radial UTE acquisition enabling data collection during free breathing. Three echoes are simultaneously acquired to extract the short T2 components of the calcification while a water and fat separation technique allows for proper visualization of the coronary arteries. Even though the results are still preliminary, the proposed sequence showed great potential for the in vivo visualization of coronary artery calcification. In conclusion, the thesis presents three novel MRI approaches aimed at improved characterization and assessment of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. These approaches provide new anatomical and functional information in four dimensions, and support tissue characterization for coronary artery plaques.


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Freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity are presently seriously threatened by global development and population growth, leading to increases in nutrient inputs and intensification of eutrophication-induced problems in receiving fresh waters, particularly in lakes. Climate change constitutes another threat exacerbating the symptoms of eutrophication and species migration and loss. Unequivocal evidence of climate change impacts is still highly fragmented despite the intensive research, in part due to the variety and uncertainty of climate models and underlying emission scenarios but also due to the different approaches applied to study its effects. We first describe the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-faceted approaches that are presently available for elucidating the effects of climate change in lakes, including space-for-time substitution, time series, experiments, palaeoecology and modelling. Reviewing combined results from studies based on the various approaches, we describe the likely effects of climate changes on biological communities, trophic dynamics and the ecological state of lakes. We further discuss potential mitigation and adaptation measures to counteract the effects of climate change on lakes and, finally, we highlight some of the future challenges that we face to improve our capacity for successful prediction.


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RESUMO Na pós-colheita do abacaxizeiro, a podridão-negra é considerada como um dos principais problemas na comercialização dos frutos. A doença é causada pelo fungoChalara paradoxa (De Seynes) Sacc.. Apesar da importância deste patógeno para a cultura, são poucas as informações relacionadas ao estudo do mesmo, com base em características fisiológicas in vitro. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento micelial, a esporulação e a germinação de C. paradoxa, em diferentes condições de cultivo. A partir de placas contendo colônias puras do isolado de C. paradoxa, foram retirados individualmente discos para inoculação em diferentes meios. A incubação das placas foi feita em três diferentes regimes de luminosidade e em três diferentes temperaturas. Para o crescimento micelial, esporulação e germinação, as melhores condições de cultivo in vitro de C. paradoxa foram os meios aveia (OA) e batata (PDA) em alternância luminosa a 25°C, os meios batata (PDA) e abacaxi (PJA) no escuro contínuo, na mesma temperatura.


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A Wiener system is a linear time-invariant filter, followed by an invertible nonlinear distortion. Assuming that the input signal is an independent and identically distributed (iid) sequence, we propose an algorithm for estimating the input signal only by observing the output of the Wiener system. The algorithm is based on minimizing the mutual information of the output samples, by means of a steepest descent gradient approach.


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Free induction decay (FID) navigators were found to qualitatively detect rigid-body head movements, yet it is unknown to what extent they can provide quantitative motion estimates. Here, we acquired FID navigators at different sampling rates and simultaneously measured head movements using a highly accurate optical motion tracking system. This strategy allowed us to estimate the accuracy and precision of FID navigators for quantification of rigid-body head movements. Five subjects were scanned with a 32-channel head coil array on a clinical 3T MR scanner during several resting and guided head movement periods. For each subject we trained a linear regression model based on FID navigator and optical motion tracking signals. FID-based motion model accuracy and precision was evaluated using cross-validation. FID-based prediction of rigid-body head motion was found to be with a mean translational and rotational error of 0.14±0.21 mm and 0.08±0.13(°) , respectively. Robust model training with sub-millimeter and sub-degree accuracy could be achieved using 100 data points with motion magnitudes of ±2 mm and ±1(°) for translation and rotation. The obtained linear models appeared to be subject-specific as inter-subject application of a "universal" FID-based motion model resulted in poor prediction accuracy. The results show that substantial rigid-body motion information is encoded in FID navigator signal time courses. Although, the applied method currently requires the simultaneous acquisition of FID signals and optical tracking data, the findings suggest that multi-channel FID navigators have a potential to complement existing tracking technologies for accurate rigid-body motion detection and correction in MRI.


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In recent years, massive protostars have turned out to be a possible population of high-energy emitters. Among the best candidates is IRAS 16547-4247, a protostar that presents a powerful outflow with clear signatures of interaction with its environment. This source has been revealed to be a potential high-energy source because it displays non-thermal radio emission of synchrotron origin, which is evidence of relativistic particles. To improve our understanding of IRAS 16547-4247 as a high-energy source, we analyzed XMM-Newton archival data and found that IRAS 16547-4247 is a hard X-ray source. We discuss these results in the context of a refined one-zone model and previous radio observations. From our study we find that it may be difficult to explain the X-ray emission as non-thermal radiation coming from the interaction region, but it might be produced by thermal Bremsstrahlung (plus photo-electric absorption) by a fast shock at the jet end. In the high-energy range, the source might be detectable by the present generation of Cherenkov telescopes, and may eventually be detected by Fermi in the GeV range.


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Context. There are a number of very high energy sources in the Galaxy that remain unidentified. Multi-wavelength and variability studies, and catalogue searches, are powerful tools to identify the physical counterpart, given the uncertainty in the source location and extension. Aims. This work carries out a thorough multi-wavelength study of the unidentified, very high energy source HESS J1858+020 and its environs. Methods. We have performed Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 610 MHz and 1.4 GHz to obtain a deep, low-frequency radio image of the region surrounding HESS J1858+020. We analysed archival radio, infrared, and X-ray data as well. This observational information, combined with molecular data, catalogue sources, and a nearby Fermi gamma-ray detection of unidentified origin, are combined to explore possible counterparts to the very high energy source. Results. We provide with a deep radio image of a supernova remnant that might be related to the GeV and TeV emission in the region. We confirm the presence of an H ii region next to the supernova remnant and coincident with molecular emission. A potential region of star formation is also identified. We identify several radio and X-ray sources in the surroundings. Some of these sources are known planetary nebulae, whereas others may be non-thermal extended emitters and embedded young stellar objects. Three old, background Galactic pulsars also neighbour HESS J1858+020 along the line of sight. Conclusions. The region surrounding HESS J1858+020 is rich in molecular structures and non-thermal objects that may potentially be linked to this unidentified very high energy source. In particular, a supernova remnant interacting with nearby molecular clouds may be a good candidate, but a star forming region, or a non-thermal radio source of yet unclear nature, may also be behind the gamma-ray source. The neighbouring pulsars, despite being old and distant, cannot be discarded as candidates. Further observational studies are needed, however, to narrow the search for a counterpart to the HESS source.


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Rautateillä käytettävät tavaravaunut ovat vanhenemassa hyvin nopeasti; tämä koskee niin Venäjää, Suomea, Ruotsia kuin laajemminkin Eurooppaa. Venäjällä ja Euroopassa on käytössä runsaasti vaunuja, jotka ovat jo ylittäneet niille suositeltavan käyttöiän. Silti niitä käytetään kuljetuksissa, kun näitä korvaavia uusia vaunuja ei ole tarpeeksi saatavilla. Uusimmat vaunut ovat yleensä vaunuja vuokraavien yritysten tai uusien rautatieoperaattorien hankkimia - tämä koskee erityisesti Venäjää, jossa vaunuvuokraus on noussut erittäin suosituksi vaihtoehdoksi. Ennusteissa kerrotaan vaunupulan kasvavan ainakin vuoteen 2010 saakka. Jos rautateiden suosio rahtikuljetusmuotona kasvaa, niin voimistuva vaunukysyntä jatkuu huomattavan paljon pidemmän aikaa. Euroopan ja Venäjän vaunukannan tilanne näkyy myös sitä palvelevan konepajateollisuuden ongelmina - yleisesti ottaen alan eurooppalaiset yritykset ovat heikosti kannattavia ja niiden liikevaihto ei juuri kasva, venäläiset ja ukrainalaiset yritykset ovat olleet samassa tilanteessa, joskin aivan viime vuosina tilanne on osassa kääntynyt paremmaksi. Kun näiden maanosien yritysten liikevaihtoa, voittoa ja omistaja-arvoa verrataan yhdysvaltalaisiin kilpailijoihin, huomataan että jälkimmäisten suoriutuminen on huomattavan paljon parempaa, ja näillä yrityksillä on myös kyky maksaa osinkoja omistajilleen. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää uuden tyyppinen kuljetusvaunu Suomen, Venäjän sekä mahdollisesti myös Kiinan väliseen liikenteeseen. Vaunutyypin tarkoituksena olisi kyetä toimimaan monikäyttöisenä, niin raaka-aineiden kuin konttienkin kuljetuksessa, tasapainottaen kuljetusmuotojen aiheuttamaa kuljetuspaino-ongelmaa. Kehitystyön pohjana käytimme yli 1000 venäläisen vaunutyypin tietokantaa, josta valitsimme Data Envelopment Analysis -menetelmällä soveliaimmat vaunut kontinkuljetukseen (lähemmin tarkastelimme n. 40 vaunutyyppiä), jättäen mahdollisimman vähän tyhjää tilaa junaan, mutta silti kyeten kantamaan valitun konttilastin. Kun kantokykyongelmia venäläisissä vaunuissa ei useinkaan ole, on vertailu tehtävissä tavarajunan pituuden ja kokonaispainon perusteella. Simuloituamme yhdistettyihin kuljetuksiin soveliasta vaunutyyppiä käytännössä löytyvässä kuljetusverkostossa (esim. raakapuuta Suomeen tai Kiinaan ja kontteja takaisin Venäjän suuntaan), huomasimme lyhemmän vaunupituuden sisältävän kustannusetua, erityisesti raakaainekuljetuksissa, mutta myös rajanylityspaikkojen mahdollisesti vähentyessä. Lyhempi vaunutyyppi on myös joustavampi erilaisten konttipituuksien suhteen (40 jalan kontin käyttö on yleistynyt viime vuosina). Työn lopuksi ehdotamme uuden vaunutyypin tuotantotavaksi verkostomaista lähestymistapaa, jossa osa vaunusta tehtäisiin Suomessa ja osa Venäjällä ja/tai Ukrainassa. Vaunutyypin tulisi olla rekisteröity Venäjälle, sillä silloin sitä voi käyttää Suomen ja Venäjän, kuten myös soveltuvin osin Venäjän ja Kiinan välisessä liikenteessä.


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We consider one-seller assignment markets with multi-unit demands and prove that the associated game is buyers-submodular. Therefore the core is non-empty and it has a lattice structure which contains the allocation where every buyer receives his marginal contribution. We prove that in this kind of market, every pairwise-stable outcome is associated to a competitive equilibrium and viceversa. We study conditions under which the buyers-optimal and the seller-optimal core allocations are competitive equilibrium payoff vectors. Moreover, we characterize the markets for which the core coincidences with the set of competitive equilibria payoff vectors. When agents behave strategically, we introduce a procedure that implements the buyers-optimal core allocation as the unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium outcome.


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Statistical properties of binary complex networks are well understood and recently many attempts have been made to extend this knowledge to weighted ones. There are, however, subtle yet important considerations to be made regarding the nature of the weights used in this generalization. Weights can be either continuous or discrete magnitudes, and in the latter case, they can additionally have undistinguishable or distinguishable nature. This fact has not been addressed in the literature insofar and has deep implications on the network statistics. In this work we face this problem introducing multiedge networks as graphs where multiple (distinguishable) connections between nodes are considered. We develop a statistical mechanics framework where it is possible to get information about the most relevant observables given a large spectrum of linear and nonlinear constraints including those depending both on the number of multiedges per link and their binary projection. The latter case is particularly interesting as we show that binary projections can be understood from multiedge processes. The implications of these results are important as many real-agent-based problems mapped onto graphs require this treatment for a proper characterization of their collective behavior.


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OBJECTIVE: Several smaller single-center studies have reported a prognostic role for Ki-67 labeling index in prostate cancer. Our aim was to test whether Ki-67 is an independent prognostic marker of biochemical recurrence (BCR) in a large international cohort of patients treated with radical prostatectomy (RP). METHODS: Ki-67 immunohistochemical staining on prostatectomy specimens from 3,123 patients who underwent RP for prostate cancer was retrospectively performed. Univariable and multivariable Cox regression models were used to assess the association of Ki-67 status with BCR. RESULTS: Ki-67 positive status was observed in 762 (24.4 %) patients and was associated with lymph node involvement (LNI) (p = 0.039). Six hundred and twenty-one (19.9 %) patients experienced BCR. The estimated 3-year biochemical-free survivals were 85 % for patients with negative Ki-67 status and 82.1 % for patients with positive Ki-67 status (log-rank test, p = 0.014). In multivariable analysis that adjusted for the effects of age, preoperative PSA, RP Gleason sum, seminal vesicle invasion, extracapsular extension, positive surgical margins, lymphovascular invasion, and LNI, Ki-67 was significantly associated with BCR (HR = 1.19; p = 0.019). Subgroup analysis revealed that Ki-67 is associated with BCR in patients without LNI (p = 0.004), those with RP Gleason sum 7 (p = 0.015), and those with negative surgical margins (p = 0.047). CONCLUSION: We confirmed Ki-67 as an independent predictor of BCR after RP. Ki-67 could be particularly informative in patients with favorable pathologic characteristics to help in the clinical decision-making regarding adjuvant therapy and optimized follow-up scheduling.


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OBJECTIVES: Specifically we aim to demonstrate that the results of our earlier safety data hold true in this much larger multi-national and multi-ethnical population. BACKGROUND: We sought to re-evaluate the frequency, manifestations, and severity of acute adverse reactions associated with administration of several gadolinium- based contrast agents during routine CMR on a European level. METHODS: Multi-centre, multi-national, and multi-ethnical registry with consecutive enrolment of patients in 57 European centres. RESULTS: During the current observation 37,788 doses of Gadolinium based contrast agent were administered to 37,788 patients. The mean dose was 24.7 ml (range 5-80 ml), which is equivalent to 0.123 mmol/kg (range 0.01 - 0.3 mmol/kg). Forty-five acute adverse reactions due to contrast administration occurred (0.12%). Most reactions were classified as mild (43 of 45) according to the American College of Radiology definition. The most frequent complaints following contrast administration were rashes and hives (15 of 45), followed by nausea (10 of 45) and flushes (10 of 45). The event rate ranged from 0.05% (linear non-ionic agent gadodiamide) to 0.42% (linear ionic agent gadobenate dimeglumine). Interestingly, we also found different event rates between the three main indications for CMR ranging from 0.05% (risk stratification in suspected CAD) to 0.22% (viability in known CAD). CONCLUSIONS: The current data indicate that the results of the earlier safety data hold true in this much larger multi-national and multi-ethnical population. Thus, the "off-label" use of Gadolinium based contrast in cardiovascular MR should be regarded as safe concerning the frequency, manifestation and severity of acute events.