999 resultados para Shelby County v. Holder
v. 153 (1977)
FUNDAMENTOS: Novas recomendações sobre valores de referência para normalidade em exames de monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) foram propostas pela V Diretriz Brasileira de Monitorização Ambulatorial da Hipertensão Arterial, com base principalmente no estudo IDACO. OBJETIVOS: O presente estudo epidemiológico tem o objetivo de avaliar o impacto da adoção desses novos critérios em um ambulatório de referência em hipertensão arterial. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados resultados de 1.567 exames de MAPA realizados entre 2005 e 2010, excluídos 481 pacientes da amostra por não preencherem critérios mínimos de qualidade do exame. Para a classificação desses exames quanto à anormalidade, foram utilizados os valores de referência da IV Diretriz Brasileira de MAPA (2005) e comparados com as mudanças propostas na V Diretriz Brasileira de MAPA (2011). Foi realizada análise estatística pelo método do Q² de Pearson, considerando-se p significativo < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Para os 1.086 exames avaliados, houve importante diferença na proporção de pacientes com MAPA alterado, em especial para a variável pressão arterial sistólica do sono: 49% adotando os valores de corte de 2005 e 71% adotando os de 2011, com significância estatística, p < 0,0001. CONCLUSÕES: A recomendação da nova diretriz causou grande impacto na classificação da hipertensão pelos exames de MAPA dentro da população estudada. A questão sobre os limiares desses exames para metas terapêuticas de pacientes sabidamente hipertensos ainda está em aberto e carece de mais estudos, preferencialmente nacionais, para melhor definição do assunto.
v. 168, supplement (1985)
v. 8, no. 1 (1961)
v. 16 (1972)
v. 4, no. 2 (1956)
v. 24, no. 2 (1981)
v. 207 (2005)
Background: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in Brazil. Objective: To estimate total CVD, cerebrovascular disease (CBVD), and ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality rates in adults in the counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro (SRJ), from 1979 to 2010. Methods: The counties of the SRJ were analysed according to their denominations stablished by the geopolitical structure of 1950, Each new county that have since been created, splitting from their original county, was grouped according to their former origin. Population Data were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and data on deaths were obtained from DataSus/MS. Mean CVD, CBVD, and IHD mortality rates were estimated, compensated for deaths from ill-defined causes, and adjusted for age and sex using the direct method for three periods: 1979–1989, 1990–1999, and 2000–2010, Such results were spatially represented in maps. Tables were also constructed showing the mortality rates for each disease and year period. Results: There was a significant reduction in mortality rates across the three disease groups over the the three defined periods in all the county clusters analysed, Despite an initial mortality rate variation among the counties, it was observed a homogenization of such rates at the final period (2000–2010). The drop in CBVD mortality was greater than that in IHD mortality. Conclusion: Mortality due to CVD has steadily decreased in the SRJ in the last three decades. This reduction cannot be explained by greater access to high technology procedures or better control of cardiovascular risk factors as these facts have not occurred or happened in low proportion of cases with the exception of smoking which has decreased significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to seek explanations for this decrease, which may be related to improvements in the socioeconomic conditions of the population.