956 resultados para Sewerage -- Maintenance and repair


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Approximately 40,000 tons of slightly damaged asphalt concrete has been removed from Interstate 80 in Cass and stockpiled. Laboratory tests had indicated that this material had considerable value when upgraded with new aggregate and asphalt cement. This report documents the procedures used and results obtained on an experimental recycling project. It was demonstrated that present drum mixing-recycling equipment and procedures can be used to utilize this material with satisfactory results. Laboratory analyses of material components and mixtures were performed; these analyses indicate mixture can be produced that is uniform, stable, and very closely resembles mixture produced with all new material. Follow~up evaluations will be made to determine the effects of traffic and environment. Preliminary data indicate that plans should be made to incorporate the stockpiled material in projects near the stockpile site.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation research project HR-1013 is the evaluation of a prototype continuous monitoring nuclear density unit. The Unit, the Consolidation Monitoring Device (CMD), mounts on the rear of a slip-form paver and measures the density of the concrete while still in the plastic state. The evaluation performed determined the usefulness, accuracy, precision and reproducibility of the unit. The CMD was calibrated and tested in the laboratory for one week before field evaluation. The field evaluation consisted of monitoring at least 5 miles of paving and then correlating the CMD data with two conventional density methods. The two supplemental methods were density measurement with a Troxler nuclear gauge and densities obtained from core samples.


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One of the main problems of bridge maintenance in Iowa is the spalling and scaling of the decks. This problem stems from the continued use of deicing salts during the winter months. Since bridges will frost or freeze more often than roadways, the use of deicing salts on bridges is more frequent. The salt which is spread onto the bridge dissolves in water and permeates into the concrete deck. When the salt reaches the depth of the reinforcing steel and the concentration at that depth reaches the threshold concentration for corrosion (1.5 lbs./yd. 3 ), the steel will begin to oxidize. The oxidizing steel must then expand within the concrete. This expansion eventually forces undersurface fractures and spalls in the concrete. The spalling increases maintenance problems on bridges and in some cases has forced resurfacing after only a few years of service. There are two possible solutions to this problem. One solution is discontinuing the use of salts as the deicing agent on bridges and the other is preventing the salt from reaching or attacking the reinforcing steel. This report deals with one method which stops the salt from reaching the reinforcing steel. The method utilizes a waterproof membrane on the surface of a bridge deck. The waterproof membrane stops the water-salt solution from entering the concrete so the salt cannot reach the reinforcing steel.


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A Research Project involving two, three, four and five inches of bonded Portland Cement Concrete Overlay on a 1.3 mile Portland Cement Concrete pavement was conducted in Clayton County, Iowa, during September, 1977, centering on the following objectives: 1. Determine the mixing and proportioning procedures required in using a conventional, central mix proportioning plant to produce a dense Portland Cement Concrete mixture using standard mixes with super-water reducing admixtures; 2. Determine the economics, longevity and maintenance performance of a bonded, thin-lift, non-reinforced Portland Cement Concrete resurfacing course using conventional procedures, equipment and concrete paving mixtures both with and without super-water reducing admixtures; 3. Determine if an adequate bond between the existing pavement and an overlay of thin-lift, dense, non-reinforced Portland Cement Concrete can be obtained with only special surface cleaning and no surface removal or grinding.


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Since the beginning of channel straightening at the turn of the century, the streams of western Iowa have degraded 1.5 to 5 times their original depth. This vertical degradation is often accompanied by increases in channel widths of 2 to 4 times the original widths. The deepening and widening of these streams has jeopardized the structural safety of many bridges by undercutting footings or pile caps, exposing considerable length of piling, and removing soil beneath and adjacent to abutments. Various types of flume and drop structures have been introduced in an effort to partially or totally stabilize these channels, protecting or replacing bridge structures. Although there has always been a need for economical grade stabilization structures to stop stream channel degradation and protect highway bridges and culverts, the problem is especially critical at the present time due to rapidly increasing construction costs and decreasing revenues. Benefits derived from stabilization extend beyond the transportation sector to the agricultural sector, and increased public interest and attention is needed.


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The Experimental Project was designated as Research Project No. HR-34, sponsored by the Iowa Highway Research Board and constructed by the Iowa Highway Commission. Construction was supervised cooperatively by Engineers of the Iowa Highway Commission and the Portland Cement Association. The objective of the experiment is to study the behavior of relatively thin portland cement concrete resurfacing courses placed with bond on old concrete pavements. The phase of the problem being studied now, involves only pavements in which the old concrete is structurally sound.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation has overlaid 446 bridge decks with low slump dense concrete from 1964 through October 1978. The overall performance of these decks has been satisfactory. Nineteen bridges that were resurfaced with either low slump dense concrete (LSDC) or latex-modified concrete were analyzed for chloride content, electrical corrosion potential, delaminations or debonding, and deck surface condition. The resurfacing ages of these bridges range from 5 to 13 years. None of the bridges showed any evidence of surface distress and the chloride penetration into the resurfacing concrete is relatively low. There are delaminations in the original decks below the resurfacing on the majority of bridges examined. The delaminations are concluded to be caused by either (A) reinforcing steel corrosion, (B) not removing all delaminated concrete prior to placing the resurfacing concrete, or (C) creating an incipient fracture in the top surf ace of the original deck through the use of scarification equipment. The active corrosion of the reinforcing steel is predominately in the gutter line on the majority of bridges evaluated. Recommendations for future deck repairs include removal of concrete to the top layer of reinforcing steel in areas where an electrical corrosion potential of -0.35V or more is detected, providing more positive methods of locating delaminated concrete, and treating the curb and gutter line to reduce the potential damage from salt water.


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The bio-economic model "Heures" is a first attempt to develop a simulation procedure to understand the Northwestern Mediterranean fisheries, to evaluate management strategies and to analyze the feasibility of implementing an adaptative management. The model is built on the interaction among three boxes simulating the dynamics of each of the basic actors of a fishery: the stock, the market and the fishermen. A fourth actor, the manager, imposes or modifies the rules, or, in terms of the model, modifies some particular parameters. Thus, the model allows us to simulate and evaluate the mid-term biologic and economic effects of particular management measures. The bio-economic nature of the model is given by the interaction among the three boxes, by the market simulation and, particularly, by the fishermen behaviour. This last element confers to the model its Mediterranean"selfregulated" character. The fishermen allocate their investments to maximize fishing mortality but, having a legal effort limit, they invest in maintenance and technology in order to increase the catchability, which, as a consequence. will be function of the invested capital.


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The Zeman Barn (86-00028) is an early twentieth-century example of a gothic roofed barn and is part of the Zeman Farmstead located along U.S. Highway 30 in Otter Creek Township (Township 38N, Range 14W), Tama County, Iowa (Figures 1 and 2). The farmstead was initially evaluated in a reconnaissance architectural survey conducted in 1998 by The Louis Berger Group, Inc (Berger). An intensive architectural survey of the property by Berger’s Principal Architectural Historian, Martha H. Bowers, evaluated the farmstead as not being eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) but noted that the barn appears to be eligible for listing in the National Register under Criterion C (Bowers 1998). At the request of the Iowa Department of Transportation, Berger completed the recordation project to provide a documentary record of the Zeman Barn in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Iowa State Historic Preservation Office regarding historic property studies for barns. Background research for this project was conducted in September 2008 and April 2009. The property was inspected and photographed in May 2008. Information on the property was gathered through background research, interviews with Zeman family members, field investigation, and photo documentation. Historical maps of the project area were used to collect data necessary for developing regional and local historic contexts. The research for this report was conducted at the Tama County Courthouse and the Tama County Historical Museum Genealogical Library, both in Toledo. Much of the background research for the project was conducted by Camilla Deiber and Michael Dulle. Ms. Deiber also prepared the photographic documentation, plan drawings, and the graphics used in this report. Mr. Roger L. Ciuffo conducted interviews with Zeman family members and wrote this report.


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This report is divided into two volumes. This volume (Volume I) summarizes a structural health monitoring (SHM) system that was developed for the Iowa DOT to remotely and continuously monitor fatigue critical bridges (FCB) to aid in the detection of crack formation. The developed FCB SHM system enables bridge owners to remotely monitor FCB for gradual or sudden damage formation. The SHM system utilizes fiber bragg grating (FBG) fiber optic sensors (FOSs) to measure strains at critical locations. The strain-based SHM system is trained with measured performance data to identify typical bridge response when subjected to ambient traffic loads, and that knowledge is used to evaluate newly collected data. At specified intervals, the SHM system autonomously generates evaluation reports that summarize the current behavior of the bridge. The evaluation reports are collected and distributed to the bridge owner for interpretation and decision making. Volume II summarizes the development and demonstration of an autonomous, continuous SHM system that can be used to monitor typical girder bridges. The developed SHM system can be grouped into two main categories: an office component and a field component. The office component is a structural analysis software program that can be used to generate thresholds which are used for identifying isolated events. The field component includes hardware and field monitoring software which performs data processing and evaluation. The hardware system consists of sensors, data acquisition equipment, and a communication system backbone. The field monitoring software has been developed such that, once started, it will operate autonomously with minimal user interaction. In general, the SHM system features two key uses. First, the system can be integrated into an active bridge management system that tracks usage and structural changes. Second, the system helps owners to identify damage and deterioration.


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Steel reinforcing bar (rebar) corrosion due to chlorine ingress is the primary degradation mechanism for bridge decks. In areas where rock salt is used as a de-icing agent, salt water seeps into the concrete through cracks, causing corrosion of the rebar and potentially leading to catastrophic failure if not repaired. This project explores the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags as low-cost corrosion sensors. RFID tags, when embedded in concrete, will fail due to corrosion in the same manner as rebar after prolonged exposure to salt water. In addition, the presence of salt water interferes with the ability to detect the tags, providing a secondary mechanism by which this method can work. During this project, a fieldable RFID equipment setup was constructed and tested. In addition to a number of laboratory experiments to validate the underlying principles, RFID tags were embedded and tested in several actual bridge decks. Two major challenges were addressed in this project: issues associated with tags not functioning due to being in close proximity to rebar and issues associated with portland concrete coming in direct contact with the tags causing a detuning effect and preventing the tags from operating properly. Both issues were investigated thoroughly. The first issue was determined to be a problem only if the tags are placed in close proximity to rebar. The second issue was resolved by encapsulating the tag. Two materials, polyurethane spray foam and extruded polystyrene, were identified as providing good performance after testing, both in the lab and in the field.


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With ever tightening budgets and limitations of demolition equipment, states are looking for cost-effective, reliable, and sustainable methods for removing concrete decks from bridges. The goal of this research was to explore such methods. The research team conducted qualitative studies through a literature review, interviews, surveys, and workshops and performed small-scale trials and push-out tests (shear strength evaluations). Interviews with bridge owners and contractors indicated that concrete deck replacement was more economical than replacing an entire superstructure under the assumption that the salvaged superstructure has adequate remaining service life and capacity. Surveys and workshops provided insight into advantages and disadvantages of deck removal methods, information that was used to guide testing. Small-scale trials explored three promising deck removal methods: hydrodemolition, chemical splitting, and peeling


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A network of 25 sonic stage sensors were deployed in the Squaw Creek basin upstream from Ames Iowa to determine if the state-of-the-art distributed hydrological model CUENCAS can produce reliable information for all road crossings including those that cross small creeks draining basins as small as 1 sq. mile. A hydraulic model was implemented for the major tributaries of the Squaw Creek where IFC sonic instruments were deployed and it was coupled to CUENCAS to validate the predictions made at small tributaries in the basin. This study demonstrates that the predictions made by the hydrological model at internal locations in the basins are as accurate as the predictions made at the outlet of the basin. Final rating curves based on surveyed cross sections were developed for the 22 IFC-bridge sites that are currently operating, and routine forecast is provided at those locations (see IFIS). Rating curves were developed for 60 additional bridge locations in the basin, however, we do not use those rating curves for routine forecast because the lack of accuracy of LiDAR derived cross sections is not optimal. The results of our work form the basis for two papers that have been submitted for publication to the Journal of Hydrological Engineering. Peer review of our work will gives a strong footing to our ability to expand our results from the pilot Squaw Creek basin to all basins in Iowa.


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The deterioration of bridge decks due to steel corrosion is a problem encountered several years ago. This project, using galvanized reinforcement, began over twenty years ago. Since that time, epoxy coated reinforcement has become the specified material used in bridge decks. The decks researched in this project are located on 1-35 in Story County. They were constructed in 1967. The results from the testing done on this project show that galvanizing protects steel from corrosion due to deicing salts, resulting in less/no concrete deterioration.


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Granular shoulders need to be maintained on a regular basis because edge ruts and potholes develop, posing a safety hazard to motorists. The successful mitigation of edge-rut issues for granular shoulders would increase safety and reduce the number of procedures currently required to maintain granular shoulders in Iowa. In addition, better performance of granular shoulders reduces the urgency to pave granular shoulders. Delaying or permanently avoiding paving shoulders where possible allows more flexibility in making investments in the road network. To stabilize shoulders and reduce the number of maintenance cycles necessary per season, one possible stabilizing agent—acidulated soybean oil soapstock—was investigated in this research. A pilot testing project was conducted for selected problematic shoulders in northern and northeastern Iowa. Soapstock was applied on granular shoulders and monitored during application and pre- and post-application. Application techniques were documented and the percentage of application success was calculated for each treated shoulder section. As a result of this research, it was concluded that soybean oil soapstock can be an effective stabilizer for granular shoulders under certain conditions. The researchers also developed draft specifications that could possibly be used to engage a contractor to perform the work using a maintenance-type construction contract. The documented application techniques from this project could be used as guidance for those who want to apply soapstock for stabilizing granular shoulders but might not be familiar with this technique.