934 resultados para Sewer sludge
Most of the metals released from industrial activity, among them are cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni), inhibit the productivity of cultures and affect microbial metabolism. In this context, the aim of this work was to investigate the capacity of sugar cane vinasse to mitigate the adverse effects of Cd and Ni on cell growth, viability, budding rate and trehalose content of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, likely because of adsorption and chelating action. For this purpose, the yeast was grown batch-wise in YED medium supplemented with selected amounts of vinasse and Cd or Ni. The negative effects of Cd and Ni on S. cerevisiae growth and the mitigating one of sugar cane vinasse were quantified by an exponential model. Without vinasse, the addition of increasing levels of Cd and Ni reduced the specific growth rate, whereas in its presence no reduction was observed. Consistently with the well-proved toxicity of both metals, cell viability and budding rate progressively decreased with increasing their concentration, but in the presence of vinasse the situation was remarkably improved. The trehalose content of S. cerevisiae cells followed the same qualitative behavior as cell viability, even though the negative effect of both metals on this parameter was stronger. These results demonstrate the ability of sugar cane vinasse to mitigate the toxic effects of Cd and Ni.
Alternative fuel sources have been extensively studied. Hydrogen gas has gained attention because its combustion releases only water, and it can be produced by microorganisms using organic acids as substrates. The aim of this study was to enrich a microbial consortium of photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacteria from an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor (UASB) using malate as carbon source. After the enrichment phase, other carbon sources were tested, such as acetate (30 mmol l(-1)), butyrate (17 mmol l(-1)), citrate (11 mmol l(-1)), lactate (23 mmol l(-1)) and malate (14.5 mmol l(-1)). The reactors were incubated at 30 degrees C under constant illumination by 3 fluorescent lamps (81 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)). The cumulative hydrogen production was 7.8, 9.0, 7.9, 5.6 and 13.9 mmol H-2 l(-1) culture for acetate, butyrate, citrate, lactate and malate, respectively. The maximum hydrogen yield was 0.6, 1.4, 0.7, 0.5 and 0.9 mmol H-2 mmol(-1) substrate for acetate, butyrate, citrate, lactate and malate, respectively. The consumption of substrates was 43% for acetate, 37% for butyrate, 100% for citrate, 49% for lactate and 100% for malate. Approximately 26% of the clones obtained from the Phototrophic Hydrogen-Producing Bacterial Consortium (PHPBC) were similar to Rhodobacter, Rhodospirillum and Rhodopseudomonas, which have been widely cited in studies of photobiological hydrogen production. Clones similar to the genus Sulfurospirillum (29% of the total) were also found in the microbial consortium. Copyright (C) 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present work aimed to evaluate the seasonal increment in diameter of Eucalyptus grandis trees for 24 months and its relationship with the climatic variables and fertilization with nitrogen and with sewer mud. The trees were planted in the spacing of 3 x 2 m and fertilized with nitrogen (planting, 6, 12, 18 months) and sewer mud (planting and 8 months). 20 trees were selected by treatment according witch the distribution of basal area and installed dendrometer bands at a 1.3 meter. The results showed a clear effect of the climatic variables on the seasonal increment in diameter of trees, being observed a delay period (lag) of 28 days for the answer of the trees in relation to the climatic variables. Regading to the fertilization effect, it was observed that the increment of trunk diameter was higher in the eucalypt trees with organic in relation to mineral fertilization with nitrogen.
Embora os ftalatos sejam um dos poluentes mais frequentemente encontrados no meio ambiente, há escassez de dados na literatura sobre biorremediação de solos tropicais contaminados por esses compostos. Por esse motivo, este estudo avaliou a biorremediação de um solo contaminado com os plastificantes DEHP (Bis-2-etilhexilftalato), DIDP (Di-isodecilftalato) e álcool isobutílico, por uma indústria no Estado de São Paulo. A biorremediação ocorreu pela utilização de microrganismos presentes no solo e pela adição de inóculo adaptado em reator em fase de lama. O reator foi monitorado durante 120 dias, sendo corrigida apenas a umidade do solo. Os resultados indicaram que a biodegradação dos ftalatos seguiu uma cinética de primeira ordem e a biorremediação ocorreu na faixa de pH entre 7,4 e 8,4 e temperaturas entre 17 e 25 ºC, com eficiência de remoção de contaminantes acima de 70 %. Após 120 dias, o teor de DEHP estava abaixo de 4 mg kg-1, limite estipulado pela legislação brasileira para solo de uso residencial.
A bench-scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor was used to study the treatment of acid mine drainage through the biological reduction of sulfate. The reactor was fed with acid mine drainage collected at the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine (Caldas, MG, Brazil) and supplemented with ethanol as an external carbon source. Anaerobic granular sludge originating from a reactor treating poultry slaughterhouse wastewater was used as the inoculum. The reactor's performance was studied according to variations in the chemical oxygen demand (COD)/SO42- ratio, influent dilution and liquid-phase recirculation. The digestion of a dilution of the acid mine drainage resulted in a 46.3% removal of the sulfate and an increase in the effluent pH (COD/SO42- = 0.67). An increase in the COD/SO42- ratio to 1.0 resulted in an 85.6% sulfate reduction. The reduction of sulfate through complete oxidation of the ethanol was the predominant path in the reactor, although the removal of COD was not greater than 68% in any of the operational stages. The replenishment of the liquid phase with tap water positively affected the reactor, whereas the recirculation of treated effluent caused disequilibrium and decreased efficiency. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The continued growth of large cities is producing increasing volumes of urban sewage sludge. Disposing of this waste without damaging the environment requires careful management. The application of large quantities of biosolids (treated sewage sludge) to agricultural lands for many years may result in the excessive accumulation of nutrients like phosphorus (P) and thereby raise risks of eutrophication in nearby water bodies. We evaluated the fractionation of P in samples of an Oxisol collected as part of a field experiment in which biosolids were added at three rates to a maize (Zea mays L) plantation over four consecutive years. The biosolids treatments were equivalent to one, two and four times the recommended N rate for maize crops. In a fourth treatment, mineral fertilizer was applied at the rate recommended for maize. Inorganic P forms were extracted with ammonium chloride to remove soluble and loosely bound P; P bound to aluminum oxide (P-Al) was extracted with ammonium fluoride; P bound to iron oxide (P-Fe) was extracted with sodium hydroxide; and P bound to calcium (P-Ca) was extracted with sulfuric acid. Organic P was calculated as the difference between total P and inorganic P. The predominant fraction of P was P-Fe, followed by P-Al and P-Ca. P fractions were positively correlated to the amounts of P applied, except for P-Ca. The low values of P-Ca were due to the advanced weathering processes to which the Oxisol have been subjected, under which forms of P-Ca are converted to P-Fe and P-Al. The fertilization with P via biosolids increased P availability for maize plants even when a large portion of P was converted to more stable forms. Phosphorus content in maize leaves and grains was positively correlated with P fractions in soils. From these results it can be concluded that the application of biosolids in highly weathered tropical clayey soils for many years, even above the recommended rate based on N requirements for maize, tend to be less potentially hazardous to the environment than in less weathered sandy soils because the non-readily P fractions are predominant after the addition of biosolids. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zn availability in Red Latossol (Rhodic Ferralsol) of different pH amended with different rates of sewage sludge was studied by the isotopic 65Zn L value method. Soil chemical properties were found to be altered by SS addition. Zn concentration and Zn derived from SS (ZnpfSS) in plant, and Zn phytoavailability (L value), were increased with increasing SS rates. The linear correlation coefficient of plant Zn with SS rates and with L value was significant at 1% probability. The L value proved an efficient method for predicting Zn phytoavailability in sewage sludge-amended soil with different pH under the soil conditions studied.
The aim of this research was to evaluate the bioremediation of a soil contaminated with wastes from a plasticizers industry, located in São Paulo, Brazil. A 100-kg soil sample containing alcohols, adipates and phthalates was treated in an aerobic slurry-phase reactor using indigenous and acclimated microorganisms from the sludge of a wastewater treatment plant of the plasticizers industry (11gVSS kg-1 dry soil), during 120 days. The soil pH and temperature were not corrected during bioremediation; soil humidity was corrected weekly to maintain 40%. The biodegradation of the pollutants followed first-order kinetics; the removal efficiencies were above 61% and, among the analyzed plasticizers, adipate was removed to below the detection limit. Biological molecular analysis during bioremediation revealed a significant change in the dominant populations initially present in the reactor.
Esse trabalho consiste na caracterização do resíduo de mármore, lama fina de aciaria e borra de alumínio, para averiguar a viabilidade técnica da utilização de tais resíduos na dessulfuração e desfosforação de ferro-gusa líquido. A caracterização desses resíduos foi feita através de análises químicas, granulométricas, difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) com micro análise por Espectroscopia por Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDS). A lama fina de aciaria apresenta um teor de FeO de 84,90%, o resíduo de mármore apresentou um teor de 61,5% de CaO e 33,9% de MgO e a borra de alumínio apresentou 36,5% de Al metálico e 62% de Al2O3. A granulometria do resíduo de mármore apresentou um tamanho de grão médio igual 42,810 µm. Já, na borra de alumínio, o tamanho médio foi de 101,803 µm. A lama fina de aciaria LD apresentou, em torno de 54,7% de sua granulometria, entre 0,15 e 0,075mm. Esses resultados apontam para a viabilidade técnica da utilização desses materiais na dessulfuração e desfosforação do ferro-gusa.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de nitrogênio em plantas de milho e ao longo do perfil de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico submetido a doses de lodo de esgoto e fertilizante mineral. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com 4 tratamentos (0,0; 55,0; 110,0 e 167,5 Mg.ha-1 de lodo de esgoto em doses acumuladas) e 5 repetições para um período de avaliação de 1 ano. A amostragem de solo foi realizada aos 60 dias após a emergência (d.a.e.) das plantas nas profundidades 0,0-0,1, 0,1-0,2, 0,2-0,4, 0,4-0,6, 0,6-0,8 e 0,8-1,0 m. Também aos 60, 80 e 128 d.a.e. foram coletadas, respectivamente, folha diagnose, planta inteira e grão. As maiores doses de lodo de esgoto proporcionaram maiores quantidades de nitrogênio no solo. O nitrogênio do solo, após a profundidade de 0,6 m, não diferiu entre as camadas avaliadas. Quanto maior a dose de lodo de esgoto, menor a proporção de nitrogênio em profundidade.
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito residual da adubação com composto de lodo de esgoto e fosfato natural de Gafsa sobre os teores de nutrientes no solo, na planta e na produtividade do milho. O trabalho foi realizado em Cambissolo Háplico. Os tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, corresponderam a 2 doses de fosfato de Gafsa (0 e 90 kg ha-1 de P2O5) e 4 doses de composto de lodo de esgoto (0; 25; 50 e 75 t ha-1, em base seca). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com 3 repetições. Em geral, a produtividade e os teores de nutrientes no solo e na planta no segundo cultivo sucessivo de milho não foram influenciados pela adubação com fosfato natural reativo. Entretanto, a produtividade de milho e os teores de nutrientes no solo e nas folhas de milho aumentaram com a dose de composto de lodo de esgoto ao solo, sendo a dose de 75 Mg ha-1, a de maior efeito residual. A produtividade do milho é menor no segundo cultivo sucessivo em razão do empobrecimento do solo em fósforo e potássio, recomendando-se novas adubações com lodo de esgoto, a cada cultivo realizado.
O lodo de esgoto é um resíduo urbano-industrial que tem causado preocupação, quanto ao uso agrícola. Sua utilização pode ser viável, após a devida suplementação potássica, em substituição a fertilizantes minerais, especialmente em culturas como a do girassol. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a produtividade e nutrição mineral do girassol cv. CATISSOL 01, além da fertilidade de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico adubado com lodo de esgoto, em comparação à adubação mineral, por dois anos consecutivos. O experimento utilizou delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 tratamentos (fertilização mineral, 5 t ha-1 ano-1, 10 t ha-1 ano-1 e 20 t ha-1 ano-1 de lodo de esgoto) e 5 repetições. Foram analisadas a produtividade de grãos de girassol, a concentração de macro e micronutrientes na folha diagnóstico e a fertilidade do solo. A produtividade de sementes do girassol adubado com o resíduo, em todas as doses, foi equivalente à adubação mineral, e os teores foliares situaram-se na faixa adequada, tanto para macro quanto para micronutrientes. O uso de lodo de esgoto, com suplementação potássica, mostrou-se eficiente na substituição total ou parcial da adubação mineral, sem prejudicar a produtividade da cultura do girassol.
O processo MBBR/IFAS, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor/Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge, é uma tecnologia recente para o tratamento de esgoto que incorpora tanto biomassa em suspensão como aderida. Seus parâmetros de controle são os mesmos aplicados ao processo de lodo ativado, observadas algumas especificidades. Como objetivo principal deste trabalho, apresenta-se uma análise comparativa entre os custos de implantação de uma unidade IFAS e de lodo ativado operando sob alta taxa, na faixa convencional e com aeração prolongada, para populações de 50.000 e 500.000 habitantes. Os resultados mostraram que, sob as hipóteses assumidas para a implantação dos reatores, o custo do processo de lodo ativado foi de 36% até 100% do custo do processo IFAS, dependendo da carga orgânica aplicada, do preço do terreno ou do custo do meio suporte.
Mine tailings can be rich in sulphide minerals and may form acid mine drainage (AMD) through reaction with atmospheric oxygen and water. AMD contains elevated levels of metals and arsenic (As) that could be harmful to animals and plants. An oxygen-consuming layer of organic material and plants on top of water-covered tailings would probably reduce oxygen penetration into the tailings and thus reduce the formation of AMD. However, wetland plants have the ability to release oxygen through the roots and could thereby increase the solubility of metals and As. These elements are released into the drainage water, taken up and accumulated in the plant roots, or translocated to the shoots. The aim was to examine the effects of plant establishment on water-covered mine tailings by answering following questions: A) Is plant establishment on water-covered mine tailings possible? B) What are the metal and As uptake and translocation properties of these plants? C) How do plants affect metal and As release from mine tailings, and which are the mechanisms involved? Carex rostrata Stokes, Eriophorum angustifolium Honck., E. scheuchzeri Hoppe, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steud., Salix phylicifolia L. and S. borealis Fr. were used as test plants. Influences of plants on the release of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and in some cases Fe in the drainage water, and plant element uptake were studied in greenhouse experiments and in the field. The results obtained demonstrate that plant establishment are possible on water-covered unweathered mine tailings, and a suitable amendment was found to be sewage sludge. On acidic, weathered tailings, a pH increasing substance such as ashes should be added to improve plant establishment. The metal and As concentrations of the plant tissue were found to be generally higher in roots than in shoots. The uptake was dependent on the metal and As concentrations of the tailings and the release of organic acids from plant roots may have influenced the uptake. The metal release from tailings into the drainage water caused by E. angustifolium was found to depend greatly on the age and chemical properties of the tailings. However, no effects of E. angustifolium on As release was found. Water from old sulphide-, metal- and As-rich tailings with low buffering capacity were positively affected by E. angustifolium by causing higher pH and lower metal concentrations. In tailings with relatively low sulphide, metal and As contents combined with a low buffering capacity, plants had the opposite impact, i.e. a reduction in pH and elevated metal levels of the drainage water. The total release of metal and As from the tailings, i.e. drainage water together with the contents in shoots and roots, was found to be similar for C. rostrata, E. angustifolium and P. australis, except for Fe and As, where the release was highest for P. australis. The differences in metal and As release from mine tailings were mainly found to be due to the release of O2 from the roots, which changes the redox potential. Release of organic acids from the roots slightly decreased the pH, although did not have any particular influence on the release of metal and As. In conclusion, as shown here, phytostabilisation may be a successful technique for remediation of mine tailings with high element and sulphide levels, and low buffering capacity.
[EN] An assessment of the concentrations of thirteen different therapeutic pharmaceutical compounds was conducted on water samples obtained from different wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) using solid phase extraction and high- and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection (HPLC-MS/MS and UHPLC-MS/MS), was carried out. The target compounds included ketoprofen and naproxen (anti-inflammatories), bezafibrate (lipid-regulating), carbamazepine (anticonvulsant), metamizole (analgesic), atenolol (?-blocker), paraxanthine (stimulant), fluoxetine (antidepressant), and levofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin and sarafloxacin (fluoroquinolone antibiotics). The relative standard deviations obtained in method were below 11%, while the detection and quantification limits were in the range of 0.3 ? 97.4 ng·L-1 and 1.1 ? 324.7 ng·L-1, respectively. The water samples were collected from two different WWTPs located on the island of Gran Canaria in Spain over a period of one year. The first WWTP (denoted as WWTP1) used conventional activated sludge for the treatment of wastewater, while the other plant (WWTP2) employed a membrane bioreactor system for wastewater treatment. Most of the pharmaceutical compounds detected in this study during the sampling periods were found to have concentrations ranging between 0.02 and 34.81 ?g·L-1.